GeorgeT ago

James Leone - Child Abuse Investigator! We have the former wrestling coach (Dennis Hasterd). We have the evidence right here - sick depraved culture protecteg by sick depraved goons in uniforms. Pedogate is 100% real! They just have the money to put pedophile goons in charge like that Peter Newsham freak in DC who poses with Ping Pong Psycho - bet you anything they trade Child Porn!

anonOpenPress ago

Lists like this are great material for investigations, thanks for sharing! I guess there's a chain of reasons why the law enforcement involvement isn't being investigated:

  • Law enforcement is unwilling to shoot itself. Obvious.
  • On the next level (organization responsible for internal investigations on them), they must be aware of the problem but nobody would benefit from such investigations financially. They benefit more via covering it up (corruption)
  • On the yet higher level (congress), they again must be well aware of the issue, some might even open their mouth about it, but they have several issues preventing the actions to take place. Like for example: Friends inside to protect, fear of loosing status or career, already being blackmailed/corrupted/involved etc.
  • On the yet higher level (WH), the reasoning follows as similar but goes even deeper due to their connections. Simple form: If you managed to get this high, the drop is more fatal. Better to just keep your mouth shut or join the crime. People with high moral have an issue here, and they are potential whistleblowers. People with low moral are potential to fall under corruption. Mutual trust might even be sealed with a video on child rape on each other.
  • On the yet higher level (financing, meaning Koch brothers, Soros, Rotchild, Wyss, Gates etc billionaires financing politics) there's no reason to work against this problem, as it would only prevent financing from it. These instances are mostly friendly towards any dualism in the society, including far reaching phenomenons like wars, conflicts, catastrophes, drug/human trafficking, as these are seen as sources of income in general. Of course they do talk against them to maintain their status and public acceptance. Also on this level, mutual trust might even be sealed with a video on child rape on each other.
  • On the possible even higher level (religious, spiritual conspiracy) the persons in the high financial level could be seen a servant to a greater evil. This is a theory always gathering interest among some pizzagaters, mostly in a purpose to try to understand how such crimes against humanity could ever be possible. I mean, who the hell could rape or torture a child? One possible answer is in the question - the hell.

Dropping to the level we work on, we do investigate. Citizen journalism being a grass root movement which nobody else but other citizens (and few high moral individuals from the above mentioned levels) are interested to support or finance, lists like this are so important, once again thanks to the OP.

GeorgeT ago

That is a great post and a great comment. Top notch. Great summary of hirarchical structure of corruption.

hojuruku ago

one of those guys on that list stopped me seeing my first born child. Christopher Kent Bowersox. message me on / ozzieslovepedos and i'll tell you the full story of how deep it goes or see the two videos about him on youtube com / hojuruku

hojuruku ago

the cops are a full blown pedo.. bowersox got his guns back after being done for child rape porn. Watch the bakersfield sherrif say he's a still professional because he was only trying to fuck kids off duty, only that he was on duty.

quiche ago

quiche ago

quiche ago

Votescam ago

Infiltration is probably the easiest and fastest way to control whatever system you're after.

AlfredJProofrock ago

J Edgar Hoover held the FBI for 50+ years, he fucked little boys in the ASS.

Roy Cohn was the lawyer for Hoover, Cohn fucked boys in the ASS.

Trump's mentor for 40+ years was Cohn.

Obama hung out in bath-houses where he was ass fucked all his life.

The sodomists run our GOV, and run our country. ALL LEO known that just like blade-runner, if your not cop, then your little people, and little people are to be fucked by cop.

Votescam ago

Pedophilia is a crime -- and anyone sexually attacking someone under the age of 16 is guilty of a crime.

Or anyone engaged in sex trafficking of humans or children or organs is guilty of a crime.

Rape is still a crime no matter the age.

However, let's not confuse that with homosexuality which is about adult relationships with other adult homosexuals.

MALES are our sexual abusers of children and they are heterosexual males in the main.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

And it is almost non-existent to find a lesbian guilty of pedophilia.

It is SEX WITH CHILDREN that is being investigated here.

hojuruku ago

I say 30X from my research. Family research council says 40X. You get jailed for saying 3X in Australia like my dad was. See case law here in comments:

Votescam ago

I think you need to move away from right wing websites.

hojuruku ago

I've been interviewed on gay radio too. That doesn't make me a fag :) I'm promiscuous when it comes to getting the truth out. Is this video youtube shadow banned / not playing for you too?

equineluvr ago

Yes, there is a nest of 'em working in LE. But there's more to it than that.

Most cops are Freemasons. That's where the phrase ":the blue line" originates. Also see the Masonic Fraternal Order of Police logo, the octagonal hats worn by cops, checked pattern seen on cars and uniforms around the world, and the red and blue lights on police cars -- all are Masonic.

Many Jews work in government at all levels. (That's why most Jews are liberal Democrats; they LOVE big government because it is job security for them and their family members.) Many Jews are cops. Freemasonry is a crypto Jewish organization.

Since PG "broke," I have only found ONE perp who couldn't be definitively identified as Jewish or crypto Jewish. How is it that a "small minority" of the population commits 100% of these acts? I know the medial and anthropological answers; too lengthy to get into here.

GeorgeT ago

Alex Jones won't touch that subject.

20Justice4All17 ago

Prove to me your not a crpyto Jew

hojuruku ago 21 upvotes ... what google keeps censoring...

hojuruku ago

the blue lodge degrees. The OTO is always talking about that on their Blazing Star Channel. No wonder they are trying to jail my mate in court in Newcastle this very instant (John Sunol - search for him right now for disrespecting the OTO religion of gay child rape and boy murder.

Are_we_sure ago

There's no investigation because there's no probable cause. If you were attempting to get a warrant from a judge how would you sum up the evidence in this case? Would you be able to put together a statement of probable cause?

2impendingdoom ago

its really sad that you are ok with stories of brutal rape of very young children

Are_we_sure ago

please don't project your own thoughts onto me.

2impendingdoom ago

you support pedos in all your comments and arguements so those are your own thoughts, I just notice how consistent you are.

hojuruku ago

I would start with the pizzagate links to spirit cooking and Go after Hillary first. Spirit Cooking goes to the OTO and the OTO admit on video they are into fucking little kids. Sounds like a good case to me:

Are_we_sure ago

At least we are back on topic, I don't know what's up in Australia, but to me pizzagate is the stuff that originated in Podestas emails. So what's your probable cause about spirit cooking?

hojuruku ago

Podesta and other wikileaks emails show that Hillary is into spirit cooking. Spirit cooking is linked to the OTO. OTO is linked to raping children. See the link I gave you for all the sources on spirit cooking. This blog post also has a few / videos on the subject of Hillary's emails. I think there was another email other than that about Hillary digging spirit cooking. Anyway It's clearly OTO activity if you look up the symbol of Thelema appearing in her work all the time, and that's the trademarked symbol of the OTO that admit they are into child sacrifice and gay rape of children until death.

Are_we__sure ago

This is bullshit and nonsense and shows you can't near a case without bringing in the crazy.

For example, show me evidence Hillary Clinton even knew what Spirt Cooking was before last year.

hojuruku ago More faggotry sperm eating linked to Spirit Cooking.

hojuruku ago

JOHN PODESTA INVITING HILLARY & The the Spirit Cooker to a party, but says he's busy on child rape business in Australia. Nice try. Depending how you take this I'll report you to the shill list. Respond to that after seeing the evidence.

Are_we__sure ago

John Podesta is not inviting Hillary to anything on that email. Hillary Clinton is not part of those emails at all. Click on View Source to get a better sense of what is going on there. [email protected] does not go to Hillary Clinton, just FYI.

Also just use primary sources. I'm not going to read an infowars link.

hojuruku ago

you don't want to read stuff from a website in the top 100 on the internet with links to other sources? So you don't want to investigate by your own admission. Did you just admit you are a pro-pedophila Oh Vey shut it down shill?

Are_we__sure ago

Just link to the original sources. Alex Jones just argued in court that he's in the same business as Marina Ambramovic, they're both performance artists.

Do you recognize now that Hillary is not on that email thread?

hojuruku ago

Visitor from San Francisco, United States.... Is that you? San Fan boy gay pedophilia normalization activist?

hojuruku ago

you are fucking kidding me right?

Where did Alex Jones say that in an affidavit? he didn't. Go show me primary sources. You are quoting SALON who MAKES THE CASE FOR MAKING SEX WITH CHILDREN LEGAL See the sparkles the gay child fuck pony incident as wrote up by my dad that links to deleted salon articles:

Also I respectfully disagree Marina Ambramovic does Art. It's satanic OTO worship. She incorporates the symbol of Thelema the 5 pointed elongated star into her "artwork".

Are_we__sure ago

Hi. I didn't quote Salon. You're the one who linked to Salon. You know that his trial was open to the public right and many outlets reported on it? Here's the local Austin paper.

Visitor from San Francisco, United States.... Is that you? San Fan boy gay pedophilia normalization activist?

This is exactly what you should go with when you present your probable cause case.

Have you realized that Hillary was not on that email yet?

hojuruku ago

@killery ^^ FYI

hojuruku ago Bernard Gaynor lost his job in the Military because he asked gays to be treated equally and follow the LAW. The Gays say fuck the law we are the master race and now he's got 2 cases going on at the high court of Australia, one against a pedophile suspect who sends his penis picture to children.

hojuruku ago

When special satanic pedophile cult operative founded (Greg Tillet see chapter of his PhD into historical NSW Police child sex cover-ups of OTO members CW Leadbeater) special gay anal sex police (yes they fucken exist) are doing cyber-crimes for pedophiles and saying gays have the right to threaten to kill you - anything is possible as far as corruption. And from a policitian with 250k votes / 500 shares / 300 comments (gay activist judges with no law degrees judging christians guilty in court - "NCAT GENERAL MEMBER" - gay activist judge with no law degree)

Are_we_sure ago

Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for coming.

whatonearth ago

I'm dying laughing at the thought of the gay anal sex police who actually exist. Is there a straight anal sex auxiliary?

hojuruku ago

Including Christopher Kent Bowersox the gay child raping pedophile cop with adult latino boyfriend (hence gay) who testified in court gay men pushing dog penis up child arse isn't a depraved act. Gays in America call for the legal right to fuck dogs: (just like the gay pedophile cop who attempted to murder me in the USA christopher kent bowersox who got charged for having child porn of gays pushing dog penis inside boy arse as exposed by mainstream news and my research here: PS - i have images of bowersox saying I'm a gay man after his arrest on - unless it's pedophile sex to have sex with an adult latino boyfriend as well as children he is gay. - The gay child raping pedo cops handwriting is on my charge sheet for attempting to murder me - charge delay or resist own murder and nothing else on

DonKeyhote ago

Gnarly. Do you know anything about the l.a. sheriffs dept or the snuff pornographers in the valley?

hojuruku ago

When I was in Bakersfield fighting Christopher Kent Bowersox - circa 2005 I learned of the "Lords of Bakersfield" from someone who warned me to get out of town. Google that term. Snuff films have been made in Bakersfield. See they are onto it as well as the gay child fucking pedo cop bowersox. That's where i'd start investigating. In California the democrats have been taking children to give to gay child rapists and murders for 6 decades. See this: I don't know why California keeps voting for the party of gay child rape and boy murder but then again it is an hotbed. Bowersox got his fucken pension too just days before new laws came in to stop him cashing out. I did my best but he got away scot free and EVEN GOT HIS GUNS BACK according to the government printing office. Why are gay child fucking pedos given their guns back after jail?