sunajAeon ago

This coming from a guy who liked to take showers with little boys??? Talking about taking celebrity worship too far....

EyeOfHorus ago

Its interesting to me that Michael Jackson's coroner (Dan Anderson) was the same coroner who fucked up the Breitbart's assassination investigation and the follow on murder investigation of Breitbart's coroner (Michael Cormier).

mjvictims ago

Again I have studied the Michael Jackson Allegations for four years. I have a website mjvictims dot com. The greatest frustration for researchers who are trying to educate the public on the issue of elite child exploitation is the public ' s resistance that these types of crimes can occur from individuals who are considered by some the upper echelon of society. Michael Jackson has now been accused SEVEN times of child abuse. Six times of child rape and one time of a illicit phone call with a minor discussing masturbation, etc MJ now has a new female accuser who has copies of love letters written to her when she was twelve and cancelled checks that add up to $920,000. The biggest check for a 1/2 million came in 1993 when the first allegations came out. Michael Jackson used a thug named Anthony Pelicano to silence any accusers and years later in a jail house interview was quoted as saying" Michael Jackson did a whole lot worse than just molest little boys." A cording to court transcripts MJ shared a bed with one boy for over 300 nights according to his own sister who btw was a defense witness. According to one of the latest accusers who came forward three ago James Safechuck. MJ had a mock wedding ceremony with him, with ring and wedding certificate. This is the same boy that Michael Jackson took on The Bad Tour and shared a bed night after night. In 2005 James refused to testify on MJ'S behalf and told his mother that MJ was a bad man. In 1993 in a locked filing cabinet they found two photography books. One book was called The Boy and the other was called Boys will be boys. These books were edited by and distributed by pedophiles. Just take a moment and think if a person who likes stamp collecting puts out a book on stamp collecting who will that book appeal to.....hmmm stamp collectors. So if to pedophiles put out a book showing semi nude and nude boys who would that book appeal to, more than likely pedophiles. MJ also had other so called "art" books that depicted nude children. The other item that seems to get forgotten is that the first accuser accurately described the underside of MJ'S genitals. Most average men would have a difficult time describing the underside of their own genitalia but this 13 yr old described it accurately. Who are my sources the DA Tom Sneddon, the lead investigator Bill Dworin, a Dr in the room Dr Strick. MJ'S own attorney stated that the pictures and the child's description was the 300 lb gorilla in the room and they knew that they had to silence the child. Another accuser who came forward four years ago Wade Robson had two nervous breakdowns and basically committed career suicide by coming forward. He was a successful choreographer who was working with some major talent but gave it up to tell his story. I could go on but the VICTIMS OF MICHAEL JACKSON are a direct example of how the media and professional P.R. agents can vilify the victims and take away the most basic form of common sense. After Michael Jackson's death his whole history has been white washed. If you look at his Wikipedia page you will be hard pressed to find anything about the allegations. I hope to be there in DC on March 25th I had some bumper stickers made up to give away, and hopefully I will see you there. I believe the Michael Jackson Victims deserved to be heard and hopefully if I can attend I will get their stories heard.

V____Z ago

I am literally sickened by this thread, unbelievable.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

are you being serious? you really think this shit works? the fuck outta here.

Loserfour ago

Both he was a creepy ass pedophile and he was blackmailed by the (((elites))) in Hollywood and the record Industry.

ArtificalDuality ago

I agree with the OP text. Reasoning?

  • The article was posted in June 2016 and the "news" presented in it hasn't talked about in MSM ANYWHERE between 2003 and 2016. 2003 being the time of the alleged police raid. The PTB like rewriting history at their leisure for their agenda a LOT: Point-in-case: Julien Assange never dated Pamela Anderson before that one specific day when the truck drove up to the embassy after P.A. visited. No sounds of prior visits had ever made it to the web. Untill recently, all in a sudden there were articles galore, back-dated and all, outlining repeated visits to suggest there had been a relationship between the two.

  • When you look at his artist work, especially the last song They Don't Really Care About Us, it shows that it uses positive symbology. The song depicts the police state trashing love and life with Michael going up against it by still promoting positive life values (symbolized by hugs). The song contains symbols of peace (classic peace sign; Jamaican flag referring to Bob Marley). No devious occult symbols found throughout.

  • The woman suing him for allegedly having abused her son; abuse was never proven. Yet it pretty much spelled game-over for his career. This case was at least past 2005, not before 2003. He's been in business well past 2005. With the evidence found in the supposed backtracked 2003 raid, he would have been in jail before 2005.

  • As with all the other artists that warned us about the evil elite circles like Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Witney Houston, Malcom X and many others, he ended up dead under suspicious circumstances.

So yes, everything added up together, I do believe that he would possibly buy up children to save/free them.

Tanngrisnir ago

Michael Jackson was probably sexually abused as a child. His abusive father probably lent him out to pedophiles or maybe even molested him himself. I feel bad for MJ as a person.

That said, I think he probably was guilty. He owned the fucked up kiddy porn artwork of Jake and Dinos Chapman. Leaked Police Report Cites Michael Jackson's Art Books as Possible Grooming Tools.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

His Dad used to fuck underage girls (10,11,12 etc) on the hotel double bed next to Michael when he was a kid and they were touring (Jackson 5)

His dad is one evil mofo, there's a pretty good Louie Theroux episode on him.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

MJ's still a nothing more than a dirty pedo himself

Empire_of_the_mind ago

But did he?

Antonius ago

Why do you try to make people believe he was a glorious savior, when in reality he was a fucking pedophile?

ArthurEdens ago

How do you know he was a pedophile?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

his TV told him, duh.

newworldahead ago

Yep. MJ was not a pedophile. The occult evil forces invented this fake story to frame him, destroy his career and ultimately terminate his life. People should understand that whenever the whole rigged establishment attacks somebody with all its might, this means there is something fishy.

cowbey ago

<serious> What did MJ do to piss off the elite?

ArthurEdens ago

Says it in the headline. He supposedly saved kids from being sacrificed.

nosilence1 ago

He freed Macaulay Culkin from his greedy parents and pedophile Hollywood.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

There's a rabbit hole online you can go down. I'm pretty convinced MJ was framed. "They" are big on accusing other people of the exact things they themselves are guilty of.

MJ got too much power in the music industry by buying the Beatles catalog. (Among other things). Listen to some of "crazy-sounding" interviews toward the end of his life. MJ tried to tell us.

"I'm tired of the manipulation... the press they are liars"

cowbey ago

Oh man, I forgot he had The Beatles catalog!

ThePedoHunter ago

Thanks for the link. I encourage everyone to read it. Don't be seduced by his fame or denials - they found seriously sick child porn in his ranch, not to mentiom that multiple boys accused him of sexual abuse. May the King of pop rot in hell....fck him

Laskar ago

Thanks for posting this. His "art" was as creepy as anything the Podesta's have.

quantokitty ago

Don't believe any of this. He's the one that said sleeping in the same bed and showering with children that weren't his was perfectly fine. He was the original "normalizer" of pedos. People loved him and blamed the parents for turning the kids over to him. Not Jackson; the PARENTS! Then there's the alarm he had in his wing of the house. If anyone came near the bedroom an alarm would go off. Then there was the time he spent in the Middle East. He used to dress as a woman to avoid detection. Then there's the money he paid out to silence all the cases and the father that was "suicided." That choreographer came out and was suing him. I believed Wade Robson.

thomccc ago

B.S. Still trying to rob the man all these years later. If M.J. was such a sadistic pedophile, how come he didn't get a pass like all the rest of them? How come the police hounded the man for years? Name one other high profile pedophile like M.J., who was chase by the government while they were one.

And the way they targeted that guy, if he did all these crimes how come they couldn't pin anything on him?

GuannaRue ago

Thanks for the red pill, my G!

quantokitty ago

Hey, I saw the interview where he said he slept in the same bed as those kids. He also admitted to showering with them.

If you have money to throw around, it's easy to escape charges. Why is Corey Feldman's rapist still walking around? Look how long it took to take down Bill Cosby? Even Sandusky was let go after being caught raping a child in the shower. Jimmy Savile was protected. Even the judge on American Idol claimed to have been raped, but no charges were filed. The police did not "hound" him. Following up on abuse allegations is not "hounding". I was in denial until I heard him say he slept and showered with kids. That's it for me. I don't need to know anymore because that is abnormal behavior. I don't remember either of my parents inviting any neighborhood kids to sleep in their bed to show them love. And if you want a name ... I'll give you a name .... BILL CLINTON.

nosilence1 ago

He never admitted showering with anyone. Post a reputable source or stop the lies.

bopper ago

Same. Creepy guy.


Don't fucking link me to the Huffington Post as a resource.

ArtificalDuality ago

I would give you a MILLION up-votes on that comment. The HP is George Soros' Prime Extremist "Neo-Liberal-Freedomz" propaganda / brainwash cannon. The site is totally geared towards destruction of complementary gender family values. Feminist Supremacy and Machochist Supremacy to-the-max, along with sexual innuendo EVERYWHERE. Hyperbole head-lines to the point it makes anyone half awake cry in dismay.

Interesting detail:

Arianna Huffington is a feminist supremacist. Her 'idol' is the Greek Olympic Goddess "Hestia". This goddess represents feminist supremacy in Greek lore. Struck a deal with Zeus. Zeus represents today's evil-disguised-as-good elitists. I can tell a lot more on how Greek Mythology correlates to the Babylonian World Order of past and present; but this will suffice for now.

On another Greek Mythology note: James Alefantis' Greek God idol is the Lord of the Hunt - - - Pan.

equineluvr ago

By using GENDER instead of the correct term SEX, you are part of the problem.

If you really want to fight against their garbage agenda, then STOP using THEIR brainwashing terms.


Tavistock also reinvented the word gay (replacing the term which means happy), invented the words teenager, terrorism, conspiracy-theory, and anti-semite.

Fateswebb ago

I think he may be still alive I don't just believe these celebrities died always. Sometimes they go into hiding etc.

TupacsTattoo ago

πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ Absolutely and agreed.

wecanhelp ago

And of course it's absolutely true because we read it in the Daily Mail.

Touchdown50 ago
