sensitive ago

@Piscina, as already mentioned here by a user, your post is good because you took a lot of time to research and compose, but try as I might, I cannot see the connection to Pizzagate - see our definition: Feel free to resubmit once you have resolved this.

Piscina ago

Also, if you look at the posts below, you will see that Clooney, his wife and his projects are closely related to pizzagate.

Piscina ago

There are plenty of submissions that don't mention pedophilia and Satanism, but are about Podesta, Soros and that crowd. Take for example There is a post about whether Julian Assange is alive or dead--that is neither about pedophilia or the players such as Podesta. FBIAnon said to follow the money. My post is about following the money, and it relates to the biggest player in pizzagate, Podesta, his Center for American Progress, and his business dealings in Russia, eg Joule, posts about which have been allowed repeatedly.

Pizzalawyer ago

It takes alot of work to research and compose a post, that's why I comment instead of posting. So you deserve an "A" for effort...But where is the tie in to pedophelia, trafficking of children and the power structure? II think you should delete yourself, do more work, and report back. Moderators, where are you.

Piscina ago

Seriously, why don't you do something constructive and add to the debate/discussion instead of dobbing in others so that their posts get taken down.

sensitive ago

Here we are :-) Next time, please ping on of us, thanks!

cantsleepawink ago

Have a look at his wife and her family connections too.

carmencita ago

Yes, Please Please Please. I have a sneaky suspicion that they are both involved, and that there is something strange about both Amal and Beyonce having twins. Madonna also adopted 2 twin girls from Malawi. Amal is using her career as a Human Rights Lawyer as a coverup. I have a feeling that George might have been a victim of abuse with his father and his aunt being in the entertainment business.His aunt Rosemary Clooney was also married to Jose Ferrar, there is also connection to Pat Boone, his wife Shirley Boone, Debbie Boone, they are all Hollywood connected. Yes, I believe the answer lies mainly with Amal, just like Uma and her family who are heavily involved also.

2impendingdoom ago

Did you think it was weird that Clooney ditched his long term girlfriend claimed he would never marry and them promptly married Amal? She and Huma might as well be twins.

carmencita ago

Well, I started thinking something was up with them quite a while ago and did not know why, just a feeling. Then I heard about the twins, and yes Huma and her looking so much like twins almost (that's when it got weird), now I don't think it is too crazy. I looked up her wiki and just for openers, she worked in office of Sotomayor, advised Kofi Annan, was involved with the ruler of Bahrain (there is involvement with him and HRC) and she worked on Assange's case and she work out of the same Law Firm as John Jones, the personal Human Rights lawyer of Assange that supposedly jumped in front of a train last spring. The final conclusion in a court was there was no evidence of suicide found.

2impendingdoom ago

super sketchy, all of it. Rednationrising has a huge blog about Amal being a setup wedding and a "fake" or at least incompetent lawyer. If there weren't so much other evidence I would say its crazy but since all this other stuff has come out its hard to dismiss it. I wouldn't be surprized if Clooney runs for office soon.

carmencita ago

After reading this full post, I say, WTH more do we need? This is enough to make me dizzy. This has as many legs as Daddy Long Legs.

carmencita ago

There is also a guy from the UN that is now with their Clooney Foundation for Justice. He was connected to Samantha Powers and BO & I think DHS. You can't make this stuff up.