samhara ago

Cute name "Alt right Psy - op"

samhara ago

wow. A lot of effort is made to discredit the attribution to Podesta.

It sounds exactly like him. Maybe it's a voice synthesizer set - up to frame him?

Here's the work I did a few months ago on it. I went through it bit by bit. You can do the same and judge for yourself. I fail to hear any words like "john" - But I definitely hear Podesta's distinctive voice.

"Ya Think You'r Hot Shit, Doncha?" Big Cheese May Find Himself Moldy in Jail?

But then, if Podesta is innocent, why would would so many "doctors of science" be out there trying to convince us of that doubtful "truth? "

We are way less than "the Law" Why would it matter so much what we think?

The powers that be have made it clear they are holding back from any investigation or arrest..

So what does it matter what we think, say or decide anyway?

Why are they fighting so hard?

I think it's rather to convince lurkers or bystanders or readers here, rather than to convince those who've listened to it themselves and who have studied all the other evidences around this;. And who know , for themselves, that it sounds exactly like Podesta.

Funny how persuasion and mind - control works. The perps definitley know how to use that "magic" to the max - make you disbelieve your own eyes and ears.

If I was a Prosecutor , would matter what I thought. But I'm just a little guy.

And Podesta is lucky I am just a private person. Because if I was an empowered Prosecutor I would get reliable voice prints and then it would be certain evidence.

samhara ago


samhara ago

I would be stupid to try to convince you.

From "Mark Twain" i.e. Samuel Clemens, in regard to the Shakespear authorship question.

""Am I trying to convince anybody that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare’s Works? Ah, now, what do you take me for? Would I be so soft as that, after having known the human race familiarly for nearly seventy-four years? It would grieve me to know that any one could think so injuriously of me, so uncomplimentarily, so unadmiringly of me. No-no, I am aware that when even the brightest mind in our world has been trained up from childhood in a superstition of any kind, it will never be possible for that mind, in its maturity, to examine sincerely, dispassionately, and conscientiously any evidence or any circumstance which shall seem to cast a doubt upon the validity of that superstition. I doubt if I could do it myself. We always get at second hand our notions about systems of government; and high-tariff and low-tariff; and prohibition and anti-prohibition; and the holiness of peace and the glories of war; and codes of honor and codes of morals; and approval of the duel and disapproval of it; and our beliefs concerning the nature of cats; and our ideas as to whether the murder of helpless wild animals is base or is heroic; and our preferences in the matter of religious and political parties; and our acceptance or rejection of the Shakespeares and the Arthur Ortons and the Mrs. Eddys. We get them all at second-hand, we reason none of them out for ourselves. It is the way we are made. It is the way we are all made, and we can’t help it, we can’t change it. And whenever we have been furnished a fetish, and have been taught to believe in it, and love it and worship it, and refrain from examining it, there is no evidence, howsoever clear and strong, that can persuade us to withdraw from it our loyalty and our devotion. In morals, conduct, and beliefs we take the color of our environment and associations, and it is a color that can safely be warranted to wash. Whenever we have been furnished with a tar baby ostensibly stuffed with jewels, and warned that it will be dishonorable and irreverent to disembowel it and test the jewels, we keep our sacrilegious hands off it. We submit, not reluctantly, but rather gladly, for we are privately afraid we should find, upon examination, that the jewels are of the sort that are manufactured at North Adams, Mass."

GumShoe ago

I don't 'shill' for anyone. Verdict is still out for me..

Nadeshda ago

Too true, airing ones "dirty laundry" is what seperates us from the commoners, my dear... 🙂

hehe, had a "posh" English accent when I said that one too... sounded great! Hehe...

FuckReddit69 ago

It's so obvious. A few downvoats should suffice to get the message clear to the rest of us that he's a shill. Anything more than that is a waste.

Astroturfing at its finest.

AngB23 ago

I'm not listing again but I played that part over and over and it sounded like John to me

ArthurEdens ago

Everytime he redpills she tries to move on

DriftingDevoid ago

I'd recommend research Trump further. Trump is another illuminati-puppet false prophet, Trump and Hillary are technically even to be called family.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

There's no reason to think the justice department would relinquish any of those firewalls between the executive and the judicial anytime soon.

AngB23 ago

Doesnt say John? The little kid did say John and the creep screamed what's my other name. Not sure how you say John was not said in the vid.

samhara ago

I didn't hear "John" either, but it still sounds exactly like Podesta.

samhara ago

Prove it.

Votescam ago

First, because our Founders created an Elite patriarchy -- read the Constitution -- and endowed them with land grants and immense influence and control over the nation's wealth, natural resources and our people's government.

Second, because -- as JFK made clear in one of his speeches -- secrecy enables crimes like Allen Dulles and GW Bush brought to us.

We can't fight against what we don't know -- and CIA made many of the things we don't know about laughable with Operation Mockingbird while also destroying our free press here in US.

Be sure you're familiar with Mockingbird, Paperclip, Gladio and MKULTRA/Monarch.

From what I've heard about "W" I'm sure drugs also played a part in his self-destruction.


samhara ago

right, Trump could easily talk about it .. How stupid can people be to believe otherwise.. It's the cult of the hero again. Same tricks. Worked before, will work over and over and over. Same bag of tricks.

samhara ago

I know. But why doesn't he detain Podesta for investigation? Trump is playing with us. The Pizzagaters gave crucial support. Now he doesn't need it.

maggiethatcher ago

Martha moved off the subject pretty quickly. As if she didn't want to discuss Podesta....

Nadeshda ago

Fox just wants the bread buttered on both sides... taking a stand means they will be demonized, that's all...

therealkrispy ago

It's clear from what a lot of Trump says that he's frustrated with how things are going, but I think knowing people like Podesta get to roam free is what disgusts him the most. I think his foreign policy right now is a way to appease the Deep State temporarily, so they won't notice the gears moving in preparation of a massive pedophile roundup.

Podesta can't fall until there's some kind of investigative body to knock him down, and the head cop in this country is Comey, a shill for the Deep State. Eliminate him (preferably with a scandal, bonus points for WikiLeaks showing he was coerced by the Clinton campaign) and you can actually start an investigation.

I think the way this'll really play out is that Soros will be tied to this, and he'll sacrifice Podesta, Comey, Alefantis, and yes, the Clintons, all to save himself and Obama, his new figurehead. They'll reforge the Democratic party in a socialist image, (gutting a party and building it up again will require a few familiar faces, I expect they'll basically just stand Obama up there, maybe even make him Chairman) and I think this'll all happen before 2020.

Nadeshda ago

... that's a really interesting way of looking at things... have an upvoat...

samhara ago

I hope you are correct. But I'm starting to get suspicious that the Trump cheerleaders are just as infected with false hope as the Obama - cult followers.

awakenaware ago

I agree with most here.. Let's remember Trump has never mentioned the word "pizzagate" or referenced any of the allegations on podesta.. Some could argue he's been careful.. No way.. He's not careful.. He makes claims and tweets he can't always back up.. And he's never mentioned PG or any of the evidence from wikileaks and he doesn't even like or approve of wikileaks! Let's get realistic here.. He's not working for us.. He's just not!

GumShoe ago

How would the 'pizzagate' investigation be going if Clinton had won? Exactly.

samhara ago

Right, some of us might be in FEMA already. It's a good thing she lost.. On good thing at least to be happy about.

That and the death of Rockefeller [announced who knows when it really happened ] and the Death of Scalia.. which I prayed for, and hoped for over 15 years.

awakenaware ago

I have no idea. Honestly I don't.

GumShoe ago

Do you really expect him to mention PG by name? Seriously?

samhara ago

He's allowed to do that. Trump has free speech.

People are so conditioned by what the Mass Media tells them, as to what is possible and what is not possible.

They actually buy that.

samhara ago


awakenaware ago

Why not? Why not mention wikileaks emails and so on.. Why not? He mentions other stuff like Russia blah blah and various other hot topics.. Why does he always leave this one alone?

awakenaware ago

And even if he was on our side and spoke up he knows his family would end up dead in a plane crash or similar.

samhara ago

Not really. He's the Commander and Chief of the entire miliatry.

Also, many people , millions, give their life for their country.

So, we take the risk. He's supposed to cower from the risk involved. ?

GumShoe ago

Obviously I have no proof, but I don't think Trump has anything to do with this. He's been under public scrutiny for 4 decades. If he had any link to pedo shit it would be front page news by now. Sure, he was friends with Epstien until shit got weird.. then I heard he through him out of his resort and hasn't associated with him since. But I'd be interested in clarification among those that are more on top of this shit than I am. I just want to eradicate pedos..... my mission.

samhara ago

It's difficult to know with all the fake news.

I was disheartened by this article from "Veteran's Today" And I hope it's fake news / Propaganda, but it might be true.

NEO – Insanity and the Art of Trump’s Deal

awakenaware ago

I like to think that's correct more or less.. But anyway his hands are tied and he can do nothing.. His life of his family depends on it sadly.

Piscina ago

Trump might hate Podesta, but not for his pedophilia and Satanism. Plenty of Trump's buddies would be part of the pedophile, child murder and Satanism set.

GumShoe ago

Links? Evidence?

equineluvr ago

I think you have answered your own question.

V____Z ago

He toyed around with the Clintons too, made them squirm by parading Bill's rape victims at the final debate, and calling Hillary a criminal. But it was all for show. He announced after becoming POTUS that they were good people and essentially should be left alone. By bombing Syria without Congressional approval, he can now be made to do whatever the deep state wants because he has committed a crime and can be impeached at any time.

samhara ago

Oh Bomb Them did the same thing. All the "wars" have been illegal at least since "Vietnam"

W. Bush is mega - war criminal.

It 's bullshit that "Trump" is supposedly more vunerable. Only because the Deep State is against him.

The bombing in Syria may have been at an empty air strip. They make - up whatever they want so hey, they are able to go ahead with what they do without having a plausible reason.

Even the 9/11, though ostensibly a pretense for War, was actually an occulut ritual. They may have been easily able to make up any pretense they wanted, to do what they want.. For Vietnam , it was Gulf of Tonkin. For WWOne it was the bullshit bombing of a Prince in Serbia.

It doesn't have to make sense and it never does. [ We're the sheeps, remember. The more cognitive dissonance they can set - up the deeper people go into their trance They studied and know what they are doing. ]

The more ridiculous it is the more laughter they can indulge in. It's all a feat for them.

cf. interview with Dutch Banker Insider.

Look at their actions, rather than their words.

GumShoe ago

So wrong. Congress is required to 'declare war' on a country. Obama has been droning people to death for years. Gassing your own people is prohibited by Geneva conventions... thus Trump was well within his rights to bitch-slap that Assad.

YingYangMom ago

Great argument. I'm afraid you're right on this.

V____Z ago

I think you'll enjoy this. It's well worth even a few minutes listen. The big picture....

I'm just watching this one now, he alludes to it in the above, it's very interesting.

HennyPenny ago

Andrea Giardina, the speaker in the video, presents as very impassioned, knowledgeable. Then I look up info on him on linkedin and among his "accomplishments" lists Wicca community, Jan 1998 to present, medium for the great god Pan and Gaia????

Medium for the Great god Pan and Gaia

kazza64 ago

yep. totally biased reporting. i think trump is a nice guy struggling under the weight of information he's had to ingest and the restrictions he is trying to operate within. it would be very frustrating and he cant get an unbiased interviewer not treating him like shit.

kazza64 ago

firstly the reese witherspoon lookalike interviewing him is biased and tried to shut him down a couple of times when he brought up the 28 bills that have been passed and when he brought up podesta. i see a man trying to tell the truth who has had to learn a lot in the last 100 days most of it probably about what he can and cant do due to the complex web of lies and deceit the previous potus's have allowed to happen or been forced to make happen by the cia and fbi. blackmail and subterfuge are the order of the day.

samhara ago

They say the same thing about the "Pope" "He would do something, but he can't;" So Pope tells us to give to charity !

4_InquiringMinds ago

(To confront confirmation bias, I'd like to hear what you all think as well.)

I didn't see anything but trump talking out of the side of his head keeping to script. It's just a game of mirrors so we don't see the elephants (plural) in the room. I wish it were different and I have tried to see some shred of decency in trump, my bias tried bigly, but just would not float.

FE_Rebekah ago

I constantly remind myself that the world is a stage, and I'm seeing the actors. The people we haven't seen yet are the directors of all this madness.

It's just ridiculous I live in a world where pedophiles like Podesta roam free without any investigation or explanation. Either the world's a stage, or shit is truly fucked up. Take your pick..

samhara ago


kazza64 ago

this makes me happy especially after wapo hiring him and running a story by jp

bgrenual ago

I think it's great that he keeps bringing up what the mainstream media suppresses. Because of his position, it FORCES people to at least look it up. And that will result in the same thing that happened in 2016........ your everyday American that never would have researched anything beyond what the news feeds them by going online and looking. That is how so many more people have woken up over the past couple of years.

At the very least, he's shining the light on things that get covered up. You can't be mad at that, whether or not you're happy with him.

djklbd ago

Goddamnit guys stop trying to think Trump is on our fucking side

equineluvr ago

They can't help it. They're brainwashed.

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Votescam ago

Something is holding back the NYPD and that's been true (as reported by Rothstein) over 50 years and three halted investigations. And evidently that also included some part of what Watergate was about. We also had the Franklin case which took us into the GHW Bush White House.

We also see that higher ups in government are controlling pedophile ring investigations in many other countries - UK, Belgium, Australia, Norway, Ireland.

As John Stockwell/former CIA has made clear ... anyone who is part of the "establishment" isn't going to permit any harm to come to the system which supports and protects them. That included Pres. Carter as Stockwell pointed out -- and as much of his actions make clear. And, I'm quite sure it will include Trump. Even if Trump isn't involved in anything Epstein or pedophile related, there are still questions about his behavior towards women and women who have brought accusations against him. Remember that included his own first wife's testimony in the divorce proceedings. We also see it in Trump's outrageously overt exploitation of people, male and female. And we see it most especially in his willingness to use his political power to de-power women in every way in our society. We see this in his attacks on abortion, for one, and population control. On Planned Parenthood which the nation supports and where the nation supports government funding of PPH. We see it in many ways in his attitudes about women.

kazza64 ago

ive been thinking this. abortion is about a womans right to terminate a pregnancy in a safe medical environment. all of this anti abortion propaganda really worries me it could set womens rights back decades. and it is ironic because on the one hand we have paedophile rings exploiting unwanted children and on the other hand we have a strong message against abortion. i dont agree with hillary on late abortions they should only be allowed up to 12 weeks and i think the morning after pill should be promoted more as should contraception for women. trump is most definately not perfect and i think he has found out he's more or less a figurehead because the cia and fbi have strangle hold on world affairs and the government he inherited. he definately did hang out with epstein and he definately did go to lolita island but if he is a luciferian who sacrifices children to moloch remains to be seen. i personally dont think he is. he's just a womaniser.

Votescam ago

kazz --

While Trump may not be a Luciferian he is certainly someone with little respect for anyone, but most especially women and he should not be holding high office. This is a liberal nation which supports universal health care for all and equality for females, as well as the right to choice and Trump stands against all of those things. What Trump is introducing is a White Supremacist government under corporate control.

i dont agree with hillary on late abortions they should only be allowed up to 12 weeks and i think the morning after pill should be promoted more as should contraception for women.>

\ i dont agree with hillary on late abortions they should only be allowed up to 12 weeks...<

Actually, Hillary would betray women on late term abortion if the opportunity came as is clear from many of her statements suggesting she would support the Republicans if they came up with the right "wording."

However, you don't seem to understand that females may not even realize that they are pregnant before they are 8 weeks or even further along in the pregnancy.

PLUS, you don't seem to realize that there are entirely DIFFERENT reasons for an early abortion than there are for a late term abortions. MOST of the late term abortions take place not because the woman/family doesn't want a child, but because there is something wrong with the pregnancy which is negatively affecting the woman's health or future ability to bear a child -- or even her life. That's why late term abortions are only about 1 in every county in the US every year. Phenomenally rare.

Let me give you an example that when abortion was illegal in the US before 1974, women who had problem pregnancies were often forced to carry the child to term only to deliver a dead child. The actress Debbie Reynolds had that happen to her twice where she was carrying a dead infant in her body for months. The likelihood is that the second child also died because here system had been so depleted by being forced to carry the earlier child to term.

kazza64 ago

i believe in abortions

samhara ago

Of course something is holding them back.

they are all owned.

cf. interview of Bernard.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Planned P is a ruse/it's about eugenics. And regardless of which side of the fence you are on pro or anti abortion when are taxpayers supposed to be responsible for the indiscretions of others? All of Soros money poured into riots and wars would fund PP for a century (or more) or even decent birth control that doesn't put you at risk for a plethora of diseases. People that are pro abortion should be raising the money to fund it. Heck, let the Cllnton Foundation fund it but they are too busy trafficking children and organ harvesting not to mention funding wars.

Votescam ago

Cleary you are against Planned Parenthood and the work it does for women ...

But, Planned parenthood isn't doing abortions based on Eugenics ....

Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/; from Greek εὐγενής eugenes "well-born" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and γένος genos, "race, stock, kin")[2][3] is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population.[4][5] The exact definition of eugenics has been a matter of debate since the term was coined.<

Each woman individually makes her own decision about whether or not to have an abortion for her own individual reasons.

And ...

Why would you think it unusual for tax payers to work together for the good of society? Whether it's to help finance public schools (not Charter schools) -- or it's to fund our libraries -- or our police departments?

Why wouldn't they try to help provide birth control and contraception -- information and the actual product -- for women who can't afford it? And, abortions for women who need them whatever their reasons?

And, once again, the American public supports government funding for Planned Parenthood -- it is right wing fanatics in this country who stand against women's rights to participate equally in society -- and their right to make their own CHOICE as to whether or not to have a child.

If you understand Global Warming you also understand that population control is KEY to aiding the planet.

Beyond that, the next most dangerous practice for the environment is the ruse of animal-eating and domestication of animals.

Votescam ago

We can't be sure what Trump is really all about as yet.
There are many rumors about his own sexual behavior, with accusers coming forward. Of course, a situation where one is abusing children, torturing, SRA is the lowest form of cowardliness, imo. But even on surface behavior, it's obvious that Trump is a corrupt and possibly involved in sexual misconduct.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

The FBI brain trust is almost exclusively appointees from previous administrations.

That and the firewall between the FBI and executive branch thanks to Nixon's antics, there's no good reason to assume he has a modicum of influence with those people.

samhara ago

They always point to someone else. "I' m just doing my job" "It's the rules"

Then it's a round robin. Administrative standard practice.

Oldest tricks in the book.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

If any single person does something, it won't be the president, for the simple fact that he has NO say in what gets investigated or prosecuted.

Among other things.

nomorepepperoni ago

Ah, but he DOES have a say in who the FBI director is. And we all know he should fire Howdy Doody Comey.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

He'd still have to repeal 3/4 of FISA in order to give any info gathered on American citizens legal ground.

That's why ABLE DANGER died.

samhara ago

That's untrue . And a likely excuse / lie.

For one, he's the chief executive and Chief / Commander of the entire Armed Forces

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

The armed forces aren't part of the judicial branch...

samhara ago

Oh, but Clinton did treason. That's under the military.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

No... The SOS isn't on the military chain of command...

samhara ago

He's the Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces. Obama and Hillary are guilty of Treason. Figure it out.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

The correct term is commander IN chief.

And you said she was guilty of treason related to military action.

That's impossible because she wasn't part of the military chain of command.

samhara ago

Secretary of State can be guilty of Treason.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Never said she couldn't.

Just pointing out she's not guilty of what you think she's guilty of.

samhara ago

So you imagine she is not guilty of treason?

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

When did I say that?

She's in a legal gray area with NATO in Libya, but treason is a bit of a stretch.

samhara ago

Sure she is . In 150 different ways. And now, why are your changing the ground of the discussion?

That a trick of sophists.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I'm changing the discussion by staying on a topic you introduced?

samhara ago

Now I can say for certain I am being trolled an I will have to block you.

Though it does look at though you've introduced interesting info.

samhara ago

No, you are shifting the ground and that is sophistry.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

No... No I didn't...

coreylkh ago

How many pedophiles have been arrested since he's been in office? He said he was going to go after Hillary and the Clinton Foundation and he is...bottom up. There have been over 2000 arrests in his first 100 days of sex traffickers so I think that he beats the prior Admin who appeared to ignore or partake in the activies.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

What does that mean?

Correlation isn't causation...

4_InquiringMinds ago

Read on another forum how those numbers are um, inflated but not going to track it down. Might have been in reddit conspiracy. We absolutely cannot trust what any msm media tells us and the pedo crack down comes from them and then we jump on it like starving creatures.

And sure, they will throw some dispensables under the bus to make it seem like something is happening. Any one of them is dispensable if the baggage gets to troublesome but it won't be bc of trump and his protecting the children. He slaughters brown children now in the ME but I guess brown children don't count. Or maybe it's not as horrific to just have your limbs blown off or watch your mother, sister, brother get raped or your whole family slaughtered while in the mosque praying rather than be part of a satanic sacrifice.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Waiting for the interview to be uploaded on youtube....

kplusk ago

Full interview between Martha & Trump.

IMHO, Trump mentions Podesta (John & Tony), as well as Clinton's ties to Russia to off set the focus on Gen Mike Flynn...

Here's what Trump said about Podesta (FF to ~ 16:26 min):

Trump asks "does anybody ever ask about Podesta having a company w/ his brother in Russia? Does anybody ask why Podesta would not let the FBI check on the server (when somebody hacked their server)? And btw, they tried to hack the RNC too, but we had good defense. They couldn't hack us. Does anybody ask why Podesta had a company in Russia w/ his brother? They don't mention that. Now, they should mention that Martha, but they don't..."

equineluvr ago

Of course.

Around here, EVERYTHING is 100% related to PG and PG ONLY. :)

kplusk ago

Well, that's just my opinion...knowing how Trump plays 4-D chess & is always 20 steps ahead of the Dimms, he could be sending a message to Podesta, too!

samhara ago

He's also could be teasing and stringing people [such as us] along.

It happens. They tell you what you want to hear, but that's irrelevant to what they are doing and will do.

Freemasonsrus ago

Correct. I think people hear "globalist" and it automatically has bad connotations to it now, which it should for a variety of reasons since it was high jacked by the elite who are trying to subvert an entire world into slavery for their benefit. However, globalism in its purest form has many positive attributes and those are the things we need to get back to. It should never overshadow nationalism to any nation, but we benefit by making deals where both parties benefit, for instance in areas of trade. We've just been setup in a terrible "deal" when it comes to global positioning in areas such as trade or defense and told we just have to suck it up and pay the bill bc "Muh America bad". As a small business owner, I can say that a lot of the rules we have in place in many nations make it very difficult for a company to do business in other countries and it would be a benefit for all of us if we can take each nation one at a time and strike a FAIR deal. That is the type of globalism Trump is referring to. He's simply saying he doesn't believe in isolationism.

bopper ago

Excellent. Agreed. Small Biz owner here too :) I work in same area as Ryan PGGear guy.

Freemasonsrus ago

Good area to do business! :)

The_Crux ago

The Podesta Group is so criminal that it's ridiculous. Evil interests were giving the money to this cannibalism fetishist for political favors. It's spelled out so clearly in the Podesta leaks.

samhara ago

He's gotta be joking. If we know how deep it is, he 's supposed to be in the dark?

He could be playing with Podesta for fun; they could be friends, who knows?

Trump was certainly friends with Hillary and was a nominal Dem some 3 years ago, and before then.


The more there are of us, the sooner the first assassination will occur.

Bitchybadger ago

You think you're hot shit don't ya. My God give me strength.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

We've become a demographic.

He's pandering.

There's no good reason to believe he's able to do anything, even if he was willing.

Pg_is-insane ago

I've become a pedophile that's why I come here and beg you to stop looking into it.

James A.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

True or not could care less what your motives are...

PG-Is-Insane ago

There's no good reason to believe he's able to do anything, even if he was willing.

He can't do anything about a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory. Sucks for you insane fucks. I honestly hope the fact that nothing will ever materialize out of the pizzagate insanity will bring you offensively irrational fucktards as much discomfort as possible. The thought of that brings a smile on my face :)

I will always be there to mock and ridicule you and make you feel as bad and stupid as possible.

Pg_is-insane ago

Forget it I can't hold it in anymore. I fuck children. That feels good to say out loud. I am a kid diddler. That's why I come here to get you to stop investigating me.

James A.

Pg_is-insane ago

Hey guys dont mind me I've been a fucked up sick pedophile my whole life so just forgive me I was. deathly afraid of being found out so I'll just say it. I FUCK CHILDREN that's why you should leave pizzagate alone so I can keep doing it

karenrussell63 ago

so if the only reason your attacking pizzagate is because you believe it is a "ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory", does that also mean you spend your time shitposting other "ridiculous fictitious conspiracy" theories that you don't agree with?

If I were to search, would I find your other posts under:

  • FE-Is-Insane
  • nasa-faked-the-moon-landing-Is-Insane
  • cia-killed-jfk-Is-Insane
  • 911-inside-job-Is-Insane
  • sandy-hook-false-flag-Is-Insane
  • every-conspiracy-theory-Is-Insane

I'm assuming you spend your time being a piece of shit because why else would you bother to come here?

FuckReddit69 ago

Dont waste downvoates on this guy, its a trick to steal all our downvoates so when he shit posts he can upvoat it with his alt accounts and we wont be able to downvoat it.

samhara ago

I know that. I saw that he called himself a Globalist and supports NAFTA.

redditsuckz ago

Just like you can be an honest pathological liar full of integrity...

Donald Trump Exposes Donald Trump

Empire_of_the_mind ago

globalism and Globalism are not the same thing...

JesusRules ago

I love that show. And he's right.

JesusRules ago

hopefuly he reads pizzagate on Voat

DangerPizza ago

hopefully he listens to Robert Steele and proposes a voting reform act

samhara ago

Robert Steele is another false lead, red herring, bought and sold agent of information.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Mmmmm no. We need a changed in American attitude and behavior toward voting, not reform. The American people need to understand that this two party system is only one party, a party set on separation of the people.