markrod420 ago

Umm. That's what kinky porn is for. What the fuck do children need to be involved for. That's just gross.

Votescam ago

YES !!!

The Catholic Church has been preaching intolerance and hatred for homosexuals for more than 1,000 years and it worked to create violence against them.

Though, about 1,000 years ago the Catholic Church was performing gay marriages.

So it was natural that the Catholic Church would try to scapegoat homosexuals for sexual abuse of children in the church.

I'm sure many will also recall the Anita Bryant campaign which was quite vicious against homosexuals and tried to ban them from adopting children and from teaching in our public schools and from Boy Scout groups.

On the contrary, homosexuals seek adult relationships with other adult homosexuals.

And while it is agreed even by right wing women's groups that MALES are our sexual abusers of children, they are heterosexual males.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

PLEASE READ THIS ... if I haven't posted it to you previously. Thank you! :)

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

keepthefaith ago

rolls eyes!

Piscina ago

Oh my God, do you really think that women enjoy being gangbanged, spat on, choked? What fuels porn is the demand, and the demand comes from men.

keepthefaith ago

many do; you'd be surprised. Has to do with low-to-no self esteem.

angry_mob ago

i don't really think that run of the mill porn is really the problem. i think it's Addiction that is the problem & the intentional way that the industry keeps pushing it into the realm of violence & then eventually snuff. it's really quite frightening how many sick people are running around doing all kinds of weird things to satisfy their addictions, but i don't think being a paranoid prude is really the remedy. many addicts can be treated (NOT pedos however), unless they are hopeless psychopaths. in that case they need to be sequestered away from a functioning society.

kazza64 ago

no.... i'm a matson apparently

kazza64 ago

i found my mother through an organisation called jigsaw i dont know if they even exist any more in australia. i applied for my original birth certificate with my birth mothers name on it and my original name. the whole thing is really confusing and i have no regard for organised religion or the governments policies on allowing institiutional abuse of children. the other victims were the aboriginal children who were removed from their families by the government and suffered terrible abuse at the hands of paedophile run orphanages

Laskar ago

This is exactly why I made this post:

She says men are requiring a more depraved stuff and the purveyors are only to happy to "oblige".

How bad is it, when a porn star is repulsed by the obvious catering to pedophiles?

Here is her testimony on video: "Ex Pornstar EXPOSES pedophilia promotion within the porn industry ":

The full video is called, "why I quit porn":

Her reasons start @ 3 minutes in.

From the description: "I've been battling with myself over telling the public about why I quit porn for many months now. I'm partly ashamed and partly fearful of the potential backlash, so I'd really appreciate any and all of your support. Hopefully this was educational for many of you and hopefully if you're an 18 year old girl thinking of dropping out of high school to do porn, you won't now."

Blacksmith21 ago

What a collective load of bullshit. Whatever happened to good parenting and personal responsibility? This addicted to porn shit is only because lazy ass parents don't kick their kids out the door to go play. They'd rather stay home and jerk off. If the internet was around when I was 11...who knows what would have happened. They can also order any drugs they want off the internet.

I do agree that the limits of "mainstream" porn seem to be everchanging with newer, weirder, and kinkier. And yes, the young thing is pushed to the limit.

But at the end of the day, there is such a thing called free will and people need to be accountable for their own actions. Saying "the Jews control everything" is saying your life is a hot mess and it isn't your fault, because it's the Jews' fault.

Pablolove ago

So many ordinary people seem to think pornography is a normal , harmless adult thing to do. Wake up! Its not. It's completely toxic to the human psyche and to human interpersonal relationships. The elite are trying to make perverts of us all, and it's working to a large extent.

maxine3 ago

Why are the 2% down voating comments? This is clearly hitting a spot for the guilty! Good information.

kazza64 ago

i did find her but unfortunately its hard to forge the mother daughter bond. i blame the church and the state they were taking babies from single mothers in australia for decades. you went to neerkol. i'm impressed. i havent even been out there but i did read a book by one of the children who survived the abuses out there. there is a memorial there now built by the survivors.

greycloud ago

real question. would you consider the movie "pretty baby" to be child porn? there is a trend to rewrite history. society used to be MORE accepting of children's sexual activity. the real conspiracy is that the new narrative is that children's sexuality and sexual activity is always evil and wrong. the new narrative is that any adult who has sex with a child is automatically raping the child, because the child's sexual desire is by default considered wrong or at the minimum, invalid.

men addicted to seeing sexual activity like to see a variety of sexual activity. this is like men who watch movies like to see a variety of movies. men who like jokes, like to hear a variety of jokes. humans in general like novelty. the new narrative has to censor the truth in order to maintain the lie. many children enjoy sex.

keepthefaith ago

Never watched it.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

It's like saying video games lead to gun violence.

keepthefaith ago

It does.

Takeitslow ago

I've noticed a push in the direction of incest, barely legal, young looking girls with teddy bears on the bed.... all types of weird shit

keepthefaith ago


keepthefaith ago

"God" seems to be letting it happen....

keepthefaith ago


awakenaware ago

Do you have kids. Do you let them watch modern Disney and other popular animated films. Watch closely because they are sexualizing your kids and turning them into cynical sarcastic sexualized brats. Of course not every child will become that, but there is a noticeable sexual programming going on from a very early age from childrens Disney tv and films.

keepthefaith ago

Well, just look at all the former Mickey Mouse Club stars...Britney, Christina etc. Which by the way, is coming back.

awakenaware ago

I had a friend who was addicted to more and more extreme porn. This was years back when streaming Internet was expensive.. He clocked up over $500 bucks on our internet account and was using our laptops while we were at work to feed his habit. It completely took over his life. Luckily he got over it before he lost everything.

keepthefaith ago

I'm glad to hear your friend got out ok. There are well known support groups for these such addicts - SLAA - is very popular and I hear, very effective.



Votescam ago

Yes, this is something that the public has to begin to understand -- sadly, we do actually have to deal with this crap being put out there by cable companies.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Orwell predicted the use of pornography to control the masses and destroy the traditional family unit - guess even he couldn't imagine such a nefarious use as this for it, but worryingly it makes a lot of sense. Not normally a reader of Catholic newspapers but this is a decent article:

keepthefaith ago

terrific response, thank you :-)

Votescam ago

Presume you are saying that you support that information, educationally and personally?

If so, glad you're here. :)

OKythen ago


Fuck you for repeating/posting this.

How about using the word SOME men.

I do take absolute offence to this for a couple of reasons. This is utter bullshit being one of them.

Juliet Grayson has warned that addiction to online porn is leading men to seek out indecent images of children, even though they do not identify as paedophiles who are attracted primarily to minors.

They miss out the word SOME. SOME men. This blatantly say MEN. As in ALL men or now peados!

So, if I look at pictures of naked women I am now a peado?


I have all the world on my ass....,

I have the SWJs, I have the niggers pakis and dinks. I have womens rights, I have LWQGTKLFDS cunts on my banks. I have to pay for wheelchairs for the cripples, I have to bail out the banks why they rob me and you. I have to pay taxes to support every unwashed and unemployed cunt else. Every cunt and his dog want my job. The list goes on.

And now I cant look at pictures of naked women because I will turn into a peado?


keepthefaith ago

Methinks doth protest too much....

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

While I completely get every word you are saying and am behind what you say I believe the poster isn't wrong. While this may right now be "some" men the bigger agenda will eventually be all and the destruction of a family unit. I'm guessing you didn't have explicit porn since the age of 8. That's what is happening now. 10/20 years down the line of growing up with sexualisation being a complete norm - adverts, films, music videos etc .. will their sexual desires still be forfilled? This plan of turning the nation into brain washed pigs has been going on since at least the 50s and I don't think the plan was to stop any time soon.

Long_Knife ago

Like he protected all the abused kids right?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Sounds like they're getting their "porn addiction" defense ready.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

I wonder how many subliminal messages are in porn, and if it's a MK Ultra Psyop?

Votescam ago

Unfortunately, pedophiles can be created by sexual abuse/torture, something which the CIA/MKULTRA clearly understood. NOT every child who is sexually abused will become a pedophile, but some will. Studies seem to show that pedophiles have NO sexual-orientation.

In order to protect children every family needs to know that our sexual abusers of children are MALES. Even right wing women's groups agree with that. But they are heterosexual males in the main. Don't know what the estimate is on pedophiles in our society, but I've read that it's a rather small percentage (when CIA isn't involved) and generally attributed to childhood sexual abuse. But even when sexual abuse is eliminated as a cause, researchers do find that at least one will show up. I've come to question whether circumcision -- which I think started as religious ritual -- may be a cause of it?? More men have to begin to protect their sons from the pain and lasting impact of circumcision. And more Mothers have to realize that they have to play a larger role in protecting their newborn sons from circumcision. Our pediatricians also have to be challenged on circumcision which continues to be proscribed as beneficial to health!

Coming back to the question of who sexually abuses children, heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. Homosexual males seek relationships with other adult males according to studies.

When heterosexual males are involved in sexual abuse of children, it is being referred to as "situational" pedophilia.

Here's one of the studies on this issue --

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

angry_mob ago

thanks for posting the facts. i really appreciate it after the rant i went on here yesterday.

madhatter67 ago

Interesting thoughts on a cut guy myself.....but not so sure about putting it all at straight guys' door...we are the majority of the male population....and there are plenty of female abusers....and the situation we are looking at in Washington seems to have a significant gay contingent

icuntstopswearing ago

Interesting point about circumcision. In the UK, where circumcision for non-religous reasons is comparatively rare, a study showed a correlation between the lack of a foreskin and a preference for a smaller orifice. Perhaps those faiths who have insisted on this practice for hundreds of years will have a higher cultural and physical propensity to seek out anal sex or children for their sexual gratification.

ScalarWhaler ago

I dunno. Now that homosexuality is accepted and protected, I tuink the pedophiles are aligning this way. In truth, that part about them having no sexuality is probably the most right. They're just horny sociopaths.

Votescam ago

I think you're confused.

Homosexuality is not abnormal and about 1,000 years ago the Catholic Church used to perform homosexual marriages.

You need to understand that our sexual abusers of children are MALES and that they are heterosexual males....

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male --

And that is the truth despite the lies and propaganda the Catholic Church has spread about homosexuals for a thousand years or more.

HollandDrive ago

Oops, we disagree again. Man you really push the homo agenda. It's against nature what don't you get about that?

tehpatriarchy ago

This so-called 'expert' is a relationship counselor. Study after study has shown that these people actually have no skill at all in fixing relationships. To a first approximation they know nothing useful.

All she offers as evidence is a few stories. Note the lack of peer reviewed studies published in reputable journals.

There is no evidence that exposure to porn turns people into pedophiles.

keepthefaith ago

As Donald Trump would say: "WRONG"

Votescam ago

True, this has been a long emerging problem where let's be honest, the porn industry -- Comcast and Verizon are making $$ and pushing child porn on those already addicted. Some families are waking up to find the guy is so totally addicted to porn that they can't work and are becoming distant from their families hiding what they are doing. It has to remain hidden, that's clear. Society is NOT going to embrace this. And it's making the guys sick. If you want to lose your mind this is one way to do it.

keepthefaith ago

Votes, Instagram and YouTube are the new Comcast and Verizon.

HollandDrive ago

Well goodness, Votescam, I never thought we'd ever agree on anything! Upvote for you. If you'll have it.

keepthefaith ago

LOL. Nice!

waxdino ago

You know, I love porn. I have watched porn for many years without the desire for it to get weird, bad, or sad.
However, I do see weird shit being pushed in porn. Are there really that many people into incest? And most disturbing, pornhub has added a "panda style" category. What the fuck is up with that? Especially given all the horrible panda associations discovered here?

keepthefaith ago

oh jesus. I don't even want to ask what "panda" is....


Amino69 ago

There is now a significant amount of incest porn, forced sex (simulated rape) and just degenerate porn (water sports, gang bangs, bukaki etc) being featured on the world's largest porn site, Pornhub. This is the agenda push to debase and desensitise the goy, plain and simple and anyone denying it is either wilfully ignorant or tacitly in support of. What is bad for the goy is good for (((them))).

Votescam ago

Are there really that many people into incest?

Recall Sigmund Freud's "Oedipus Complex" where he betrayed his young patients who had confided in him being sexually abused by fathers, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins - and male friends of the family.
In the Oedipus Complex, Freud made the outrageous suggestion that it is infants and toddlers and young people who are the sexual aggressors against adult males in their families. This was a gigantic lie which has kept the public from understanding who our sexual abusers of children really are. They are MALES which everyone needs to know in order to protect our children.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

We also need to make clear to those who have been influenced by the Catholic Church's propaganda against homosexuals. Homosexuals seek relationships with other adult homosexuals - not with children.

In Hawaii, before the "white" man arrived, homosexuals were held in high esteem and honor for their care of orphaned children.

Too many Americans today still believe the RCC church and "Anita Bryant" propaganda to create intolerance and hatred for homosexuals, especially to make it impossible for them to adopt children here.

Here's some further info --

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

HollandDrive ago

Homo agenda again being pushed by you. "Where you stand usually depends on where you sit."

Votescam ago

There is no homosexual "agenda" except that which has been pushed by the Catholic Church for more than 1,000 years.

However, records show that the Catholic Church until about 1,000 years ago were conducting Homosexual Marriages.

We also see in our own society that homosexuals are making excellent parents when they are permitted to adopt children.

We also know that in Hawaii (before the coming of the white man) homosexuals were honored and esteemed for their care of orphans in Hawaii society.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

We've also seen how often Catholic priests sexually abusing children can also often be involved with adult females. This is called "situational" pedophilia.

Just a comment on this attempt at a personal attack ...

Homo agenda again being pushed by you. "Where you stand usually depends on where you sit."

It's taken great courage for homosexuals to stand up against homophobia as you are showing it and I very much hope if I were homosexual that I would be that courageous.

We do however need more emphasis on this Catholic Church of pedophiles and situational pedophiles who are heterosexual. As Italians have made clear, Catholic priests have been abusing children since day #1 of the church's existence and that's 2,000+ years.

angry_mob ago

you're one of these guys standing in there debunking UFOlogy, while a flying saucer is landing on your front lawn.

Votescam ago

Glad to know there are others here who are open-minded. :)

angry_mob ago

yeah, it does get a bit suffocating up in here sometimes, doesn't it? if we weren't all concerned about the child abuse etc issue we wouldn't be here. so we do have that in common.

Votescam ago


Votescam ago

Believe that "panda" is black/white and a sexual abuse reference. Torture and sadomasochistic stuff.

waxdino ago

The thumbnail for the category is a dude in a panda suit having sex.

HollandDrive ago

Good discussion. Thanks everyone. Logging off.

Piscina ago

In the 1960s pictures of naked women were enough. Then in the seventies porn was normal women and men having sex. But then that's not enough, and men want more. Now gonzo porn is the norm--women gagging, vomiting, being choked being spat on, anal rape, gang bangs. That's what's 'normal porn' these days. It's not even sex any more--it's abuse. And with titles like 'Daddy give it to me' and 'Schoolgirl fantasy', yeah, they're pushing pedophilia.

Votescam ago

Very glad you're talking about the violence of pornography which is often denied. I've read that the physical abuse of those women who have appeared in videos is now so intense and cruel that they leave the industry now after about three months.

One of the ways that child porn is introduced is the same way that they've corrupted advertising -- Cigarette advertisers would put up billboards showing young people hanging out, playing pool, but one or two would be show blowing bubble gum and when you looked again, you'd realize that they didn't quite look like teenagers -- but younger. They'd find kids who looked younger than their actual years to use and it was legitimate, but it was done to confuse the public. Fortunately, that's gone.

However, recently I noticed NJ LOTTERY ads -- and previously they weren't allowed to advertise gambling, but evidently they are now. At any rate, it's a very quick commercial for the lottery showing kids playing basketball and up pops the suggestion "play the lottery" -- maybe college money will come your way? But when this ad which is probably only about a minute long ends, you're really wondering about the age of the kids they were showing.

Same way they're drawing very young kids into watching porn.

Pornography is for men without imaginations, but it's also about encouraging physical abuse of females. And disrespect for females.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it's a myth that all men watch that porn-star fucked up shit. I suspect it's only the 15% leftist contingent plus some deranged jesus freaks.

Piscina ago

Yes, I know--most men DON'T watch porn. The few that do end up with erection problems. That's a fact.

keepthefaith ago

This can't be happening. But yes: we have already seen the normalizing of child porn, as discussed many times on Voat before. I'm scared at the time frame of when all this will be considered 'legal.' Hope I'm dead before then.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Aren't 60% or more of men addicted to porn? I'm glad I'm a female.

possiblepizza ago

Comedian Louis CK said "women are tourists at sexual perversion; I'm a prisoner there."

Empire_of_the_mind ago


carmencita ago

Me too. There are some sick women out there too, but the porn thing is mostly a man thing. It is really sick and so very destructive, to the victim and the viewer. It robs your soul of respect for your fellow humans. I don't want to think how they start viewing children in their families and on the street. Very frightening. This is the beginning of our crumbling society. It must stop, for I believe it is an epidemic.

HollandDrive ago

The internet made it exponentially more accessible with the added desirable component of privacy. What happened to the good old days when the biggest thrill was getting hold of your older brother's Playboy mag collection.

Votescam ago

Cable companies -- Comcast and Horizon -- have been pushing porn like crazy on internet .... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

They use models who look younger than their years to confuse viewers and then gradually move in actual under age kids and suddenly these guys are watching Child Porn.

keepthefaith ago

Right as always, Votes xx.

YouTube and Instagram are the new Comcast/Horizon :-(

Slim_Jackson ago

How do people keep trying to spin this pedo shit? These fucks need to find something useful to do with society or fucking die. Useless pieces of garbage.

There are too many broken, incompetent people in the world, and we can not continue to watch our world burn before our eyes.

keepthefaith ago

" our world burn before our eyes."

Could not have captured any better. I have never felt so helpless in my life.

bikergang_accountant ago

Get off porn. It is human trafficking. We've seen horror stories of young girls in human trafficking and of adult girls in human trafficking. The stories are very similar and range from standard prostitution, to transport across the US, to drug and economic dependency, to physical tracking and physical captivity. No matter the age you see the full spectrum of human trafficking. Age has no meaning in human trafficking.

But we see that CP is a thing, which is a product of human trafficking. Where is the adult human trafficking film?

Shillary ago

Exactly. A friend of mine wrote her brief in Civil Rights Litigation on the treatment of prostitutes as victims rather than whores. The majority of prostitutes are victims. The pimps are the traffickers. To pretend that porn is any different is a little naive. Prostitution is paying someone to have sex with you, porn is where the owner of the girl gets paid to film it.

Votescam ago

This isn't exactly a study, but it refers to a Canadian study --

Note the claim that 29% of the female population has been sexually abused. I wouldn't be shocked by that figure. Recall that 80 million (an old figure) females have suffered Female Genital Mutilation, the equivalent of which would be total removal of a male's penis.

One theory is that people who are molested/abused have their sexual/moral compass thrown off kilter, particularly in case where the abuse was by family or friends: Daddy loves me; Daddy is good; Daddy touched me, ergo, this type of behaviour is okay. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who are abused that also withdraw instead of "act out".

Here's some data I pulled from one Canadian study:

Quote: history of childhood sexual abuse • prostitutes: 38% -- 73% • general pop: 19% to 50% • male care-giver

Bagley & Young: • compared prostitutes & general sample • 73% vs 29%

So there does seem to be some correlation, although that study also indicates it is not causative.

Shillary ago

Interesting that you are bringing up genital mutilation. Genital mutilation stems from the Lilith myth. Lilith is also the mother of the Baphomet, the androgynous symbol of the antichrist and her offspring with his father Satan. The tranny agenda is all about the androgynous Baphomet and it is about mutilation as well.

Votescam ago

Not familiar with your interpretation of Female Genital Mutilation -- Understand that this is full removal of all of the tissue between the labia right down to the bone. And women are forced into positions where they actually carry out this torture on young girls.

However, Lilith was Adam's first wife who understood that she was created equal to Adam. Adam saw her as "uppity" and they were divorced. There are a lot of lies about Lilith and you have to dig and dig to find the truth -- that she was a very good friend to Eve, for one.

You've mainly captured the lies, imo.

Shillary ago

Here's more info on the origins of circumcision and how it was later forced on the Jews with threats of death at the hands of the Egyptians after the Jews tried to stop the practice.

Shillary ago

There are ample resources comparing different types of female genital mutilation, there is not just one type. Similarly there is not just one type of male genital mutilation, but all types of genital mutilation are wrong whether on boys or girls. Are you saying Lilith is not the demon in charge of killing babies in the Jewish myth if they don't go get circumcised? Feel free to enlighten us.

HollandDrive ago

You are right. Most strippers have had one hell of a life too.

V____Z ago


dingomeat ago


Is this really a thing? It couldn't be that many people, that abberation of the mind is pretty rare.

HollandDrive ago

The point is that this is where it's headed, this is the next logical step in the quest for bigger thrills. As Rock Hudson told his "lover" to bring some young boys over to "spice things up."

Votescam ago

Are you say that Rock Hudson was a pedophile, asking for "young boys" younger than the age of consent?

HollandDrive ago

Yes, I read it years ago, it was part of court testimony I believe. I believe they were more like 15 and 16 years of age, not young children.

keepthefaith ago

Bryan Singer, Michael Jackson....

Vindicator ago

Pedo-normalization (((Addiction is a disease)))

Its co-founder and chair Juliet Grayson has warned that addiction to online porn is leading men to seek out indecent images of children, even though they do not identify as paedophiles who are attracted primarily to minors.

Speaking exclusively to Femail, she explained that people who look at illegal images have often temporarily lost the ability to discriminate between right and wrong because of their addiction.

Thanks for sharing @keepthefaith.

Votescam ago

They don't identify as pedophiles, but heterosexual males are the majority of our sexual abusers of children. It's called "situational" pedophilia and we need to have a full understanding of who our sexual abusers of children really are.

They are MALES --

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

But the lies about homosexuals linger in the minds of many who find it difficult to believe that they've been lied to by the Catholic Church and Anita Bryant ... !!

Let's not lose sight of who is pushing this -- Comcast and Verizon for $$$$$$$$$$$$$ --

Behind this push has always been the desire to corrupt youth -- whether with drugs or sexual perversion.

I still have a movie network on my TV which I have free and later at night they push porn on the public ... Well, it's kind of disguised by various titles to hide what it is -- but as I go by it, I often stop for a moment in wonder at who watches it because it's basically "jackhammer" sex. And it's laughable.

There's always a battle to separate males from women and children -- that's the only way to send a male to war, for instance.

Music which may soften the male heart or make clear his yearning for a female has to be disappeared because it might suggest that a female can control a male by her desirability. And that's what much of Doo Wop was about.

There's been every effort made to disappear music which speaks of love and romance. But, it does keep happening. :)

This pornography is intended to show and create violence against women.

kestrel9 ago

"They are MALES -- Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male."

While that may be true, the fact is pedophile normalization, a little publically known platform of BAMN, is using gay rights advocacy as the vehicle to get pedophilia recognized as a civil right, along with sexual rights of children to engage in whatever sex "they want" with adults. At the same time, BAMN has been brainwashing young teens with radical Marxist communist doctrine and using them as protest slaves. Their members are embedded within teachers unions, and the entire educational system.

"The 1992 edition of the pro-pedophilia bulletin also noted the participation of RWL, which was described as a “NAMBLA ally.” Shanta Driver, described by the Capital Research Center as BAMN’s founder and co-chair, was affiliated with RWL as early as 1983, according to the Workers Vanguard, a communist publication. She also identified herself to the Los Angeles Times as an activist with RWL in late 1995 while protesting in Berkeley.

Driver argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of BAMN as recently as 2013. Driver’s former law partner, Eileen Scheff — who has represented BAMN on multiple occasions, including at the Supreme Court — has been a self-described “member of NAMBLA.” The bulletin identified Scheff as an RWL member."

A founder of the hard core Marxist communist, violence endorsing group BAMN, Eileen Scheff is quoted in the Nambla publication, speaking out for a litany of groups, ..."and gay organizations such as Nambla."

The text of Scheff's speech was accompanied by a picture of young shirtless boys, 'attendees', sitting on the ground outside, listening to speeches.

keepthefaith ago

You bet @Vindicator x

I was reading the article on the train earlier and felt sick to my stomach. Had to share.

ArthurEdens ago

Then it goes to torture and then it goes to snuff

HollandDrive ago

You left out bestiality. It's right in there somewhere.

HollandDrive ago

Hey downvoter, it's already here.

Solentgreenispeople ago

This is exactly what the ex porn star was talking about in the post yesterday that if you log into a porn website the first you see is like young looking girls with braces and little girl clothes. The porn industry is totally pushing people to watch CP. Also, if people watch a lot of porn they are being desensitized to normal sex and want to see dirtier and dirtier things. Scary times we live in.

Votescam ago

Here are a couple of quotes that may enlighten --

"The boom in images that turn women into sexual objects accompanied the sexual revolution -

not to cater to men's fantasies, but to defend them against their fears."

"When men control women's sexuality, they are safe from sexual evaluation."

DonKeyhote ago

Porn has always been a Jewish dominated industry. Relatedly Yale is probably like 20% jewish and it's motto is written in Hebrew and Yale is famous for its "sex week" which is more like 10 days where freshmen are given sex toys, lube, seminars on anal sex, lectures by the biggest porn king a mr. ((HIRSCH)). At least one Jewish pornographer has stated he relished getting revenge on the WASPs who bullied him by addicting them to smut and prostituting their daughter. These are the media Jews who made the term "barely legal" into a brand name they were so proud of it.

The WASPs who founded this country were strict Puritans with morality codes so strong they would confiscate illegitimate children from single mothers and banish vagrants from the area.

Jewish "scientists" from sciences as dislocated as linguistics pushed the idea of relativism with the aim of upturning the traditional consenus among Europeans: that illegitimacy, promiscuity, and sodomy are destructive and should thus be stigmatized so as to warn younger generations.

We now have no stigmas left except against tobacco smokers. Jewish Hollywood has in fact glorified the single mother as equal to a traditional monogamous European family.

Altmight ago

Great comment. Until people figure how the jewish question plays out in ALL our affairs, then these ignorant people simply know NOTHING about how the world is managed by jews and how they start all the wars, all the revolution and are behind all corruption. Pizzagate is jewish blood sacrifice. PERIOD. Nothing to debate.

redditsuckz ago

Yale is probably like 20% jewish

Yale = 28%?

(((MILO))) admits jews run everything...

Keep in mind Jews are Less than 0.2% of World Population and around 2% of the population of the US.

"Facts cant be racist"

  • (((MILO)))

Votescam ago

Right, they were simply people who burned women at the stake -- !! And were probably pedophiles in their own homes with their own children -- !!

There are a small percentage of people in every group - males/women -- every religion, every political party, ever race, every nationality -- who are a problem for the rest of us. They are often violent, sexually perverted, criminally-minded, whatever.

Humans have never found a way to deal with the few violent among every group.

redditsuckz ago


Pornography is deployed today as a psyop or mind weapon: to pacify, control, brutalize, and ultimately enslave the masses.

  1. Jews use pornography “to destroy gentile morals”

  2. How Jews Dominate the American Porn Industry

  3. The Jewish Role in Child Pornography

  4. Jewish Gang involved in Child Murder and Snuff Pornography

  5. Mass Enslavement through Sex

Why just post the link when its more fun to post an entire wall of facts?...

Who Controls the United States of America ? - Darryl Eberhart


Who Controls eBay? Of the nine (9) executives, six (6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the eleven (11) directors, two (2) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 18%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 33.5 times (3350%) and among directors by a factor of 9 times (900%).

Who Controls Apple? Of the ten (10) executives, three (3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 30%. Of the eight (8) directors, five (5) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 63%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 15 times (1500%) and among directors by a factor of 31.5 times (3150%).

Who Controls Yahoo!? Of the thirteen (13) executives, eight (8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Of the eleven (11) directors, five (5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 45%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 31 times (3100%) and among directors by a factor of 22.5 times (2250%).

Who Controls Google? Of the six (6) executives, four (4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the ten (10) directors, four (4) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 40%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 33.5 times (3350%) and among directors by a factor of 22.5 times (2250%).

Who Controls Amazon? Of the eleven (11) executives, eight (8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 73%. Of the nine (9) directors, six (6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 40%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 36.5 times (3650%) and among directors by a factor of 33.5 times (3350%).

Who Controls Facebook? Of the three (3) executives, three (3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Of the seven (7) directors, four (4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57% Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 50 times (5000%) and among directors by a factor of 28.5 times (2850%).

Who Controls Microsoft? Of the seventeen (17) executives, six (6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 35%. Of the nine (9) directors, five (5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 56%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 17.5 times (1750%) and among directors by a factor of 28 times (2800%).

Who Controls Wikimedia? Of the seventeen (17) senior staff and trustees, five (5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 29%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented in the senior staff and trustees by a factor of 14.5 times (1450%).

Who Controls eBay? Of the nine (9) executives, six (6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the eleven (11) directors, two (2) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 18%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 33.5 times (3350%) and among directors by a factor of 9 times (900%).


Who Controls Big Media? Of the twelve (12) senior executives of the “Big Six” media corporations, nine (9) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 75%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 37.5 times (3750%).

Who Controls Hollywood? Of the sixty (60) senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies, fifty (50) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 41.5 times (4150%).

Who Controls Television? Of the sixty-four (64) senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies, fifty-seven (57) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 89%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 44.5 times (4450%).

Who Controls Music? Of the fifty (50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organziations, thirty-nine (39) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 39 times (3900%).

Who Controls Radio? Of the forty-six (46) senior executives of the major radio broadcast networks and station owners, twenty-eight (28) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 30.5 times (3050%).

Who Controls Advertising? Of the forty-six (46) senior executives of the major advertising corporations and trade assocations, thirty-one (31) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 33.5 times (3350%).

Who Controls the News–Part I? Of the sixty-seven (67) senior executives of the major television and radio news networks, forty-seven (47) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 70%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 35 times (3500%).

Who Controls the News–Part II? Of the sixty-five (65) senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines, forty-two (42) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 32.5 times (3250%).


Who Controls the Economy? Of the sixty (60) senior officials of the US government economic, financial, and monetary institutions, thirty-nine (39) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 32.5 times (3250%).

Who Controls Wall Street–Part I? Of the fifty-one (51) senior officials of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies, thirty-seven (37) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 72%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 36 times (3600%).

Who Controls Wall Street–Part II? Of the forty (40) senior officials of the major Wall Street mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, and brokerages, twenty-six (26) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior executives by a factor of 32.5 times (3250%).

Who Controls Goldman-Sachs? Of the nine (9) executives, seven (7) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Of the twelve (12) directors, six (6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Of the thirty-three management committee members, twenty (20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among executives by a factor of 39 times (3900%), among directors by a factor of 25 times (2500%), and among the management committee by a factor of 30.5 times (3050%).

Who Controls American International Group? Of the sixteen (16) directors and trustees, twelve (12) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 75%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among directors and trustees by a factor of 37.5 times (3750%).

Who Controls the Treasury Department? Of the twenty-six (26) senior officials, eighteen (18) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 69%. Jews are approximately 2% of the US population, therefore Jews are overrepresented among senior officials by a factor of 34.5 times (3450%).

Who Controls the Federal Reserve System–Part I? Of the seven (7) Board governors, four (4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%. Of the twelve (12) District Bank presidents, four (4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 33%.

Who Controls the Government, Globalism, Society etc? link below to find out...or you could take a guess...

Altmight ago

Wow. Bad ass quote. Love the fearlessness to speak the truth. EVERYONE IS FIGURING OUT THE JQ!!! Jewish question Haha. Jew world order. There is a reason they are kicked out of EVERY FUCKING SINGLE COUNTRY THEY HAVE EVER SETTELED IN! All the pogroms were because jews have been Pizzagating for 100s of years. The jews call the conspiracy "blood libel" but its 100% true and WELL DOCUMENTED in hundreds of court cases. There are Childeren who were cannonized as saints because they were abducted and sacrificed!


Quality post. Truly :)

redditsuckz ago

Take a look here;

Fred C. Trump - Donald Trumps Father

From the Facebook Comments;


I have copied and pasted the relevant parts of the essay by Miles Mathis on Donald Drumpf 's (not Trump) Jewish ancestry…

His genealogy is a total mirage. Click on his mother, Anne MacLeod. She is the wife of Alexander MacLeod, so that is her married name. What is her maiden name? Whoops, it is also MacLeod, because her father is also named Alexander MacLeod. So both her father and her husband have the same first and last names? Did she marry her own father?[Geni also fails to mention the name Trump was originally Drumpf.]

Both Trump's parents died at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

Anne McLeod is supposed to be Trump's great-grandmother. Although Trump looks about 30 years older than me, his listed age is only 17 years older. Which takes us back to 1863. So we have a 30-year gap there between his 4th generation.

So let's return to Friedrich Drumpf, Donald's great-grandfather. Two of his sisters are listed as Elisabetha Freund and Syblia Schuster. Oi-vay! Those are both Jewish surnames. We just saw the name Schuster in my paper on Engels published two days ago. I reminded you there that Max Schuster, founder of Simon&Schuster, is now admitted to be Jewish. The Schuster in the Socialism project with Engels was also shown to be almost certainly Jewish. As for Freund, see Michael Freund, Moshe Aryeh Freund, Wilhelm Freund, Yoav Freund, Leopold Freund, and too many others to mention. So at least two of Trump's great-aunts married Jewish men. This reminds us that his daughter Ivanka married a Jewish man, Jared Kushner. We are told this is an anomaly, but it isn't. What is an anomaly is that Kushner admits he is Jewish.

Friedrich Drumpf's mother is named Katarina Kober. Not only is that possibly Jewish, but it lead to another suspicious scrubbing of the genealogy. Her father is given as Johann, but he has no parents. He is the only one in that generation whose parents are unknown. Even his wife's parents are known. I suggest the name isn't Kober, but Kolber. We have seen the genealogies being whitewashed this way again and again. Changing one letter is often the best way to do it. It is the most subtle, so it draws the least attention. Kolber is very often Jewish.

With more study, we find that Trump's aunt Elizabeth married William O. Walter. That name is also possibly Jewish. We find a William Walter as Director of Jewish Family Services in York, PA. Also a William Walter just buried at Jewish Memorial Chapel of Long Island. Also a William O. Walter marrying a Cora Neuhauser in Lebanon, PA, in 1924. That name is also probably Jewish. And most curiously, a William Walter, Esq. listed in the Jewish Missionary Intelligence of June, 1896. More research discovers his firm were the honorary stockbrokers of this London Jewish society in 1900. That is interesting because it directly ties to my previous paper on Friedrich Engels and Robert Owen. Owen's brother in-law was James Haldane Stewart, who worked for the Jews' Society in the 1830s and 40s, a precursor of this Jewish Missionary Intelligence. At any rate, this may be our William Walter or his father, given that date. His father is scrubbed at Geni. The names Walter and Walters were chosen by Jews entering the US, as a new name, as we see from Barbara Walters. Her father Louis Walters was original Louis Abrahams.

[In later papers on Spotlight and on the Nazis, I found a possible genealogical link between Trump and top Nazis. Wiki and Geni admit Donald Trump is related to the famous Heinz family. Marty Baron, editor of the Boston Globe, is listed at as the son of Howard Naftali (Heinz) Baron. We aren't told what the Heinz stands for there, but it isn't his mother's maiden name, since she is a Kohane (probably a variation of Cohen). I guess we are supposed to think it is just his nickname, but how do you get Heinz from Howard or Naftali? His grandfather is Naftali Herz Kohane, so I thought maybe he got the Heinz from Herz. Is that possible? Well, there is a Heinz Herz, b. 1907, famous German historian, so let's study him. He has a Wiki page in German. There, his father is given as “evangelical pastor” Johannes Heinrich Herz, but suspiciously no mother is given. However, they all but admit Heinz was Jewish when they tell us he was denied habilitation during the Nazi era. Why else would he be denied advancement? Are we supposed to think he was a Gypsy? Even stranger, they admit he was a NSDAP party member since 1938. What? A party member, but denied habilitation during the Nazi era? Could this bio be any more contradictory? I take both facts as indication he was Jewish, for reasons you now understand. If we search for his genealogy, we find nothing, but we do find a Heinz Herz from 1923 in Germany. His mother is listed as an Arensberg, which is Jewish. More indication is that he worked in a bank early on—which may have been a family bank. This also reminds us that in German, Heinz is normally a given name, not a surname. But that still hasn't given us any link between the Heinz family and the Herz family. It certainly doesn't indicate Heinz is a variation of Herz. So I appear to have hit a deadend. One of my hunches finally died on the vine. Or did it?

If we take Henry John Heinz back several generations, we come to Johann Georg Heinz. He married Anna Henninger, daughter of Nicholaus Henninger. This rings a bell because Himmler's paternal great-grandfather was really a Hettinger. His grandmother was the Himmler, which means the names were switched at this point. Himmler should be a Hettinger. Either way, we have Hettingers and Henningers. Could they be the same family? If they are, then I will have linked Trump to Himmler by another route. In fact, they are linked, as we find at these pages for the Oberst family. Those pages are worth studying, since we find links to many curious surnames, including Lanza. Remember Adam Lanza, alleged shooter at Sandy Hook? We also find Schicks, Ackermans, Görungs (Görings), Hammers, Kaisers, Rudolphs, Zimmermans, Brecht(el)s, Jungs, Barths, Meyers, Webers, Vaughans, Brauns, Vogels, Feils, Hoffmans and Mullers. But the first sign of Henninger we get is when Elisabeth Oberst marries Johann Henninger in 1825 in Unterowisheim, Baden. Both are of that town. In 1849, Susanna Oberst marries Jacob Hettinger of. . . wait for it. . . Unterowisheim, Baden. In 1851, Michael Oberst marries Katarina Henninger, again in Unterowisheim, Baden. In the 1920s, an Olga Obrist marries an Edward Hedinger. I suspect these are all variants of the same name, but even if they aren't, we have just linked the Henningers and Hettingers through the Obersts. They are from the same town in the same years, and are linked to all these obviously Jewish families. To salt that in, we also get the Görings and Brauns and Hoffmanns. Also the Schicks. Hitler's grandmother was a Schicklgruber, remember? So not only have we just linked Trump to Himmler, we have linked Himmler to Göring, Braun, and Hitler. All these people now look like cousins. Yes, the links I have uncovered are from the 19th century, more than 150 years ago. But historically, that isn't that long ago.

But back to Trump. In his biography The Art of the Deal, Trump lied about his grandfather's country of origin, stating it was Sweden instead of Germany. So if you think these people wouldn't lie about their ancestry, you need to explain that whopper.

Trump was brought up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, which has a large Jewish population. He went to Kew-Forest School, ditto. Its other notable alumni include Katherine Weber, Jewish, Gideon Yago, Jewish, and Hank Azaria, Jewish. Googling on “attended Kew-Forest” brings up mostly Jewish names. Trump's father was on the Board of Trustees at Kew-Forest. By the way, it is very expensive.

Ivana is also Jewish. An early boyfriend was George Syrovatka. That is a Jewish name. Her first husband was Alfred Winklemeier. Many websites try to pass him off as an Austrian skier, but Wiki admits he was a real estate agent. Winklemeier is a Jewish name. Ivana lied about being an alternate for the Czech Olympic ski team. She went to McGill University in Montreal, a spook academy we have run across many times. lists her father's name as both Knavs and Zelníček. I'll give you a hint: drop the second “e”. You get Zelnick. It is Yiddish for haberdasher. Clothier. It's Jewish, too. See Robert Zelnick, Strauss Zelnick, Bob Zelnick, etc. Robert was a fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford. Strauss was President of 20th Century Fox. Bob was ABC News producer. Also Friedrich Zelnik, silent film producer. Also David O. Selznick, whose name was originally Zeleznick, or, alternately, Zelnick. He and his father were major Hollywood producers, David at RKO (which was owned by Joseph Kennedy, remember).

Both Trump and his father ran with top Jews in New York, including Samuel Lindenbaum and his father Abraham (Bunny), and Roy Cohn. These guys weren't just their attorneys, they were their enablers. As the NYT says in the 2012 obituary of Samuel Lindenbaum: Mr. Lindenbaum cultivated a scholar’s knowledge of the Zoning Resolution, the arcane document that governs development in New York. As a result, he was able to bend the resolution to his clients’ will without breaking it. And because his clients were major builders and landowners — among them Harry B. Helmsley, Harry Macklowe, Larry A. Silverstein, Jerry I. Speyer, Leonard Litwin, Steven Roth and Donald J. Trump; the Fishers and Tisches and Rudins and Roses. . .

Notice anything about that list? Everyone on it “except” Trump is admitted to be Jewish. Curious, no?

Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish


Awesome post.

kazza64 ago

i was taken by the church from my single mother in australia in 1964. i got lucky i was adopted by a nice couple. if i'd gone to neerkol orphanage or st george home i would have been raped and murdered by the paedophiles running those institutions. i have met survivors from both and realised how lucky i am

Votescam ago

Keep in mind that as part of the Genocide versus the American Indian, the US government organized the kidnapping of native children and put them in the care of the "Church schools" which were run by the Catholic Church and the Mormon Church. These children were tortured, beaten, hung -- and sexually abused in every way in those schools.

It was an effort to destroy generations of native children.

keepthefaith ago

So sorry Kazza. I'm so happy you have wonderful people to call your parents.

I'm still waiting for the scandal surrounding Nicole Kidman's dad to hit the mainstream.

Solentgreenispeople ago

Donk why does it always go back to the Jewish thing......People are bad no matter what their religion is and its not always jewish. Talk like this labels what we do as racist and its not helpful.

HollandDrive ago

There is something to this, the Jewish elite have a disproportional grip on power (money and media). They have been called out by many prominent people for centuries for their exploitation of nations through excessive usury and they (at least the elite amongst them) feel they are a superior race (God's chosen) and that Gentiles are cattle to be used. This is not a racist comment just a fact. Anyone can research it. Bernard the banker was pointing this out.

Some researchers believe it is a genetic trait (Pakistanis will quarrel for example till they have the last word and they also are "thrifty" to a fault, to put it mildly ... the Dutch have an impish sense of humor, blacks are "inferior" to whites and Asians when it comes to IQ, etc., see the book The Bell Curve).

Others believe there is a curse upon them by the God of the OT for their backsliding after he blessed them (which would make the phenomenon more of a "supernatural" thing). This is what Martin Luther believed though he subscribed to the reformation theology teaching that God would indeed visit them again spiritually and reveal their rejected (Jesus) messiah to them.

Keyhote either doesn't understand, or doesn't care, that you catch more flies with honey. Maybe he's just short on patience.

Edit: I don't buy the "Khazar Theory" about the Jews.

Edit: A certain regard to the Jewish race, at least by Christians, is to be maintained, as the apostle Paul reasons below.

I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,

2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.

3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:

4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

Okay, one more EDIT. That EquineLuvr guy believes the bloodlines of the Jews goes back to OT times. Me too. But he's another guy who needs to understand that you do indeed catch more flies w/ honey.

LDIP ago

Someone needs a red pill asap

DonKeyhote ago


Hefner admitted he was Jewish only in his deathbed XD

DeltaBravoTango ago

Hugh Hefner isn't dead.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL then I'm thinking of someone else, hefner did try to pass as a gentile tho

HollandDrive ago

That's what I thought. Just looks it.

keepthefaith ago

LOL. Any day now: here's hoping.

HollandDrive ago

The "Playboy Mansion" smells like a nursing home so they say.

Vindicator ago

You have any sources for any of these assertions, DonKeyhote?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

pasted from your link:

"Secular sex

Like their mainstream counterparts, Jews who enter porn do not usually do so as representatives of their religious group. Most of the performers and pornographers are Jewish culturally but not religiously. Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only"


Vindicator ago

Well, at least that's a start. Thank you.

Azzipdoe ago

And in comes vindicator.. God forbid you say one truthful negative thing about a Jewish guy. Fuck off.


He is a Jew lol. Would expect him to get all defensive about mutilated penises and global domination.

carmencita ago

Thanks for demanding a response to his accusations. I am so sick of this. It seems they wait ready to attack with their same old same old droning Jewish insults. Enough already.

SwampAintDrained ago

He may be a dick, but he is actually right. Two jews in porn industry bragging about exactly what he claimed

For those who have trouble following, obviously not all jews are bad, but they are certainly over-represented in the NWO pedo cabal. Not acknowledging this is simply ignorance of the facts.

ScalarWhaler ago

Yall are just banking on other people's laziness... And can't see it for the exploitation of human spirit that it is. Should I look into the other points to validate them, or should I too be lazy and muddy the waters rather than engage in real discourse?

Btw, 'Enough already,' translates to, 'RREEEEeeeEeEeEe!!!'

carmencita ago

“We stand ready to assist the students.” Well I am sure they will. The Skull and Bones Society is full of pedo elites. There will be a lot of this going on all over the country in theri attempt to weaken our society even more than they already have. There will be people from all walks of life, religions and races and sexes. They have all been indoctrinated and bought out or brownstoned. We know there is plenty of money to brainwash the masses. It seems like an insurmountable task to fight this, but I will not stop.

DonKeyhote ago

Go fuck yourself. What do i possibly gain by shitposting about Jews, whereas you're an appointed authority on this bullshit site and jump in to specifically defend Jews, and you're impugning my integrity? Charade you are faggot

Vindicator ago

I didn't defend anyone. I merely asked for some evidence -- the purpose of this board. Not my fault you have none.

Altmight ago

Lol. Do your own homework. The evidence is overwhelming. Its why the jews have been kicked out of everysingle country they tried to settle in! Vindick, are you a jew? It seems your sole purpose on Voat is to deflect from the JQ jewish question. As you can see you are failing. Truth will always out itself. TRUTH IS ANTI SEMITIC.

Altmight ago

Do your own homework Vindick. The evidence is overwhelming. Its the jews, its always been the jews. Its why they were kicked out of every single country they have ever setteled in. Are you jewish? Is that why you keep defending them? Is it your job to defend jews on Voat?


You're a faggot. Go fuck yourself.

SwampAintDrained ago

He may be a dick, but sadly he is right. It is more so the Zionist scumbags we're talking about. Not all Jews are bad (obviously), but there is quite the disproportionate amount of them who are orchestrating the NWO. (along with their (((goy pedo collaborators))) )

A source that lends credence to Don's claims:

ScalarWhaler ago

This is the fucking internet brah. Go look it up yourself.

Vindicator ago

You're new, so may you don't know: this is an investigative subverse set up to document the Pedocracy. Making a bunch of wild claims with no linked support is the opposite of helpful. Plus, it makes people sound like gasbags.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

The pizzagate movement can't afford to be labeled as antisemitic.

This is my take as an outsider.

Altmight ago

The problem is that all truth is anti semetic. Stop fearing the jews. You were programmed to fear them, we all were. Throw off all fear. Do your own reasearch, then you will be fearless because you will know the truth. All truth is "anti semetic".

Azzipdoe ago

The pizzagate movement also can't afford to ignore crucial negative facts just because the perpetrators are Jewish. Absolutely ridiculous. Personally, I'm anti all organized religions, they are all equally corrupt and responsible for the hell-like conditions on our planet. How all of you should be, 100% unbiased with no fear of blaming who needs to be blamed... even if there's the risk of a cute little label being put on you like "anti-Semite". Such a joke.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Salbuchi_2019 speaks the truth.

As soon as the label is applied people's mind's automatically shut down and dismiss what you're saying. I see where you're coming from with your statistics, it is no secret that people with Jewish names are common in the top 1 percent of earners in our country and are overrepresented. Be that as it may, when you start focusing on that you sound like a whiny jealous you-know-what and you alienate the Jewish people who are NOT in that income strata. There's simply no point in ranting and raving about it. What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you think you're going to get everyone here to hate Jews? Gimme a break.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

I'm anti all organized religions, they are all equally corrupt and responsible for the hell-like conditions on our planet.

Good for you, but this isn't the "anti religion" subverse. This is the pizzagate subverse and it has a specific and determined scope. Religious talk in itself is not part of it.

HollandDrive ago

You're not John Lennon are you?

Azzipdoe ago

Fucks that supposed to mean?

HollandDrive ago

No offense, was just a bit of humor. His song Imagine. I agree with you. To an extent.

Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace ...

False religions are indeed a problem, but they're not all false, still some good churches. Having said that, I obviously think Lennon's a bit misguided and/or uninformed ... he was pretty bitter about religion though that's for sure, from what he saw empirically.