sunshine702 ago

Idolizes Pedo POS Derschowitz. Helped in the lawsuit to unseal and out one of Epstein's underage victims.

MRSMSMomma ago

I look at him with a jaundiced eye. The whole deploraball was a play for attention and it felt scammy to me. But whatevs. He seems to hit and miss on stories about 50/50. When he gets better at it, maybe He will feel less fake to me.

aaronC ago

hey goy, if you've got nothing to hide, you don't need privacy. Oh no it's forbidden to look into Seth Rich please lets talk about Trump and Russia some more!

RexKramer ago

So, attack the messenger, not the message....yea let that sink in....

abear ago

the media reports. the police investigate. what the fuck is cernovich talking about?

Alpha_Machine ago

Why would the media investigate a murder? All that does is interfere with the actual investigation and muddy the waters.

Subtenko ago

you mean like with that san berndorito incident?

Alpha_Machine ago

Do you mean the San Bernardino incident when the media got entry to their house? Yeah. Though I mostly meant with them digging up misinformation and spreading it around, so other people waste police time going off misinformation. Even if the police are incompetent, the media would only make it worse.

abear ago

no shit. this whole post is retarded. police and detectives investigate murders.

lude ago

Problem is they aren't.

abear ago

thats not the media's fault, is it?

Cucky_Sanders ago

Newt Gingrich just started talking about Seth Rich on Fox & Friends

said young man was murdered for sharing with wikileaks and that's the real story not muh russia. Newt wouldn't say his name though was weird

0rion ago

Damn, mind linking to that clip? Gingrich is usually pretty based, but this seems out of the norm for him.

Cheesebooger ago

(((They're))) always trying to control the narrative. He's a kike

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

No. NEOLIBERALS, like Neoconservatives, hate the truth and are all corporate whores. You're not giving the other side of the shitty corporate coin a pass are you?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Seth Rich was a fucking hero, who also was a Bernie Progressive, like some here.

BlowjaySimpson ago

At least Bernie recognized that corruption had to be shut down to restore some level of trust with the state before any kind of social policies could be enacted. If not, it's a ponzy scheme, the logical result of any large state run system.

GizaDog ago

The Pentagon lost 6 trillion dollars.

Let that sink in!

lude ago

6 trillion Jews in the holocaust too. Let that sink in

MrSquirrel ago

The more they try to cover things up, the more we know we are getting closer.

Someone has edited posts from Seth Rich's reddit account in the last 24 hours.

InternetUser ago

Plus his desired identity is Alpha Male, but he has an extremely high pitched lisp.


Man can only do so much to control his voice.

I can't say I'm on board with everything he says but he's a net positive. He's trying to unfuck society even if some things he does are lol.

Adminstrater ago

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Mike is on the offensive in tackling the left, which is a huge benefit to the anti-Bill Clinton's wife campaign.
He suffers a painful skin condition all while continuing to work, so I admire his motivation.

derram ago :

Mike Cernovich on Twitter: "The media has spent 100x more time shutting down investigations in Seth Rich's murder than in investigating the murder. Let that sink in."

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