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Tanngrisnir ago

Michael Jackson was probably sexually abused as a child. His abusive father probably lent him out to pedophiles or maybe even molested him himself. I feel bad for MJ as a person.

That said, I think he probably was guilty. He owned the fucked up kiddy porn artwork of Jake and Dinos Chapman. Leaked Police Report Cites Michael Jackson's Art Books as Possible Grooming Tools.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

His Dad used to fuck underage girls (10,11,12 etc) on the hotel double bed next to Michael when he was a kid and they were touring (Jackson 5)

His dad is one evil mofo, there's a pretty good Louie Theroux episode on him.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

MJ's still a nothing more than a dirty pedo himself

Empire_of_the_mind ago

But did he?