Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing.

VieBleu ago

Respectfully, I asked a few questions in a new comment on this thread - perhaps you could take a look and see if you have answers for any of them. I struggle to understand this twilight world.

(Here is the direct link to my questions

shoosh ago

in a recent interview Ole Damegard with Alfred Webre Lambremont said he spoke to an authority on rituals who claimed that part of the procedure is to make their information known for a few purposes. A person can't claim they don't know, it removes choice in desensitization to name only a few.

I've noticed this appears to be a psychological thing for criminals as well, many of whom are caught after being too sloppy.

This sounds similar to old native Indian tribes who would count coop - the more risky the more points or coop. (not sure of correct spelling here).

VieBleu ago

You know it when you see it. Clearly MK Ultra vibe art.

But at this point, it raises questions. Why is this even allowed? Do the host personality/ies need to do this to continue to function? Is it part of their programming? Doesn't letting control slaves make this kind of art and show it publicly create the risk of exposure of the handler? Is it a way for the slave to generate income and thus be less of a burden? At this point, is there a genuine risk of some artists jumping on the "creepy slave art" bandwagon even if they aren't this kind of victim? And who buys these works?

Gothamgirl ago

Honestly I think its one of 3 things 1) a front to sell kids, and the buyers like that kind of art. Or 2) These artists are victims. 3) both

VieBleu ago

I think the artists are usually victims, which raises all the questions. I guess in the regular world, you think hey I'm going to abuse and torture someone their whole life, and I DON"T want them to make big colorful pictures (or dreary) about it and advertise them, because I may get caught! But no.

I guess they 1) never think they are going to get caught or there won't be any consequences if they are 2) have an agenda to abuse all of the rest of us second hand with this creep art getting out into the culture and degrading it. (CIA)

Pizzalawyer ago

I don't understand this applied chaos dynamics...this is way over my head but I did notice a reference to properties of osscilation. Does this have any connection to the weird vibrating features in the Worldcorp videos and some of Majestic Apes music and videos?

Gothamgirl ago

I think mk ultra is used to compartmentalize kids and program pedo's. Its been used to program chaos. Different frequencies and pixels cause dfferent outcomes. When the frequency is turned up you will become a cannabilistic zombie.

shoosh ago

I think this too. The occult view of chaos ia to produce order out of chaos as a good thing. There are a lot of beliefs as to why they want to produce this.

Gothamgirl ago

It will not let me share a banned link but her account her https:// www.etsy. com/shop/ andreashear Look at the art she has sold starting at page 3 Bentley Ptythylhlyl Also another account here

Gothamgirl ago

Wow eye opening. I am so sorry for what has happened to you. Many hugs.