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DarkMath ago

"DarkMath Gay pedophile lover who pressed the report button."

I hate to disappoint you but I didn't hit the report button. Aaaand I'm not a pedophile. In fact I get so little pussy these days I don't even think I qualify as heterosexual anymore. Oh my, I've got to let that sink in. I'm now possibly an a-sexual. Any remaining heterosexual urges are perfectly counter balanced by an opposing force of overly materialistic, obnoxious and narcissistic members of the opposite sex.

Is there a support group for a-sexuals? Is "A" one of the new letters added to what was formerly known in the late 80s early 90s as LGBT? Help me. I want to get off this ride now.

(Just kidding :-D! I'm not about to off myself on a roller coaster don't worry. Note to self: investigate roller coaster operator jobs at "6 Flags" and consider holding a charity event strictly for politicians capped off with a free "roller coaster ride".)

hojuruku ago

Fine LGBT pedophilia normalization defender I'll change it to that.

You denied the existence of a law (reality) You denied that Harry Hay founder of the US gay rights movement is taught to children by law. And you troll me with 100s of comments that get downvoted to -4. Go meet your friend over here who's beating you with a -7

DarkMath ago

"You denied that Harry Hay founder of the US gay rights movement is taught to children by law. "

Actually I didn't. You can verify if you pull the tape. And my trolling you is only done in the hope of making a better "fighter". Because we're in the first totally virtual war and you really suck at fighting.


hojuruku ago

So you accept

1) that the law in California says founders of the gay rights movement must be taught to children. 2) That includes primarily harry Hay, a man who goes to NAMBLA meetings and openly supported NAMBLA 3) So you accept by law children must hail to the NAMBLA KING of Gay Rights Harry? 4) Any comments on again and again the Gay Lobby as well as loving NAMBLA campaigning to make SEX WITH DOGS LEGAL. They have done it before and they are doing it again. It's already legal in the US MILITARY. I had a gay dog sex loving gay pedophile cop attempt to murder me in America. Here's the mainstream news and me proving he downloaded the dog sex porn in 2005, before swearing in court he only became depraved in 2006, proving a gay cop testified in court that dog sex isn't depraved. The gay dog sex loving gay pedophile police officer CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX is on the FBI and sex offender register as a gay pedophile (see his request for a new boyfriend), and his handwriting is on the yellow document (my charge sheet for delay or resist own murder + no other charge) on my scribd -

What is it with being targeted by SLPC for proving that gay activists keep making bills to make DOG ANAL sex legal? Perverts. LUKE: WOW GAYS ARE STILL FIGHTING TO MAKE ANIMAL ON HOMO SEX LEGAL LIKE THEY DID REPEALING BESTIALITY FROM THE US MILITARY CODE OF JUSTICE SUCCESSFULLY. That explains why NSW Police dirty dyke cop Trisha Leach stole John Sunol's tablet and updated his google blogger profile to say I love donkey dick after deleting all of his email - included threats from the boylover Garry Burns. Gays dig sex with animals. Maybe it's time to post those pictures of the gay cop that arrested me Tui Ormsby with her very well endowered German Shepard and Lesbian Girlfriend?

Yes rather than removing one word from the act - the gay lobby fought hard previously to remove this whole clause from the military code of justice making it legal for a US soldier to mount a goat in Afghanistan.

According to this link:, the National Defense Authorization Act includes the removal of Article 125 from the UCMJ. As of December.1.2011, Senate approved the NDAA (93-7 votes). As long as President Obama does not veto the act, LGB service members will be free to their own will without NJP/Discharge worries. 925. ARTICLE 125. SODOMY 10. Punitive Articles (a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration , however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.