DerivaUK ago

Wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but one of these days one of THEIR children will end up as a victim. Given how ubiquitous the problem, I'd say it's inevitable. Maybe then we'll hear a proper hue and cry from within?

nomorepepperoni ago

"People have been conditioned to think people with signs are weirdos." Perhaps before 2016 happened, this would be accurate. Now? Not quite so much.

And I realize that MSM aren't going to out themselves. The point of such protests would be to get general passers-by and alternative media to notice the events. If enough people are protesting persistently enough, it will get noticed, even if MSM chooses to ignore it. If you think protesting at a local outlet would yield more results, by all means, go there and do your best. Guerrilla marketing schemes would be another good idea, though.

VieBleu ago

Impressive work. From your linked article -

"4. The Card Players are spread around the world.

Though sometimes reunited for shared exhibitions, The Card Players share no common home. One that features four men and a dour-looking boy is a highlight of the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. A similar piece that lacks the little boy can be found in New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art. One of three that portray a pair of card players is on view at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. Another can be seen at London's Courtauld Institute of Art, while the last is part of a private collection belonging to the royal family of Qatar."

So there is cooperation when "shared for exihibitions" - 5 nodes of the master trafficking ring?

I have to add this association that immediately pops up re: Tony Podesta who is constantly globetrotting. This is before he was divorced but shows his routine movements-

'It's a form of addiction' What makes Tony Podesta travel thousands of miles just for a gallery opening? He tells all to John Hooper

Instead, they (Tony and Heather) make what Miller calls "Herculean" trips to Europe and further afield to buy art. It is perfectly normal for them to leave Washington on Friday evening and return the following Monday morning, having visited more than one European capital in the meantime.

YingYangMom ago


There is another painting that was sold for 300,000,000$ which was also bought by the Qataris, however something in this article (from the same website and mentioned at the end of the article you've linked caught my attention and which is in relation to FBIAnon "cards". Here it is:

And here is what caught my attention:

The sale of the 1892 oil painting, “Nafea Faa Ipoipo (When Will You Marry?),” was confirmed by the seller, Rudolf Staechelin, 62, a retired Sotheby’s executive living in Basel, Switzerland, who through a family trust owns more than 20 works in a valuable collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art, including the Gauguin, which has been on loan to the Kunstmuseum Basel for nearly a half-century.

Do you know about the Sotheby cards??! They have been brought up in the WikiLeaks Podesta email dump, the Global Intelligence leaks and others. Here is an example:

From:[email protected] To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Date: 2015-12-26 14:29 Subject: Re: In top front pouch of my backpack there are a stack of cards

Let's meet there at 12:15. I have to drop Gabe's clothes off on the way. >

On Saturday, December 26, 2015, Tony Podesta wrote:

Pull out two Sotheby's cards. 4 free admissions to Whitney. Meet at home or there??????

Sent from my iPhone

2 previous Voat threads in relation to the Sotheby cards:

If I'm not mistaken, the VIP membership cards grant access to not only museums, exhibitions, galleries and auction houses, but also to VIP private parties, VIP hotel suite reservations, VIP real estate rentals and private chauffeur services among other things.

it should definitely be looked into for anyone interested...

Fire_Fly ago

There was a Sotheby's connection found a while back relating to the cards.

Fire_Fly ago

Here is a link to that thread

Celticgirlonamission ago

Whoa! Great job Op!

DonKeyhote ago

If it's the photo series he did fucking his wife, she's an Italian por star and politician famous for getting HIV from porn legend John Holmes. on camera. on a yacht. And iirc he's not wearing a condom in the photos lol

Truthseeker3000 ago

Isn't the number of emails interesting? 33,000 (33 Masonic)?! Also Jeff Koons sold his balloon dog for $50,000,000 the highest price ever paid for a single piece of "art". That's an awful lot of child trafficking (I believe this so called art is definitely a front for it) same with the Saudis paying $250M seriously what did they really get? I can't believe this asshole is on the board of Missing Children that's frightening. Check out Honey Bees video on Jeff Koons and the art, it's sick awful shit. I still don't understand the cards things u mentioned though.

YingYangMom ago

The Wizard of Oz ruby slippers were first bought by someone who worked with the Disney Company, which in turn sold them to a Hollywood Memorabilia shop owner for the price of 666,000$ and who has yet to put the shoes on display.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting. Yeah the price is a dead giveaway. I wonder who the shop owner is. They must then actually have a purpose for the shoes if not on display. Probably some illuminati orgy ceremonial shit that would make one barf and not eat for days...

YingYangMom ago

LOL probably. Here is the excerpt in question:

In 1988, auction house Christie's sold them for $150,000 plus $15,000 buyer's premium to Anthony Landini. Landini worked with the Disney Company to start showing them at the Disney/MGM Studios' Florida Theme Park in the queue for the Great Movie Ride, whose facade and queue area are themed after Grauman's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. They were visible at the ride's debut in 1989. Landini auctioned his pair of slippers, again at Christie's East, on May 24, 2000, for $666,000 (including the buyer's premium). They were sold to David Elkouby and his partners, who own memorabilia shops in Hollywood. Elkouby and Co. has yet to display the shoes.

Truthseeker3000 ago

He made sure the total paid including the buyers premium was $666k so he really wanted that number for those shoes. I take that to mean exactly what I said in the last message!! Hes also Jewish, I'm guessing Kabbalah (obvi) and Talmud. I checked his Facebook quickly, travels a lot, married five years ago, wife looks familiar but didn't check her FB out and they have a cute dog, no kids. Sorry but I still think he's a sick fuck, the numbers and the symbolism don't lie.

YingYangMom ago

Please don't be sorry, I was not being sarcastic when I said your 'probably' right. It was kind of funny the way you put it though, that's why I wrote LOL first... but I totally agree, the number is an obvious give away. You can't make this shit up.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Don't worry I know what u mean :) When I said 'sorry I still think he's a sick fuck' I meant that by looking quickly through his Facebook (as with many of these people) they portray themselves as fine upstanding nothing-to-see-here citizens with great jobs and families and lives but beneath it all it is the opposite (how Illuminati of them). I just don't understand it as it's so twisted and sick that we know the real truth but so many others just don't see it. I mean who in their right mind would think that some old fat fart like George Soros would participate in orgies, parading around nude, bathing in blood after sacrifices, having sex with multiple women, men and sadly most likely children and possibly animals as well. It's just vile to me, nothing can justify it. All that to get to a higher state of consciousness and allow the denomic entities to enter. It's so delusional. Oh I'm getting too carried away!! Keep up the fight :)

YingYangMom ago

(how Illuminati of them)

Hehe, I know right? And the rest is of course, completely sick and perverted. I honestly don't know how they can look at each other or themselves in a mirror... Go figure. Glad you got carried away, it was all very interesting and spot on :)

DonKeyhote ago

33 Haitian kids

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah I know. The numbers are everywhere, including dates and times. It's fucked.

Symeon ago

Yep. Thats it. Child traffic money laundered through the art world. Nothing will happen to the elite unless a true insider risks his life to defect from the cult. Someone has the video footage of the famous people raping and killing kids. I believe the podesto rape video is indeed podesta. We need more. (((Jepff epstein))) made many but he will never tell. This all goes back to Israel. CIA is merely the American are of the Mossad. Epstein is mossad. Unfortunately I believe the reason Trump has done a sudden 180 and decided to bomb syria, antagonize Russia and destroy his own reputation on behalf of the greater project is that there is a "pizzagate" type video of Trump himself. And he was presented with that evidence. All Trump supporters remember that Trump indeed had ties to epstein many years ago but we looked the other way because Trump was all we had. Trump is a different man now. Reading from scripts for the first time. His spirit is gone. And now he is starting WW3 (exactly what he said he would not do) in part to cover up for pizzagate. We are now witnessing the exact agenda that Hilliary herself was prepareing to accomplish. The jews own Trump now. (((Jared kushner))) is now running the show on behalf of Israel and its a fact he is financed by george soros, jareds firm just recieved 250mill loan from soros. Steve Bannon will be gone any day now. Once again we have an Israel puppet president. Given that "pedogate" is ultimately an israel project to gain leverage on US politicians, judicial and media it is unlikely we will see any prosecutions in the near future. I dont think the vid on Trump is straight pedo, I think its of the girl who claimed he violently rapped her. The story was a quick blip during the campaign then she retracted in fear of her life. But her details of the story and diallog she claims took place between her and Trump rang true to me. The nation of Trump supporters are all trying to figure out what kind of pressure would make him suddenly do a 180 in the worst possible way? It was not a common pressure, ex "threat to his life"... "Threat to his finances". It MUST be something as big and dark as a "rape vid". I believe he WAS an outsider when he ran, now he is suddenly a pale scrip teading ghost of the person he was. He will now do what ever he is told. Even WW3. MAGA is dead. The apocalypse is now.

Commoner ago

There is no tape on Trump with a girl!

SecureYourSeats ago

Trump hasn't changed at all he's doing exactly what he promised us he'd do. Keep America safe.

Symeon ago

Starting WW3 on behalf of Israel is making america safe?

SecureYourSeats ago

The idea that Trump's show of force had anything to do with Israel was your ridiculous hypothesis not mine.

Symeon ago

Then you simply dont know whats going on it the world. Do your homework. Goog "greater israel project". Its Why we are even in the middle east. Not for USA

SecureYourSeats ago

Israel is the only democratic nation in the region. Helping a strategic partner helps the US.

Symeon ago

Israel is the cause of all the chaos in mid east. All the invasions, all the wars. They are an enemy of peace, enemy of security for USA. Have you heard of the greater Israel project? No? Look it up.

SecureYourSeats ago

liar. Israel is the victim of the chaos in the Middle East by a religion that tells them to kill Jews.

Symeon ago

Liar. Jew? Read the talmud. Jews are responsibile for all the wars. Mel Gibson was right! Do your homework.

SecureYourSeats ago

knock it off

SChalice ago

Making excuses for your shit choice of a President?

Symeon ago

He was a great choice. I bet he has a pizzagate video of him from his time hanging with (((jeff epstein))) and that is why he suddenely did a 180 and bombed Syria for Israel. Now he only reads scripts and does what hes told. He is a jew puppet now.

Symeon ago

No. trumism is still alive and well. Smashing antifa faces in Berkley. Trump is dead. The alt right is stronger than ever.

unrealisthenewreal ago

That all makes sense to me, except that Trump would surely know that sex tapes are how people are blackmailed, so why would he even run knowing that he violently raped a girl and that it was probably videotaped?

YingYangMom ago

Same here. I think it's more like threats on his grandchildren's life that got to him. Or... maybe something even more sinister, someone from the inside "got to him" and MK ultra'ed him or something like that. But it has to be from the inside (close family relative). Trump has completely changed, I mean this is NOT normal behaviour. It can't be just a change of heart and it certainly was NOT planned. Not with the way he talked about the Pope, Obama, Clinton and all. Trump is a narcissist. It was a great thing when he was on OUR side. Not anymore though. Not anymore.

3141592653 ago

Yes, he is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

YingYangMom ago

Pretty much all Leaders and Dictators have that disorder. It's not new. Putin is probably one himself. Doesn't mean that it's a bad thing for a leader of a powerful country. The difference between a great leader and a despot is the level of corruption level and the hidden agenda. If the end goal of a narcissist is to enrich HIS country and HIS people Vs HIS own pockets, you can have a fantastic leader. Never perfect, but an overall great leader. And I'm not talking about puppets, I'm talking about REAL leaders.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for your perspective. I think trump is a classic case of NPD, far beyond recent presidents. Just everything about him. And no, I don't think that quality is beneficial to a country, but I respect your opinion

YingYangMom ago

Fair enough, I respect yours.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Well, if you read the 2chan, Anon thread, supposedly Ivanka has been compromised and she is the only one Trump trusts.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Hi can u elaborate on this? I haven't heard that but definitely open to it. I'm not on Reddit. Jared kushner is the biggest problem. He came out of no where basically and now look where he's at. Yes his family is wealthy and he was into real estate but buying the 666 building doesn't look good. Neither does the fact that the Israeli PM stayed at his parents home when he was in the USA. Jared made ivanka convert to Judaism before marrying her. Soros funded Jared previously.

unrealisthenewreal ago

All the 4Chan anon said was that all the media focusing on Jared is controlled. Apparently, Jared's getting cucked by Ivanka. That's all the anon said, but he kept saying Ivanka is the one to look into because she's the one who's really influencing Trump.

Truthseeker3000 ago

That sounds backwards. Jared is the one to watch out for as ivanka follows whatever he wants then reports back to her dad. I think Jared is manipulative but people don't see it.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Yep, it sounded backwards to me at the time too, but it's weird that MSM has been surrounding Jared...I now tend to think the opposite of whatever the MSM is spouting these days. So, who knows what's going on behind the scenes? All we can do is speculate, listen to different perspective and think for ourselves.

fogdryer ago

The job he took on is difficult

Only the strong survive. To be a business man and then go into politics is a major transition 🙁

Symeon ago

I dont think people realized they were being video taped by Jeff epstein or they would never have associated with him. Also temptations make people do irrational things. Im guessing on the vid based on 1 his proven association with Epstein 2 the girls testimony 3 a complete and sudden capitulation of his entire narrative. I think Trump assumed the "rape" was a private moment, and continued assuming that until he was shown the tape and told "Ok here is the deal, this is what you will do".... They waited on showing him because (((they))) cant just release the tape casually (for instance during the campaign) because the release itself will further expose the entire mossad operation. Now that PG is exposed it would only further validate that exposure, further validate the idea that "pizzagate is real". There are so many levels to these manipulations that its mind bogling. This is and ancient cult narrative. It would be and has been totally unbelievable idea until the internet was brought into every hand via PComputer and smart phone. Before you only had fringe and rare books to try and piece it all together. Now its all in one place, for all the world to see and decide for themselves whats "real" vs "fake news".... Whats conspiracy theory vs conspiracy fact. I think the evidence is overwhelming that the "theorists" have been right all along. That is why they have been so powerfully and veheimantly marginilized since day one many decades ago. It was the CIA itself that invented and promoted the idea of "conspiracy theory" as a perjorative that = "crazy person" the website Zero hedge (its pretty mainstream at this point) has a great article on CIA "conspiracy theorist" psyop. Now that most theorists are proven accurate they are now running with "fake news" psyop. A term that was not coincidentally invented whole cloth right as the wikkileaks podesta emails were released exposing pedogate. It was to counter "pizzagate" blowing up in the minds of the greater population. Most people are still sheep so it kind of worked but not really. We are waking up like wild fire. Only WW3 itself can put a dent in the awakening at this point. We are in the final stretch if good vs evil. This is when all truth is being revealed and everyone must choose a side. The old "bread and circus" distractions wont work anymore. We all have a smart phone and we are all getting curious. Especially since 9-11. We are suspecious that everything we were taught in school was a lie. And the vast majority who have bothered to look realize that it was indeed all (((a big lie))). Now we have to reinvestigate every last thing we thought we knew, because we simply believed what we were told. We were kids who thought our government, teachers, news casters, religious authorities, politicians, film makers and journalists WOULD NEVER LIE TO US! Why would they do that? They are our friends! We are waking up massively now. We are a threat to the entire system. All financed by the (((federal reserve))) money printing system. They would be powerless without that system in place. It finances all world corruption. Without it all criminal behavior would be a tiny fraction of what it now is. It would be small local problems. Pedos and pedogate would actually be confined to the "trailer park" world we have been trained to think they come from. Just a few degenerates in trench coates snatching a few kids from parks every now and then. Now we are realizing the whole world system is run by an ancient cult of satanic child sacrificers. Hollywood has been mocking this fact for decades. They sold it as a imaginative, titilating and entertaining narrative, when it has been real all along. They pulled those stories from reality, not imagination. "Satanic child sex cult sacrifice" is a real thing going all the way to the beloved Clintons, Obamas, Royality, beloved actors, pop stars ect. The evidence is overwhelming that this is true. Its every man for himself now. You either get it or you dont. If you are not curious you will never figure it out. On one level I dont care about "the jews" never thought much about them, but now its clear they are running this whole shit show. And have been for a very long time. My simplified narrative is that the jews are satans generals and Islam are his foot soldiers. The fall of europe to the invasion by Islam is a jewish directed phenomenon. I feel I can prove it. Im just obsessed with truth. Thats all. My only question or agenda is to figure out whats true and whats false. Its turning out to be a life long rabbit hole. It is like a matrix. Who is telling the truth? Who is lying? These questions bring you to the nature of reality itself. Even being a "scientist" is now a form of prostitution. You have to ask "who paid for the study?"

DonKeyhote ago

Lots of truth and good stuff in this comment. I suggest you put line breaks so more people can take advantage.

SoldierofLight ago

Why do any of them run for office with that in their background? Because they believe they can get away with it, that it won't see the light of day, promises are made, greed for power steps in, etc.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Yes, but what intelligent person would ever believe or trust someone that a video or blackmail evidence would never see the light of day? To me, that person seems as naive as the day is long.

SoldierofLight ago

Naive, greedy, etc. And think about how many people HAVE gotten away with it. Jimmy Savile is but one example. We know of others too but how many are out there who we don't even suspect? I'm going to dance and shout when I see their smirks disappear as the cuffs go on their wrists.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

A friend of mine got a job at the BBC. We were talking about it and with him knowing I love my conspiracies told me that they asked if there was anything they needed to cover up.

SoldierofLight ago

Were they asking about what they needed to cover up regarding your friend? I guess they've learned to think ahead.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

He probably needed a few drugged up orgies to cover up online, nothing illegal. But makes you wonder what would happen if you did. Straight to the top ha.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Excellent work! Very readable/ easy to consume. Thank you for sharing. The big picture is starting to take shape :)

Pizzalawyer ago

DonKeyote: good point and without public display for all we know the same painting could be "sold" over and over again. Since the series of "Card Players" consists of 5 almost identical pieces this would present the perfect opportunity to sell over and over again.

KnightsofHubris ago

This is an interesting post, I don't see that the story you are trying to tell holds any water and a lot of your links are tenuous. but the parts about Qatar are interesting. Do you really think Jeff Koons and James Alefantis are involved in ISIS sex slavery? Really? ISIS that would kill both of them as soon as it got their hands on them? Or did you just do a clever little connecting of the dots that make it seem that way.

Let's beginning with your tenuous links.

There is nothing linking Jeff Koons and James Alefantis that I have seen. They are both involved in the art scene, but Koons is an international Superstar and Alefantis runs a small local gallery. They are at different levels. Alefantis is fan of Koons, it doesn't mean he is a friend or a connection of Koons. Is there any proof they ever met?

Koons is working with Louis Vuitton. And? I pretty sure even you recognize this is not tied in at all with the rest of your thesis. This is just hanging out there. Jeff Koons also made a giant puppy sculpture made of flowers. Does that matter?

"Jeff Koons is close with Marina Abramović and the Qatari Royal Family in 2011" I don't think you've shown this with Abramovic. And even with the Qatari Royal Family, close may not be accurate. Abramovic and him are both fairly big names in contemporary art. They are showing at the same event. They may be close, but this is not evidence of it. This is them being part of the same world.

Koons certainly works with Qatar and the Royal Family/Government is his patrons, but do you see them collarboarating outside the art world? What influence do you think he has on them? As the article points out, he would not be able to show some of his work there. Probably would be imprisoned if he exhibited the one you link to above.

"A Qatari Investment firm recently purchased another famous French fashion house, Balmain." This is another one unconnected thread that is just hanging out there.

So the Clinton Foundation got a million dollar check and "around the same time, the State of Qatar purchased the most expensive piece of art ever sold for more than $250,000,000." Again these seem unconnected, but the art includes "cards." Well your article points out this is not the most ever paid for a painting. Qatar Museums also bought a Gaugain painting, "Will you marry me?" for $300 million in 2015.

Does this help or hurt your thesis?

Podesta links State of Qatar directly to ISIS.

Actually Podesta received this email. It was from Hillary Clinton. However, I don't believe she wrote that part. It sounds like they were talking about this earlier and she forwarded it along. His subject is clearly a reply "Subject*: Re: Here's what I mentioned." Note that it's not "what I wrote" or "what I'm working on." This sounds like one of those emails she would get from Sidney Blumenthal, who would send stuff like this to her........Just noticed your link mentions this too.

All that aside, I don't think you need an email from Podesta or Clinton to ask questions about Qatar.

Syrian civil war began in 2011 and ISIS is now trafficking Syrian women into sex slavery This is a big nonsequitur and flattens out and simplifies a complex geopolitical issue. For one thing, the start of the Syrian civil war arose for completely domestic issues and inspired by the Arab Spring.

So what is your final point? ISIS sex slavery is promoted by the Clinton Foundation? Funded by the modern art market? Done on behalf of Qatar? This just makes no sense. You have made connections between people groups, but you don't have a cohesive thesis and what's more it's unclear all these actors have the same motivations and are working together across various spheres. Dot connecting tends to lead to two dimensional analysis where everything is flattened out.

The woman who bought those paintings and runs Qatar's museums is this woman.

Do you really think ISIS approves of this woman with her hair uncovered, who runs a billion dollar a year organization dedicated to art, is the head of the film institute, supports education for women?
Here's how women dress in ISIS territory.

Your thesis makes no sense and I like how you throw in McCain at the end.

The truth is the Qatari government is anti ISIS and an ally with us against terrorism.

QATAR Overview: The United States and Qatar maintained a strong partnership in the fight against terrorism. Qatar is a partner in the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and has provided significant support in facilitating critical U.S. military operations in the region.....U.S. agencies have an active and productive dialogue with their Qatari counterparts and work closely for the exchange and evaluation of terrorist-related information......In addition to hosting two U.S. military installations critical to Counter-ISIL Coalition efforts, Qatar offered to host a base to train-and-equip moderate Syrian opposition forces, and provided significant operational and logistical support for Coalition activities. Qatar’s Cabinet welcomed the December announcement of a new military alliance of thirty-four Islamic states led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism in “all its forms and manifestations, whatever their sources and justifications.”

The problem with Qatar traditionally has been private funding of terrorism, not government sponsorship of terrorism.

When folks say Qatar funds terrorism, is that money public or private? George Soros is an American billionaire who spends money on political causes. So is Robert Mercer, but they are not allies, the support different, even competing political causes. Are the Qataris spending millions on modern art, the same Qataris sending money to Al Nusra?

Though in at least one case a terrorist financier was a Qatari civil servant.

Also generally speaking, their money doesn't go to ISIS in Syria, it goes to Al Nusra.

Which brings me to the part I found interesting, the article on the contradictions of Art in Qatar. Qatar is a tiny country on an oil field and using its money to try influence on the world stage in both the political and cultural fields. The Museum director has a billion dollar a year budget to buy/commission art. They spent $550 million dollars to bring two French paintings to Qatar. They want the world to visit them. (Their airline serves more countries than any US carrier. The World Cup is going to be there in 2022.) They also put a Qatari poet in jail for life for this poem

He was filmed reading the poem in his apartment in Cairo when he was a student. When he returned to Qatar he was arrested for insulting the emir. He was pardoned after four years by the new Emir.....right before a conference on freedom of the press was about to begin. They sponsor Al Jazeerah, which in the Arab world was seen as liberating force against Arab leaders, because they would have debates that would never get covered on state news channels. And they were satellite, intended to be seen across the region. Qatar certainly wants to push a foreign policy that promotes Sunnis and pushes back against Iran. They buy a lot of weapons and have joined the war in Yemen.

So Qatar in some ways is embracing the west and the future and in some ways, it's not. They do not want to turn the clock back to the Middle Ages like ISIS. If they didn't care about how they were viewed in the West, they never would have free that poet.

AngB23 ago

I'm not gonna stop trying but abuse of kids/researching is really getting to me more & more and just pissed as shit no one is helping them (law enforcement). I know pedos/pedo rings are being busted but we all know, they work for the top Elites.

acme2011 ago

Painful as it may be, I'm willing to give the administration some more time to arrest the big fish. Currently they seem to be warding off MSM propaganda. Child peddling networks are being continuously hit so far which is encouraging. And that ISIS, a known trafficker of Syrian women and children was just bombed. So don't lose hope too soon is my suggestion. Meanwhile, how about all of us keep plugging on getting the most potent info out in meme quality posters and spread it across all public areas wherever we can? Such as restrooms, bus stands etc etc.

3141592653 ago

Oh no you're believing the mainstream narrative about ISIS. Aka them=evil, we= the good guy. Its b.s.!

acme2011 ago

I'm not denying that ISIS may be a fabrication of (((them))), but aren't ISIS scumbags regardless? Is the entire kurdish-isis-syria stuff political theater with 0 casualties on either side? Can you justify your stance with 1-2 simple examples?

DerivaUK ago

I have some hope. People whom I personally thought could never be persuaded are starting to look closer at the 'paedophilia problem' and getting red pilled in significant numbers - but given the most recent news in the last hour of the US dropping its biggest non nuclear bomb onto Afghanistan; and the increased political 'World tension' rhetoric I can't help the feeling this is managed to distract as we get closer and closer to the truth. Let's face it, PG is so huge that the distraction tactics would naturally have to be something big. I still don't think we've seen the worst they can pull, and this worries me.

AngB23 ago

Why don't we wage an all out Tweet campaign? To department of justice and Jeff sessions. "We demand justice" and then list over and over everything. Like Pedogate, Obama's slush fund, taking money from Social Security, Awan Brothers, death of Seth Rich...There is endless topics but every tweet says #Pedogate?

If we get enough people to flood twitter and keep going and going and going, it has to bring attention.

DonKeyhote ago

Poster asked what to look for in the emails. Anon says cards. Is this painting referenced in the emails anywhere?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wow, I never thought the painting with the dogs playing poker would go for THAT much. Must have been a velvet version.

Great catch, op.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

All jokes, seriously, great catch.

AngB23 ago

Great info & thanks. I think the only thing that's been weighing heavy on my mind is this: we get clues and hints from many various sources, Anons, Wiki and so forth. It's obvious many sources know what's going on and ask normal citizens to dig, connect these dots, look here, look there, follow the money (which I personally feel is the answer)....

And many of us have spent hours upon hours doing this, for what? Who is actually going to finally investigate in our Govt, FBI, DOJ or {cough} CIA? The evidence citizens have found already should have so many people behind bars yet no investigations have come out & no arrests of the higher ups. Sorry, just pissed off that I feel like even if a damn video is discovered clearly showing politicians screwing kids, nothing would be done.

And if all these Anons kno what we should look for giving us clues and shit, why don't they just spill it ALL out there? Why the games?

unrealisthenewreal ago

Sadly, I think it'll take years. I feel like anons "leak" stuff to the citizens because they are powerless within the alphabet agencies and they're hoping that by leaking info/clues, it will start a grassroots investigation that could lead to a revolution...eventually. The sad thing is that it then becomes our responsibility to redpill an entire nation that has been programmed by our education system and MSM their entire LIVES. So the real question is, how do you DE-program an entire nation and encourage the novel idea (sarcasm implied) to think for yourself? I think we have to start with this first before we can expose the evil inherent in PG. Cognitive dissonance is so HIGH that PG is literally impossible for normies to swallow. It's too big, that they just refuse. They don't understand how it could be possible and therefore don't even look into it. They are good slaves. So, first we must show them that they are enslaved. The truth is addicting and not because it's liberating, but because it's liberating to KNOW how enslaved you are. Once you know this you are one step closer to ACTUAL freedom.

rodeo13 ago

Yes. Which is why we all need to learn how to deprogram them, as quickly as possible.

YingYangMom ago


cantsleepawink ago

Yup, my sentiments too.

BrickInTheVVall ago


Psychanaut ago

Follow the money. Follow the contracts. Follow the cards. Pizza fronts. Fashion fronts. Art fronts. Clinton. Podesta. Ambramovic. Alefantis. Koons. Qatari Royal Family. ISIS. Syria. McCain. Obama.

Psychanaut ago

EXCELLENT POST. Would like to add this to the conversation involving QATAR. I do not know where I got this email, but it goes along with THIS:

and is mentioned inside the article. So you have a news piece AND the document the news piece refers to. Hope it helps add something to this excellent thread:

Subject: Syrian Issue


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. The Quataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the deal is approved by Washington. We will have to deliver a CW to Homs, a soviet-style g-shell similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea, but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards,

David Goulding
Business Development Director

nomorepepperoni ago

Found this site archived, FWIW?

Psychanaut ago

WHOAH amazing!

Pizzalawyer ago

Good job. There are actually 5 paintings in the "Card Players" series. The royal family just bought one out of the series.. See Wikipedia. We need to keep alert for any transactions regarding the others although I suspect one or more are held in museum collections.

KnightsofHubris ago

Cards has nothing to do with Qatar's art purchases. I just wrote a massive bit about this.

They also paid $300 million for a Gauguin painting. No cards in that one. They have also bought or commissioned massive steel sculptures from Richard Serra, an abstract painting from Mark Rothko, massive bronze sculptures from Damien Hirst and others. They really like massive scultpturees. They have a massive spider, an octopus, a thing that look like a set of monkeybars, one dedicated to the sport of handball. They also got I. M. Pei out of retirement to design their museum of Islamic art. They are all over the map.

DonKeyhote ago

Article says the Qataris one is not even publicly displayed, whos to say they even really bought it


This is probably it.

And it would be fucking 33k emails. Fucking freemasons make it hard to tell if they're fucking around or not.

nomorepepperoni ago

They love themselves some 33s. Bet they deleted some extras to line it up for their silly Freemason lulz.

(Yes, that was pure speculation.)



ArthurEdens ago

Why are Georgetown, Texas A&M, and Northwestern Universities in Qatar?

Progressivelymean ago

Why are so many hospitals in UAE, Qatar, ect? Organ harvesting most likely, but who is getting the organs and who is giving them up (voluntarily or not)? These are questions that need to be asked of those facilities.

duhiki ago

I wondered something similar last night as I was watching a documentary on the Saudi royal family. The first two interviews were with an ex CIA guy and a professor from Georgetown (gee, just like Podesta!) ...

YingYangMom ago

I don't know how many times Georgetown university has come up during this investigation and how many suspects in the PG research went to Georgetown, but it is absolutely, undoubtedly related to some nefarious activity.


What do you mean?

ArthurEdens ago

it seems random but not random

Azzipdoe ago

Amazing post op. This needs more digging, I feel like you may have found what anon was speaking of

blablah ago

good work. I hope there will be some leaks soon that will proof this. ...I'm curious if they had enough time to remove every evidence. ...since the leaks long time passed. We need more!!!

nomorepepperoni ago

Good digging! Have an upvote!

equineluvr ago

This should have been labeled NSFW (first link).

nomorepepperoni ago

OP, if you get taken down over this, PLEASE repost with the NSFW tag! We can't afford to lose this one for technicalities.

sensitive ago

I will flair it.

gamepwn ago

All they would need to do on MSM is show people that first picture and people would automatically say WTF and get up in arms. I wish an annoumous style hacker would jack the public broadcasting channels like someone did with Max Headroom right during prime time hour. Coverup after coverup after coverup

Atarian ago

Do people still watch TV?

blumeanie ago

This is exactly what needs to happen in order to wake the normies. A good start would be the James Comey and Prince Charles (Howdy Doody) sex tape. Not that anyone should be subjected to watching that sort of thing, but we NEED undeniable evidence broadcast on a global scale to show the unwoke just how serious this problem is, and how it reaches right to the top and beyond.

Verite1 ago

I heard about this. Is there actually a tape and if so, can you provide a little link or source? I would love to verify

Laskar ago

They did this in Italy years ago and busted a huge ring of CP snuff films. Arrests were made.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

[Tangent / Reddit] - in case you want to know more about the Max Headroom hack.

nomorepepperoni ago

I have heard that EAS is full of holes, hence how someone aired a zombie apocalypse warning over it to a couple of networks a few years ago.

That said, we should be protesting outside MSM outlets demanding they give actual coverage to the issue.

Or even certain local outlets who gatekeep honest reporters...looking at you, CBS 46. Let Ben Swann Reality Check again, you imbeciles!