NagaJolokia ago

Holy crap...just read the wikipedia summary...that is some crazy stuff. Not sure you can really make that kind of stuff haha??

So sick and weird that movie deserves a thread of its own.

I kind of want to see it now uhh ohhhh....

Northern_Soul ago

He means "Artificial Intelligence." Take no notice and add him to the shill list :)

Laskar ago

My post on Joan Baez , victim of MKUltra, was taken down by Millennial Falcon almost immediately, citing rule #2.

Yet it was well sourced, including a great book full of high impact information. Apparently, he does not count books as a source.

Her "folk song" with a description of child rape and murder in a Satanic ceremony is interesting in light of her background as a victim of MKUltra, through her father's employment with the CIA.

You have to wonder what kind of mods are operating here.

Northern_Soul ago

Keep showing your teeth and keep grinding it out. Nothing goes unnoticed or unrewarded when done for the right reasons.

Your an asset to the community and you can never win an argument with a negative person. They only hear what suits them and listen only to respond.

Laskar ago

Thanks so much for your kind words.

I have made anew post on Joan Baez: "Joan Baez lyrics in light of pizzagate: "folk song" describes SRA and child sacrifice. Her father was on the faculty of MIT in 1958, and worked for the CIA".

Really, thanks again.

It's in the hope that the sincere people want information, that I share my perspective.

l23r ago

Are you sure that was the correct link? Cause what I'm seeing is a video about teen criminals on the run.

What's the name of the movie? It is something I would be interested in watching!

Mbailey63 ago

Controlling Zombies. We need to grab the controller and start crashing them.

Northern_Soul ago

Whats your "K.D"? ha ha

4565465 ago

The mystery deepens........... Excellent contribution. I'm bookmarking this one for the "norms."

IAMDeMolay ago

What srews us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be. The only road one should take in life is that in the name of Jesus Christ, follow that path and you'll forever be happy. Amen

target_blank ago

after all this shit, i'm coming out of this shit hole. my dad has lost his mind over this shit

elgindelta ago

Y'all cracked it altready. Let the heat and pan do their thing and y'all keep stirring.

elgindelta ago

Correction to title (AI work in progress)

Northern_Soul ago

Your hating.... because i take YOUR most prized "weapon" and use it for good causes. I think i deserve a standing ovation.. Now who's the "spell bound" fool ;) @elgindelta

Northern_Soul ago

Just because I'm smiling, doesn't mean i don't want to hit you in the face.

SoldierofLight ago

I'm very interested in this school of thought, but to clarify, because those who have said similar things have not spelled this out, are you saying that aliens do not exist? Or that they may/may not exist but they do not abduct humans?

IAMDeMolay ago

Take it from me and I should know... "IAMDeMolay"..... Everything you believe to be true is false. Take NASA's founder for example "Wernher von Braun's" ~ He left a little clue on his tombstone for the very thing I'm subtly referring to. Go find it and the truth shall set you free....Peace out.

lobsterguts ago

How have I never seen this -- thanks, this is incredible. EVERYTHING is a lie.

QueenAlt ago

Thank you for this. I plan to reference this post while red pilling a skeptical friend.

Northern_Soul ago

Aww thanks... but the real credit goes to the many dedicated researchers who inspired me to format it the way it is. I'm just the messenger and best of luck with your friend.

possiblepizza ago

See this just makes sense. I've always thought alien abductions were really rapes. They run in families, mm hm, and they typically result in penetration and soreness, mm hm... I think the people who claim to have been abducted are honest, they've just been lied to very effectively by their abusers.

target_blank ago

Excellent post. I've come across many crazy theories, and it usually always fits in together in the end. Unfortunately it is not the end..

bikergang_accountant ago

Isn't the first claim a little out of order. Monarch was the original Nazi program that became MK-Ultra in the states.

Northern_Soul ago

Your kinda right in the sense it has only been in the realm of science until the 1930’s when a physician by the name of Josef Mengele brought it into full practice within Nazi concentration camps....However....

Monarch mind control is named after the Monarch butterfly and refers to the Monarch it self ( Egyptian Royalty Who Still Rule) – The "Monarch butterfly" an insect who begins its life as a worm (representing undeveloped potential) and, after a period of cocooning (programming) is reborn as a beautiful butterflies (the Monarch slave).

Mind control techniques have been noted throughout history and you kind trace it's origins back to Egypt, hope i helped.

kazza64 ago

fiona has mentioned molly meldrum as an australian celebrity being involved in these circles and he worships anything egyption. i think the egyption culture is highly revered by the celebrities and their handlers. i can remember growing up with a lot of egyption references coming from disney movies. and the covert kidnapping of citizens under the guise of alien abductions is no surprise to me but what is with all the raping ? for gods sake they are f*cking obsessed with raping people. i wish i could get all the naughty men in the world spank them all soundly and send them to bed and when they get up in the morning make them behave themselves because they are all out of control... i have a theory about robin williams too. he had advancing dementia and i think his wife may have been his handler. i think they were worried he was going to start spitting things out in public so they got rid of him. he was nothing to them but the rest of the world was horrified to lose him. if they have been concentrating their efforts on celebrities that would explain why so many famous people that the public loved have been dying mysteriously. its such bullshit isnt it.

maxine3 ago

Many years ago. Molly made my 16 year old friend take a shit on a glass table while Molly watched from underneath. Welcome to Australian music

IAMDeMolay ago


kazza64 ago


ASolo ago

You're forgetting the biggest 'redpill' of them all is what you are describing is a condensed version while similar, more subtle programs of the same nature are going on all around you daily throughout your lifetime. Combine the Rockefeller/Carnegie funded Frankfurt model schooling platform, (that culls, sorts, and classifies while others are trained only so far as to be satisfied sitting behind a machine for 8-10 hours a day. "Others" usually systematic dickheads and bullies are wrangled and compromised through their greek letter affiliations to become the ruling and governing class) along with a systematic takeover of every industry, religion, entertainment (books, movies, print), science (spaceflight and academia) and government, along with the DAILY SHOCKS OF SURVIVAL AND THE DAILY BOMBARDMENT OF PROPAGANDA YOUR ENTIRE LIVES...

You will soon understand that your entire lives are an illusion.

dirtydirty ago

Of course our lives are an illusion, created by man, until that is.... one realizes the good lord wrote about all of this in the bible to show us a path to salvation. It is all so much more clear to me now than as a child, and I admit I need to read the whole bible not the bits and pieces that I have. If you look up the words of Jesus and read through what he has to say he comments directly on the topic of children. Over and over again, literally it seems to be one of his most focused concerns, is that of children. He says multiple times (paraphrasing) that look to children as your way to emulate the almighty. Jesus also refers to Lucifer as the God of this earth and at one point translations reveal mind control (2 Corinthians 4:4). This is profound when you consider what is happening. A dark force, one that opposes good (for me this is satan vs. God) can corrupt and destroy humanity by hitting us as infants. Its not a pedo conspiracy, it is the frontline of the battle of good vs. evil as Craig the sawman Sawyer put it. An age old conspiracy. This is Biblical. In the end of times evil will be accepted and commonplace. Rape us as infants because its normal within society or accepted in the future world and I believe we can start to understand glutinous carnage. Pray, it is one thing that we all should be doing regularly.

ASolo ago

Proof of the takeover:





MightyJoe ago

The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of freedom. Learn to use the power wisely.

GOVERNMENT. Derived from the Latin verb Guverno, Guvernare meaning "To Control" & the Latin noun Mens, Mentis meaning "Mind" TO CONTROL THE MIND.

carmencita ago

The Joan Baez post was just taken down. Too bad. It had the words to her SRA song she wrote. Also, it mentioned that Cornell U. is where all the MK Ultra stems from. This is the first I heard of Cornell. Will have to research it. Thanks for the Post. Upvoat for you.

Laskar ago

I posted a new, expanded version (it's the tip of the iceberg really--we have to move fast as informantion is being scrubbed form the web and from VOAT as well):

Laskar ago

See my comment below.

There is a lot to research there.

A song about child rape and sacrifice.

MKUltra and CIA

Although it was well sourced, the MF mod deleted it after it had only 3 upvotes.

carmencita ago

It should have qualified because of the SRA which we have been posting and commenting on here for some time. Plus the connection to the CIA. You should try to do it again. It should be very strategically worded.

Laskar ago

The complaint was that it violated rule#2, yet it most certainly did not. It was well sourced.

Thanks for your message. I will consider it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine, Wisconsin has deep ties to Cornell University. Look at who the colleges are named after. Then connect that to Pizzagate and pedo crimes in Racine where extreme levels of corruption and trafficking are taking place and being covering up. Racine has a history of corruption tied to the mafia and secret societies, and is linked to every aspect and major hub - DC, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New York, Denver, Haiti, Ghana, Norway, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, and including major ties to Clinton, Bush, Soros, Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Robert Byrd, John McCain, Ashton (Chris) Kutcher, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and more.

Racine, Wisconsin is Paul Ryan's district, and is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. We need help to pressure Trump and Sessions to begin indictments in Racine immediately, and are growing concerned that the rumors of heinous crimes involving Donald Trump and children may be true. Either Trump is compromised and we need to hold him accountable for those crimes, or he needs to restore law and order and open the flood gates of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption starting with Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus' back yard of Racine, Wisconsin - a massive swamp that is covering up extreme criminal activity and an underworld of bribery, blackmail, trafficking, torture, gang stalking, extortion, racketeering, bid rigging, fraud, embezzlement, records tampering, abuse of power, misconduct in office, illegal campaigns, censorship, pedo crimes, satanic ritual abuse, collusion, fake news, corruption and a rigged system. Racine is a testing ground for "sustainability", vaccines, viruses, community policing, community surveillance, election rigging, trafficking, and other crimes against humanity.

The last mayor of Racine was arrested for pedo crimes, and the new corrupt mayor and city administrator, and an unusual number of other officials including the corrupt District Attorney, have all resigned very recently amidst allegations of extreme criminal corruption. We believe Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Loretta Lynch among others responsible for investigating these abuses are corrupt and need to be held accountable for their involvement in the crimes and cover up.

How do you think Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus became so powerful? It is because of what they are covering up in their back yard.

kazza64 ago

robert steele thinks trump is compromised. apparently his sources told him theres a video of trump with a minor. this is what they do. they lure you in. and we all know trumps name was on epsteins list for lolita island. the whole place was wired for sound and video. they bring them in. ply them with drugs and alcohol and then they blackmail them.

islandofdelight ago

There is no video of Trump with a minor. It would have come out long ago. The Cabal want nothing more than Trump to be removed.

kazza64 ago

i think he's part of the elite circles. you cant be a billionaire and not move in those circles with the top strata that is ruling the planet. there was an unprecedented outpouring of love for trump after the election and now ww3 has begun. its just what they wanted. i personally feel dazed and confused

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is very likely they have control over him through either a video tape or threats to his family. They would not release anything they could leverage against him. They would rather he be in power to break up the opposition.

Either Trump is lying or Robert David Steele is lying, or more likely both are. This is why Racine, Wisconsin is a litmus test for Trump - it is a sure thing. It is a corrupt cesspool linked to the global elites. If Trump does nothing about Racine, we all know he is compromised.

carmencita ago

Well you have really bowled me over. I did not vote for Trump but am willing to give him a chance. But as of late I am wondering if what we have been waiting for will ever happen. Yes, I agree if he is guilty of some heinous crime we must demand punishment. I agree that something must be organized to pressure Trump to move quickly and bring these criminals to justice.Yes, Racine sounds like a cesspool.

coreylkh ago

There's no reason for Trump to be compromised. The man has beautiful women falling all over him & if there was a video out there it would have been shown already. The Access Hollywood video was supposed to take him down, so were the 2 women who were paid to say that they were raped. He's the Teflon Don. I also believe that he's disgusted with this pedophilia in the govt but he's treading lightly. When he promised to drain the swamp, I don't believe he realized that the swamp was an ocean. His top 2 FBI are compromised, the CIA is completely corrupt, he's got Senators and Reps that are in fear of their careers when exposed, I'm sure there's a bounty on his head and Obama is working VERY hard in the shadows to ruin him. His election changed the course of how our govt was planned for 70 yrs. & he's in real danger. He has to be very systematic on how he dismantles the corruption or it won't work.

carmencita ago

I hope to God you are right. That is what we are all hoping for.

coreylkh ago

I agree. It's nice to envision a President that looks out for the citizens and not for themselves and their "Foundations"

carmencita ago

I just hope it is true. I am afraid to believe in almost anyone anymore after what we have discovered. The worst part is that we have no way to really find out until it happens.It seems like we are flying by the seat of our pants.

TruthTrumps ago

Why was it removed? Shitposts totally unrelated to pizzagate remain for hours....but relevant stuff is deleted. WTF? WHY??? I googled "Joan Baez pizzagate voat" and got this for anyone intersted:

Laskar ago

It was removed by "Millennial Falcon".

The reason he gave was rule #2.

Lame, and also completely wrong. My post had sources of all information given.

Apparently, he is unable to count a book as a source.

The post was well sourced, as those who saw it know.

He has also deleted some of my well sourced comments on other posts.

Yet, somehow, crap stories about stuff that's been re-posted 20 times, and opinions about irrelevant shills get stuck on the Hot page for days on end.

carmencita ago

I know. I made a comment so I could capture it. The words are painful. But it must have been good for her to write it all down. Cathartic so to speak. But still painful and sad. I wonder what Bob Dylan knows.

PizzagateBot ago

Couldn't you directly link to the original article rather than copy and paste a bunch of other peoples work?

Is there anything new you have added to these others research or are you literally just copy and pasting information?

What do you mean by "(A work in progress)" since this is all 100% copy paste information right now.

redditsuckz ago

Hey @throwaway89209834 your bot is malfunctioning and gone rogue actively trying to stifle the investigation and information...pls fix asap.

Northern_Soul ago

It's a presentation of various works and the bulk of information was retrieved from AND not the site your suggesting.

It's a work in progress because I'm currently reading countless testimonials on this sensitive subject.

PizzagateBot ago

not the site your suggesting.

LOL your first paragraphs are word for word copy and paste from now you just confirmed you are a shill

Laskar ago

The mods love shills on VOAT. They post old, leftover stuff and keep it on the Hot list for days, while they delete original posts, like the one I made on Joan Baez as MKUltra victim who wrote about child torture and murder in one of her "folk songs".

I don't know why I bother. It looks like VOAT is turning into another Reddit.

Northern_Soul ago

Ruffled a few feathers have i......perhaps you don't like my hypothesis, because it reveals, the exact depravity what pizzagate is... How sad!! and why toss the term shill?? It only validates who YOU really are.

PizzagateBot ago

Your post is compiled to make it look like you did some kind of research, when in reality it is just copy/paste and then on top of that you are denying copy/pasting from vigilantcitizen, you can try to distract however you want. Good luck :)

You didn't even bother to take out the titles "Summary" and "Origin" from the copy and paste from

Northern_Soul ago

Get of your high horse and stop attacking people and their strategies in sharing truth.

Like i said, your wrong

PizzagateBot ago

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PizzagateBot ago

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OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin Thsse recent arrests are part of a "Limited Hangout". They arrest a bunch of small time mid level guys, to take the heat off of them. Don't fall for it. 2/18/2017 8100079