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RweSure ago

Another parallel is she had her trial. Egypt dropped the charges.

Obama admin wasnt interested to save her..

This is false.

Good for Trump.

twistedmac11 ago

Technically Haiti dropped the trafficking charges against Silsby, so...dropped charges doesn't mean innocent. I'm not saying she's guilty, either, just that that can't be the sole deciding factor here.

RweSure ago

Technically Haiti did not.

She was convicted of lesser charges received a six month sentence and then sentenced to time served. She was convicted and State Department got her home only after she was released and free to go.

DarkMath ago

Oh look, you forgot to respond again. You were going to explain why you disagree with NIST and actually agree with ME in believing their was molten metal in the basements of the WTC towers.


Oh and regarding Laura Silsby another epic AreWeSure gem:

"She was convicted of lesser charges......and State Department got her home only".

It's as if Hillary and Bill Clinton played no part in her reduced sentence:

I think this one is going in the AreWeSure Top 10.

RweSure ago

Oh look, you forgot to respond again. You were going to explain why you disagree with NIST and actually agree with ME in believing their was molten metal in the basements of the WTC towers.



DarkMath ago

No problem. I'll refresh your memory. You said the molten metal in the basement of the WTC towers wasn't necessarily steel. I then made you aware of the fact NIST didn't find ANY evidence of ANY molten metal at all.

You need to explain why you so strongly believe the findings of a group EVEN YOU don't agree with.


RweSure ago

did you not a get long reply that said NIST's job was to look into the cause of the collapse, not chase down every thing that occurred after the collapse. and they had conclusively ruled out a controlled demolition....and ended with 1500 pounds of thermite equal to 120 of dynamite in demolition work? Thermite was used to on tower from the Chicacago's world's fair, they used 1,500 pounds on two columns and the fire was visible for two miles.

Cuz i wrote that up.

DarkMath ago

Evidently I have to break out the crayons again. Scientific Facts are NOT based on:

1) how many scientists believe them.

2) where scientists went to school.

3) the results of a scientist's other research. You're scientifically illiterate. ....... But I digress.

Wouldn't it be sad if a scientist's current research could only be taken seriously if all his previous research was "correct"?.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman address "What is Science?", presented at the fifteenth annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, in New York City (1966), published in The Physics Teacher, volume 7, issue 6 (1969), p. 313-320"

Finally regarding WHY thermite can't be eliminated, your red-gray chips found in the 9/11 dust were tested by the "bad" scientists. Their tests showed the infamous red-gray chips when ignited burned at 430º C. That's hot enough to create molten iron as a reaction product – characteristics that confirm they are thermitic material and not primer paint. Could they have been both? Hhhhmmmmm

You can't dismiss the molten metal the FDNY witnesses found. That molten metal has to be explained, you can't ignore it. You've tried to above by saying that much thermite couldn't possibly have been used because people would have seen it being trucked in and spread all over the TWC towers.

But as I've proven many times in the two years leading up to 9/11 there were numerous power-downs. Many floors were even shut down entirely for months after a tenant moved out. And finally all the WTC elevator shafts were all "repainted" with what today considering all the evidence really really really looks to have been a red-gray paint with Thermite mixed into it.