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PizzagateBot ago

Glad I'm not the only one who sees the suspicious patterns with Psychanaut. Thanks for compiling this, it makes it all the more interesting.

The most suspicious thing to me is that all of what Kim has posted is just copy-pasta stuff. MIT is renowned for attracting very bright minds, regardless of all the suspicious events surrounding their organization. So why no new research? MIT Media Lab is supposed to be involved in cutting edge stuff. What are they doing here?

rwb ago

Have you read this Kim Holleman article top to bottom?

How can the opposition, in effect us, be controlled by our adversaries spelling out and republishing somewhere else all the evidence being discussed at Voat, to the letter? As a hypothesis, applying the label of controlled opposition to Kim Holleman defies every semblance of logic.

PizzagateBot ago

All of that information is already in the open, it is already being discussed. They risk nothing to parrot it back into community. They do gain 'credibility' if they do parrot it back because of impressive credentials and thoughts like yours, "look at the MIT credentials and impressive CV".

Then psychanaut does stuff like pat themselves on the back for copy and pasting the quora article here - - and try to discredit mods and the executive summary - - and other childish things - . There are more I just haven't kept a list of all comments, I just have developed my opinion over time. This is the same pattern as many other accounts that I have on my shill list.

The last straw was not answering my questions related to all the suspicious things involving MIT even when it made it to the top of their submission.

Your comments show that you take the time to think things through logically and weigh sides appropriately, it is appreciated, but you are really lacking in the area of online psyop tactics. There is a complete war for your mind going on and its layered with obfuscation and compartmentalization. If you have been here since /v/pizzagate started, you should be able to see that shill tactics improve over time and this limited hangout where the shills will just repost old information to 'bake' their user account is the new and active tactic. Just creating a new throwaway account and sending your onetime disinformation or harassing commentary doesn't work anymore and isn't used like it was originally. The shills have dozens and dozens of accounts they rotate and comment through to 'bake' them.

rwb ago

But Kim Holleman was not parroting back into the community at all. She was conveying pizzagate information in an entirely different venue, another community altogether, to people some of whom have never heard of pizzagate let alone Voat. Continuing, any copying and pasting is hardly unique to Psychanaut. And everyone is capable of showing idiosyncrasies from time to time that might appear childish to some. I don't have to be an expert in online psyop tactics to apply rigorous logic to any proposition such as whether a given action by a person or agency has any plausible benefit and probability of being successfully executed.

Let the record show that by my reckoning, regardless of whether Psychanaut is or is not Kim Holleman as surmised by the OP, my perusal of their posts and submissions shows no intent to mislead, and at times the impetus to submit relevant new information that would be of benefit to the community.

PizzagateBot ago

hey rwb.....are you an AI bot?

You'd tell me if you were, right?

rwb ago


Your question is, am I an AI bot? The short answer is, if there's AI today that can communicate with the sophistication that I do, then the world is in one whole heap of trouble. The long answer is, I have not the foggiest idea what caused that gelatinous mass between your ears to prompt that question. With insufficient context, you present two images for my consideration, one is of a deleted post, and the other is of my original response to you in another thread, which as far as my computer tells me is still there, with responses to boot, thus indicating precisely zero post deletions on my part, for at least three weeks. Full disclosure, I deleted a post three weeks ago for the sin of superfluousness.

I have to be brutally honest, if that was remotely a legitimate question, it's unassailable proof that you are very capable of mis-attribution, not only on whether a given poster is an AI bot, but whether a given poster has malicious intent.

To summarize, not only am I not AI, I'd wager there are few living beings as capable as I would be in detecting the best AI has to offer today in a bona fide Turing Test.

PizzagateBot ago

Exactly the answer I would expect from an AI bot.....

Just having a go at you, mate. Testing your humor settings....

You sent me a comment less than 30 seconds after this submission was created and 1 minute after that the OP of the submission sent me a message alerting me to the posting. Coincidence? I think not...

This submission was a psyop.