Blacksmith21 ago

It's usually jealousy that causes this syndrome. @Hagen3 probably couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a fistful of pardons.

Touchdown50 ago

Wait a minute, the girls are legally Adults at 18 in California.
They will do whatever they want.

Laskar ago

"they SAID they were 18" "they would not look out of place in an elementary school"

EarlPoncho ago

23 hours old account. top kike mate

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Jesus Christ, that cant be allowed to stand, predators, they must be jailed

Laskar ago

Now you know the reason for all the smut on TV, and social media. Young girls are told their only worth is selling themselves for money.

Whether it is the porn industry, media, human trafficking, etc. it's the same people doing all of it and until they are fully exposed, it will continue.

rafael5643 ago


Laskar ago

The people who run the porn industry and profit from this exploitation are the same people behind the Protocols. they have come out and said so themselves, and the reasons for it. See how fast your excellent post was buried, or any other post which reveals them.

Someone already posted about a pizzagate thread started on a "Mom" website and all the comments on that thread were negative. What they need to see is testimony of the victims.

MelatoninDreams ago

(((Porn industry.)))

Laskar ago

Glad someone is awake.

Have an upvote.

repoman ago

Laskar ago

So this is what is considered "perfect"? A whore? SMH

Piscina ago

Good on her for coming out. Most women in the sex industry -- whether porn or prostitution -- are repulsed by their customers. That's not something they like to advertise because it's not good for business.

Laskar ago

She's repulsed by the ones who are making the porn and profiting from it.

She sees her mistake, which she clearly made out of ignorance and she is trying to prevent others from falling into the same trap.

Good on her, as you said.

3141592653 ago

Most are also survivors of childhood sexual abuse

mooteensy ago

I think many of us already knew of this horrible phenomenon, but a real first hand account is what makes this credible and relevant. Well done, OP!

Laskar ago

Thanks. You are correct. the first hand testimony (especially of abuse victims) is of great value as it is real evidence, real proof, and therefore red pill ammo.

artfullyours ago

I give her credit for quiting and for exposing what goes on!

Laskar ago

Amen to that and for her effort to prevent other girls form falling into that trap.

sunshine702 ago

They call it the Babysitter Phenonom. The industry went from big glamour girls like Jenna Jameson to the daughter's friend ala American Beauty. No name. Churn and burn. Younger looking, rougher and higher hiv possibility, Yep.

Laskar ago


UlyssesEMcGill ago

The industry found out it doesn't need stars, just fresh meat.

remedy4reality ago

And the pedo empire is the steady supply of the trafficked and abused.

21yearsofdigging ago

good of her to speak out

Laskar ago

Good of her to care about young girls who might fall for that, and make the same mistake she did.

sugarskull ago

I am so glad that she spoke out like this and as soon as my youngster leaves the room I will watch it but in the meantime I AM GLAD TO KNOW THE CONTENT. So many make the porn industry out to be so cool and a way to get rich and famous. They skip all the garbage that goes with that life.

Laskar ago

It is so sad that girls might think that their only value is to sell themselves for money.