Blazefierce ago

But did u see this gift I made from the first opening seconds?

Check out @melissadtib's Tweet:

And these? From the other video.

Check out @melissadtib's Tweet:

Check out @melissadtib's Tweet:

Pizzalawyer ago

I've been doing my best to work backwards and try to authenticate these videos. It was released on 4chan before this forum was really up and running. Otherwise we could have been the recipient of the leak/discovery. Rumor has it that it came to 4chan by way of SilvaGunner but I am not convinced since I didn't see any content that was this vile...maybe I didn't search hard enough. We need computer expertise, voice recognition expertise and a qualified linguist to help analyze this. Surely there is someone on board here who can isolate the music, then we could proceed to track the source of the music.

Pizzaagent ago


Psychanaut ago


Bucket_Of_Losers ago

Some parts of the video, the kid is hopping on one leg and something in the bottom right is on the floor grabbing the kids leg.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

We all hope that. And I agree, I don't want to become too desensitized, and therein lies the danger. That's why we take breaks, think happy thoughts, and for those of us who have faith in God, pray for protection. I also pray for people in law enforcement that have to see real pictures / videos for investigations. Pizzagate stuff is nothing compared to that, I would not be able to do what they do, I would feel like I was sacrificing my own peace of mind and sanity!

equineluvr ago

The ONLY way to definitively answer the question whether or not that is Podesta is to isolate the voice from the rest of the background noise/music and subject the audio to VSA (voice stress analysis), preferably conducted by former FBI.

I wonder why James Woods -- who has been very vocal via Twitter about these videos -- doesn't commission this? He can certainly afford to.

nomorepepperoni ago

Perhaps some people should start asking him to...

dougG ago

If you had any literary skills at all you would see that I said "let me guess" which means I am inferring that you would think I was a shill if I didn't swear allegiance to Trump. That's not putting words in your mouth you fucking tard. Listen to what you're saying, every time you accuse someone for being a shill BC they don't sport Trump they say " ooooh, just bcs I don't like trump I am a shill" Haha, maybe BC they aren't a fucking shill and they just don't like Trump. Anyone who argues with the popular assumptions gets called a shill, its the cool kid in school mentality or actually more like a cult. Instead of addressing the logic that my argument makes all you have is a dumnass childhood comeback.

Breadleaf ago

This video much more clearly featues the music in the background and can be compared to performances at CPP to prove it took place there.

Also this video is valuable because this time it irrefutably shows a child, and that they are trying to escape.

If anything this video is better than any of the others.

Let's roll up our sleeves and get on this.

Ocelot ago

Better in those regards, definitely. Although I think the first is the best to try to ID the voice. This video certainly helps solidify in my mind that that is quite possibly JP's voice.

dougG ago

So just because my opinion differs from yours means I am some kind of pedo sympathizer. And let me guess, if I don't swear my allegiance to Trump then I am shill? Damn right I hate pedos,and nlieve in 1st offense castration and 2nd offense life in prison or death, what I try to do is discredit all the disinfo and ridiculous theories in an effort to save some face for the PG movement if we ever went some progress to be made.


cult_of_philanthropy ago

@paulf, you are right, as difficult as it is to watch.

It would also be nice if somehow it could be isolated to show any reflections from the glass doors of JP torturing that poor child.

paulf ago

I'm on it. First it needs to be stabilized and then run through some filters. Not really looking forward to this.

42times5 ago

Sending some extra strength to you <3

dougG ago

Its not that far fetched for me to believe that this guy is just an internet troll with two much time on his hands. For the record, I do 100% believe in corruption and trafficking in the highest echelons of our gov't but some of the PG claims such as the Worldcorp one are so ridiculous and unsubstantiated, I can kind of understand the fun that these people could find in picking on and making fun of these claims and the people that make them. So no, I don't think these accounts are JA or paid shills. We need to stick to the facts people. (IMO)!!!

dougG ago

If this was a leak, why oh why, would it be leaked to a ghetto click bait shock and gore site as worldcorp. Why not the news, wikileaks, 4 chan, reddit or any website that has just an ounce of credibility. Everybody wants it to be JP sooooooooooo bad that they are turning their backs to common sense. It could be 1 of 7.5 billion people and JP is being picked out of a leakhat. Even if the title of the video was "John Podesta tortures child" it would still warrant some scrutiny as to its authenticity, but it isn't, there is nothing that links it to him. This is the far-fetched ridiculous logic that has a good portion of the world laughing at Pizzagaters. Also, this has been debunked numerous times by the PG community. Based on the kind of website worldcorp is, I highly doubt that the video is even real abuse. This kid was probably given a new Xbox to stand in the shower and scream and then they thought, hey let's add some weird lighting and a fog machine. Now you guys are clicking on it over and over and giving these twisted video producers exactly what they want.

DerivaUK ago

I'll go as far as to agree with the doubt but not as far as it having been debunked totally. I remain open minded personally, and can't deny the similarity

YingYangMom ago

Well, now it looks like he's getting over the shower doors to reach unto something with a stick, broom stick? trying to provoke the movement of something, probably snakes or rats or some other vile creatures that are swimming in the tub? This is probably why he was beating the doors in the first video. Could also be animal or human body parts floating around... just sick.

Death2Masons ago

And again, this is rehash material that was already gone over. That is what this site is now. Look at those upvoting this as if it is new.

ArthurEdens ago

I wish they'd stop messing around and just release the unedited video. Let's roll this freight train

notdivided ago

on top of the obvious problems all these seem like mk triggers- who is the targeted audience? Us?

42times5 ago

I haven't watched any of them, and what you've said here is the reason why. I feel very sensitive to any form of manipulation right now and I'm feeling ultra paranoid. The thought of these videos makes me feel nauseous. Makes me feel helpless.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

There's definitely a need to exercise caution when you are dealing with this type of material because the fact is that it just isn't healthy for the mind to over expose yourself to it.

When I was new to the topic I was enraged and sickened but I was voraciously searching for material so I could essentially "make up my mind" because at first you aren't sure what to think. It put me in a major funk for a couple of days and I didn't want to eat and I had a hard time sleeping. Now that I'm a little bit desensitized, I can handle it better. But some people might not be able to handle it at all, AND THAT IS OK. We shouldn't expect everyone to be able to. Those who can research should research. Those who believe, but feel unable to cope with delving into the material could perhaps talk about it with families and friends instead, or encourage people they know to go and make up their own minds. We're all operating at different levels here and those who are too sensitive or unwilling should not be made, ever, to feel guilty about it. I strongly believe that they could do themselves real harm by not listening to their bodies demands to put it down and walk away when they need to and the tougher among us need to be cognizant of that.

42times5 ago

Well said.

Breadleaf ago

these videos should fill you with righteous indignation my friend, do NOT dispare. When you think of this video or these children fill yourself with the rage and know that if you try hard enough, you can help. You are not helpless unless you choose to be

42times5 ago

You're right. Ty

HollandDrive ago

You are Robert or Alefantis correct?

V____Z ago

I used to think this was JA, but in this comment sounds way too intelligent. Brock may have someone working the weekends using this account, who actually graduated from college.

HollandDrive ago

Yes, I have def seen two different styles, others here have pointed that out as well.

islandofdelight ago

This is John Podesta... These videos were leaked just as the Podesta brother's identities in the McCann case were leaked. FBI Anon's information corroborates that there is dissent in the FBI and white hats working to get information public. It's not unprecedented.

Death2Masons ago

You make me want to down vote now..there are no "white hats" on the inside, this is being pushed by disinfo "anon" source. Arrest are imminent!

Breadleaf ago

is it your opinion that this video is not of podesta?

V____Z ago

I wonder if this is some of what the NYPD found so horrific from Weiner's laptop. If Clinton had these videos on her server, they could have ended up on Weiner's via Huma.

concernedaboutitall ago

But wasn't the initial worldcorpo video out in 2015? For some reason I remember its older from previous discussions.

FE_Rebekah ago

That was one of my first thoughts, that they leaked something from the 650K emails.

Otherwise I don't know why this video is out. It doesn't make sense if it's not connected to JP. It should have stayed on the deep web, or someone from the deep web should be releasing more videos of The Swamp.

Maybe they are trying to desensitize people on purpose?

V____Z ago

I've been worried that. Are we being desensitized?

Ohsoedgy ago

Or maybe youre part of the clan who rapes and eats kids. Why make a profile to discredit PG? Why not use your time and voice for something better? Don't think its real? Move on then. Plenty of folks can connect dots you think don't exist.

DarkMath ago


First up there's no evidence it's John Podesta. It could be but it's unlikely given the Boston accent and the fact John Podesta is from Chicago.

Secondly there have been at least 10 versions of the fatherhood video. You acknowledge that when you wrote "In this version". Have you ever considered the possibility someone is just tweaking the video based on people reactions to it to get all the hoax possible out of it?

That sure seems like the case to me. How about you?

thisisnotagame ago

I'm from Boston, JP does NOT have a Bostonian accent.

DarkMath ago

I know but these people think the father in the video has a Chicago accent. He doesn't, it's a Boston accent.

rodental ago

That's John Podesta.

Scirel ago

There are multiple examples of Podesta's voice cracking even during interviews and speeches. Here again, this person's voice cracks regularly when he is yelling. To me, this is the biggest tell. Still thinking it's him.

ArthurEdens ago

It's him. His voice is spot on.

Psychanaut ago

it is literally his peculiar specific voice. i mean omg it's a match match match.

DerivaUK ago

Be good if we could isolate that music

Breadleaf ago

Even without isolating it, it might finally be clear enough to compare with people who performed at CPP

SaveTheChildren ago

Probably cuz he's a ftm tranny Satanist

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Lol wut?!

Breadleaf ago

Ehhhh no. this is weak weak evidence at very best. besides what does it matter at all? not one tiny bit

ponyfriend ago

be careful, this redpill is pretty hard to swallow...

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Hahahaha. Oh man. I love crazy shit, but are you guys seriously believing this?

ponyfriend ago

this youtuber I linked to is probably a parody (perhaps he seriously believes it).. while I don't really believe all that (think about the height, voice, also the time period... many of these things cannot be changed easily today, let alone FDR and Kennedy being transgender female to males.

That said there is lots of weird stuff in history. The photo of Truman in a dress as a child (this was a normal custom then, to dress boys up as girls for their photographs before the age of 7 or something like that. I do think that Podesta's DNA is super corrupted by the Satanism and that is part of the reason you see more transgendered (or rather, weakly gendered) facial features. Just like inbreeding. perhaps Satanism repeated among generations has a detrimental effect on the person (both spiritual and physical). Also keep in mind that as people age they accumulate hormones in their body and so you'll get older ladies growing mustaches and older men growing man boobs. It can somewhat be explained by science, but perhaps some of it is super-natural. Who knows. No I don't seriously believe it 100%, but I do believe certain things, like hormonal imbalances beyond genetic factors.

I do unironically believe Barbara Bush is the daughter of Alaister Crowley.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

While I can appreciate your analysis, but couldn't he just be a dude with womanly features or "weakly gendered" male? Why does everything have to be related to satanism or cannabalism or Trans operations? I get it, there's weird shit going on in the world, believe me I know better than most. I was reading David Icke and zechariah sitchin books at age 15, but geez not everything is a conspiracy.

ponyfriend ago

Yes I agree with you, the youtube video I linked to should be taken as a joke. I do actually believe it is Satanic in theme, at the very least, as Satanism is often about the perversion of the natural (like genders/sexes) and even the goat-human Baphomet has both breasts and a dick, so... Yes I agree, weakly gendered male is part of it, but honestly lots of this has to do with genetics and epigenetics, so no I do not take back the basis of what I said, which is that corrosive and satanic behavior within bloodlines probably has some sort of deleterious effect on the presentation of that individuals gender. Look at Barbara Bush being Alaister Crowley's daughter and how manly she looks.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Chuck Schumer has a lovely pair 😉

ponyfriend ago

holy crap, it looks like he is wearing a bra... are you sure that isn't photoshoppped?

SaveTheChildren ago

Barbara bush is not female..... no way man

SaveTheChildren ago no brow ridge, tiny head, weak pointy chin, weak jaw, look how soft and femme that hand looks, Round face, thin lips, no adams apple old lady turkey neck. hands look discolored (HRT hormone replacement therapy discolors your hands), Just look... no brow, sloped jaw of a woman, small pointy chin of a woman. This is a woman.

SaveTheChildren ago

FTM = female to male

They all do it at the top (and in show-biz)

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I wasn't ignorant to the definition of ftm. I was literally laughing at the statement made with no proof.

SaveTheChildren ago

I linked proof recently. I bet 'he' has women legs too but I didn't check.

equineluvr ago

No, you linked to claimed evidence.

SaveTheChildren ago

Just because you're ignorant doesn't make my evidence wrong.

paulf ago

Fuck, do I have to watch this again? Yes, yes I do because of the kids. Let's do it people. The Day of The Rope is nigh.

Schweiz ago

The worst part is, this is relatively tame to some of the darker stuff they've done. Murdering babies and raping their corpse, eating the remains and making other kids to it too. Fuck it makes me so mad. Honestly, what fucking enrages me is when people think this is all a crazy fake conspiracy theory and can't fucking think for themselves.

V____Z ago

From what I've read, the West Coast (LA) faction has a ceremony where they throw live babies into a metal statue that is red hot with fire inside, the babies are incinerated. I think it's a Moloch statue. This is the same cult that Hillary is said to be a long time member of,

Scirel ago

Hillary went to the witch's church with the creator of Designing Women, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, who apparently is still friendly with Bill

HollandDrive ago

Must be part of the witch convention that Hillary used to attend according to Larry Nichols. It was in LA.

IShallNotFear ago

I think if the transcript is all a lot of us can really stomach. If there is anything in that additional 53 seconds that better identifies this sick sub-human, like a voice inflection or a better look at his face, that would be worth noting.

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