Hammish ago

That was really a load of geh.

hojuruku ago

https://vid.me/PhrW https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343 Hamish Patton from DailyStormer? My mate... Fucken Pizzagate mods are pedos. See what they deleted. You prove LGBT gay rights movement is NAMBLA and Visa versa and they ban you. Jew Breitbart died trying to get the message out. He should have gone ghost wolf on their asses.

Hammish ago

Just plain Hammish (two m's), and never been on the Dailey Stormer site unless clicking a link buried in some post.

So not that guy (who sounds like a wonderful gentleman, tho).

Intheknow ago

Freaking demons in skin suits

WestWindFall ago

This was disgusting, and nothing but a hate piece.

hojuruku ago

Minus -7. Is that a record here faggot?

hojuruku ago

IT's wrong to hate sex with children? Where I have I seen that before? Ah yes GAY JUDGES SAYING DONT HATE GAYBY BABY RAPE - ITS THE LAW https://vid.me/PhrW https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343

Rellik88 ago

Member for 1.8 years and only 6ccp? Wow this account must of cost Shareblue a pretty shekel.

hojuruku ago

I got a lot of faggot stalkers. You know I was on dailystormer and renegade right? I am Luke McKee

Aswimmingday ago

Why do ((( they ))) silence the truth?