ArizerSolo ago

Yes! This is the way we should start displaying information to make it quick and easily digestible. I want to make an info-graphic for corporate media to show how controlled it is. If anyone can think of an good examples off the top of their heads ping me :D

janedoemadashell ago

To this moment, I still find this woman one of the scariest individuals on the PG scene....

anonOpenPress ago

Could you possibly add the godfathers of the step grandchildren (like Henry "Skip" James Jr. for Maeve) and maybe these persons too

-Anthony Luzzatto Gardner
-Marc Luzzatto
-Nina Luzzatto Gardner
-Piepaolo Luzzatto
-David Leiter's nickname to the Luzattos, "Uncle Vudu"

Vindicator ago

Here's another view:

Luzzatto is on the left in the network map.

seekingpeace ago

It definitely looks they are grooming their kids for pedophile entrapment schemes. We shouldn't forget that Barry Soetoro's mother hired a cross-dressing male prostitute as a Nanny for him in Jakarta. She also lived in the Hilton Hotel in Lahore, Pakistan for around five years and Barry used to visit her.

Littleredcorvette ago

Here is another one I'm working on. It's more of a tabular form. I'm still filling in the blanks. Information may be past or present (i.e. company name).

This one is about:

Walter Pincus a 40-year career journalist for the Washington Post. And also former CIA.

@ASolo I was trying to find a way to organize my information, and these were my efforts. I agree that the panoramic view will be most helpful in identifying the areas that we can concentrate on. I'm looking for industries and common companies that the elite control through well-placed individuals. Family and friends in high places that can control a narrative, squash or manipulate information, distribute propaganda or operate clandestinely right out in the open.

To me, I can imagine the outcome at this party two ways: 1. Just like any other party that rich people have at their second home, where they sit around and hang out and drink wine. 2. An intersection of swinger party, nudists and incest.

Either way, nothing we can do will result in any actionable consequence insofar as this "entertainment" email is concerned. It serves as an awareness tool, and a source for leads.

Thanks for contributing to the thread.

ASolo ago

Great reply. Yes, your graphic and this thread illustrates one thing quite succinctly, the pizzagate issue only mushrooms out into this huge spectre that has its tentacles imbedded deep within all forms of societal structure because these are all of the nefarious elements that have helped form it from the beginning, meaning there might not be any immediate 'actionable consequences' to these investigations because the cult is endemic at this point. However, awareness is key.

Vindicator ago

I'm looking for industries and common companies that the elite control through well-placed individuals. Family and friends in high places that can control a narrative, squash or manipulate information, distribute propaganda or operate clandestinely right out in the open.

Do you know the site

There is all kinds of stuff on a lot of people in this website. Also, it's a good place to save info, I think.

V____Z ago

You're the best! Of course!

V____Z ago

thanks! But it's really by YOU and other Voaters. I just copy/paste.

ASolo ago

Interesting thread, great for reference, however, speculation in this area is starting to look like a desperate grab at anything when most of the information needed about these people is already present. What isn't apparent however are any real signs of criminal activity. What most people are forgetting is that they are operating through very tight knit and complex communities of intelligence minded operatives that have had a very long time to hone their skills. If any of this conspiracy has shown you anything is that nothing is as what it seems. It takes an intelligent mind and a mind that has had experience in understanding how these people operate to untangle what they do into coherent chunks for us to be able to comprehend because of its complexity. A pretty clear cut example of that is how Aaron Dover has uncovered billions of hedge fund transactions that are illegal in scope and a clandestine effort at scrubbing and recirculating cult drug money, right underneath our noses.

Many of the clues are there like I said, the Corcoran School of Art is a primary focus, as is certain 'modeling' agencies involved in and around the periphery of the 1‰that attend or attended Corcoran. Look into DC housewife Linda erkiletian and her wonderland farm, look into the places these people vacation like Eleuthera in the bahamas, and especially the properties they own in DC, Hollywood and around the world.

We are getting close to a panoramic picture of how these people have gained so much control but it is still just at little blury.

Good thread...

palmitespo910 ago

When and where?

Edit: Disregard, faggot.

Laskar ago

Great job, thanks.

redditsuckz ago

Nice job.

Marisa is married to Paul...

Paul who?...He goes by the name "mr. T" on the Evie blog but also goes by the name "virgil" with another connected blog.

Littleredcorvette ago

Paul Neaville. He is a partner in this company: They have offices in both DC and Little Rock AR.

Thanks for mentioning the alternate names you found. I think it is important to remember these alias names.

redditsuckz ago

It looks like he has another child named "Cal"

Paul Neaville Linkedin;

The Markham Group - Paul Neaville bio;

The Markham Group Partners with Mika Brzezinski whos father Zbigniew Brzezinski is one of the most evil on the earth with his hands in everything.


The Markham Group Facebook;

Paul Neaville Twitter

Paul Neaville Intelius;

Some Facebook friends connections;

YingYangMom ago

Upvoat. Again, excellent researching skills.

The_Crux ago

Just an observation that maybe someone can comment on: Most of the people on this forum think lots of food code words were being used to denote pedo mischief by Podesta and his associates. In the case of these emails referenced in this thread, which were sent to many people who were invited and who were participating in this conversation, suddenly there is no desire to use code words?

That shouldn't make sense to you. Personal one on one conversations between Podesta and one of his associates have all sorts of hidden meaning code words is the premise that has been asserted a million times here, but a community email with lots of recipients has an invitation to a child molestation party and they are all responding to it that they'll be there? Did they let their guard down because they started feeling very secure at this point?

You should be able to reason this out logically and conclude that there was no food pedo code and they just are a bit more sensually obsessed with food than normal citizens. Sorry, I know that takes a big bite out of the whole pizzagate fascination.

Pizzalawyer ago

A point well made. But we have been in kind of a food epicurean era that often goes hand in glove with a general decadence broad enough to embrace heightened sexual behavior.

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks for your efforts, an upvote for you. Walter Pincus is a veteran journalist winning many distinguished awards but has had his share of low points like being called out on inaccuracies. He outed Valerie Plame upon recieving info from an informant whose identity he protected for awhile but eventually disclosed. He earned a law degree at Georgetown Law School at age 68. Hence he is a contemporary of John Podesta and Tamara. Was he on the email invitation? Do we have backgrounds on all invitees? Who is Bonnie?

redditsuckz ago

Wonder if Walter Pincus is related to Mark Pincus of Zynga?

Littleredcorvette ago

Not so far that I've found.

redditsuckz ago

Do you think you could make something like that for the Podesta Family and the Alefantis Family as that could tie in a lot of puzzle pieces and show how much power and influence these families have within the US government and around the world.

Possible James Alefantis family tree and background

James Alefantis Family Deep State Mechanism (Vaccines)

James Alefantis' family tree has been updated and uploaded.

Companies & Properties of James Alefantis

John Podestas wife Executor of Estate of FBI agent Victor A. Lemaitre - JFK/J. Edgar Hoover connections?

Businesses Owned By or Affiliated with Podesta Family Members

The Luzzatto power family tree goes back far;

New Lead: Mountain of Evidence linking DC's Luzzatto family to secret Kabbalah cult and Venetian Black Nobility

I have noticed a reoccurring theme among their connections and thats Art/design businesses and Real-estate businesses. Such as James Brother L.J. Alefantis with realestate and his mother with Home design and James and his father with Real-estate and James also has home art furniture design with his "square form" company run out of his "Pegasus museum".

Littleredcorvette ago

I will see what I can do. Thanks for the linked sources.

Littleredcorvette ago

I am working on a similar table on Patriarch Walter Pincus. My interest is not so much on the email contents; it is more so on the connections of people who are interacting within one another. The circle of friends,neighbors, family, spouses, are they all interconnected?

Right now, we are circling around PG, looking for a way to get in; the weak link. I think we got close. We've had several good jabs at them. But they've cleaned up a bit, and gotten a little smug imo. But nobody can keep a secret.

Find one of these connections and start digging.

Wives, ex-wives, step-families, kids

What they do, who they work for, what College, what verifiable connections do they have, etc.? We are ultimately looking for the whole network. Many industries are involved. We are going to have to single out the common denominators.

quantokitty ago

WTH?!!!! Great job, but I'm still confused.

Pizzalawyer ago

The Luzatto email has gotten attention outside this pizzagate community and the consensus is that its very weird and sexually tinged. Couple it with the Evie and Jack blogs and it's context seems even more sinister. I am convinced that there is a strong pedo culture throughout DC by way of signage, clothing, music, artwork, books, etc. Paid sex with prostitutes is routine. Premarital sex and extramarital sex is no longer taboo. Orgy sex and wife swapping is probably common. DC is ranked in the top metro places for homosexuals. The only taboos left are children and the family pets. If you are progressive and openminded that's the next logical taboo to break on the continuum. Even if these folks aren't doing it they sure are talking like they do it. And they are so smug and clever in their communications, I want to smack them across the face just for vulgar speech involving children. Who is Bonnie, anyway?

Littleredcorvette ago

You can. Nice site!

V____Z ago
