remedy4reality ago

Money laundering and child prostitution ( or worse ).

It's clear as day,

sunshine702 ago

The "Tulips" went to Wynn Macau China. Real name (((Weinberg))) btw. Father changed it because sounded Jewish.

BlackManta2 ago

Koons is a creep and his so called art is garbage. Terry Richardson is another degenerate creep and he and his wife or girlfriend just had twins. Makes me want to puke at his having children and what kind of sick shit might be going on.

snefru ago

It says this on the entry but is worth reiterating. Koons's wife "kidnapped" their child, who was only two or so at the time, and took the child out of the United States. A US court awarded custody to Koons but the ruling was not enforceable abroad. Staller's interview adds more detail about why she was afraid of Koons and why she did not feel safe having her child around him. Definitely a bizarre person to have on the ICMEC. Alefantis's posting of hardcore porn / art on his company instagram account is especially interesting considering whose art it is and the background of that artist.

Truthseeker3000 ago

And why is Jeff Koons on the board of the center for missing and exploited children that is the million dollar question. And yes, sadly, and unfortunately, I do believe that vile "art" of the porn closeup is that of a young girl, not his wife nor any other porn actress. It's an in our face blatant fuck you to us all. I'd love to see these pedos in prison general population acting so blatant and thinking its ok.

janedoemadashell ago

And isn't this the same individual that was fucking David Brock and then ultimately sued Brock and James Asshole, and Brock settled for hundreds of millions of $$? Lemme see if I can find link....

anonOpenPress ago

This earlier link to Jeff Koons was just given a New Evidence flair /v/pizzagate/1651581, visit to vote up

RebelSkum ago


LA_Trump ago

Great post. I've been saying it for awhile, Jeff Koons is THE missing piece to the Pedogate puzzle. I wish more people would understand this. Jeff Koons will bring down the entire house of cards... D.C., Hollywood, the UAE and Qatar -- all of it.

If there is one person the DOJ should arrest first, it's Jeff Koons and work from there.

remedy4reality ago

Koons should be questioned about the identity and age of the female in his pornographic 'art' ( first link ). That is certainly a child.

Tanngrisnir ago

He said it was his pornstar ex wife Cicciolina. I'm pretty sure that is the truth. Even Jeff Koons isn't that open with his pedophilia to release a picture of himself raping a child.

remedy4reality ago

He's a creep and a pedo. Was his marriage a cover for perversion and child rape? He paid out a huge sum, most of it hush money, I suspect. Nothing this shitbag does is art. Being an amateur art lover, I never understood the elevation of his crap. Now, I do. It's part of the TRANSFORMATION of America.

This is the MADE IN HEAVEN series by Koons, that included Cicciolina. That vulgar close up is not included. I know this is disgusting, but that is not Cicciolina's backside, it's much smaller than the photos from the "made in heaven" installation.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hmmm, good point. I could have sworn it was one of the Made In Heaven pictures.