Banned from YouTube,Russia TV ad responding to Australian/US Gay Marriage Activists raping their infants to pass law to cut off supply (
submitted 7.6 years ago by hojuruku
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WestWindFall 7.6 years ago
This was disgusting, and nothing but a hate piece.
hojuruku 7.6 years ago
Minus -7. Is that a record here faggot?
IT's wrong to hate sex with children? Where I have I seen that before? Ah yes GAY JUDGES SAYING DONT HATE GAYBY BABY RAPE - ITS THE LAW
Rellik88 7.6 years ago
Member for 1.8 years and only 6ccp? Wow this account must of cost Shareblue a pretty shekel.
I got a lot of faggot stalkers. You know I was on dailystormer and renegade right? I am Luke McKee
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WestWindFall ago
This was disgusting, and nothing but a hate piece.
hojuruku ago
Minus -7. Is that a record here faggot?
hojuruku ago
IT's wrong to hate sex with children? Where I have I seen that before? Ah yes GAY JUDGES SAYING DONT HATE GAYBY BABY RAPE - ITS THE LAW
Rellik88 ago
Member for 1.8 years and only 6ccp? Wow this account must of cost Shareblue a pretty shekel.
hojuruku ago
I got a lot of faggot stalkers. You know I was on dailystormer and renegade right? I am Luke McKee