hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855099 @Asolo @AssFaceSandwich2 @redditsuckz - This ANTIFA child rapist was let out of jail without any mainstream media coverage because he's part of the establishment agenda. That's the breaking news.

redditsuckz ago

Dont know if you seen this thread yet or if you got an account on Reddit...but these guys on r/conspiracy could probably use your extensive knowledge on the goings on down under;

Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia — It Starts at the TOP, Just Like in the USA and UK



Threads still on the front page.

hojuruku ago

p.s. anonymous are a bunch of faggots. They claim they hacked the NSW election commission in friggen ZDENET (look up the article) http://www.zdnet.com/article/anonymous-ally-leaks-public-election-data/ Where's my MSM coverage for actually hacking them and finding out where every left wing pedo cunt lives? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLIHY9uRt1c Look at the date on that. I brought down Joseph Tannous through his linked in profie through faggot Luke Foley's office when the DPP/DPC refused to investigate. He was 2IC of the NSW Liberal Party State Executive who ran the show. I got him on tape threatening to rape my sister if you want to hear what he's like. Tony Abott PM of Australia changed the party rules you can't be a lobbyist and a member at the same time because of little old me. The Mainstream media has a DA defense Advisory notice from ASIS ordering them not to cover my saga, man accused of the rarest crime in Australia. The faggots at anonymous will not cover the vid.me ozzieslovepedos war against the OTOAustralia.org.au child sex cult - because they are all faggots and OTO is the religion of anal bum sex above all else at it's highest level http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm

hojuruku ago

The pizzagate old guard accused me of being you because you supported me when I first came onboard here.

hojuruku ago

reddit facebook accounts last about 5 mins for me, as soon as the pedos find me on the main places ozzies hang out it goes. It's all part of the EYEWATCH network, that NSW Police is a part of to control perceptions.

Tell them about me and tell them to come here. Give them this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1851417 & https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855099

ASolo ago

I was hellbent on creating a thread on this Antifa and BAMN along the same lines as well, and well you couldn't say that I am discouraged to create more material along these lines it's more perhaps compared to a general hopelessness. Not hopelessness in the sense that none of you understand it's hopelessness in it's breadth and scale, its systemic, endemic, and in BOTH parties, DO NOT BE FOOLED BY TRUMP, he's in just as deep as all the rest.

Remember, these people are masters of alchemical magick and their main magickal formula is in plain sight, the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC.

Be mindful that the groups that are on the OPPOSING side, real fascist, racist, and violent NEO-NAZI's, MAKING IT APPEAR AS THOUGH ANTIFA AND BAMN HAVE LEGITIMACY IN THEIR PROTESTATIONS.


The people don't want chaos and licentiousness, they want law and order, and every psyop that has been pulled on us is in line with one goal: Fascism (a 'democratic 'socialism' that will quickly descend into communism, and ultimately fascism.)

Understanding the NWO Strategy


hojuruku ago

I'm adding a whole bunch of new gollan videos in the 8ch.net thread it's getting very entertaining get on there.

ASolo ago

I'm sorry, I was going to read through your thread until the inset picture of hitler pissed me off too much. I cant believe 8chan would just surreptitiously do that to its viewers and your thread, that's fucked up.

hojuruku ago

I'm a race mixer, but I need a troll army against the Jewish pedophilia normalization brigade. This http://twitter.com/nodiscrim ADB child sex love court that found my father guilty of the crime of hating baby rape, on order from my gay stalker since 2009 is controlled by the Australian Executive Council of Jewery. Get the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board Annual reports from 2004-2016 and you will see all the board members are changed every year except for the Perennial Jew Peter Wertheim of the Australian executive council of Jewery. If he doesn't play nice I might release my email contact with him and more, as he cocked up and gave me evidence to bring down the whole system yesterday dealing with a kind of intellect he isn't used to manipulating. Even in the mainstream newspapers they are saying @nodiscrim / http://twitter.com/NCATNSW love the gay baby sex and those who do it big time, so much they order that convicted pedophiles must work with children to get more rapes done. http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/daily-telegraph-everyone-thinks-gay.html

http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-goes-in-must-come-out-australian.html See comment here about my dad found guilty of the crime of disrespecting those who rape infants whilst on holiday in Vietnam by Australian gay jew judges saying All vietnamese internet users must love baby sex. See the comment here to see what my dad actually wrote and how the gay jew judges say the internet archive.org is fake - only the word of the gay pedophile suspect can be trusted of what my dad wrote after the gays censored the page - links to case law. http://thegoldwater.com/news/2531-Real-Footage-Jilted-Thai-Man-Hangs-Baby-Kills-Self-On-Facebook-Live http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/bernard-gaynor-nsw-gllo-gayped-police.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/geoff-mckee-fall-of-great-boylover-666.html

Try have a listen to my interviews here, btw a jailed jewish terrorist baited me to dailystormer and the guy on renegade was a cunt and police informant. Both the two white nationalist factions in Australia partyforfreedom.org.au and Australia first are at war, they really haven't got their shit together but my safety depends on committed people knowing how evil the people are behing my families persecution for anti-pedophilia activism going on 10 years: https://www.dailystormer.com/radio-stormer-presentations-luke-mackee-on-gary-burns-sodomite-rights-activist/ http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/twos-company-threes-allowed-luke-mckee-4-7-16/

ASolo ago

Lol, shaking my head, dude on renegade is being a cunt to you, what a prick. I believe every word your saying, I totally understand how this guy got under your craw. There's no doubt Australia is heavily vested in the child sex trafficking industry, simply based on my own research on Fionna Barnett.

Whats up with this race-mixing issue? Is renegade a neo-nazi group? Can't believe dude is so hardcore about his opinion.

hojuruku ago

Independent Australia blocked my comment including video of Senator Lee Rhiannon calling Scott Morrision a homophobic bigot for not letting an infant sex porn fugitive from the FBI / transhumanist public speaker / gay marriage activist on the front of AustralianMarriageEquality.org sponsor his illegal immigrant overstayer paki photographer, because you homophobic if you don't let every baby rapist plus one their mate into Australia to be around Australian children. The more baby fuckers the better says the greens. Independent Australia is linked to Alex Gollan if you see the OP and Fiona Bartnett. https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/at-home-with-scomo-and-jen,10258 vs the videos on the comments here about Lee Rhiannon saying you are homophobic if you don't like baby sex http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/ Yes my real name is on there, and my research is creted by a former Washington Post reporter Robert Stacy McCain aka #FreeStacy who was censored from twitter by the FemiNazi's who sit on twitter's trust and safety panel.

hojuruku ago

dailystormer who i moderately respect - I was baited to them after jailed Jewish terrorist joshua goldberg baited me there by writing stories about the pedophile suspect suing my Dad Garry "The Great Boylover 666" Burns. See here: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-goes-in-must-come-out-australian.html

I am aware that Fred Nile an Australian politician is maybe a real pedophile, my IT company UNITECH.com.au found child porn on his computer in 1998 and I have evidence / witness statements The police covered it up. He's blocking the parliamentary inquiry into the ADB. He was also busted (or his staff) were downloading child porn for research purposes in the mainstream news after that. https://www.scribd.com/document/328917680/Parlaimenty-Inquiry-into-the-boylover-coming-soon

Fiona Barnett seems to be a shill, she's linked to independent Australia but she was right about bond university being a pedophile cult. She wont reply to me on /pizzagate/ here. Riena Michleson is the real deal who research that the OTOAustralia.org.au child fuck cult sued her over (see their legal page) panned out with a big gay pedophile ring in Channel X aka Channel 10 getting mass pedophile arrests, and Jeff Kennett has been proven to be a pedophile based on research I found into PIAC.ASN.Au and Chris Ronalds SC. See who at bond university is saying on letterhead satanic gay baby fuck cults must be respected: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/censorship-repost-777-great-boylover.html

Go to vid me / ozzieslovepedos and get your mates to subscribe! more videos every week.

ASolo ago

Ms. Barnett has done some work in here?

ASolo ago

Of course your thread only has 50 replies because that place is infested with those hentai and lolicon perverts.

Same as this place, what a fucking dichotomy, we're here trying to bring down the walls of those kinds of people that objectify children BUT GENERATIONS UPON GENERATIONS OF PEDOPHILES ARE BEING GROOMED IN THE VIRTUAL SUBLEVELS RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES.

hojuruku ago

see the posts I made exposing them as henai child porn loving faggots. no that's just the kiwifarms gay child sex loving / Garry "The Great Boylover 666" Burns boyloving trolls. Here was my reply to them. Please excuse the language, it wasn't intended for /pizzagate/ consumption - i was abusing pedophile scum - like in the pedophile scum off our streets protest video at the top of this thread.

9896376 https://vid.me/VhoE

Oh what's wrong with telling a white nationalist from Australia who got there before me investigating baby rapist gollan about this thread? …. Then out comes the porno magna kiwifarms pedo lover style. Weren't you guys busted for distributing child porn manga https://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=3398 http://www.kiwifarmswiki.com/index.php?title=Joshua_Conner_Moon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu63kK34Ehw I tweet info about Paul Watson saying Salon loves pedophilia - kiwifarms stalker after me instantly attacks him. See the evidence. Also SEE IN VIDEO LEE ANNE MCADDO ON INFOWHORES IS A JEWESS - WHAT'S EVERYONES PROBLEM WITH HER DATING A BLACK GUY. AND I GOT NO PROBLEMS WITH EVERY JEWESS F#$@#$@# A BLACK MAN. IF THEY ALL DO THAT IT WILL BE THE FINAL SOLUTION - IF WHITE WOMEN DON'T F@#$@# THE JEW!


9896394 (You) Then out comes the porno magna kiwifarms pedo lover style Weren't you guys busted for distributing child porn manga you guys Implying I'm a Kiwi Implying anyone here is a kiwi implying kiwis would be shitposting at this time at night Pure Blood aussie here, and Child porn mangas aren't child porn unless they're sketched or based on a real child, They're only counted as child porn because they don't want people thinking fucking real children is good because they read a shitty same face manga about some guy doing it faggots like you going around calling everything CP derives attention from actual valid CP problems that our parliament, our schools, our churches are infested with. kiwifarms stalker after me instantly attacks him what are you on nigger?


MUST SEE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIQSkvTTngo I want to believe you. But the courts ruled Bart simpson is a "REAL PERSON" under Australian Admiralty law that I now believe exists. That's what made be believe in that. 91H Crimes act says the victim of child pornography must be a "person" under the interpretations act of NSW. Anyway some genius ruled that Bart Simpson is a PERSON a Fictional Representative of a COMPANY FOX WHO HAS BEEN AROUND FOR 22 YEARS AND THEN IN 2012 WAS "RAPED" AS A 22 YEAR OLD CHILD AT THE TIME WHEN THE "CHILD PORN" WAS CREATED. Anyway in Australia child porn manga exists, like child porn stories. The problem is the police go after people with this all day, rather than go after the real child abuses because they are politically correct gay with police protection like Garry BoyFucker Burns has got, a man loved by the dirty Kiwifarms pedos http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/criminal-nsw-lgbt-gllo-affiliated.html So that's the mainstream news debunking your lies again. We've got child porn text laws in Australia now too I think. Why is the Mainstream news always debunking the Kiwifarm pedophiles? http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest-community-of-stalkers.html NOW LOOK AT ALL THE MAINSTREAM NEWS INCLUDE ANIME SITES SAY CARTOONS CAN BE CHILD PORN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=94980 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2008-12-08/fake-simpsons-cartoon-is-child-porn-judge-rules/233562 https://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/12/08/bart-simpson-child-pornography-and-free-speech/comment-page-1/?_r=0 http://machinegunkeyboard.com/?p=565 http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/simpsonsstyle-cartoon-is-child-porn/2008/12/08/1228584707575.html http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/man-convicted-of-simpsons-porn/news-story/ac97651b35c87fef971400c46e6a5054 https://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/28/australia_simpsons/ http://hunterofjustice.com/2009/05/interrogating-child-pornography-laws.html https://jonathanturley.org/2008/12/08/simpson-sex-scandal-man-convicted-of-possession-of-child-pornography-of-cartoon-characters/comment-page-1/ http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=8292 http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=74332.0 http://www.seattlepi.com/local/opinion/article/If-Bart-and-Lisa-have-sex-1294328.php http://www.umsu.de/wo/archive/2008/12/08/Are_cartoon_characters_persons_ http://www.seattlepi.com/local/opinion/article/If-Bart-and-Lisa-have-sex-1294328.php http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/warning-life-can-be-fatal/news-story/01d9f687b19ec1284ac402653d99ad4f Kiwifarms precsusor full of gay jews and antifa child rapists: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130450 http://madmikesamerica.com/2013/06/age-of-consent-part-two/

ASolo ago

Nice work

ASolo ago

Great thread. Nail these Antifa fuckers to the wall. I've never seen an organization fed by such big money and have so much transparent evil lurking within. Understanding the practices of these ultra liberal groups are tantamount in understanding the level of licentiousness THE CULT has in store for us.

Big upvoat.

hojuruku ago


I found yet another youtube channel from Alex Gollan, this appears to be his first channel. This video is fucken scary. It shows his child grooming was heavily premeditated.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Same astro-turf bs as Dick Armey's "The Tea Party" as first publicized by Fox and other corporate sources. Billionaire backed and corporate pushed, this Anti-Fuck shit and the Tea Derpers are basically the same.

hojuruku ago

Watch out if you criticize pedophiles like these people do: https://saboteur365.wordpress.com/2016/05/21/salon-romanticizes-pedophile-masturbating-over-5-year-old-girl/ The Jewish pedophile kiwifarms.net organization will come after you http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest-community-of-stalkers.html See how those two articles are linked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu63kK34Ehw Also proves that some of Alex Jones staff, especially the one with big tits is proven AIPAC.

hojuruku ago

http://australiafirstparty.net/anarchist-slackbastard-hysterics-suggest-fingerprints-of-the-political-police-are-on-antifa/ Alex Gollan's online resume. How did I miss this? http://www.alexgollan.com/work-experience.html From 2012 - 2015, I founded and managed a small tutoring company which serviced families in the Inner West of Sydney. In the first year of trading, the service enrolled over 150 families. As founder and Operations Manager, I was responsible for generating leads and enrolling new families, marketing the business through advertising means as well as through the establishment of a website and applying Google Search Engine Optimisation and Analytics, hiring, screening and training staff, writing curriculum statements, outcomes and materials and managing cash flow.

From 2010 - 2015, I was an executive and ICT Coordinator for the NSW Department of Education. I was responsible for implementing strategies for assessment and programming in accordance with National Curriculum standards as well as providing training and feedback for teaching staff from a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels. I implemented a number of innovative ICT strategies at school and region levels which improved the skill sets of many teachers at various schools and also the students in their classrooms.

From 2002 - 2008, I was a Teacher's Aide and worked closely with teachers at a number of different schools, creating meaningful and enriching learning programs for students with Downs Syndrome, Autism, hearing and visual impairments, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Muscular Dystrophy and other debilitating conditions that created barriers to learning.

From 2005 - 2009, I was a qualified sports teacher at TriSkills Australia, providing educational sporting programs to students at over 100 schools. I gained my coaching qualifications in tennis, gymnastics, athletics and swimming and applied my expertise in designing quality programs that adhered to school curriculum outcomes and indicators.

From 2001 - 2007, I was the coordinator of an Out of School Hours Care Centre which catered to the social, academic and developmental needs of a range of children. My responsibilities included designing weekly activity and learning programs, ensuring dietary requirements of children were met, liaising with school executive and local community, managing budgets, hiring and providing ongoing feedback to staff and managing cash flow.

From 2000 - 2009, I worked within the Hospitality, Tourism and Customer Service industries in my various capacities at the Sydney Entertainment Centre, The Capitol Theatre and the Theatre Royal. During my decade in these roles, my responsibilities included operating under adherence to RSA and RSG guidelines, providing customer service to patrons from a range of backgrounds, problem solving and dispute/conflict resolution, ticketing and seating, general supervisory tasks and maintaining a professional image for the venues I was employed at. ​ I gained additional sales and customer service experience while working for one year as a sales executive at Holden, and one year as a qualified barista at Black Sheep Espresso. To request access to my referees and references or to make any general enquiries, please contact me via my contact page. Sales Over 12 years experience in POS, CRM, marketing and meeting sales KPIs in the entertainment, education, hospitality and automotive industries.

Information and Communication Technology Intermediate web and mobile app design skills (three apps, six websites). Four years experience coordinating ICT for the Department of Education and Training. Experience in developing SEO and Google positioning/branding. Proficient in Microsoft Office, Web 2.0, Swift II, Google Analytics, Logic Pro, Final Cut Pro.

Customer Service Ten years experience front of house, ticketing, concierge (Capitol Theatre, Theatre Royal, Sydney Entertainment Centre), three+ years customer relations and feedback, one year experience cafe all rounder/qualified barista.

Public Speaking Keynote speaker for the Australian Human Rights Commission, Vibewire, NSW Reconciliation Council, AllTogetherNow, Paramasala; Inspire Innovate ICT Conference; 8 years experience as Master of Ceremonies and DJ.

Additional Skills Fully qualified (seven years experience) AMUS level Piano/musicianship teacher and performer; experience as commercial music composer (television, advertising, mobile apps, short films). Qualified instructor (Level 1) Tennis, Gymnastics; NSW (6) and AUS (32) tennis representative; NSW Oztag and Basketball representative.

hojuruku ago

http://www.alexgollan.com/uploads/1/8/0/8/18085357/screen-shot-2016-07-14-at-6-01-59-pm.png?190 I missed it because it's a new site, he thought he was going to be let off the child sex charges because he gets the same police protection as Garry Boylover Burns exposed here: https://vid.me/atYD

  • B.Edu (UTS) - (completed 2009);

  • B.Advanced English (UTS - (completed 2009);

  • Certificate IV Music Industry Management (TAFE) - (completed 2002);

  • Senior First Aid & Resuscitation (trainer) - (completed 2009);

  • Level 1 Coaching - Tennis/Athletics/Gymnastics - (completed 2004/2010);

  • AUSTSWIM - (completed 2010);

  • Diploma Children’s Services (TAFE) - (completed 2006);

​* B.Architecture (USyd - commenced 2001); ​ * Barista and Latte Art, Certificate II Hospitality


  • Winner Lions Youth of the Year award;

  • Winner NSW Ken Rosewall Best & Fairest medal (tennis);

  • Volunteer (three years) Variety Club charity organisation;

  • Volunteer (three years) Oxfam Australia charity organisation;

  • Keynote speaker Australian Human Rights Commission, NSW Reconciliation Council, AllTogetherNow, Vibewire;

  • Public activist, pro-humanitarian, pro refugee/asylum seeker, LGBTQ rights, anti-discrimination, founder of Australians Against Racism & Discrimination;

  • Participant Clean Up Australia (six years) and 40 Hour Famine (two years);

  • Anti Racism Contact Officer for the NSW Department of Education;

  • Co-Founder of the Tall Poppies student songwriting competition;

  • Panelist SBS Insight, Triple J's Hack Program, Sunday Night Safran, 'I'm Not Racist But', Paramasala Festival, 'All Men Are Liars', Radio National Drive PM, Paul Murray Live;

  • Subject of documentary 'Sunshine and Shade' documenting the plight of Indians living in Australia under a cloud of systemic racism.

WHY DO GAY APPLE MAC USERS RAPE KIDS... As a keynote speaker for the Inspire Innovate ICT Conference (three consecutive years), I outlined the many innovative technological platforms that are changing the education system to audiences of thousands. I described the benefits and facets of modern approaches to learning such as Blended Learning, Flip Learning, the SAMR model, Web 2.0, Google Apps, the Adobe Suite, mobile apps platform and more.

I have built several apps and a range of websites using simple platforms such as Weebly and Wix through to more advanced platforms such as Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress. I was the ICT Coordinator for the NSW Department of Education for four years and in that time I undertook major projects such as migrating schools onto the eT4L servers, installing Aruba school-wide Wifi systems, purchasing, synchronising and implementing iPads into various areas of the National Curriculum, creating and overseeing webinars that provided Professional Development for teachers and providing ongoing technical support and troubleshooting to teachers across many schools. ​ I have attended many professional development courses in technology through my career and also through personal interests and am a registered developer with Apple.

hojuruku ago

Please follow https://vid.me /ozzieslovepedos so I can get rid of the 30 min limitation and upload some more damaging videos.

hojuruku ago

Mainstream news coverage: FAGFAX News praised Alex Gollan as a great activist before his arrest: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/former-assistant-principal-alex-gollan-sentenced-to-jail-over-child-grooming-porn-offences-20160830-gr4bx0.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-assistant-principal-alex-gollan-charged-with-online-grooming-and-child-porn-possession-20150520-gh68g6.html http://www.smh.com.au/national/in-denial-over-a-deep-vein-of-hate-20100205-niqm.html http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2009/05/07/1241289297544.html http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/web/facebook-under-fire-for-racist-rants/2008/12/12/1228585086888.html http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/terms-of-hate-taint-google-searches-20110220-1b16s http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/12/15/1229189500951.html http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/letters/commercial-interests-hooked-on-specious-logic-20110222-1b3yd.html http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/facebook-urged-to-switch-off-hate-sites-20100123-mrow.html http://www.smh.com.au/national/school-hunts-for-antisemitic-facebook-posters-20081210-6veu.html Notice Newscorp wasn't praising the kiddy rapist before his arrest: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/teacher-jailed-for-possession-of-child-abuse-material-out-on-conditional-bail/news-story/0db785410295e1bb74760e9c47038dad http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/grooming-charge-for-homebush-assistant-principal-alexande-r-gollan-rocks-education-department/news-story/2ee49c19256996f8ac72ab5f154fede1

hojuruku ago

https://padlet.com/alexander_golla/alexgollan A jailed government pedo teacher's list of weird and wonderful social networking tools with messaging built in ready to go to groom children for sex. https://s24.postimg.org/p59afguqt/groomingtools.png

hojuruku ago

http://archive.is/y0Nr0 promoted to assistant principal of course. Then moved to a different school after a sex scandal (homebush) to do it all over again. Mr Miller at Scarborough Public School in the 80s when I went to school was moved to regional office after he tried to rape my class mate he always called "little chick". Also he called her big sister "big chick". www.scarboroug-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

hojuruku ago

GOVERNMENT TRAINING COURSE IN PEDOPHILE GROOMING TACTICS BY A JAILED LOVER OF LITTLE BOY CHILD RAPE PORN http://inspireinnovate.nsw.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Inspire-2015-workshops-v1.pdf Lesson for gay teachers on pedophile grooming tactics 101 paid for by NSW department of education https://s17.postimg.org/i2jc65e4f/antifapedogroomingatactics.png

hojuruku ago

IMAGE Dump - Images of Alex Gollan. Check the blogs in the OP too. The NSW GLLO Gay police and "anti-discrimination agencies" have a long history of working with pedophiles. R v ALEXANDER STUART NEVILLE GOLLAN Date 05 Oct Time 9:30 am Case number: 2015/00149765 Location: Sydney Downing Centre http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/criminal-nsw-lgbt-gllo-affiliated.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/200k-people-watch-luke-mckee-expose-gay.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/catherine-judith-burn-head-of-anti.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/daily-telegraph-everyone-thinks-gay.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-goes-in-must-come-out-australian.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/censorship-repost-777-great-boylover.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/geoff-mckee-fall-of-great-boylover-666.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/bernard-gaynor-nsw-gllo-gayped-police.html  https://s9.postimg.org/6t3942oun/1016970_162363337287245_1655182048_n.jpg https://s9.postimg.org/w0e54bryn/Alex_Gollan.jpg https://s9.postimg.org/higxwc0nj/alexpedobear.png https://s9.postimg.org/cxurhegy7/antifa.png https://s9.postimg.org/5vwtv7dcf/antifapedogroomingatactics.png https://s9.postimg.org/w5hwdzz9r/auslovesantifapedobears.png https://s9.postimg.org/xykt2bkgf/auslovesfuckingkids.png https://s9.postimg.org/e58p9m72n/Gollan-by-the-pool.jpg https://s9.postimg.org/7sy5dite7/jewsandpedobear.png https://s9.postimg.org/62f4c1bv3/nambla.png https://s9.postimg.org/thx1hdvm7/pedovsbernadgaynor.png https://s9.postimg.org/dky9ko37z/screen-shot-2014-11-09-at-8-08-03-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/buf8j6lov/screen-shot-2014-11-09-at-8-24-19-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/6ka9rw1fz/screen-shot-2014-11-09-at-8-32-59-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/qg697fihb/screen-shot-2014-11-09-at-8-41-09-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/4i9sdn3gv/screen-shot-2014-11-09-at-8-49-48-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/m9les3ivj/screen-shot-2014-11-11-at-7-40-15-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/os73ss4lr/screen-shot-2014-11-11-at-7-47-40-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/d4hnbz4un/screen-shot-2014-11-11-at-9-40-30-pm.png https://s9.postimg.org/7ucokoklr/sfaaf.jpg https://s9.postimg.org/ka9eefdxr/wetriedtowarnyousince2013.png https://s9.postimg.org/uyd5d9nwv/wewarnedyousince2011.png