SoberSecondThought ago

I will be covering the Nancy Schaefer case and the Austin Statesman's investigation in my draft press release on foster care abuse. Additional suggestions and links would be very welcome.

MattHelm ago

So we're all clear on this know that kids who get put in the CPS system are never seen again.

The kids are never placed "with good families" the kids never grow up they are raped and killed.


I think you can understand my skepticism. Use archive website next time. Google is most definitely doxxing people, and if it's not xkeyscore, it shit like this.


Use your 16 hour old account more before posting sketchy ass links. Or archive your links first, using or

Fuck off

Browns1 ago

I am a lurker I guess, but I work at CPS. Hopefully things can change, but these stories are tough to handle. The families I deal with, the foster families are all loving families, and I would not place any of my case 's children in a foster family abusing a child. Sad.

Laskar ago

The amount suffering to children and families due to the actions of CPS is incalculable.

Judgejewdy ago

"In one of the Austin offices, a bathroom with a full bathtub and a room stocked with toiletries are ready for any overnight stays. Caseworkers can flip four visitation rooms into bedrooms with cots, sheets, pillows, television, toys and games. Despite the fluorescent lights and linoleum tiles, caseworkers have tried to make the rooms as kid-friendly as possible. Caseworkers take shifts supervising a child at all hours of the day."

Judgejewdy ago

Other notes of interest:

  • Link to Summary of the report cited in the article:
  • Since 2009, more than 50 CPS workers have been caught lying to prosecutors, ignoring court orders, falsifying state records or obstructing law enforcement investigations
  • In fiscal year 2016, 33 percent of child abuse investigators quit (that seems curiously high...i wonder what the story behind that is...)


16 hour old account. Don't go there.

Judgejewdy ago

Rational Steve, can you offer a rational explanation of all the sites you are suggesting? Bc other than creating clickbait to distract or possibly doxx, I can't really tell what connections you've discovered as your comment makes little sense. Thx.

4565465 ago

He is right, they look like camps, maybe for the missing children. Some roads you can access, some you can't. A highly guarded area!!

You need to look at this, Yes the link is SAFE, ( only google)

twistedmac11 ago

Judgejewdy ago

Google knows when you are looking at something google doesn't want you to see. Then google puts you on a list and censors what you can see. Do it at your own risk. *I know from personal experience.


16 hour old account. Don't go there.

PizzagateBot ago

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Nadeshda ago

That was heartbreaking, incentives for snatching kids? What? All on the taxpayers dime? What? This is so messed up on so many levels... what a brave woman, her death is a seed that died, so that there may be positive growth. I pray she did not die in vain...

equineluvr ago

Just ONE of the MANY operations run by the CRIMINAL SYNDICATE known as the "government."

strix-varia ago

Can't imagine what it would be like to be in the hands of CPS, anytime, anywhere, and to have no one who give a dam about you.


That ended this year. People give a damn now. More and more everyday.

Takeitslow ago

The foster home system also

BlackManta2 ago

CPS in Phoenix is a mess too. I quit the newspaper (which is a liberal rag anyway) because of all the kids being abused and killed while CPS did little to nothing, and my husband got tired of seeing me upset nearly every day over it.

42times5 ago

You should make a submission. I'm sorry, it must have been awful.