Psychanaut ago

what are you talking about? artists have wikipedia pages, you're fucking nutz. that's so stupid you think that.

Psychanaut ago

HAHAHAHAHAHA are you fucking serious? how does someone have a Wikipedia page?

Psychanaut ago

Wow that's amazing that you found Neal Lozins in a NASA doc. that's incredible, thank you. Also, I had no clue that Jeff Epstein went to Cooper. I had no idea they would allow such scum into Cooper. Also, palm beach is not palm beach gardens, a common mistake to the ignorant. Look up Palm Beach Gardens. Then look up Palm Beach. One is actually an island that has no mainland contact because that's where all the rich live. They are also not the same age, so no they didn't "grow up" together (different ages and not in the same area). So is there really a "Andy Holleman" at CMEC? I would love to see that. He's not a relation, but perhaps it can be exploited to gain new info. Ah, about being digitally savy. I can't figure out voat, can you? why are there 15 different buttons only for comments? (message, comment reply, submission reply...bluah bluahblaub" and so on) That's ridiculous. It makes no sense that you MUST do a link OR a discussion. And running data extractions are something I know about being at MIT. It's actually not hard. It's actually only 3 buttons, sending messages on Voat requires 5 buttons, an occult symbol and a gang sing and even if you do figure out how to post, Millenial_Falcon will make sure to harrass and delete your shit anyway...

Pizzalawyer ago

Thank you for pulling the mask off this person. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but I was beginning to think I was listening to the rantings of a schizophrenic incarcerated in some psycho ward. And I hope it's not more sinister than that. I'm sure that every post here is being fed into a computer somewhere and subjected to indexing and analysis for use against us, now or later.

Psychanaut ago

This is hilarious.

Vindicator ago

@pizzagate_crusader: First of all, you are attempting a serious violation of the Voat User Agreement, which states:


These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Secondly, this post is chock full of unsourced, unverified, or purely speculative claims, such as

EPSTEIN Kim was raised in Palm Beach County. Maybe they were neighbors!?

NCMEC I have not completed this connection yet.... Andy Holleman to Kim Holleman, but they have the same last name

I can't find it now, but psychanaut definitely made a comment about NASA/occult when she supposedly learned about it.

This is just disgustingly irresponsible. We have had at least three users of this subverse, all of whom were publishing material doing real damage to those we are investigating threatened into silence by James Alefantis or his goons because they were doxxed and thrown under the bus by their fellow Voaters. It's one thing to have concerns. It's another thing to destroy another user's reputation and potentially put them in danger based on suspicions, potential leads, similar names, or whatever but NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

The responsible approach would have been to DM mods with these concerns. The fact you did not do that shows a grave lack of concern for your fellow investigators and respect for this forum and in fact makes your motives HIGHLY questionable.

Removing per Rule 2 and banning per the Voat User Agreement.

Psychanaut ago


PizzagateBot ago

We have had at least three users of this subverse, all of whom were publishing material doing real damage to those we are investigating threatened into silence by James Alefantis or his goons because they were doxxed and thrown under the bus by their fellow Voaters.

This is moot because Kim already associates her name with PG research through MIT Media Lab Quora articles.

That's like saying you can doxx someone by publishing their facebook username because they already associated it with their real identity and put it in a public space. It's ridiculous.

The definition of doxxing is releasing private personally identifying information into a public space.

Since their name and association with PG is already in a public space, doxxing would consist of say releasing their phone number or their address or other personal information.

Vindicator ago

The Voat User Agreement states "Keep Personal Information off Voat: You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity." It does not specify telephone numbers or address.

You are a fool if you think it is "moot" that numerous people who have effectively exposed Pizzagate perps have been stalked and silenced. Who gives two shits if the "how" fits your technical definition of doxing? The reality is that you and @pizzagate_crusader have just made it exponentially less likely that victims lurking on this site with real information to share will feel safe enough to do so. It has been made abundantly clear that anyone with information that gets serious traction can expect to have every fucking comment they've ever made anywhere scoured, archived, cross-referenced to any suspect in a Google search with the same name, geographic area, alma matter, employer and have it all blasted across the Internet for any abuser from their past to find, all while being called a shill and perp themselves.

Moot. Unfuckingbelievable. Is this just a game to you? Jesus.

PizzagateBot ago

numerous people who have effectively exposed Pizzagate perps have been stalked and silenced.

All I meant is that it is not even remotely a fair comparison to an anonymous voat user who does not have already have an online persona. Calm the fuck down.

Vindicator ago

Every Voat user "already has on online personality." Few people police their comments to the level of perfect sanitization -- an expectation of self-censorship that is antithetical on Voat, anyway. Your copypasta stalking has made it quite clear what people are in for. You've done no favors for v/pizzagate. Your inability to see this is amazing.

What if Psychanaut came forward because of inside knowledge or is a victim? What if that information could confirm everything you suspect about MIT?

PizzagateBot ago

Every Voat user "already has on online personality." Few people police their comments to the level of perfect sanitization -- an expectation of self-censorship that is antithetical on Voat, anyway.

You miss the point, again. Anyway, you are now comparing doxxing someone through data mining their comments for enough bits of data to build a profile for identifying or at least narrowing down who that person is, to making a connection to someones identity because of how they obviously promote a specific author and how they comment like they are that author. Completely unfair comparison.

What if Psychanaut came forward because of inside knowledge or is a victim? What if that information could confirm everything you suspect about MIT?

Oh fuck off, gimme a break. You didn't even think that through. That would be fucking stupid to do through an account that you already use to heavily promote PG articles you wrote yourself, in which you associate yourself with MIT Media Lab specifically. You don't get to work with MIT Media Lab if you are that dumb.

Calm your tits there cheese dick.

srayzie ago

I'm confused. If she is Kim, then wouldn't she be on our side? She has tons of evidence posted all organized to show that Pizzagate/pedogate is real. Wouldn't that make her a great asset? Have you seen disinfo posted by Kim?

equineluvr ago

Yeah, that was our Pizzabot. And I upvoated PB every single time, too. :)

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you. I agree, Psychonuts posts always have weird vibe

Psychanaut ago

omg get over yourself.

DarkMath ago

Interesting. How about we ask @Psychanaut herself?


I hope she answers. She's been called out before and didn't respond:

I've been called a shill before but I always face my accusers and answer any question they want. I think I finally got @Armyseer to stop thinking I'm a shill. Is that true Armyseer? Have you finally figured out I'm not a shill?

Remember this one Armyseer:

You said I was a shill because "I defended the conclusion of the poster and commenters that a lack of facility at a mailing address was evidence of trafficking." whiiiiiiiiiiiiich is kinda Fascist maybe because I even wrote the god damn comment myself and I can't even figure out which side I was on at the time let alone fight the shill fight.

Psychanaut ago

She's been called out before and didn't respond: huh???????? Where is the "call out"?? I myself have posted this video?What "call out" are you referring to??

DarkMath ago

"Where is the "call out"??"


@Pizzagatebot asked you: "Are you going to answer my questions".

I didn't see a response from you.

Also I see that you made your own submission "I am Kim Holleman Ask Me Anything". That's cool. I'm not questioning you or your reasons for being here. In fact thank you for your help.

I do have one minor issue involving the "fatherhood video". If you're from MIT then you should recognize that as an authentic Boston accent. And I think you've probably lived in Massachusetts long enough to realize it's an accent that's almost impossible to fake.

1) The Boston accent means it can't be John Podesta.

2) The Worldcorp videos really really really seem fake to me and therefor a hoax. We've done all we can do, contacted the FBI etc. Perhaps you can explain why you still think they're real?

Thank you.

PizzagateBot ago

Hey, speak of the devil, another rare 'coincidence' with rwb

PizzagateBot ago

They already deleted their post.

If it is Kim, she seems a bit off her rocker.

In any case, I love the makings for a good (psyop) mystery.

Psychanaut ago

I am not from Boston. I don't hear a Boston Accent in there, I hear John Podesta. You have the freedom to have your own thoughts about it of course. They don't seem fake to me at all. Have you ever been abused?

DarkMath ago

"I am not from Boston"

But you're affiliated with MIT so you LIVE in Cambridge/Boston close enough. You've heard that accent a 1000 times if you've heard it once.

"I don't hear a Boston Accent in there" O_O



Bitch please.

That's not possible. Come on, you're bull shitting. You're not Kim Holleman. You're a LARPer or someone associated with Worldcorp. You're spouting pure bull shit.


Psychanaut ago

Great. SO now you know I'm not Kim Holleman. perfect. NOw I'm going to block you because you are aggressive and use foul language.

Psychanaut ago

Don't call me a bitch first of all. Second, it's a school located in Boston. You need to calm down.

DarkMath ago

"Second, it's a school located in Boston."

I don't get it. I know where MIT is. It's actually located in Cambridge but whatevs. The point is you can't live in Cambridge/Boston and not recognize that accent. Unless you're a total shut in which I guess might be possible.

I'm sorry for using the word "bitch", it's a black thing. I'm 128th Black, long story. It's complicated. I didn't mean it in a white way, it was a dismissive "bitch", kind of like "Say whaaaaaaat?"

Psychanaut ago


pizzagate_crusader ago

I'm all for that. It really is up to the community to decide, not me... @psychanaut?

Psychanaut ago

Sure makes sense. WHy not.

equineluvr ago

Well, there was a lot of namecalling at the end ( on both sides) so I blocked her. I think I deleted the first one -- going to look now.

EDIT:: I deleted the incomings. The outgoing messages were me calling her out on her BS. She had very arrogantly replied to a poster here (not verbatim), "If I have never heard of it, it doesn't exist.": (!) It was over the top arrogant (and incredibly ignorant), so I called her out on it.

V____Z ago

I'm with @rwb on this one.

pizzagate_crusader ago

thanks :) I don't post often, but I just couldn't not say something....

equineluvr ago

Kim Holleman is of Jewish lineage.

dingomeat ago

came here to post this

she spent time at an israeli university as well - could be mossad

equineluvr ago

Yep! ^

"She also spent time at Bet Za'lel Academy of Art in Jerusalem, Israel" But that was icing on the cake. Holleman plus TONS of Jewish names just even in the Wikipedia entry, which is not a full genealogy. Plus rocketry. (Jews excel at math, physics, astronomy, engineering.)

dingomeat ago

There's a general connection between modern art and mossad, which is what tipped me off.

equineluvr ago

Yep, that too. I first learned of that connection while researching 09/11. Can you say, "Gelatin/Gelitin" and the B-Thing!?

equineluvr ago

Ha! I KNEW it.

I have some "interesting" PM exchanges with that poster.

pizzagate_crusader ago

uh oh. I did not intend to break a rule. Does it count if she doxxed herself? She clearly claimed credit for her work repeatedly... She doesn't hide her name as the author of the MIT articles and she took credit for the work whenever she posted them?

PizzagateBot ago

Glad I'm not the only one who sees the suspicious patterns with Psychanaut. Thanks for compiling this, it makes it all the more interesting.

The most suspicious thing to me is that all of what Kim has posted is just copy-pasta stuff. MIT is renowned for attracting very bright minds, regardless of all the suspicious events surrounding their organization. So why no new research? MIT Media Lab is supposed to be involved in cutting edge stuff. What are they doing here?

Dressage2 ago

Interesting. Remember Mods posting might be security issue or something related to the "What F Is This Post" and Psychanaut came back with how to safely view. Michael84 posted that LHOHQ post two days in a row. Just saying....MIT and smarty pants

rwb ago

Have you read this Kim Holleman article top to bottom?

How can the opposition, in effect us, be controlled by our adversaries spelling out and republishing somewhere else all the evidence being discussed at Voat, to the letter? As a hypothesis, applying the label of controlled opposition to Kim Holleman defies every semblance of logic.

PizzagateBot ago

All of that information is already in the open, it is already being discussed. They risk nothing to parrot it back into community. They do gain 'credibility' if they do parrot it back because of impressive credentials and thoughts like yours, "look at the MIT credentials and impressive CV".

Then psychanaut does stuff like pat themselves on the back for copy and pasting the quora article here - - and try to discredit mods and the executive summary - - and other childish things - . There are more I just haven't kept a list of all comments, I just have developed my opinion over time. This is the same pattern as many other accounts that I have on my shill list.

The last straw was not answering my questions related to all the suspicious things involving MIT even when it made it to the top of their submission.

Your comments show that you take the time to think things through logically and weigh sides appropriately, it is appreciated, but you are really lacking in the area of online psyop tactics. There is a complete war for your mind going on and its layered with obfuscation and compartmentalization. If you have been here since /v/pizzagate started, you should be able to see that shill tactics improve over time and this limited hangout where the shills will just repost old information to 'bake' their user account is the new and active tactic. Just creating a new throwaway account and sending your onetime disinformation or harassing commentary doesn't work anymore and isn't used like it was originally. The shills have dozens and dozens of accounts they rotate and comment through to 'bake' them.

rwb ago

But Kim Holleman was not parroting back into the community at all. She was conveying pizzagate information in an entirely different venue, another community altogether, to people some of whom have never heard of pizzagate let alone Voat. Continuing, any copying and pasting is hardly unique to Psychanaut. And everyone is capable of showing idiosyncrasies from time to time that might appear childish to some. I don't have to be an expert in online psyop tactics to apply rigorous logic to any proposition such as whether a given action by a person or agency has any plausible benefit and probability of being successfully executed.

Let the record show that by my reckoning, regardless of whether Psychanaut is or is not Kim Holleman as surmised by the OP, my perusal of their posts and submissions shows no intent to mislead, and at times the impetus to submit relevant new information that would be of benefit to the community.

PizzagateBot ago

hey rwb.....are you an AI bot?

You'd tell me if you were, right?

rwb ago


Your question is, am I an AI bot? The short answer is, if there's AI today that can communicate with the sophistication that I do, then the world is in one whole heap of trouble. The long answer is, I have not the foggiest idea what caused that gelatinous mass between your ears to prompt that question. With insufficient context, you present two images for my consideration, one is of a deleted post, and the other is of my original response to you in another thread, which as far as my computer tells me is still there, with responses to boot, thus indicating precisely zero post deletions on my part, for at least three weeks. Full disclosure, I deleted a post three weeks ago for the sin of superfluousness.

I have to be brutally honest, if that was remotely a legitimate question, it's unassailable proof that you are very capable of mis-attribution, not only on whether a given poster is an AI bot, but whether a given poster has malicious intent.

To summarize, not only am I not AI, I'd wager there are few living beings as capable as I would be in detecting the best AI has to offer today in a bona fide Turing Test.

PizzagateBot ago

Exactly the answer I would expect from an AI bot.....

Just having a go at you, mate. Testing your humor settings....

You sent me a comment less than 30 seconds after this submission was created and 1 minute after that the OP of the submission sent me a message alerting me to the posting. Coincidence? I think not...

This submission was a psyop.

pizzagate_crusader ago

Yes, I've read it. I don't think it is all the evidence.

I submitted the information to the sub so the users can decide. It's not for me to decide. The "?" was legitimately placed there as a "?".

I do know that "controlled opposition" means that they get 95% right and throw off the most important 5%...

rwb ago

If so, then you are duty-bound to point out exactly what pieces of the most important evidence were left out, if any. If you can't do that, especially after all the research you have committed already, it tells me everything I need to know.

pizzagate_crusader ago

What rule does it violate?

rwb ago

As coincidence would have it, I just posted a comment defending Psychanaut here:

You've presented a lot of conjecture. I'm not sure what to make of it yet, but I will say one thing for the time being. The idea that everyone who ever worked for or was ever connected in some remote way, or ever knew someone who was connected in some way to institutions and companies like NASA, Lockheed Martin, MIT etc., is somehow bad or guilty of something, is preposterous.

pizzagate_crusader ago

That's why I started with an apology if I am wrong. She seems like a nice artist, nothing sketchy in her work, but there were too many connections to not say something...

rwb ago

Here's the problem. You identify the person as controlled opposition when in fact it may be someone with deep inside information or personal experience in this realm who wished to assist PG anonymously. If that's the case, you've seriously hampered things.

pizzagate_crusader ago

She put her name on her work and claimed credit, repeatedly, when she posted the work.

Like I said, sometimes it is hard to make the right decision. It was presented as a question with the concerning connections. Only time will tell if someone is on our side or not, but we can't go about blindly not making connections.

PizzagateBot ago

Don't forget they are adamantly against the mods and the executive summary -

Once I'm done archiving all posts I'll be able to data mine user comments better, but there are several comments like this that seem completely against the general investigation of pizzagate, while still promoting their copypasta quora articles.



against the executive summary


Who tf

FuckReddit69 ago

lol was thinkin the same thing.


What the fuck. The post got deleted?

FuckReddit69 ago

apparently this post was a psyop? I'm not sure but PizzagateBot is accusing @rwb of being an AI . I don't know what to make of this post.

rwb ago

The most explicit and concise explanation of what took place might look something like this. Psychanaut has made some questionable submissions and some potentially beneficial ones. PGB assumed the worst case scenario, meaning attempt to hamper the forum based on those submissions of less merit. However, my take is Psychanaut may have multiple personality disorder, and could perhaps even be a victim, but is generally trying to assist PG. PGB asked if I was AI as a joke or to help elicit a point, and after my response conceded that this submission was a psyop. Since this submission was made by someone attacking Psychanaut, I interpreted this as a concession from PGB - perhaps after dialoging with others and some introspection - that I might have been right after all. If my interpretation is incorrect, PGB can have a go at explaining what he meant by "this submission was a psyop."

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

@rwb - I think I owe u a response ^ about what was missing from the MIT articles. I will try to find some time in coming day or two to respond. Sorry, time is at a minimum which is why I don't post often. And it didn't take a ton of time to look up KH. I only used Wikipedia and a couple of quick google searches. edit: I actually did the research several weeks ago for myself, just so I could decide if pyschanaut was a friendly or not. My own mind hasn't been made up. Nor has it been made up on anyone!

@pizzagatebot - I, too, am curious what your comment "this submission was a psyop" meant.

FWIW, this was not a psyop submission. I usually don't post unless I really feel like I need to point something out (everyone usually figures it out by the time I get to it), but I saw PGB's warning on one of psychanaut's post (it was a top comment) and that was the push I needed to post. That's why I went back to PGB's comment and replied so that he/she would see my post b/c he/she was the impetus to write it. I was actually kind of surprised he/she didn't already know.

Also, I REALLY didn't mean this as an ATTACK on pyschanaut. I get it, it comes across as that... but it really wasn't. Once, I didn't accuse someone of being a pedo because I was afraid of being wrong and ruining their life forever. What if I was wrong? What if I made a mistake? That man was def. a pedo and has prob gone on to molest so many more kids because I didn't want to make his name public. I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but this IS the most important investigation in the world and what IF everyone trusts someone that shouldn't be trusted??? I saw so many ppl trusting psychanaut and there were so many odd things that I felt ppl needed to know about so they could make up their own choice. I'm still not sure if it was the right thing to do or not, but I think so?

I do think psychanaut might have Multiple Personality Disorder - comments are sweet and nice and then flip to angry very easily. And it wouldn't be surprising if a victim. But, I def would never want to attack a victim or even not a victim. But how else can we

PizzagateBot ago

The timing of everything is what rings alarm bells for me. Along with psychanaut's AMA post and then deletion today it further cements my suspicions of motive behind all this. It is all very weird, need some more time to digest it at this point.

Also, since I have been following psychanaut's submissions with my "copypasta", it makes it look like you are a puppet account of mine used to deflect any negativity that came from this away from my account. Doesn't help that I had to pick a bone with vindicator about comparing this alleged "doxxing" to a real doxxing of an anonymous user so at this point I'm pretty sure they think I am you.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

I don't see the AMA post in the deleted submissions. Is it still viewable? What did it say / did it have comments?

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

well, if they think u are me, they can go see my user history (or did that history get deleted in the ban?). I was on Voat as soon as I could get to a public computer to make a profile after my Operation Berenstain community got deleted (it lasted longer than the other PG reddit communities). I'm pretty sure my post history is too random to be a puppet account of yours, hahaha.

I'm confused about why u think the timing is weird? btw, thx for coming to my defense on the doxxing thing.

rwb ago

Don't expect any rational explanation from pizzagatebot. I had no idea, but merely disagreeing with him in a civilized manner is cause to be accused of incredible things.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

I actually thought PGB was just a robot :# because of all the links he/she creates until recently. Maybe PGB IS AI?!?!

rwb ago

Artificial? Maybe. Intelligent? ...


You're full of shit, and all the lurkers know it.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

lol. PBG did come to my defense on the "doxxing" thing, so.... anyway... have a good night!

pizzagate_crusader ago

Yes. Titles are "MIT Researcher submits xyz, meticulous!!!!!" and then in the comments, she says "thanks, I've been working hard on this one" "So much work to put this together" etc etc.

PizzagateBot ago

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