My idea is to look into all the "charitable giving" done by celebrities and find instances where that money goes to corrupt organizations and fronts for human trafficking. The website is fantastic for this purpose. Since I found out about that site my opinion of just about every celebrity is existence has plummeted. By throwing this info back in Hollywoods face we can redpill the normies about just how insidious Hollywood actually is. Think of it this way, people form emotional attachments to the idealized images of celebrities. If we can break that illusion of these stars as "good people" or "relatable" then that is a victory right there. Get people asking the question "Am I supporting a moron who is unknowingly supporting traffickers and my movie ticket money may go to traffickers in the future? Or are they aware and completely complicit in these schemes?"
Several of the organizations listed are from this article. If it turns out Doctors Without Borders and Save the Children are trafficking people in Italy then that would make all the celebrities cheerleading for them look horrible.
This list is by no means complete and I probably missed some corrupt organizations as well. It will just serve as a start in the examination of Hollywood's corrupt ties. Feel free to help contribute more to it. If anyone wants to meme some of this stuff we can do our part in flipping these hypocritical Hollywood trash the bird.
Stephen Colbert -Amnesty International, Save The Children, Clinton Global Initiative.
John Oliver /AKA Current Year Man -Amnesty International.
Seth Meyers - Amnesty International.
Nathan Fillion -Operation Smile (organization worked with Laura Silsby).
Joss Whedon -Operation Smile.
Angelina Jolie - Doctors Without Borders, Clinton Global Initiative (Probably Millennium Promise is shady as well).
Brad Pitt - Same as Jolie but without CGI.
George Clooney - Save The Children.
Miley Cyrus - Amnesty International.
Daniel Radcliffe -Save The Children.
MattHelm ago
I think Colbert has gone to pedo parties with Podesta it's why Colbert freaks out whenever pizzagate is mentioned in the news there are photos of Colbert and Podesta at many sporting events and parties. Colbert is a very weird guy and a very angry guy he is terrified of Trump for good reason he knows if the swamp gets drained and Pedosta goes to prison Colbert could go away with him for a long time.
carmencita ago
He is a Jesuit They do not believe in the Bible. They believe that the Pope is infallible and they disavow Peter, the first Pope. That should tell you something. I will look at the video.
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Takeitslow ago
Also symbols are power. These symbols in music videos and movies are more than gloating, they believe hey are doing SIGIL magic on the subconscious mind and stealing energy from the viewer. Laugh all you want, but when the most powerful and wealthy are all doing something.... it's time to put our bias aside and take a serious look. If we as researchers laugh this off but those who run the planet take it deadly serious. It's time for all of us to look seriously into their belief systems. Isn't that how FBI profilers work? Get into the mind and beliefs of a criminal in order to predict the next move?
RIP to all the kids who were tortured and killed on the equinox and new moon.
GeorgeT ago
I urge you guys to look at Mark Passio's podcasts - he is the real deal, you will get the back stage pass to the inner workings of the Elite. Last night I got through to an hour mark on Tarot & Kaballah. What Passio explains is that these elite psychopaths have hijacked ancient symbols and teachings and have perverted them to serve an agenda. He also began red pilling by saying that it is irrelevant whether you believe it or not - they believe it. Mark Passio is one of a kind.
Takeitslow ago
So true. This is why many of the indigenous priest classes would not teach this info to just anyone. But remember colonialism. Many priests and shaman were tortured into giving up this info. Look at what's the British did to the Fakirs in India and the shaman of native America.
There's a reason why the Nazis used the Hindu swastika. Hindu, Mayan, mesonamerica and Native American shaman were tortured into giving up age old secrets. Look at all the secret research into Egypt and the pyramids. Our ancient history and knowledge has been hijacked.
Plato said music was so powerful that an artists should need a state license to make music. Who controls her music industry now especially the so called counter culture / CIA op that was Laurel Canyon. It's time to take our history and power from these psychopaths.
GeorgeT ago
Nazis also went after Gypsies - who possess true knowledge. Also they controll the motion picture industry.
mudbear ago
symbols have no power, only the meaning attached does. Public symbols in which the intent of the symbol is to support pedophillia functions to both demoralize those who are against pedophillia who KNOW what the symbol means and embolden the pedophiles, but without meaning a symbol is nothing.
I think people give too much power to the symbols, they are powerless if you attach no meaning to them. Personally im against mainstream media that uses these symbols not because of the symbology but because of the overt meanings they attach to the media.
A way to rob them of their power is to just not give a shit about their symbols and reappropriate them.
Honestly your falling into their traps by giving them the power to claim pictures and images as objects that support them when they are completely subjective.
Its like the rainbow, in the past it was used by christians to reflect gods covenant to never flood the world again, now its an image used to support gay rights as if sexuality is as diverse as all the colors in the rainbow (more colors than what 'gay', 'lesbian', 'bi' and 'trans' cover btw, incest, beastiality and pedophillia would round it to an appropriate 7 though), its your choice to give those images power and relegate it to either a religion or a sexual movement or to just a beautiful phenomenon of nature itself.
You have the power to create symbols with your own meanings attached, you can create your own language, your own icons and whatever else you desire.
Takeitslow ago
True, there are forms of hypnosis where the post hypnotic comand is attached to a symbol. So when the symbol is seen the script is triggered.
But what about Jungs study of symbols. That certain symbols have inherent cultural meanings and can trigger subconscious memories without one knowing.
This is why we see the use of the ss nazi symbol or the Hindu swastika. These symbols are energy patterns that draw certain energies towards them.
angry_mob ago
symbols work on the subconscious mind. that's why these groups use them (one reason.) much of what drives human behavior comes from the subconscious mind. you think you know what drives you, but unless you've done work with your own subconscious mind, you simply don't. it relates to the Stasi methods the illuminati use for their MK Ultra mind control. those cretins are very well versed in psychology & how to use symbols.
Takeitslow ago
The fact that the kardashians together have over 100 millions social media followers... and many of those people don't know about the kardashian / Abramovic connection
Spirit cooking at it's finest. These celebs are so intertwined with this house of cards that the whole Thing can tumble down.
We need to think like Akido masters. Use the enemies tools and strengths against them. Right now we have a cult of celebrity? Go for that connection not politicians.
And yes people in the black community know about all this stuff. People used to sell behold a pale horse by Bill Cooper on street corners in the inner cities. Wu Tang made vegetal references to these topics.
Edit: several references
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YingYangMom ago
I LOVE this idea and I could not agree more.
Laskar ago
How about turning off the TV and not going to the movies?
Tanngrisnir ago
The point is to encourage that in others as well. Many people are still under a lot of illusions about what sort of people there favorite celebrities are. But they might be less likely to watch them if they know they give their money to traffickers.
Laskar ago
True. The cult of celebrity, a creation of CIA west (Hollywood) has been a major tool for those who do evil. This is why the harm done by actors such as Bill Nye is what they intend: Bill Nye the creepy guy: anything goes sex wise, and "damn skippy home slice" in the song on his new show. From OP: The goal is clear, not just destruction of any semblance of morality, but shameless mocking of religion. Kim Kardashian ( a disciple of marina Abramovic) is selling candles with an image her face as Mary, the Mother of God. Pure mockery. Here's a video about it:
equineluvr ago
That is yet another example of Goddess worship.
Many "celebrities" have played the role of the Goddess -- Beyonce, Madonna, etc.
Laskar ago
BTW, I love Louisiana, well, at least I have fond memories of a medical conference in NO. I remember Madonna years ago when I got a real tranny vibe from that creature. Nothing since then has dispelled that idea. More like baphomet, than goddess. Have a look at the photos compiled here:
DonKeyhote ago
This will be a complete waste of time if you don't also go into who controls these peoples every move. Eventually you gotta drop a hard J even if you're circuitous about it.
mudbear ago
Your absolutely right about this, the goal of chess isnt to destroy your opponents pawns, its to corner the king.
of course there has been decades of indoctrination and propaganda against speaking out against them and also billions spent to defend them, so alot of people have a kneejerk reaction to just attack you for even questioning, heck for certain things about them it is illegal to merely question, with consequences similar to that a rapist or murderer would face.
Doesnt help that the mainstream medias narrative is crafted by them for their benefit.
Tanngrisnir ago
Do you think the average person actually cares who owns the film studios or funds their movies? Because I have never seen any indication that they do.
DonKeyhote ago
The whole point is that the celebs make huge public donations to front orgs at the behest of a cabal controlling him, not because they're uniquely naive and stupid.
Tanngrisnir ago
True. We need to get it through to people that they do the will of their handlers.
DonKeyhote ago
Blacks and Mexicans already know this because they're more informed about hip hop industry. Jews get rich off black music just as they did off black slave labor when 40% of Jewish families in this country owned slaves compared to 2% overall. It occurs to me that the extensive "sampling" of older black soul artists in hit rap songs without crediting them is getting a second payout off black pioneers with amazing voices who died penniless.
Everyone knows who the handlers are. "Handler" itself is a Jewish surname. Even blond Chelsea Handler was raised Jewish.
carmencita ago
Does anyone know if a Soros family member (namely the son) has taken over Doctor's Without Borders? I remember something from a while back about that. I also wonder if the Vatican is involved in any of this, the pope has visited the Refugees many times. If this group of Prosecutors uncovers that, they had better double their security. I have boycotted their stupid movies for years. I have no respect for any of the self absorbed morons on the screen anymore. I don't know hardly any of them by name and am sure they don't know mine. So, why should I continue handing over money to these MK Ultra brainwashed idiots?
Tanngrisnir ago
It wouldn't surprise me but I haven't been able to find anything about it. I do know George funds them though.
carmencita ago
Well, can find nothing about any Soros running it, but I have found proof that DWB is Soros funded, which means he is making some large donations. I remember someone telling me on here that one of his sons is pretty much running some parts of it, maybe in Syria. Don't know, but we have to remember the bombings of their tents in Afghanistan and Syria. What horrible tragedies for the people that were at their mercy. We can only imagine what happened to the injured. Possibly many organs were gleaned from these bombings.
carmencita ago
I am going to try to look it up.
YingYangMom ago
I think you're talking about Alex Soros?
carmencita ago
I just messaged you to respond to someone that outed themselves as a pedophile. He signed off as James A.
YingYangMom ago
You missed his comment on this post lol. Take a look :
carmencita ago
He is doing it in other posts as well.
carmencita ago
See my reply.
YingYangMom ago
Haha, great :)
carmencita ago
Yes I am. d I think what I read before is that he does not have any defined position and that is probably how they keep him off the radar.