Silverlining ago

Ambrose Mnemopolous Researcher linked to Bentley on https://www. Sapientia et Doctrina The Personal Blog of Ambrose Mnemopolous

Current City and Home Town. Albuquerque, New Mexico Current city Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Home Town

Silverlining ago

https://www. Editor of LHO

Bentley Ptythylhlyl Pre-Subscribed Customer-Friendly Government Work Pre-Briefing Professional Albuquerque, New Mexico AreaThink Tanks Current ACDCA Previous LHO Education Professor of Soviet Studies Websites Company Website Blog

Summary I want to be Postmaster General or Secretary of State. Specialties: Interdimensional Decision-Making Algorithms.

Experience Associate ACDCA July 2007 – Present (9 years 10 months) Depending on the ring network, the hub - due to buffer finite capacity in edge nodes - is relegated to patterns of patterns, assuming buffers large enough to allow for switches in the 4-node ring. For the four architectures, respectively, the quantum domain means that to obtain the same result of playing host to the third-dimension, each of the thermodynamic descriptors must interchange at each position.

Octagonal LHO October 2004 – October 2006 (2 years 1 month) The process of truth. It is already 3GI $QODJHQ JP DUEHLWVKLOIH Our goal in themselves be assigned randomly by picking numbers out of Greek philosophy of difference between the prophets before him to access higher dimensions.

Education Professor of Soviet Studies Bachelor of Science (BS), "There's no truth in the News and no news in the Truth." 2003 – 2012

Anyone on linkedin can view his full profile at https://www. and check out his connections. NB linkedin banned website on voat!!

pizzawithgreenchile ago

I created this throwaway just now to reveal that I'm local to the Albuquerque area. Can I help in any way being local?

Silverlining ago

You need Bentley's contact details from the full profile on his kinkedin.

Psychanaut ago

omg amazing.

Silverlining ago

Bentley is also editor of Laughing Horse Oriface as I recall. Why not just call him and ask what it's all about. I guess there is a contact on linkedin.

Psychanaut ago

find me the number I know of no Bentley that's your lead. I'm happy to call.

Silverlining ago

Bentley is the editor of LHO. If you're on linked in, you may find contact details in his full profile - if only a message via linkedin. Looks like the only way. Googled for contact - only linkedin came up.

Psychanaut ago

The "man" that endorsed him:

Associate Company Name ACDCA Dates Employed Mar 2006 – Present Employment Duration 11 yrs 2 mos Location Albuquerque

At ACDCA, we understand that it is better to implement extensibly than to leverage robustly. Think intra-B2B 2.0. What do we monetize? Anything and everything, regardless of incomprehensibility! The metrics for infrastructures are more energetic if they are not scalable. We pride ourselves not only on our feature set, but our user-proof administration and simple use. We invariably benchmark B2C2C models fnord. That is a remarkable achievement taking into account the fiscal year's cycle! Think intra-proactive. Think customized, e-business. Think compelling. Think integrated. Going forward. Linear Technology Associates Consultant Company Name Linear Technology Associates Dates Employed May 1997 – Mar 2006 Employment Duration 8 yrs 11 mos Sirius Research Group Researcher Company Name Sirius Research Group Dates Employed Aug 1987 – May 1997 Employment Duration 9 yrs 10 mos Education

Institute for Advanced Research
Institute for Advanced Research

Dates attended or expected graduation 1971 – 1976
Studies of the Department of the Future
Studies of the Department of the Future

Degree Name Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Field Of Study General Studies

Dates attended or expected graduation 1964 – 1970

Activities and Societies: 1414

Featured Skills & Endorsements

Linguistics See 1 endorsement for Linguistics 1

    Bentley Ptythylhlyl has given an endorsement for this skill
Business Intelligence See 1 endorsement for Business Intelligence 1

    Bentley Ptythylhlyl has given an endorsement for this skill
Future Trends See 1 endorsement for Future Trends 1

    Bentley Ptythylhlyl has given an endorsement for this skill


pizzawithgreenchile ago

I created this throwaway just now to reveal that I'm local to the Albuquerque area. Can I help in any way being local?

Psychanaut ago

And this...I actually sent a request to connect with them on linked in with my real self! probably a mistake but I couldn't resist

https://www. Editor of LHO

Bentley Ptythylhlyl Pre-Subscribed Customer-Friendly Government Work Pre-Briefing Professional Albuquerque, New Mexico AreaThink Tanks Current ACDCA Previous LHO Education Professor of Soviet Studies Websites Company Website Blog

Summary I want to be Postmaster General or Secretary of State. Specialties: Interdimensional Decision-Making Algorithms.

Experience Associate ACDCA July 2007 – Present (9 years 10 months) Depending on the ring network, the hub - due to buffer finite capacity in edge nodes - is relegated to patterns of patterns, assuming buffers large enough to allow for switches in the 4-node ring. For the four architectures, respectively, the quantum domain means that to obtain the same result of playing host to the third-dimension, each of the thermodynamic descriptors must interchange at each position.

Octagonal LHO October 2004 – October 2006 (2 years 1 month) The process of truth. It is already 3GI $QODJHQ JP DUEHLWVKLOIH Our goal in themselves be assigned randomly by picking numbers out of Greek philosophy of difference between the prophets before him to access higher dimensions.

Education Professor of Soviet Studies Bachelor of Science (BS), "There's no truth in the News and no news in the Truth." 2003 – 2012

Anyone on linkedin can view his full profile at https://www. and check out his connections. NB linkedin banned website on voat!!

Psychanaut ago

Ambrose Mnemopolous Researcher linked to Bentley on https://www. Sapientia et Doctrina The Personal Blog of Ambrose Mnemopolous

Current City and Home Town. Albuquerque, New Mexico Current city Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Home Town

Psychanaut ago

wow. the LHOHQ people on linked in?

redditsuckz ago

The guy from spills the beans on what it is here;

»» Now talking on #synt <Booka> Hello?

<phale> hi?

<Booka> I saw a link to this online, and I was curious about what it was

<phale> where did you see if it, if i may ask?


<phale> i see

<phale> what do you need to know about it?

<Booka> I'm wondering what it's for. I found to be particularly odd

<Booka> And I'm also wondering about the sigil in the background of the main page

<phale> it's a collage of neurally extracted imagery just like eccoloc

<phale> the sigil is a logo related to LHOHQ

<Booka> LHOHQ?

<phale> yes


<phale> you might find it interesting

<Booka> From what I'm reading, it's about something odd in space. How is that connected to neural imagery?

<phale> LHOHQ is another project

<phale> I don't know 100% what it's about, you could probably get an idea what it is though

<phale> I contacted one of their representatives

<phale> and they collaborated with me on neural programming

<Booka> Could you tell me more about the neural imaging?

<phale> what exactly do you need to know? <phale> I can tell you a lot of things but somethings I need to keep quiet about

<Booka> What is it? Some form of mind reading?

<phale> a bit more than that

<phale> can't disclose 100% what it is, but it's converting neural imagery into text, PPM images which is an easy format to grasp, and then converted into PNG or JPG

<phale> gif works too

<phale> because some of them are received as sequences

<Booka> Why would you need to keep quiet about things?

<phale> we're a team, we don't disclose what we do to people online

<phale> it's closed-source research

<Booka> Speaking of the team, the members page seems very sparse

<phale> yeah

<phale> it's not exactly a members page

<phale> it's randomly generated, somewhat

<phale> as disinformation

<Booka> I'm guessing by "randomly generated, somewhat", it was created with the neural imaging?

<phale> NLP and web crawling

<phale> philosophy gif was recreated from a dream

<Booka> Are you able to tell me what the purpose is of the project? Is it just to further understanding of the mind, or for some larger project?

<phale> yeah, it's to understand the mind better, but we're always looking for new things to research

<Booka> Do you need volunteers?

<phale> we're always looking for new members, but you need some knowledge on things

<Booka> Such as?

<phale> natural language processing, computer vision, neural networks and basic knowledge of biology

<Booka> Computer vision?

<phale> yeah

<phale> the ability for the computer to analyze and process an image

<Booka> Oh, okay

<Booka> What would I do if I were to join?

<phale> well you need to go to Croatia or else we have to create a new user account for you on our long distance servers

<phale> most of us communicate physically but some of us digitally

<Booka> Your HQ is in Croatia?

<phale> yup

<phale> it's not really a headquarters lol

<phale> not like

<phale> what you'd expect at least

<Booka> That's where you're based anyway

<phale> yeah

<Booka> Sadly, I'm unable to move to Croatia

<phale> you can communicate digitally then

<phale> and you'd have access to our servers

<phale> bu you need knowledge in all of those fields I mentioned

<phale> but*

<Booka> What level of biology is needed? Highschool? College?

<phale> middle school

<phale> lol

<phale> you learn about neurons in middle school right?

<phale> what we do relies on heavy knowledge of biology but it's so abstracted that only middle school knowledge is needed

<phale> we have a lot of experts though

<Booka> What kind of job would I do?

<phale> now that's something I can't conclude myself

<phale> because a lot of people are doing a lot of things

<phale> if you were here physically it would be a lot easier

<phale> but currently

<phale> I guess you could do basic neural experiments (extracting, etc), this isn't a simple task at first and can be a bit stressful to grasp

<phale> it really depends on time

<Booka> How so?

<phale> like I said, a lot of people are doing a lot of stuff, sometimes peoples positions will be taken, that's why there are things such as work time, when their time is over, a new person comes

<phale> and it repeats the same tomorrow and then the other day etc

<Booka> Are you able to tell me what extracting is in a bit more detail?

<phale> as in how it works?

<phale> no I'm not able to disclose that

<Booka> I'll be back in maybe 10 minutes, dinner's ready

<phale> alright

<phale> seeya

<Booka> Okay, I'm back

<phale> wb

<Booka> The main thing I'm concerned about with the 'extracting' is if it causes harm to the subject

<phale> we do it in a special way, so no

<phale> it does involve sedation though

<Booka> I'm guessing the subject needs to be in REM sleep or something?

<phale> not always

<phale> well not at all

<phale> but we experiment with that too

<Booka> Out of curiosity, who is Savage?

<phale> he's just some guy I met elsewhere, unrelated to this project

<Booka> So, who would I talk to if I want to join the project?

<phale> me

<phale> some of us dont really go on irc some come from time to time though

<Booka> This whole project just keeps feeling stranger and stranger

<phale> :p

<Booka> The project seems very secretive, and yet the bar for entry seems very low

<phale> low?

<phale> if you ask me, it's pretty high, considering it requires good knowledge on a lot of important AI subjects

<phale> and we dont just let everyone in

<phale> we do background checks first

<Booka> I was referring to "natural language processing, computer vision, neural networks and basic knowledge of biology"

<phale> yes

<phale> those are AI subjects

<phale> well the first 3

<phale> 4th one very partially

<Booka> Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by the first and third one, could you elaborate on them?

<phale> natural language processing is an AI subject which relates computers and humans in terms of natural linguistics, neural networks are a crude way of simulating how the brain works

<phale> well a neural network is what we have

<phale> but in AI it means simulation

<phale> artificial neural network

<Booka> How is the second one an AI subject?

<phale> computer vision?

<Booka> Yeah

<phale> AI is based on learning techniques like deep learning machine learning etc

<phale> computer vision can use that

<phale> it doesnt have to, though, theres unsupervised and supervised learning

<phale> could just be static, tabular analysis

<Booka> Oh, I misunderstood you. I thought that those were requirements of the applicant, but it's knowledge of how to implement it in an AI.

<phale> i see

<Booka> I wouldn't be qualified to join, but I know someone who works in AI. Would you like me to send them your way?

<phale> would be great

<phale> are they on discord?

<phale> becaues I'm in some /r/arg chat right now

<Booka> I'm not sure, but they could easily set it up

<phale> alright im just wondering since i heard o some other ai guy

<phale> and he was just joking or something

<Booka> What's their username?

<phale> let me see

<phale> i forgot

<phale> i think it was billbelcher

<Booka> If that's right, then it isn't them

<Booka> I should probably get going. Have luck with your project =D »» Disconnected ().

Psychanaut ago













redditsuckz ago


Calm down

I just copied an pasted some other guys interview that was done 3 months ago...

Psychanaut ago


Psychanaut ago

YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT LHOHQ!? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why. Why why why why why. I should have been the person speaking to him. You have ZERO knowledge of the topic and didn't even ask about PIZZAGATE.

I'm dying over here. Someone throw me a life raft . OMG. Facepalm forever.

Psychanaut ago



AngB23 ago

Please keep posting what is found. I'm not computer savvy at all and too nervous to try and extract info. But if something is found that is important proof of PG, we all need to know. Would be awesome if somewhere in this crazy website, missing HRC emails or info from Weiners lap top would be a homerun. Thank you for posting

EllaMinnow ago

"Laughing horse orifice" what would that be? A mouth. Straight from the horse's mouth. That old saying means the info is coming straight from the source. It's the headquarters of the horse's mouth.

Psychanaut ago

You smarty. That's awesome. Right in front of me the whole time.

Psychanaut ago

@Nachtigall this is some info found today all of which is new and or compelling. The "CHILDREN'S BUREAU" stuff is what we need help with. We need to download 100% of their pdf and cvs and excel files asap. I found that randomly through a side door. How can we and also, "please will you" get all their data and put it somewhere? Then we need to think about what to do with it. It's not anywhere else. It's precious and we need it. Your rewards are all the Easter Eggs in the above post gathered from many sources, which I hope explain a lot.

Silverlining ago [page not found] [needs a download]

It looks as if someone else has archived these. Archive at enter the page address from the address line and save the page. You may also get the page saved history. There are other archive sites. I have trouble saving youtubes - says I can't play it back, but I assume someone has a programme to do that. Archive everything, because if you hit gold and it matters to someone, the page may be gone next time someone looks for it.

Psychanaut ago

I'm the one who archived those

Psychanaut ago


Silverlining ago

Have you archived this?

Psychanaut ago

No how do I do that?

pby1000 ago

I wonder if they are scalding the poor kid with hot water.

remedy4reality ago

I'm thinking the water is electrified to some level.

pby1000 ago

Maybe it is. I did not consider that. Whatever it is, these people are pretty sick.

educate_yourself ago

1st one yes the whole city was designed satanic occult ishly. why theres goats head and whatnot. 3rd image is also rather harmless i believe its the gnostic tree of life if memory serves (kabbalah). malkuth means kingdom if i recall and would either in your genitals or under ur feet i cant fckn remember. also though some of it relates to black magic/satanic conjuring or summoning. i accidentally got into summoning 1.5 years ago so i know forsure malkuth is the bottom of the cross in minor protection and summoning lol

FreeRebel ago

I wonder where you found these jpgs and what that site is about. The 2d link is a page from Principia Discordia, the folk phenomenon brought forth by Kerry Thornley & Greg Hill. It is not serious. I knew Kerry well. He was interested in stuff like those diagrams too, but he was not powerful nor was he a member of any real Illuminati. Was not in with the Podesta crowd.

Gothamgirl ago

I found them on the LHOHQ site. There is a few sites that link together and it reveals some history & dark operations in the government. Mostly mk ultra, and its current use today. It leads to pizzagate. There is names of victims and also suspects.

Psychanaut ago

Hey that's great news that you recognize some of this!!! THis is not a list of people who are child rapists or something. I do not suspect that in this information. This is much bigger about globalism and black ops etc. Howard Zinn Terrance McKenna would also want to know all about this. This is genius level stuff.

Psychanaut ago

creepy! did you see that the podesta video is now much much longer? so disturbing. sounds identical to jp

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, sure is creepy all of it..

Chasnigga ago

I spent hours copying and pasting the text from this site lhohq. Some of it seems like high school Shit, other stuff has a very ominous feel, like it's a test of sorts. Literally, I was on this site for days. Part of me wonders if it isn't just an elaborate distraction, made to look genius and secretive. But it can't be denied that some of the information on there is poignant and protected. Of course, some was from the Bush era. Anyway, I'd be curious to know what anyone else finds.

DerivaUK ago

I did the same. I guess we aren't the only ones who did. I decided to leave it when I realised that I wasn't finding anything that wasn't already available online. It seems it contains everything from declassified CIA files. It took far too much of my energy for a while that was better spent elsewhere.

Psychanaut ago

This track of research is not for everyone. I'm not a people researchers so this fits me better. And the info is not declassified. you 're speaking of the recent cia leaks?

DerivaUK ago

I hear you, and I don't have the tech savvy for the routes you're following but we each bring our own something to the collective. I was actually referring to CIA files that are ordinarily declassified after their given time span has expired.

Gothamgirl ago

You have to go to all the sites including the blogs. I've made some interesting connections. Nothing makes complete sense, until you've seen them all. This individual is a genius.

Psychanaut ago

I also thought it was a massive art project until today because of the info. the only only other reason I think it's connected is because the worldocopo video was found connected

Chasnigga ago

Yeah, it's a deep rabbit hole. My original thought was, why is this just coming to light now? There has to be a reason.

Psychanaut ago

I have this idea that it's been around for a while trying to expose govt corruption sort of like a very different wikileaks. imagine if you didn't know how to publish but you were a tech person. everything that follows, makes sense then, even making it obvious that you need a data extractor. it took me a while to figure that out, but now that I figured it out, it's like duh that makes total sense. there's even all these teasers and hints.

carmencita ago

On the very last ink at the bottom when you click on the page that comes up, it talks about how the Pentagram in the layout of DC is not really a real one, it is a flattened out one, and then it proceeds to draw graphs and show how it can be done correctly. At the bottom it says if You Click here you will get the secret to the key. The next page is a page of encryption. All of the links take you to something really crazy.

Psychanaut ago

All of those crazy links can be data-extracted or raw text blocks copied and pasted into normal docs.

carmencita ago

I get that, but I really would not know what I was doing. I can be dangerous.

Psychanaut ago

Yep don't do anything you are not comfortable with.

carmencita ago


IShallNotFear ago

Forgive me for not understanding, what type of research will this help with? Analyzing spreadsheets or pictures or both?

Psychanaut ago

I have no idea. How (Laughing Horses Orifice Headquarters) was found by someone on Voat putting "[email protected]" into a simple google search. [email protected] was in the Podesta emails, it's James Alephantis email. So why is James A having this mega data site about govt mind control attached to his gmail on google search?????

Silverlining ago

I assumed it was because the email address was in the huge list - along with Bill Clinton's. Please don't ask me to find the page they were on.

Psychanaut ago

ditto. ;)

Silverlining ago

Psychanaut ago

are you just trolling me? if so, just please go away

Psychanaut ago

are you making some kind of joke now?

Silverlining ago

No - just trying to help. You asked where the [email protected] lead came from. As someone else suggested, it probably came from here:-

Psychanaut ago

And obviously-OBVIOUSLY-I've already had this for weeks:

twistedmac11 ago

Just adding a little detail in, not sure if you've noticed it yet, but the names/phone numbers/emails etc on the Justin Beiber LHOHQ page are the same names/phone numbers/emails etc from when Guccifer (I think?) hacked Sid Blumenthal and leaked out his contacts.

Psychanaut ago

That is a GREAT observation. Some people did notice the intel, but assumed it was Wikileaks. But Guccifer makes a lot lot lot lot more sense.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Playing devil's advocate... IF someone were to download all of the Podesta email from Wikileaks in bulk. And strip out the data/write a script to isolate the email addresses, and then paste them all from a CSV/XLS file as the background text on LHOHQ - Google would subsequently index that HTML content and produce this page as a search result.

However, if there was no way to strip the emails out in bulk or there is evidence that the LHOHQ site contains text data that was NOT in the Wikileaks DB... that theory gets shattered quickly.

Chasnigga ago

I commented about this site last week sometime, because of found it through someone else's comment.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Why are your posts getting downvoated? Because you've hit a nerve?

Psychanaut ago

Maybe they think it's not pizzagate related, but what the heck is James A corp doing having this attached to his website. I'm not saying I know what it is. I just unlocked some shit that's there.

Celticgirlonamission ago

James A is gonna be the fall guy in this, or he will end up dead...either way he will be toast

carmencita ago

We know evolution is a lie we just want to destroy you. I saw this in one of the messages. This is scary stuff. As if we did not know that now.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thats true actually! Evolution of humans is a lie. The religious nuts have that much right. But it was no god who created humans. Thats also why our DNA is different from other animals. 46 vs 48.

Our DNA is also sketchy as hell, very poorly made. We are a sell maintaining slave race who somehow got out of control.

educate_yourself ago

i think its all been very particular and we arent somehow out of control just my humble opinion tho

DarkMath ago

"nothing downloads that is in any way dangerous"

Famous last words. Dude I don't know if you're for real or not but downloading special files is sketchy as shit.

Psychanaut ago

Ok, I put another warning note to let people know that making spreadsheets is not dangerous. thanks for your comment sorry for calling you a moron.

DarkMath ago

"making spreadsheets is not dangerous"

That's not really true. An Excel spreadsheet can execute Visual Basic, embed hidden libraries and do a lot of other malicious shit you'v never heard of. There are a million and one ways to hijack a computer.

Don't worry I'm like 90% sure you're not a shill. I think you're a little naive though. Once you go outside your browser you're asking for trouble.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Ahh why do you have to be so smart! 😉😊

Psychanaut ago

so you think downloading info into spreadsheets is dangerous? So they why go through so much trouble to hide it? We have been working on this for weeks. If someone wanted only to ruin my computer, they could have done it a thousand times more easily and in the weeks we have been working with this date not one person has had any issue.

DarkMath ago

I don't know what to tell you. I just live by a cardinal rule never download anything from a site unless it's like Webex or a pdf from the IRS web site. But even then it freaks me out.

You might look into the Wikileaks Vault 7 data dump. The CIA is doing things with hidden software that would turn your shit white.

Psychanaut ago

for the last fucking time, there are not downloads. Which is what I said. You are not comprehending the post.

DarkMath ago

Dude calm down. You wrote "there are no downloads".

But there are. One of the links is "". An mp4 is a file you would download to your computer.

There's also "". That's a file that will download to someones computer.

In my opinion you should be using something like Paste Bin. It's much safer if you took the files you want to share and paste them into a Pastebin page.

People do that all the time here. They find some files related to pizzagate and then put them on pastebin so none of us have to risk downloading a file to our computers.

Psychanaut ago


privatepizza ago

I looked into the domain name and found a US name and address (below). I also found the site is connected to an Italian org who appear to advocate for the right to electronic privacy.

I haven't posted it anywhere yet so I'll leave it here and maybe others can dig further, and hopefully find out who Terry M Wolf is, the owner of the domain.

Research on Domain Name is registered to Terry M Wolf of 4657 Coventry Court, Biloxi, MS. Screenshot -


~~~Who is Terry M Wolf ?

Associazione Investici

At the top of the index page are these contact details -

[email protected]

[email protected]:6667

Research on the domain '', reveals that it's registered to an address in Firenze, Italy and a company / org named Associazione Investici.

WHOIS Domain Lookup -

Associazione Investici -

AI appears to be an Italian organization who are advocating for the right to electronic privacy. From their index page (translation from Italian) -

"Our goal and 'free up space on the network, to discuss and work on two levels: on the one hand, the right / need for free communication, privacy, anonymity and access to electronic resources, other projects related to reality 'social.

The creation of an independent server seems a good starting point for achieving these aims."

And some links translated - the Statute The administration The bad luck of the Association

    Norway: seizure of a server (2011)     Crackdown: violated the Autistic / Inventati server (21 June 2005)     The judiciary closes the mailbox [email protected] (Summer 2005)     Trenitalia calls for the removal of a satire page (Summer 2004)

It all becomes curiouser and curiouser ! Would love to know who Terry M Wolf is.

Silverlining ago

Not sure where or why popped up from, but you may have noticed phale was chatting to Booka on the thread @redditsuckz put up - see above.

privatepizza ago

Yep, got it, ty !! and LHOHQ are connected sites

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Any chance you can source their IP's? I've been monitoring early modifications on Wikipedia that align with PG, and a handful of interesting Wikipedia pages were modified VERY early on (months before we discovered the leads on Voat, and weeks after initial Reddit findings poured in). Each time I cross-referenced the archive of page modifications back to the origin (before the edit was reversed) it hit various IP addresses in Italy.

Vindicator ago

SoSpricy, you should write up a post documenting this.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Will do. Hosting a party today with 50 people... Pizza is not on the menu, and I'll explain why this is to all of my guests. An opportunity to red pill en masse, with the assistance of some very fine single barrel whiskeys and beers that are nearly impossible to come by.

Once this is done and everyone is gone/asleep on couches, I'll dig in and see what I can compile for the group in a new post referencing this one.

Happy Easter! Let's crush this evil scum under our heel.

Vindicator ago

Amen to ALL that. :-) From whiskey to scum crushing! Happy Easter to as well.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

False alarm... after scouring a whole bunch of reversed Wikipedia links, I was only able to connect two to a similar region, not enough cross-pollination between IP addresses and edit time to warrant a deeper dive.

Sorry about that!

privatepizza ago

Extremely compelling info indeed. Which Wikipedia pages are you looking at, may I ask? Don't worry if you'd rather not say.

I'm itching to dig into their IP's tbh, however I'm committed to another PG project which we're all working on furiously to release as soon as possible. However, utterly intrigued as I am by lhohq and, I am aching to!

If it helps (idk which tools you're using), here are some tools for Domain and IP research. You'll find them in the index under 'Domain and IP Research'. That's what I'd use. Keep me posted?!

EDIT - would help if I posted the tools link --

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Thank you!

I'll take a look @ that tool along with what I'm currently using and cross reference in advance of the post.

Cheers, Spricy

privatepizza ago

Welcome! Really look forward to seeing your post and good luck ; )

Silverlining ago

You should release as you go along. Don't want you suicided!!

privatepizza ago

Haha, might do it myself first! ( Joke ) But you're right of course Silver. We're a large group and will be sharing it to our Voat friends v soon. You're on the preview list ; )

Gothamgirl ago

I tracked the Italian lead to 2 you guys maybe teenagers, on youtube, wearing anonymous masks.

privatepizza ago

Ah really GG? That was the connection with that. I didn't understand they were connected with at the time, apologies!!

Gothamgirl ago

Oh definetly connected through links and mentions, if you look at the Synt's homepage LHOHQ letters surround the pentagon.

privatepizza ago

Oh wow!!! I see it!! Didn't see that before!! Hey thanks for this!! Guess you saw the new front page at I just saw it now.

The single quote "Designed with them your left brain is your consciousness, the mortal brain your right brain is your unconsciousness, the immortal brain evolution would not be possible if not for that everything in the infinite universe is stored in the collective unconscious mind your left brain deals with local space time your right brain deals with unlocal space time it is all frequencies that you can tap into, it is in the air like radio waves it's music

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I notice it. I am still looking for info on Madeline McCann.

privatepizza ago

Hope you find some more. Good luck Girl. I'm itching to download the .gz files on I did some, they were mp3's of more trippy music. I'd love to see what's in the 'tools' /gz's.

privatepizza ago

Pinging @redditsuckz - Hey Red, as you're the best here at finding who people are, do you think you could give us a hand with this Terry M Wolf character at all ? He's recorded as the owner of Thanks for considering anyway, I know you were looking at the domains for this subject - you may know already. Cheers!


redditsuckz ago

The Email is also connected to Jerry J. Trevino who parked a domain

Blankbanshee Twitter;

Blank Banshee Alternate Twitter Account;

Blank Banshee Facebook;

Blank Banshee Tumbler;

Blank Banshee Youtube;

Thoughts on Blank Banshee 2

Blank Banshee 2 Possible ARG?

The guy from spills the beans on what it is here;

-it's a collage of neurally extracted imagery just like eccoloc

-can't disclose 100% what it is, but it's converting neural imagery into text, PPM images which is an easy format to grasp, and then converted into PNG or JPG

-we're a team, we don't disclose what we do to people online

-it's closed-source research

-it's randomly generated, somewhat

-as disinformation

-NLP and web crawling

-natural language processing, computer vision, neural networks and basic knowledge of biology

Terry M. Wolf shows up being from Milwaukee;

David Witzling and Dmitry Myakovsky running the LHOHQ website aslo from Milwaukee

Silverlining ago

Looks like an attempt at machine mind reading @privatepizza

privatepizza ago

I agree it could be one of the subjects, mind reading and mind programming using sound influence. Neural imaging, neural reading, transferring to different mediums? Read, affect and transform

privatepizza ago

Red, you rock !!! Thanks so much for your incredible research on this, it'll help the whole subject to have this here. Thank YOU!!!!

@psychanaut @GothamGirl

Psychanaut ago

love that. I did find a home in on google maps looks like cookie cutter suburban...would love someone to really find people. i'm not great at finding people stuff. i'm pure info finder

privatepizza ago

Yea wish I was too! You're obviously amazing with info finding!!

Psychanaut ago

Thank you!!!

privatepizza ago

Donno who's downvoating you everywhere bro, looks like you've got an anti-LHOHQ troll ; )

Psychanaut ago

Yeah I saw that!

Psychanaut ago

omg what does it all mean..

Gothamgirl ago

It means they're "satanic demons" causing chaos wherever, & whenever, they chose. Its been going on for a very long time.

Psychanaut ago

your Bavarian Illuminati find is very awesome

privatepizza ago

Shakin' my head...

Psychanaut ago


I think this could be being done or was done by people who are like way way way undercover wikileaks style leakers but they just encode it into these insane websites.

privatepizza ago


Psychanaut ago

yeah the music and the flashing.

privatepizza ago

We need to know who Terry M Wolf is....

Psychanaut ago

Agree 100%

equineluvr ago

S/He is a Tribe of Benjamin crypto Jew, for starters.

Spiritual_War ago

everybody is a crypto jew to you.

equineluvr ago

No, they are not.

It is notable that 99-100% of the PERPS in these cases are JEWS.

privatepizza ago

Nice work you're doing ! This is a very exciting development. I like very much that you 'made the crazy go' ; )

Psychanaut ago

I can't believe what I'm seeing honestly. It's making perfect sense now why these sites have to look like complete madness otherwise, how could any of this live for more than a day a week, max. Look how we get people being shut down every week here or there. This is a genius genius thing that was created. I'm not 100% sure where it will lead but hope we have enough researchers now to do everything we need to do to help the kids by understanding what we are dealing with. Thanks for the comment!

privatepizza ago

PS - Genius genius indeed, if this is the case.

privatepizza ago

Really? Are you seeing new info then, or is it that seeing it all together in plain text makes sense of the info? If it's as you say, a gold mine of hidden (to be unhidden) information which would censored, this is an extremely interesting development. Kudos for keeping going with it !

Psychanaut ago

I sh. you not, it's actually 2 sepatate sets of info. Once I unlocked the spreadsheet data then I go back and I highlight the text on the literal webpages (the flashy art pages) and save text as onto just a doc. Then the doc and the spreadsheet go together.

privatepizza ago

I'd love to be with you right now! How do the spreadsheet and text go together? Is the text contained in the spreadsheet?

Psychanaut ago

no! You can see the text in the background, look:

but you can also run that site ^^ in the data extractor and get spread sheets.

privatepizza ago

I'm gonna have to dive in

privatepizza ago

So it's running off a database? The page draws the info from a mysql db or similar do you think?

Psychanaut ago

Honestly, I'm not even that tech savy. I just knew I had to extract data to see what was up, so I learned today what "data extracting web crawler" was and have been using it for past 4 hours.

privatepizza ago

Respect !!

Spiritual_War ago

Great work, Is it possible for you to upload the files you've decrypted without MKultra images?

Psychanaut ago

I did on the original post.

Spiritual_War ago

This is the type of stuff that makes you question your reality. Like why are the elites so obsessed with satanism, the occult, and mind control. They know something that the average atheist doesn't know.

DerivaUK ago

I have just watched a two parter film currently doing the rounds on FB named "Killiuminati - The Movie" that has massively enhanced my understanding of where this all fits. Try as I might I cannot save the links to post. I'll keep trying.

Ocelot ago

I figured it's just their fucked up club that they use to form a common ground amongst psychopaths.

ThorTheWonderful ago

There's a lot the "average atheist" doesn't know, as a matter of fact the average atheist is more ignorant than the average religious nut nowadays.

And why so specifically "the average atheist" anyway?

privatepizza ago

They truly do....

Psychanaut ago

Yeah. I honestly honestly think they are mixing satanism with cia mind control. I JUST found out that Jack Parsons/JET PROPULSION LABORATORY was a fucking Alester Crowley follower, like literally the Alester Crowley in real life ...and he performed black rituals-THAT NO ONE DENIES, etc.

Chasnigga ago

I just watched that doc on Gaia.

educate_yourself ago

fun fact on gaia, their studios located in denver. i had a year subscription and then stopped when i got fed up with corey goode. i dont trust things in denver

Chasnigga ago

Denver is shady af. I troll the airport's Twitter with illuminati Shit all the time. They actually get a kick out of it. Still, something's off in Denver. Corey Goode is ok. I like the Shit he and David wilcock do. They were on PizzaGate for a hot minute, but haven't done much since.