SoberSecondThought ago

I posted an analysis of foster-care abuse in the previous thread. The numbers are absurdly low and there are other problems going back at least a decade.

Pizzalawyer ago

There is nothing new or secretive about the Childrens Bureau. It was America's first federal welfare agency for children created about 100 years ago by President Taft. It operates today as one of many branches under Children and Family Services within the U.S. Depart. of Human and Health Services. One of its missions is to provide grants to state agencies and NGO' s with respect to foster care and adoptions for abused and neglected children.

Which brings us to Childrens Protective Services and the bonus aspect of $5000.00 paid out to state agencies for each child placed into foster care together with stipends to parents adopting foster children. Beware the statistics. They may be inflated in order to procure more federal tax dollars which may be a good or bad thing depending on whether CPS is complicit with trafficking.

EDIT: All manner of abuse and neglect comes within the overview of CPS, not just sex abuse. If both parents or stepparents are in the home both will be charged hence the 50/50 blame. Since most children reside with their mother whether she is single or married, you will see more females than males charged with abuse and/or neglect. Then of course there is the abuse happening in the state operated foster homes and group homes that your very good research is referring to. That's where I would expect under-reporting because the government is protecting itself and only the worst cases are coming to light.

md3inaustin ago

Exactly. I was shocked to learn they had incentivized CPS & foster care. Similarly to, and resulting similarly to the health care system being turned from majorly religious non-profit organizations into for-profit corporations, while maintaining the original non-profit names. Removing the care aspect and replacing with monopolistic cash cows. Hardly seems honest.

SturdyGal ago

This is interesting. Are these convictions or reported cases? Parents are the worst offenders by far, which surprises me. And I bet that is under-reported. Or is that reported by CPS to justify removing the child from the home?

Psychanaut ago

They have an entire different section for CPS! it's all sorted and organized. Insane that we have NEVER heard of this "bureau" before...

SturdyGal ago

I am really surprised that we haven't heard of this before, too. I will have to back up and get the site overview.

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