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rastrodetortuga ago

This is pedogate not pizzagate. How is illustrating the hypocrisy 'trolling' anyway? It isn't, tool.

You mad because you cannot justify infanticide while condemning child crimes out of the other side of your mouth?


rastrodetortuga ago

"Killing babies is no different than abortion" medical experts say - The Telegraph

"Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued."

This is normalizing child sacrifice folks. I feel we are heading into a global Dark Age if any humans can manage to survive World War III, New World Order and Agenda2030."

Abortion IS child sacrifice, SO is killing them once out. Same thing.

Psychanaut ago

You are literally the worst human being on Voat.

Psychanaut ago

I just wanted to come back to this to talk more about how fucking disgusting I think you are, you worthless vile scum.

Psychanaut ago

I wish your mother had aborted you. You deserve to be aborted. Perhaps John Podesta can come and throw you into a woman's womb and perform a satanic abortion on you since your mom failed the first time. That's why people like you are hung up on abortion. You know you were not wanted by your mom and so you hate the idea of other women hating their fetuses as much as your mother hated you. Too bad, suck it up buttercup, I have no time for your snowflake tears because no one loved you.

rastrodetortuga ago

How do you turn being against abortion and pedophila/child predation as being a character flaw? LOL. Why so much hatred? You are SEETHING with it.

Psychanaut ago

Because you were obviously meant to be aborted. Aborted babies are killed due to having been products of rape usually, so guess what that makes your dad? That's why you should be aborted. You are probably involved in this. The babies that were supposed to be aborted, but weren't are usually rape babies, which means they grow up to become pedophiles.

rastrodetortuga ago

You are a very disturbed person. How is it that someone who is so vile and full of hate could wish to help ANYONE, when they clearly are unwilling to help themselves?

Please do keep posting so as to elucidate to everyone your true self (and to anyone in the future building a case against you that revolves around anger, personality, instability, hypocrisy, etc). I won't be bothering with you any longer. Seek help.

Psychanaut ago

Next time you feel like opening your fucking troglodyte mouth on one of my posts, I hope you'll think twice.

Psychanaut ago

See, look at how you talk to people. If your mother had had an abortion we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation-which you brought on yourself for your stupid opinions about women. Until you have a vagina and a womb, keep your fucking degenerate mouth sewn shut about abortion. You are not qualified to have an opinion. And if you do have a vagina, keep your fucking legs shut, then you won't have to have an abortion. Either way: PROBLEM solved.

Fightforright ago

Wow. I have reported Psychanaut for being abusive. Regardless of your.thoughts on abortion, which you are obviously all for, child abuse is unacceptable. If you don't like people being pro-life than just ignore them but the fact that this person on the Internet has made you so angry shows to me that you need some help in your personal life. I suggest you seek some form of healing treatment for your anger and spite, maybe trauma yoga would help you to heal from whatever is hurting you and resulting in so much anger.

Psychanaut ago

Um, did you want to suck my fat cock now or just fuck all the way off because your psychobabble is super unimpressive...