naturallyfree ago

I still haven't figured it out but keeping tabs on it. I don't think it will work for my macbook. I think I need to get a Linux system which is nervewracking to think about. I got links to getting a Bank of the Future account for my first foray into crypto-coin if I can do this. But when push comes to shove I will jump. Decentralized web will be the only Safe way to internetwork and what a trusted authority Nick & co are!

Aside from that privacy and security issue... With this database having children, perp and state; it seems to me forensic accounting is the big dig. How much did States give, how much did they get, and follow the money. There's Colorado, a wealthy State with 10's of thousands of children; Tennessee a poor State with a nominal number of kids. Then there's Arkansas with the mega Walmart financial momentum in the state, with more than miny miny miny. Whereas Maryland even fewer than Tennessee, a blue collar yet prosperous place. While Virginia which has so much diversity and government workers more like Alaska, off the charts numbers. This is a yuge money transfer, a subBlackmarket of government? An entire economy in and of itself if all charted. Somebody who knows Charles Ortel, might ask him to recommend who would have time to map it. For volunteered time. I wonder if Catherine Austin Fitts knows about this banking.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"655 Virginia 2014 Perpetrators (unique count)"

Am I reading this wrong or does this say there are vastly less in Va.(contrary to previous thinking/numbers)?

VIrginiaPerson ago

I have not looked into the data yet, but I am from a family with two sides of multigenerational serious abuse and neglect, with one side of my family approaching "elite" status. CPS was called to my home when I was growing up so many times I couldn't begin to count. They would contact the adults in my house well beforehand, tell them they were coming, and tell them what they would be looking for. This enabled the adults to "pass inspection" every time. It is clear that VA CPS does not want to find or help abuse victims. I couldn't tell you why.

Periodically, there are news stories about this or that local CPS or similar child protective/adoptive service here unveiled with massive fraud and mismanagement. Kids dying on their watch, kids placed with sexual predators, etc. Again, I don't know why. <-- This is probably the best place for information about missing and murdered people in VA. Warning- it's a deep, deep rabbit hole.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Stay strong.

Psychanaut ago

It might be one kind of data showing a low number and another kind of data showing more. also there is no released yet!

AngB23 ago

I see perpetrators which, DAMN, a lot of sick assholes in America. Does it have actual count of kids or am I missing it?

kplusk ago

Up Vote! Great find Psychanaut! Jackpot of information!

There's even Refugee Arrival Data from 2012-2015. I'm archiving as quickly as possible, as well as downloading the data & pdfs.

Psychanaut ago

oh wow, nice find. there is SOOOO much, it's hard to digest it all. I want us to be able to download it completely before they shut it down!

pbvrocks ago

Upvoating..some amazing stats in here..5% of total child population is abused..and those are just the ones on the radar. 50% of abusers are women. 50% of abuse on children 1 year or less...sad stuff...but great find. I might also use these stats to do what Anon5 was discussing and map cases to hubs to distribution. Interestingly some states do not do reporting thru CPS as you will see...also WHY is NCMEC not SCREAMING these numbers??? Staggering as they are and not including the murdered or unreported...5% of total population is an EPIDEMIC!

Psychanaut ago

Yeah but 87% of RAPISTS are male.

notdivided ago

it's skewed cuz most caregivers are women.

Psychanaut ago

Exactly it says "last updated January 2016" ...

DerivaUK ago

Amazing find. Great work.

Chatman ago

Is there any way we can put this data into a website where we can create custom graphs and querys and then link them to other people?

Also good work, big compiled datasets from reputable sources is how we can show and back up our claims leading to more potent blue pills.

Also don't forget to backup the data too, as they will likely tighten up the backdoor

naturallyfree ago

This might be the site to use to set up the map. . At this point if it gets too bad and the Pompeo people go to censoring on steroids, the decentralized web could be used to house it while its worked on. If you don't know MaidSafe and SafeCoin, this is recently from their forum

Psychanaut ago

what should we do? How can we do that?

Vindicator ago

@Psychanaut: Nice find. Giving this a "New Evidence" flair to get people's attention. Someone should make some memes with key takeaways from this data. @Kestral9, what do you think?

Psychanaut ago


ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

From the 2014 report: Maltreatment reports total: 810,557 and of those, 58,105 were sexual abuse. also, "Fifty states reported 1,546 fatalities." That's more than four dead children EVERY SINGLE DAY and another child sexually abused EVERY10 MINUTES! If you see something, say something.

SoberSecondThought ago

This is terrible, yes, but it's also a useful statistic. According to the same reports, there are about 74 million children (under 18) in the U.S. Of these, about 58,100 were reported sexually abused. That's 0.8 per thousand, per year. That's your official, government-approved baseline of how often children are likely to be sexually abused.

Now, what we're trying to do, is spot anomalies. Here's one that I am quite interested in. There are about 430,000 kids in foster care in America right now (it varies a lot, the official estimate could be 500,000 next year, and that's a problem as we shall see). Some are with relatives, some are with non-related foster parents. The total number of cases of kids being abused in any way by a foster parent in 2015 was 1,424. That is 3.3 per thousand, or less if the total is 500,000. This is a little under one-third of the rate of reported abuse for kids in general. Sexual abuse by foster parents is not broken out separately. I've checked the numbers going back ten years, and these figures are actually somewhat lower than they were in 2005-2009 time period, but they have always been well below the national average.

But guess what? Those numbers are pure crap. Sexual abuse by foster parents is a HUGE problem. See these links for details:

A legal resource center says sexual abuse in foster care is 4x national average.

A Psychology Today study says the majority of kids in foster care are abused by their foster parents.

The Independent reports similar problems in the UK

The most important takeaway here is this: Despite all this independent evidence that there are major problems with foster abuse, these detailed official reports show nothing and SAY nothing about the issue, and so far as I can see, never have. Sexual abuse in foster care is not broken out separately. The total abuse numbers are absurdly low. We don't have good data for how many kids are in foster care to begin with.

So hats off, Psychanaut, you haven't just found a huge pile of data ... this is part of the cover-up.

RebelSkum ago

Those stats. Ffffffuuu....

NeedPolyGF ago

What did the "Perpetrators" do?

privatepizza ago

W o w . This is awesome ? What a find. Why indeed has it been so difficult to find this ? Bravo Psychanaut !