One America News Network (OANN) has been running a prominent story about Seth Rich and his connection to the DNC leaks to Wikileaks, which highlights many of the most-concerning aspects of his murder. The video is not yet posted online, but they are running it frequently. The link will be added to the top of this post once it becomes available. In the news story, OANN indicated it is offering a $100,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest of a suspect in his case! This is in addition to rewards offered by Wikileaks and other parties. It is noteable that the DNC has offered NO REWARD for getting to the truth of who murdered this staffer.
The Seth Rich story is huge and connected to pizzagate as follows. It connects corrupt DNC, Hillary, Podesta...destroys the Russian-collusion lie that the LSM (Lying Sycophant Media) has been pushing...and in doing this, destroys all remaining credibility in the LSM and in trusting the police/FBI. If it is led by the FBI and brings out the truth, it can begin to expose the cabal while reestablishing some trust in the FBI, but I am worried that there are still too many corrupt insiders protecting the truth. The cover up is too obvious:
Seth Rich was shot in a very safe neighborhood at 4 am. Why has this barely been any news when there should be a search for the perpetrators given that it threatens an affluent neighborhood?
They claim that it was a botched robbery...on what evidence? He still had on him his wallet, an expensive watch, his cellphone, and his keys. Who made this claim as I did not see it in the official police report ( Why have the police not put out any information on this?
Seth Rich was found to have bruising on his hands and face, which would indicate the possibility of a fight. Regardless, why was no DNA taken from him and the scene to try to tie to the perpetrators?
Seth Rich was scheduled to soon testify about DNC electoral fraud and the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
There seem to be insiders (police/hospital) who are starting to leak things out...that he was the source for 44K+ emails to Wikileaks (which I already knew...Assange almost came out and said this through his statements and reward offer)...that he was alive and should have survived the surgery ( There has been corroborative support by others involved from the hospital.
Why is the person "representing" the family claiming that the DNC link is a wild conspiracy? What evidence does he have to debunk it? It is the most credible motive, and he is actively trying to stop and suppress this. It turns out that this guy is a PR mouthpiece who apparently was hired by the Dems, with deep connections to them (to protect).
No one has pursued what Podesta meant when he wrote "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker." No one has ever asked what he meant by this...but Seth Rich was murdered after this. The leaks spanned from January 2015 through late May 2016, so the timing of the leaks is in synch with Podesta's email threat ( It reminds me of what happened to Breitbart after his famous tweet about Podesta):
What happened to Seth Rich's laptop, which was taken after the murder and likely includes incredibly valuable evidence supporting the fact that he was in communication with Wikileaks? The FBI is reported to have conducted a forensic examination, with an insider saying that he saw the emails leaked to Wikileaks first-hand...yet now the FBI apparently denies its involvement. How could this evidence have simply disappeared?
What about the suspicious death of Shawn Lucas, investigating DNC voter fraud, soon after he served the DNC with papers about a lawsuit ( The LSM just ignores all of these connections.
Where is all of the body cam footage from the three responding officers to the Seth Rich GSW scene? The investigator (Wheeler) claims that a DC Police insider informed him that the DC Police were told to "stand down" regarding the Rich case.
Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over the "hacked" server to the FBI? Why did the FBI not INSIST that the DNC hand it over for national security interests (plus the possible connection to Seth Rich's murder once these details started to come out in the days after his death)? The FBI could have subpoenaed the server. Instead, the FBI relied on a self-serving report by Crowdstrike, a firm with deep connections to Hillary and paid for by the DNC, to implicate the Russians. Much came out later debunking their report, and there has never been a deep investigation into the server or this Russia claim, which has been the heart of the "election-rigging" lie propagated by the LSM.
It is possible that part of what Seth Rich wanted to expose was the pedocracy, but I am uncertain of this. Regardless, discovering the truth that his murder was retaliation for the leaks to Wikileaks will blow the top off the Russian lie, which should really open up the eyes of many sheeple...and maybe some real investigative reporters will begin to dig into why they wanted so badly to take Trump down with this fabricated lie. Answer: Pedogate!
If the truth comes out about Seth Rich, this could be the thing that explodes it open, but it requires the top leadership of the FBI to want to investigate and get to this truth.
reasonedandinformed ago
The YouTube link is still working:
Petri_Krohn ago
Wikileaks could — without revealing their sources — make a statement saying that no one investigating the murder has ever asked them if Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leak. If so, this would mean either of two things:
1) No one has ever properly investigated Seth Rich’s murder, or…
2) The police know already, because they have access to Rich’s laptop and email.
reasonedandinformed ago
That is an excellent question. Will tweet them.
Votescam ago
Didn't know this ...
Thanks for the review/reminders about all that's involved.
Yes -- interesting question as to whether Seth Rich knew anything about child trafficking/sexual abuse::Hillary/Podesta/Alefantis
quantokitty ago
Awesome! People are not giving up on this case. It's not only important because someone died, but because it'll unravel a cabal that includes stopping Pedosta's narrative that the Russians hacked into the DNC all to help Trump win the election! Come on, dig, dig, dig!! Let's help anyway we can! That includes showing support for those helping the cause of #drainingthefuckingswamp!!!
Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago
I really thought you were being ambiguous with that title or not a proper noun
privatepizza ago
Excellent post, great work OP
jangles ago
From 10 months ago here
Here is what I personally find suspicious about his very recent death:
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz criticized the Bernie Sanders campaign of hacking into the NGP VAN voter database back in December of last year. NGP VAN has previously contributed to the Clinton campaign. In addition, it could have been entirely possible, given the many scandals surrounding Clinton, that the Clinton campaign may have taken crucial information or restricted the Sanders campaign from having stronger momentum in the days leading up to the Iowa primary. This is an entirely different topic though. Certainly Mr. Rich would have been aware of the particular data hacked or taken at this time.
Mr. Rich was hired by the DNC in June 2014. Earlier in 2014, the Clintons announced a voter initiative project meant at counteracting voter ID laws & the stripping of provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Another intention of this collaboration with the DNC was to increase voter turnout. Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz at the time said she wished to make sure that "everyone who wants to vote and is eligible has an opportunity to register, has an opportunity to turnout and can have their vote accurately counted." However, it has been noted continuously by progressive media and r/sandersforpresident that Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz has deliberately done everything in her power to discourage voters from having their voices heard/accurately counted, thus creating another shield for Hillary Clinton from potentially losing to an "outsider" progressive. Could Mr. Rich have expressed a personal conflicting opinion after the NGP VAN leak which would've made Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz more angry?
Another Reddit user on r/politics noticed that Mr. Rich's LinkedIn Page detailed his work for a firm called Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. The CEO of this firm is a man named Stan Greenberg, a man who was a leading political strategist for Bill Clinton during his presidency. This man also re-branded BP as a "green" petroleum company. Is it possible that Mr. Rich was aware of the public's disdain for oil industry/fracking? Clearly going against the oil industry would mean a significant loss of profits. The U.S, as it is, has been oil dependent for ages, and the fight to change the climate has never been hotter than right now.
In the months leading up to the BP oil spill, Mr. Rich was also a legislative affairs consultant for another firm called "Kissel E & S Associates." When I happened to google "Kissel E&S Associates, Clinton", one of the front page results led to a University of Nebraska paper, and written during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. This paper is titled "Conflicts in the Licensing Process for TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline." The Keystone XL Pipeline is one of the MANY positions on which Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped on. Could Mr. Rich have dissented with some very powerful oil company interests who were looking to negotiate a backroom deal with the DNC?
Mr. Rich also happened to previously work for former Nebraska Senator & Governor Ben Nelson. Former Senator Nelson happens to be a more conservative-leaning Democrat, but he also happened to be on the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittees on Homeland Security/Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and was a member of the International Conservation Caucus. Senator Nelson, in 2010, was the deciding vote to help block a Wall Street reform bill. He also contributed a crucial vote to help pass Obamacare back in 2009. Senator Nelson also suddenly quit his position in 2013, and was at the center of the Obamacare Supreme Court ruling last year. Finally, I don't think that this is related to the conspiracy theory at hand, but last October, his daughter died from an accidental fall.
Mr. Rich was murdered in the back by an unknown assailant with a gun. At 4:20 in the morning. Near Howard University. Not exactly the type of person who would be targeted in a nicer area of D.C. (I am aware D.C has lots of impoverished areas/urban decay.) The District of Columbia happens to have a ban on the sale or purchase of handguns, but nearby Virginia has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the country. And although there are many insiders who work for Washington D.C, wouldn't it take someone with intelligence to know and particularly target somebody who happened to have crucial intelligence that could decide this election?
The police, as of July 11, don't have any suspects, witnesses, or surveillance footage at this time. They also refused to comment if it was possibly related to recent robberies in the neighborhood. It can be disputed that this was but a botched robbery, however, because nothing was taken from Mr. Rich's dead body. One of the earliest rumored victims of the "Clinton body count" was Mary Mahoney, who died in a similar fashion as she was about to testify against Bill Clinton (and who had nothing taken from her body at the time of her death.) (In comparison, The Manson family didn't steal anything from Sharon Tate's house when they brutally murdered her and others. The Family was also accused of killing multiple potential dissenters during and after Manson's trial, for a sickening comparison.)
The TIMING of this tragedy seems too 'coincidental'/accurately timed. I think/know that:
Mr. Rich's sudden death comes the day before Bernie Sanders is set to endorse Hillary Clinton at a party unity rally tomorrow. Chairwoman-elect of the Nebraska Democratic Party (Rich's home state), Jane Kleeb, spoke of Rich as "a young Nebraskan who worked on campaigns and stood for progressive issues."
8b. As of Monday the 11th, the Democratic National Convention is set to take place in exactly two weeks, and the Republican National Convention in exactly one. In addition, Bernie Sanders is set to speak at FDR Park on the 24th, about where the "political revolution" goes from here.
Hillary-supporting Governor of Connecticut Dan Malloy is currently under investigation over a Cigna merger. Hillary-supporting U.S Rep Corinne Brown is also currently under investigation over her super-gerrymandered Florida district (Wasserman-Schultz is from Florida).
There are currently RICO lawsuits investigating multiple counts of electoral fraud, and surprisingly, these lawsuits are pulling through the courts and gaining traction. Mr. Rich could have been aware of the American people actually standing a chance with these lawsuits, and given his access to crucial voter data, could have decided to be a DNC defector and testify on behalf of the people in charge of these electoral fraud lawsuits.
There is still a possibility that Russia/Julian Assange has DNC information and could be planning to leak it to the public in time for the convention. Mr. Rich could have known of this.
nitro169 ago
We need to steal their pedo symbol of a panda, and use this meme non stop for seth rich, within one week we can have the world associating seth rich with seeing a panda.
ArthurEdens ago
Anyone who claims that reward better know how to get out of town. Not enough money to look over your shoulder the rest of your life. 100k no. 1 million no. 5 million maybe. 10 million yes.
YingYangMom ago
That's how we got to where we are. Need to change that way of thinking. Rich never thought about money when he decided to blow the whistle. He did it in the name of justice. Honor him.
ArthurEdens ago
That's not my point, my point is it's too small a reward to get someone to do it. It is a deathwish. The Clintons WILL murder them if they find them.
YingYangMom ago
They could just release the video in complete anonymity and stay put. But the money... they better forget about the reward money, because it's only there as bait.
ArthurEdens ago
They always find out who did it. Always.
2impendingdoom ago
And as another poster pointed out ( i forgot who, sorry) the Dem party, in any other universe, would have jumped on the opportunity of Seth's death as justification for tightening gun control but instead they have been completely silent.
reasonedandinformed ago
Valid point. We still need to remember that this issue is not limited to the Dems as there are many corrupt in the GOP too. Remember the Franklin Scandal, which was mostly a Republican affair. This is important for us all to know to welcome those on the left who are open to the truth and want to join the fight,
2impendingdoom ago
I believe that there are a lot of original pizzagaters who were from the left, former Bernie supporters, (like Seth!). the division is intended to keep us infighting and distract us from the real political power. I believe that one of the fears of the "deep state" is a unifying cause that exposes the party system as a fraudulent charade. Its pretty telling that on both sides the popular candidates were "outsiders" and that ultimately after Bernie was ousted Trump did prevail with American voters. Given the size of the crowds he was attracting, I think Bernie would have beat Trump, but that really doesn't matter anymore. So long as Trump stays with his campaign promises, I'm rooting for him.
reasonedandinformed ago
Agreed. Many do not realize how the two-party system is deliberately manipulated to divide us by creating "camps"...blinding each side to the truth or validity presented by the other side. We should easily unite around this cause, but many Dems view this as political and without merit due to the idealogical filter that is supported by the LSM. They just need to be willing to open their eyes and minds to see the facts and the obvious truth that explains so much of what we see (puzzling political double talk, the vehement opposition to Trump by both sides, the unprecedented reaction by the media to pizzagate, the blatant double standard in evaluating facts and sources by the LSM, the huge consistency in stories presented by victims, how false flags are made to work, the use of compromise for control, the way law enforcement agencies protect the evil elite even while the average officer would be on our side, the HUGE number of strange deaths by those who get too close to the truth).
Jobew1 ago
don't know the OANN, but ppl should make sure before submitting their info that they're legit (and not just deep state or other nefarious entity trying to see what people know).... kinda like the MIT reward posted here a few weeks ago i think was a reward for pg evidence
edited: on second thought i guess they could just trace personal info on sites like this if that was what was going on with these rewards.
anonOpenPress ago
We have /v/pizzagatejournalism for articles requiring help on fact checking, use whenever unsure
Jobew1 ago
thank you
reasonedandinformed ago
OANN is the real deal. They are the most-honest national news TV network but are still relatively new. I saw the story with my own eyes and recorded it. It is not yet posted on their website, which seems to lag a bit in posting its newest stories. It is a very legitimate news source. Take a look at this story from yesterday, by Liz Wheeler, who is my favorite anchor:
I had tweeted Liz to expose the true Russian-collusion story involving Hillary, and the story ran that evening!
Jobew1 ago
good to hear
kneo24 ago
I love Liz. She's amazingly brilliant. I just wish the guests on her show weren't so transparent.
carmencita ago
Robinson Velez and Lee 3 Body Cameras. WTH are they? That is exactly what I thought from the beginning. You have to know that there will be at lease two cameras at every scene in DC. Also the valuables the supposed robbers left behind are valued at about $2K. I remember reading somewhere that there was only one way out of that area in order to escape. It was through the cemetery. I wish I could remember where I read that. Might have been on reddit. I think someone had it all mapped out. They even knew where all the cameras were. Darn. Great Post. Upvoat.
jangles ago
carmencita ago
I did not see anything of real value in the comments, and the Google links were all timed out. But I looked up on a map the nearby cemeteries and there are two. St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery and Prospect Hill Cemetery. It was one of these two. Also I see on the map Howard University Hospital which is about 3 blocks from where Seth was killed. This could be where he was taken. I am not good at doing the map stuff , so if someone could enlarge that area and see which one is right at the end of the 2100 block of Flagler? That will show us the only escape route out of the area. Can someone step in?
jangles ago
I remember this too. I will try to find in my archive
carmencita ago
OMG. I don't know where that came from it was all there in the back of my head and something just made it pop up. I think their contention was that a CIA operative from the field or someone similar would definitely know that route. It caused quite a few comments to be added to the post many times. I think it was before I joined was only a lurker.
jstrotha0975 ago
That's around $300k reward if you include wikileaks.
reasonedandinformed ago
I will update. Thanks!
jstrotha0975 ago
Hold on, my bad it's $20K. I could have sworn it was $200K.
reasonedandinformed ago
I know of $100K (OANN) + $125K (lobbyist) + $20K (Assange) without even doing research on the rewards.
jstrotha0975 ago
Okay cool, add all the rewards up.
jstrotha0975 ago
I still don't think $250K is going to get someone to risk their life.
Warmoose76 ago
I would, but I guess people like you are just pussies.
anonOpenPress ago
"Lying Sycophant Media" :D
Thanks for well wriiten post pulling a lot together. Please post a short comment here to link this into the project.
reasonedandinformed ago
How can I help? I posted the basics of the post in the comments.
anonOpenPress ago
That was exactly was I was looking for, cheers! Iif you want to help even more, join the project, see comment /v/pizzagate/1867217/9146184