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ArtificalDuality ago

I agree with the OP text. Reasoning?

  • The article was posted in June 2016 and the "news" presented in it hasn't talked about in MSM ANYWHERE between 2003 and 2016. 2003 being the time of the alleged police raid. The PTB like rewriting history at their leisure for their agenda a LOT: Point-in-case: Julien Assange never dated Pamela Anderson before that one specific day when the truck drove up to the embassy after P.A. visited. No sounds of prior visits had ever made it to the web. Untill recently, all in a sudden there were articles galore, back-dated and all, outlining repeated visits to suggest there had been a relationship between the two.

  • When you look at his artist work, especially the last song They Don't Really Care About Us, it shows that it uses positive symbology. The song depicts the police state trashing love and life with Michael going up against it by still promoting positive life values (symbolized by hugs). The song contains symbols of peace (classic peace sign; Jamaican flag referring to Bob Marley). No devious occult symbols found throughout.

  • The woman suing him for allegedly having abused her son; abuse was never proven. Yet it pretty much spelled game-over for his career. This case was at least past 2005, not before 2003. He's been in business well past 2005. With the evidence found in the supposed backtracked 2003 raid, he would have been in jail before 2005.

  • As with all the other artists that warned us about the evil elite circles like Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Witney Houston, Malcom X and many others, he ended up dead under suspicious circumstances.

So yes, everything added up together, I do believe that he would possibly buy up children to save/free them.