redditsuckz ago

Continued here;

James Achilles Alefantis Great Grandfather was Evelyn Achille de Rothschild (1886-1917) ?

DarkMath ago

And I'm sorry I made your new ass bleed. That wasn't fair. I had promised myself never to make fun of retards.

Take care and good-bye.


DarkMath ago

Dude the problem with you being an idiot is you don't know when you're beat.

We'll part ways here pizza lover. Best of luck in your daily struggle with Reality. I'd love to help but I can't fix stupid. I'm a doctor not a magician.


DarkMath ago

"You didn't drill them if you used a bat"

I'm sorry you're still upset about being drilled a new ass-hole. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt.


DarkMath ago

"Back when you were drilling a new ass-holes"

Oh no no no, I drilled YOU a new ass-hole. I think I know your problem now. You can't read.

Here's what we'll do. I'd like you to take a three month class in remedial reading. When you're done come back here and we'll do a take-three on that ponderous comment that made me feel like I was watching really old people fuck.


DarkMath ago

"we were hit and the head but only after we switched places"

I stopped there. That was a horrible come-back. It was so ponderous it was like watching a cow fall out of a tree. You can do better than that. How about we do a take two. I'll pretend this never happened.


DarkMath ago

"you kicked my ass so bad"

Oh boy did I ever. I drilled you a new ass-hole and then some. Thanks for being honest. Just feel lucky I didn't fuck you in the ass. That wouldn't have been pretty.

"it made us switch places"

Yeah, of course you think that. You put the idiot in Useful Idiot. Were you hit in the head playing Little League?


DarkMath ago

"satanic pacts you've made with the devil"

You not only lost but I kicked your ass so bad you forgot what side you're on. Let's review:

You: "If you take the letter "P" and then add the I from Achille, then double Z, then add the A from Achille it spells PIZZA"

Me: "I'm pretty sure the the "JA is a Rothschild" story is a hoax."

You: "It would also makes sense if people who believe in pizzagate are paranoid nutjobs"

Me: (That's an odd thing to say. It implies Pizzagate isn't real and the government is telling the truth.) So I wrote: "It's a little odd that you have such confidence in government that you can't entertain the idea they would intentionally lie to the general public."

Then we went back and forth and you got confused.

You: "you're only winning due to satanic pacts you've made with the devil" and that I am "willing to harm children" which was bizarre given the fact I'm defending Pizzagaters and think children are being trafficked to get dirty laundry on politicians.

And that's where we are now. You don't know whether your coming or going. You put the idiot in Useful Idiot.


DarkMath ago

Oh now your back putting the idiot in Useful Idiot.

It's all good brother. You've lost every round so far. I can keep kicking your ass all day if you want. I happen to get a slight buzz out of fucking with Hill-Bots.


DarkMath ago

Oh so you accept that the CIA puts out Disinformation by the truck load? You should have said so from the beginning! Here I was thinking you were some brainwashed Useful Idiot who can't conceive of the fact the U.S. Government lies to its citizens every day all day to the extent that a former CIA director said "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."


DarkMath ago

It's ok for you not to answer the question. Unfortunately though it means you lose the argument.

I know I know. Life isn't fair. I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules.


DarkMath ago

Please tell me why you don't believe former CIA director William Casey said "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

DarkMath ago

Here I'll try again but make the text bolder this time so it's easier to read:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - Former CIA Director William Casey

Melitica ago

I was born around that time and did not get SS until 15 when I needed it for drivers license.

DarkMath ago

Sure there are nut jobs here, there are shills here, there are poor white deplorable shit lords like me here. There are all sorts of people here.

It's a little odd that you have such confidence in government that you can't entertain the idea they would intentionally lie to the general public.

Let's review:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - Former CIA Director William Casey

You're either a shill or an idiot. Which is it?


horse-with-a-name ago

The amount of disinfo being pushed is nuts, isn't it? Frustrating.

DarkMath ago

"it spells PIZZA"

I'm pretty sure the the "JA is a Rothschild" story is a hoax. I see your account is 3 days old so you may not take these stories with a grain of salt. They hit this place with endless streams of disinformation. It's sort of proof TPTB is still pumping out the bull shit. That only makes sense if they're trying to hide something.

new4now ago

I suppose he could have fathered a son. Evelyn joined The British Army when World War 1 broke out.

In November 1915, while serving with the Royal Buckinghamshire Yeomanry on the Gallipoli front, Evelyn de Rothschild was wounded and sent home to recuperate

cantsleepawink ago

I think Buck's county has a particular affiliation with hunting (in many forms) for those in Washington: Bucks County Child Trafficking Arrest --- Buck's Hunting & Fishing - Weird connection and

horse-with-a-name ago

@redditsuckz, I see absolutely no evidence in this post to support your claim so I'm flagging it "possible disniformation".

Millennial_Falcon ago

Actually, I will go ahead and remove it, as he's stating it like it's a fact, yet provides no evidence. (Hence violates Rule 2)

Jobew1 ago

are there links/cites supporting the claim? if JA is in fact a derothschild that would be the smoking gun confirmation of pg imo

DarkMath ago

The obvious questions are:

1) How did Evelyn Achille de Rothschild father LOUIS GEORGE ALEFANTIS who was born on 21 Jan 1915 in Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA? Maybe he was banging the hired help on leave from WWI and when he got one of them pregnant she moved back to Buffalo NY? I don't know, that seems like a stretch.

2) Why would someone who knows they're a Rothschild not seek any financial support or anything for that matter? Believe it or not my first job was at a Pizzeria and let me tell you that is a hard job especially in the summer when the oven's like 400 degrees. Any restaurant job is fucking brutal actually. You work your fingers to the bone. I don't see someone who's independently wealthy doing that.

Jobew1 ago

re #2, what makes you think he hasn't been getting financial support? youngish pizza shop guy appears pretty wealthy with several dc properties (the costs of those properties alone would require some pretty serious cash or earnings)

DarkMath ago

"the costs of those properties alone would require some pretty serious cash or earnings"

If CPP was a psy-op then it would have CIA sponsorship. The other thing is CPP looks to be pretty successful. When they got the license to stay open to 1:00am that's pure profit. Most restaurants don't make money on the food. It's all in the alcohol they sell. If successful you can make a lot of money that way.

DonKeyhote ago

What makes you think it's a "psyop" when I can find AT WILL unrelated identical places using the same means (codewords on instagram)

DarkMath ago

"when I can find AT WILL unrelated identical places"

The number one rule when setting up a psy-op is don't make it look like a pys-op.

Seriously dude are you that naive?


DonKeyhote ago

So pedos fronting as pizzerias are not PG per se until an agency mounts a psyop in the same vein. Real logical.

DarkMath ago

"Real logical."

Really? The alternative is to believe all Pizzerias are fronted by depraved pedophiles who like to rape children. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat doesn't seem very logical to me.


Jobew1 ago

there's like 3 plus properties within affluent neighborhoods of dc i think all in JA's name. yeah an alphabet org could float the bill but maybe not or partly etc. it's possible a bar owner could makes good money, but again that's very good money to be able to own those properties and how long has he owned several properties and how long ago was his #49 most influential ranking (and how many other bar owners were on that list)?

the larger point is how do you know he doesn't have family money (assuming the family tree thing is rigtht)? IMO he strikes me more as a guy (i use that term loosely) that has had some financial help than some type of "self made" man (again used loosely)....

spacewitch ago

Great find! But how did you tie Evelyn Achille and Louis George together? What made you think it's his son?

If this is correct (I believe it is, and I can see a slight resemblance between this Rothschild and Alefantis), this further proves that he's not a random dude with a pizzeria.

So, who would Philippine de Rothschild be to Alefantis with that new information ? Because they look so much alike!

anonOpenPress ago

You again come up with a great piece of investigations :) Too bad there's already three by you here /v/pizzagate/185358

I'll bookmark your submission page for my investigations, you're so helpful!


Someone is desperately trying to tie them together. They are not related.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, obviously controversial then, let's investigate more