Tanngrisnir ago

New article where the co-founder of Refugee Rescue denies the allegations and calls them ridiculous.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks for all the links @Red4reel35 and @Mad_As_Hell. I archived all of them for ya too.

Red4reel35 ago

Thank you .

Tanngrisnir ago

Apparently all of the organizations being called trafficking fronts by the RT article are linked to George Soros.

Mad_As_Hell ago

MSM blaming "right wing" for raising concerns about these NGOs 🙄 https://www.yahoo.com/news/refugee-death-toll-passes-1-144300693.html

PizzagateBot ago

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Red4reel35 ago

I saw an article here in the U.S. asking where all the young children were if those people are shady enough to pack 500 human beings on boats they know will sink if it's over loaded or in a hot van or shipping container why would any news media outlet ( who are supposed to be professionals at investigating things ) believe these people would not sell a small child off to make extra money ? Plus as sick as it sounds I'm sure there are even more vultures waiting to sell them off as soon as their feet hit the ground here . According to this there are 10,000 children that went missing in the last few years !! 10,000 and where are the parents of these 10,000 children double that per each child so would that not be 20,000 upset parents ? The media is compliant in this they have to be . http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37617234

Violetti112 ago

There is something very very wrong inside the EU when 10k refugee children are missing. I'm very concerned about this. Also because there is no update and we don't know who the children are and where they are. Nobody is searching for them, because there are no Amber Alerts for the missing refugee / migrant children. MSM and Brussel are silent.

Red4reel35 ago

It's almost to perfect for them , they just let mass amounts of people in so they can play dumb by not keeping track of who is coming in . They already knew that this was a billion dollar business and it makes me wonder really how long has this been going on ?

Violetti112 ago

I can say to you that we had already problems with illegal immigration via Greece since the beginning of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (Iraqi & afghan refugees) The flow from Lybia has started since the fall of the gaddafi regime (2011) (migrants & refugees from the horn of Africa) But this is only the flow by boat over sea. You never heard about the flow by plane. Migrants and refugees come also by plane to the EU.

Red4reel35 ago

This is an article about the migrant route to the U.S. and the parents are looking for them. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/development-unplugged/missing-children-migrants_b_15642418.html

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks for the links. There is a huge seedy trafficking underbelly that the media generally tries to pretend doesn't exist.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Lots of reports of organised child prostitution running from Greek refugee centres: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2016/05/20/heartwrenching-allegations-of-child-prostitution-at-elliniko-refugee-hotspot/

Red4reel35 ago

Here is one story about them taking in some " orphans " but this is a newer story the original one I saw was a bit older . I wonder how many they are really taking in also.. http://www.thetower.org/israel-to-take-in-100-syrian-orphans-give-them-path-to-citizenship/

Red4reel35 ago

It clearly has to be a large operation to take that amount of children in such a short time. Its honestly making me sick. What are they doing with all of them ?! Why do they need so many ? It really makes no sense this so goes beyond the seedy pervert in the van these people are so evil it's beyond belief or we are being lied to about the numbers . I also saw a story about jewish families taking some of the children as well and " raising them as their own " I'l see if I cand find that story and post it here for you.

Violetti112 ago

Here is a link with all the NGO Ships permanently used by NGOs off the Libyan coast This is the SAR location where the NGO's operating Marinetraffic

Violetti112 ago

I've checked the vessel (Mo Chara) Position Received: 2016-11-04 06:16 UTC location BALTIC - Skagerrak At this moment I watch every day on Marinetraffic which vessels and NGO's are in the SAR Area nearby the coast of Lybia. I see a lot of things going on there. For example NGO's are operating under the radar and are not visible all the time. Last week a vessel called the IUVENTA send an emergeny call (Mayday) and location via Twitter, because they were operating under the radar ! Maybe it is also a good idea to take a closer look into the NGO's. I have a list with all operating NGO's and names of the vessels.

Tanngrisnir ago

This is excellent! If they pull any shady stuff we can catch them.

Tanngrisnir ago

That would be incredible if you could share that with us. Thank you so much!