49-louie ago

AngB23 ago

Why does anyone even go to Reddit anymore? They are globalist shills. After the take down of PG threads/research a long time, it's obvious where they stand

remedy4reality ago

not only that, but Reddit is full of self important, snarky shit bags who have made an art out of being assholes

Edit: unfunny assholes

Laskar ago

...and teenage idiots who are barely literate along with paid trolls

anonOpenPress ago

@djklbd Could you edit in the Voat discussion you refer to into the post

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security


superesper ago

What's going on is reddit is a controlled zone and has been for several years. /r/conspiracy is a sub for people who don't want to believe in conspiracies to go to and be re-assured by the 100 top shill comments on every post that they can go on not believing whatever it is that scares them. Good posts come up there sometimes but the comments are nearly 100% comprised of shills shilling shills and jerking each other off. And yeah, the mods have been doing bad shit there for years and are definitely compromised.

Mods on this sub are also compromised and have removed tons of relevant and popular stuff.

ReddittRefugee ago

Who cares what's happening on reddit anyway?

Reddit is slowly losing credibility, and will eventually revert to the same pathetic place it was in the beginning, consisting of people who want to keep up with topics such as cute puppy pictures and celebrity controversies, and other mainstream media pablum.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Killer thread. They seem to be showing their hand a bit. Or cleverly sending false leads? I think the former.

Vindicator ago

@djklbd, this is probably true. r/pizzagate -- the whole entire subverse with more than 20,000 subscribers and numerous threads -- was completely scrubbed from Reddit under the same logic -- that it violated the Reddit TOS about personal information.

Voat's standards are different -- you can share any legal public information, as long as you don't dox another Voat user. The difference in TOS between the two platforms could be a problem for Reddit moderators.

On the other hand, they are basically saying that an offsite link to where information about people can be found is the same thing as a Reddit user posting the information directly, which seems a bit overzealous to me. They are not responsible for what is said on other sites. Under this logic, no links should be shared on Reddit at all, since anyone, anywhere that allows comment (Breitbard, Facebook, etc.) could comment in a way that violates Reddit rules.

djklbd ago

.They are not responsible for what is said on other sites. Under this logic, no links should be shared on Reddit at all, since anyone, anywhere that allows comment (Breitbard, Facebook, etc.) could comment in a way that violates Reddit rules.

This ^. Well put.

redditsuckz ago

No different around here...

There is a certain little cabal on Voat that operates via IRC - Deleted


Who Owns Voat? (is pizzagate research here being censored?, will this discussion be deleted?) - Deleted


Voats Mascot


palmitespo910 ago

This too will be deleted because it doesn't follow submission guidelines

Judgejewdy ago

Ah, but vindicator is a mod and didn't pull it. Why not, riight? Bc it's their BS trying to get people to look into a bogus "lead."

Warmoose76 ago

Yes this is bs