Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm confused. What am I missing in the picture?

Newfind ago

This is a car ad with a child in it

thebrainwasheffect ago

Ad is taken down... Next time, be sure to post a link to the ad. Thanks for the lead nonetheless.

Newfind ago

The link is posted somewhere and I took some pics.

wokethefkup ago

The fact that this person deleted their car selling post gave us all the info we needed. Thanks scared as fuck pedophile.

Newfind ago

Yeah for real. What a dumbass.

Silverlining ago

@Newfind Would you consider streamlining and consolidating the information on the thread that you think significant? I don't think you can edit your original submission, so it may not stay near the top. But it is such a good thread, but so long....

Newfind ago

I will try to later this afternoon.

carmencita ago

Or it could mean something. This is why we must do research. Was she not involved with the Jane Adams House closing as well? If I have time I will research. Tomorrow is Easter and I will be busy today and tomorrow. I know that I will not be able to forget about the children while I am eating my dinner. Those of you that believe, please add them to your Grace Before Meals. TY.

blablah ago

So nobody is calling the nr or doing anything? ...great job! ...if I lived in murica I would call and track the nr immediately. whats the point of voat/v/pizzagate then if eveybody is just here to get upset and shout "fuck off pedophiles" while doing nothing against it.

Newfind ago

The number is in the thread call em

Newfind ago

Reunion names? What does that mean?

uuuuuuuuuus ago

He should go back and see if there are more that may offer a lead.

elgindelta ago

I bet we just witnessed a transaction

Saibra ago

I've been in the freaking car industry for 20 years and I've never seen anything like this. This pisses me off to no end, what the hell. Is Autotrader complacent to the sale of children too? I'm going to research who owns Autotrader. This is outrageous. Did anyone call????

Newfind ago

I didn't call the number. I didn't have a way to anonymously.

Saibra ago

I understand. I wouldn't call it either. I was just wondering if someone did. You really did make a great find. Thank you for posting. Makes me so sick. It's everywhere, we can't escape this evil. I'm beginning to think there's more of them than us. Why aren't the powers that be stopping this? Disgusting.

HillBoulder ago

My wife says she has seen ads like this before while doing the same thing but thought nothing of it until now. Never any faces just a random kids body amidst a bunch of car ads. God dam

Newfind ago

it's weird stuff

Flat_Truth ago

Can do a reverse phone number search and find out who's number that is. There's the site called "intellius" that does that for like five dollars.

Silverlining ago

(555) 555 5555 is a generic "no number" but it could be a "prick up your ears" to those in the know. I Googled 555 555 5555 and 555 555 5555 child Nothing leapt out - a UK child services outfit 2mins - found in an internet game - not particularly suspicious. Other minds might connect the dots differently!

blablah ago

what are u talking about? the nr isnt 555 555 5555 !?

Silverlining ago

There is that number in one of the archived links and appears to be in a reply to the car ad.

nomorepepperoni ago

That number is a placeholder for the form to request more info. You would enter your own number for the seller to call. It's just meant to denote the format they want for the phone number.

Silverlining ago

I see - the message is not from someone, it is just there as standard. It should be on every autotrader ad. And it is. Thanks.

Newfind ago

Sorry but what does this have to do with the original post?

blablah ago

hm there was some mistake should be an answer to someone mentioned the car seller. my bad

Newfind ago

Ah my baf

Silverlining ago

So - who is reporting this?

reasonedandinformed ago

The organization (EIN 26-1839249) reports less than $25K in income (no Form 990 filed) yet shows 38 employees, which is a HUGE non-profit for what they purport to do and does not align with their IRS reporting. Something is fishy here.

Newfind ago

Great info

Silverlining ago

Any chance you can find the financials for the Alephantis companies? CONNEB LLC would be a great start. (Second Thread on Connecticut Avenue's connection to Saudi Arabia and CONNEB LLC) (Thread on owners of Connecticut Avenue stores)

horse-with-a-name ago

EDITED: Sorry, I think I got carried away here ......

Someone archive this quickly PLEASE:

Reason is this buyer comment: she paid quickly and sent pizza rebate forms very generous buyer Seller: 322252414@deleted ( 814Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999) No longer a registered user More than a year ago

This comment of mine is a follow-up to this comment: :

I decided to just Google the M350, and I've stumbled across the seller on eBay, "ferman54."

Somehow he's selling a bunch of cars for $100. Most of them have 25 pictures, but all of them seem to be of a car or him asking to hurry before the auction ends.

It's too close to "Fur Man" for me not to be suspicious this is bestiality or something. It just doesn't make any sense that he's selling these fairly new cars like this for a hundred bucks on eBay.

Silverlining ago

25 pictures for $100 - CP?

Silverlining ago

Archive using and enter the address line. Try it out!

she paid quickly and sent pizza rebate forms very generous buyer Seller: Member id 322252414@deleted ( Feedback Score Of 814Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999)
No longer a registered user More than a year ago

horse-with-a-name ago

Thank you!

FE_Rebekah ago

This is giving new meaning to the phrase "used car salesman"

FE_Rebekah ago

I decided to just Google the M350, and I've stumbled across the seller on eBay, "ferman54."

Somehow he's selling a bunch of cars for $100. Most of them have 25 pictures, but all of them seem to be of a car or him asking to hurry before the auction ends.

It's too close to "Fur Man" for me not to be suspicious this is bestiality or something. It just doesn't make any sense that he's selling these fairly new cars like this for a hundred bucks on eBay.

FE_Rebekah ago

Here's a link again if it works:

Silverlining ago

Please archive at if you find it again.

VieBleu ago

you link already doesn't work - just takes me to a page of ebay categories.

horse-with-a-name ago

Guy seems to be located in the Philippines, by the way ...

AngB23 ago

I just tried the link to the ad and it said car no longer available? Does anyone have the correct link?

Never it is

Is there more?

AngB23 ago

See how the "A" has a ^ above it? Â. I don't know that style of Benz and if it truly is  versus just an A, but is that maybe a weird code? To sort thru real cars versus selling something other than a car?

naturallyfree ago

Checking on the history of POTUS 44, the University of Chicago where he taught at the law center for 12 years and the Young refugee resettlement center that helped aspiring attorneys. to be very very fair here's a fluff piece, . And then there's a nugget of truth,

carmencita ago

BO had to be involved in some of this while he was Sen. of Illinois. He might have been helping to keep track of the organ harvesting, and the trafficking. This must be going on in all the big cities. Also this Young Center has many locations. This could be a really big find. If there is organ harvesting then the University of Chicago Hospitals may be involved since they share the same name. I think there are many facets to this organization. These children are trafficked into the country and then sold to the elite. Or maybe some are used for the organs. This is rough stuff to think about.

naturallyfree ago

Certainly it is under the heading "potential lead". Since Michel O job was in hospital and her positions moved around between Council of Globalism its pretty chilling The status of the University itself with elites, looking at it's Board members harkens all the way back at least to the mega global corporatism of the Secy of State George P. Schultz and Bechtel Corp Did they begin the template taken up and made ever worse by younger executives? The P. stands for Pratt and his parents donated their mansion in NYC that became headquarters to Council on Foreign Relations. More digging sites! When the going gets tough, the tough dig-in.

carmencita ago

Madara said the move would enhance support for the Urban Health Initiative, an ambitious effort to reshape health care on Chicago's South Side. I bet it will. Especially with all of the shootings and killings there. This was their purpose, to change how things were working on the South Side. Seems it was not too friendly that wanted access to the children and the organ harvesting. I am thinking this place is a very important discovery. There are many locations.

naturallyfree ago

Wish we knew if Racine, WI is in play here. It is not that far away.

Newfind ago

Kenosha too

naturallyfree ago

Kenosha, WI too - how, in CPS or missing, abuses, sexually, politicians, religion?

Newfind ago

It's been 20 years since I've ever heard that so... it was just a stupid remark.

Newfind ago

Eh, just disregard I said it. It's not relevant to this necessarily. I just heard there were a lot of prostitures there... old ones though

carmencita ago

Probably. Part of the old CIA rat lines. Has anyone thought about these prisoners in Ark.? Mighty good for organ harvesting, No?

Newfind ago

They took the ad down people. What the hell happened? Who fucking told them? There is a mole here obviously and fuck you whoever you are

nomorepepperoni ago

Either a mole or someone who didn't understand AutoTrader had to approve the posting, and so reported it to them thinking they were stopping a child purchase. I mean, wouldn't you report it if you didn't know better how those posts are made?

I don't doubt there are moles here, though--it's just harder to determine which happened in this instance.

Newfind ago

Ha. I think it's obvious what happened. If someone reported it to auto trader they would tell us.

anonOpenPress ago

Everything we share here is in use for both sides. The con of investigating in open. However, there are a lot more pros than cons.

Drnoway ago

The real sick notice about this is that there is not enough demand, thus you need advertising.

wecanhelp ago

Autotrader is currently down. I wonder what their uptime statistics are like, I have a feeling this is not a coincidence. The downtime could be used for scrubbing trafficking ads, in case they've been knowingly facilitating trafficking per this comment.

Edit: It's a false alarm, my bad. I think they're unavailable to Tor users, and to robots. The one working backup is not coming from Autotrader directly but was cross-archived by me from which apparently has no problems archiving pages from Autotrader. I have confirmed from a normal browser that they are indeed available.


Silverlining ago

It took an archive of the "full" ad but would not archive the "car no longer available page at

All these links are driving me nuts - perhaps it was just sold? There was a link to the car's history on one of the pages.

I think the authorities should be informed - even just on a precautionary basis. We could have stumbled on a link in the trafficking chain. It is sacrifice time!

wecanhelp ago

Here's one for you with the deleted ad.

The process to archiving things on that seem to only be archived properly on seems to be this:

  1. Archive the URL on first.
  2. Grab the resulting URL and archive that on is smart enough to know it's an link, and will make a copy of the archive itself without the frame.

Newfind ago

I wonder how they found out?

wecanhelp ago

They didn't. It's a false positive, my bad. I think they're unavailable to Tor users, and to robots. The one working backup is not coming from Autotrader directly but was cross-archived by me from which apparently has no problems archiving pages from Autotrader. I have confirmed from a normal browser that they are indeed available. Sorry for the false alarm.

Newfind ago

They're up here

wecanhelp ago

Weird. They're unavailable for me and also for the servers.

FckPizza3 ago

Someone should call and ask for more pictures!! Err.. wait... nevermind. They may send bad ones..

PQhonest ago

Seller's Comments: "All scheduled maintenance. Always garaged. Excellent condition. Looks & drives great. No accidents. Non-smoker. Perfect first car. Seats like new. Title in hand. Well maintained."

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Ok, who is going to call?

Newfind ago

Call who the number in the ad?

Silverlining ago

I think that's a good start. Start with the car. Move to the child. Mention the model ML - ML350 and the price15555 Feel her out. It might be a him. Ask if she's got any more to sell.

carmencita ago

No. Check out the one in Chicago, but there is another branch in TX also.

carmencita ago

I am not good at links. You MUST go to the Young Center and see their logo symbol. It is 4 SWIRLS together to form a square. It stunned me. Also look at their history. Their summer jobs hiring program for students that sponsor these kids. Also, in the past there was a law that passed in the Senate under the Violence to Women Act and Courtney Cox spoke out in favor of it. This is a Hornet's Nest. There is another location in TX.

Newfind ago

Here's the link: and the swirl logo is too left

wokethefkup ago

This disgusts me. I go to Houston often and I have ever heard it is a hub of trafficking, stay near your children and family while visiting it is by a major highway and a second too late could be forever gone so please keep an eye out on your family. At a store with my family I noticed a man about 19 looked grungy which is the type I'd expect to do shady shit for quick money, he seemed to be following close around us until I made eye contact and kept my eye contact.

redditsuckz ago

The background picture of the child has the "all seeing eye" on its head indicating anal rape and the child is also doing the Moloch "bull horns" hand sign indicating child sacrifice...

What the all seeing eye really means

Nana66 ago

I am curious what these replies are to because its a deleted comment...this happens a lot on this sub....maybe anons dropping info and peacing out before they are caught or something.

DerivaUK ago

Good catch.

uuuuuuuuuus ago

These sick fucks are fucking everywhere. Someone needs to compile all of these agencies uncovered in various threads and create a comprehensive master list for dissemination to the public, press, and law enforcement.

carmencita ago Wow I can't believe I did it. Anyway, please check out both sites. There are plenty of clues in there. Also, I believe the University of Chicago Hospital may be involved as well. Not positive, but it is connected and could be linked. There is something going on in Chicago, we all know that.

Touchdown50 ago

Anyone check the blue book cost on that 2008 benz? 15k is a little high dont ya think?

CompletelySickOFit ago

Kelly Blue Book says that a 2008 ML 350 in the best condition with 100,000 miles would only be worth $8,000 in Los Angeles (one of highest priced markets). Mercedes also has a Sport class of this car that is more expensive and if it only had 50,000 miles on it then the price range is more in line with her asking price. KBB says the sport version is about $13,000 with 50,000 miles on it.

This all being said, it could very well be a simple mistake of uploading the wrong photo from your cell phone if she was posting the ad from her phone. You would think that they would have caught it or that Auto Trader would have caught it but I'm not sure how that all works.....

Touchdown50 ago


Newfind ago

It's the only listing I've seen without a VIN

tippyc ago

if its a personal sale, id never put the vin online, but thats just me. Then again, i never have been in the market for overpriced status cars.

VieBleu ago

smart catch.

DabbaDan ago

Clicking the thumbnail - meh, someone's flubbed and uploaded the wrong pic, that's all. C'mon, this is reaching.

Potential Lead? Oh Come On! No way.

... ten minutes later, reading through this thread, yeah okay that's pretty fucky. Good catch, if they're involved with this for real, they need to hang.

Damn. In plain sight.

VieBleu ago

it's the conundrum they face - must advertise and find their market, even expand their customer base, but maintain plausible deniability.

Touchdown50 ago


organic1 ago

Excellent find! I would report it to the Chicago PD, but not alert AutoTrader because they must approve every single ad. I recently used AutoTrader to sell my car and they took about 24 hours to approve my ad, which means they should've caught and reported this themselves. It appears to me that they are complacent in such activities and need to be investigated themselves.

VieBleu ago

Excellent find! I would report it to the Chicago PD, but not alert AutoTrader because they must approve every single ad. I recently used AutoTrader to sell my car and they took about 24 hours to approve my ad, which means they should've caught and reported this themselves. It appears to me that they are complacent in such activities and need to be investigated themselves.

@Newfind OP you should be able to add this to your initial post, but alas you did a direct link. Too bad, and another reason to not do direct links - no ability to update. I think the fact that Auto Trader MUST approve every ad is extremely important.

kidavenger ago

Before you go impugning Auto Trader, you should probably find out what their protocol is for approving/rejecting ads. They might have a bot just looking for certain keywords in the ad. As far as the photo, it's easy to rename an image so it's consistent with the ad, but actually shows something very different. The key thing is, do they have a human look at each ad before it's approved, or is it just a bot? I'm not saying you're wrong, Auto Trader should be looked at, but with the volume of ads that pass through their system, I wouldn't be at all surprised if no human ever looks at them before they are approved. They might just automatically approve them based on a certain algorithm, then remove them if someone complains. But it is definitely something where more information is needed, because the scope and scale of this whole atrocity tells me that no one person or organization can be automatically ruled out. Edit: I was looking at the advertising guidelines on Auto Trader, and it looks like it's possible to edit the ad after it's approved. That may be what happened - a legit looking ad, but then they changed the photo after it went live. If that's the case, these asshats may be using other classified ad sites to do the same thing - post an ad for something that sounds like a real ad with a real picture of the item, and then change things up after the ad is approved. Damn, this whole thing just makes me sick.

organic1 ago

Thanks for the added importance and urgency. Much appreciated!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes exactly. Proof of this on website? Screenshot QUICK they are watching this.

Newfind ago

Ah, crap. I didn't know the difference.

ZunarJ5 ago

Looks like you got a good lead on the sales/trafficking in plain sight - the good powers that be are watching here so IMO they'll already be following up on it whether it was new to them or not.

Newfind ago

I hope you're right. I'm going to keep scouring ads.

VieBleu ago

above someone suggested you screenshot this from the website immediately in a way that proves it was online as well in case it disappears.

Newfind ago

Yeah, I've got some. I wonder if we should call the number and talk to them about the car? (Record it of course.)

VieBleu ago

ah, we all are learning here - I just did a bunch of housekeeping of comments in the wrong place. You could wait awhile and repost as a text submission with a link and your updated info - I'm sure no one would object to it being reposted with the descirption you put in the comments ("well maintained" and etc), blue book info and other updates and etc.

Good find.

Newfind ago

There might be a reason they've been around so long and are the biggest name in car sales...

organic1 ago

That's certainly a possibility! shudder

AngB23 ago

Literally just got sick to my stomach. Thanks for posting. A whole new avenue to search

pizzaequalspedo ago

This needs to be turned over to Chicago PD. Obviously the FBI would probably confiscate and sell the evidence so hopefully the Chi PD has some investigators that care.

Touchdown50 ago

Did you ever think the higher ups are covering up this? After all this is Chicago. Very corrupt city. They probably get a cut of the cash and free Slices cut thinly.

DrTeethateJanice ago

No shit, Chicago police had a black site they used to interrogate "criminals." I wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt and think that they're that trustworthy.

Black Site Article

Newfind ago


Newfind ago


jstrotha0975 ago

You need to report this to the police.

thebrainwasheffect ago

The police? They won't do anything...

jstrotha0975 ago

Well if you contact the Police and FBI, they have no excuses to not check it out.

thebrainwasheffect ago

When they ask their higher ups, they will most likely be told to drop the case. At best, calling the police will just be an attempt to waking someone up.

jstrotha0975 ago

You're probably right, but we have to try anyway. What's better, not reporting it? At least it is in the records someone called about it.

thebrainwasheffect ago


Touchdown50 ago

I doubt it will be investigated. When they see this a higher up will be like umm nothing to investigate.

Newfind ago

Who do you think I should call? Like which division?

sometimessage ago

I was previously told by an officer that I should report internet/electronic based incidents to the town in which you were located when you intercepted the incident. Ex, if you live in nyc and come across something illegal, you should report it to nyc pd rather than the source of the information.

jstrotha0975 ago

Call the police station closest to where the crime is committed, my guess is the location of the "Mercedes". Report it and tell them that you are going to report it to the FBI as well and do exactly that. Call the nearest FBI office and make a report.

Nana66 ago

If you click see all under her Linkin Interests section a who's who of suspects list pops up...also the most recent place she worked for , Heshima Kenya, has a swirl in their logo.

redditsuckz ago

Heshima Kenya Board Memeber Eric Schwartz (International Advisory Council)

Eric Schwartz, dean of the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, has a 25-year career in senior public service positions in government, at the United Nations and in the philanthropic and non-governmental communities. From 2009 through 2012, he was U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration, having been nominated by President Obama. Schwartz's other high-ranking positions include serving as the Department of State’s principal humanitarian official, managing State Department policy and programs for U.S. refugee admissions and U.S. international assistance worldwide.

Heshima Kenya board members;

Obama names Eric Schwartz to religious freedom body

Schwartz, who is on the boards of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, was among several appointees announced Thursday. Schwartz is the dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and previously served for two years as assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration. He also served as the U.N. secretary general’s deputy special envoy for tsunami recovery from 2005 to 2007. Schwartz was chief of office in Geneva for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent body that tracks religious freedoms oveseas, has members appointed by leadership in both houses of Congress and by the president.

Funding Partners - UN + US Department of State

Strategic Partners

Jessica Brown Linkedin

YingYangMom ago

Nice find.


So Jessica Brown works as a "Development Director at 'The Young Center for Immigrant Children's rights". Why am I not surprised?

wokethefkup ago

Right? There's a pattern I'm noticing. The girl who killed and ate her child along with her boyfriend worked for cps. Why does this shit not surprise me?

YingYangMom ago

Because our brains are now automatically associating Social Services Agencies and Children Advocacy Groups to Crimes Committed Against Children. We've now seen and read too many stories where they are both connected, to feel any sense of astonishment. Sad, isn't it?

Silverlining ago

Heshima Kenya protects, nurtures, educates, and empowers young refugee women in East Africa through a unique holistic model that provides shelter, ...

Newfind ago

Good looking out.

educate_yourself ago

man i fucking hate people so much

Newfind ago

Awesome thanks

Silverlining ago This car is no longer listed for sale archive history.

I'm puzzled about the timing on the achive. Also the phone number on the autotrader site is (555) 555 5555 Could this be your "code"?

Mileage 63,000 Body Style Sport Utility VIN Information Unavailable ATC Car ID AT-19C4A7AB

Seller Comments All scheduled maintenance. Always garaged. Excellent condition. Looks & drives great. No accidents. Non-smoker. Perfect first car. Seats like new. Title in hand. Well maintained.

There is the full picture of the child with headshot on the autotrader site.

Newfind ago


Newfind ago

I have the real phone number

Silverlining ago

It was listed in the thread somewhere Number is 312-543-1456 (mentioned for archive purposes). @1ew

Nana66 ago

I'm wondering if there is a search word here that the right buyer would use to find this "vehicle "...

Newfind ago

I was wondering that too. I've tried to use a couple of the criteria. I know this is in zip 60001 and I had to search within 250 miles I think.

Laskar ago

Thanks for posting this, although he implications are horrific.

This Jessica Brown needs to be investigated all the more because of her connection to "immigrant children's rights".

Sick and evil.

Newfind ago

It didn't archiv the

Newfind ago

Pic with upside down sailboats that looks like pizza

Fuckingcucks ago

big pizza little pizza

Touchdown50 ago

Omg. Very suspicious. Ya that does look like pizza but its. Upside down sail boat

sensitive ago

Flaired this "Potential lead". Great find, @Newfind!

Newfind ago


Newfind ago

It can't be a mistake they didn't put a Vin for the vehicle or anything and they said it's "always garaged" instead of "garage kept"

carmencita ago

They are probably code words. Just like in the personal ads or singles ads. Everybody knows what to look for. I think "always garaged" is that she was well cared for. Hinting that she came from a good home maybe with parents. Also, the rest implies she is a virgin and has not been tampered with, like maybe by other pedos. Also the Title could mean there are papers, such as birth certificate. This is killing me to have to write this, but that is the pedo world that we have had to deal with. Sick.

mathemagician33 ago

wow I didn't see that at first.

Newfind ago

I just noticed it I will screen shot.

horse-with-a-name ago

Googling for the phone number leads to this page:

Details of the phone number: Jessica Brown N Lotus Ave Chicago Illinois

Googling “Jessica Brown” “N Lotus Ave” Chicago Illinois, this page pops up:

Quote from LI profile: Development Director at The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights University of Chicago

Can’t say if it’s the same person, though. Weird coincidence, I should think.

EDITED: This page lists a completely different name, though: 312-543-1456 is LEORA LORENCE. How can this be?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Crazy. I stumbled upon this post on accident but damn is this crazy. Keep at it guys

Newfind ago

Ad was taken down. Someone here alerted them, around the same time FckPizza3 and Wecanhelp showed up.

carmencita ago Please see this link. Click on Lunch hosted by and also notice that lower down it says PIZZA SERVED!. This I find very odd. There is a lot on this page and the one I asked you to click on. Let me know what you think.. I will try to research a little more tonight.

IAMDeMolay ago

moimoi ago

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown is the Development Director for the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights. Jessica holds a longstanding dedication to positively impacting the lives of children, both domestically and abroad. She joined the Young Center with nearly nine years of experience in the field of nonprofit development and fundraising, most recently serving as the Director of Grants for Heshima Kenya, an NGO that protects and empowers unaccompanied refugee girls and young women living in Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to Heshima, she held positions with the Ounce of Prevention Fund and the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation. She also served on the board of the Chicago Chapter of the National Organization for Women (CNOW), and was the CNOW Health Team Leader where she coordinated yearly activities for volunteer staff in order to impact and improve health of women and girls in Chicago. Jessica holds a certificate for completing Northwestern University’s Center for Forced Migration Studies Summer Institute: Settling Resettlement. Her current memberships include the Emerging Practioners in Philanthropy, Chicago Council on Global Affairs Young Professionals Network and the Chicago Women in Philanthropy. She received her BA in Psychology from the University of Dayton, and a dual Masters Degree from the University of Chicago’s Harris School for Public Policy and the School of Social Administration.

coreylkh ago

Cell numbers are recycled all of the time. Doing a reverse look up could give you 5 different names. If it's a throw away or prepaid phone the number can be reused over and over.

Newfind ago

If it's a prepaid phone they can put any name they want on it.

mathemagician33 ago

so according to this post: something odd is going on with Hodges Directory. Personally I'm not too sure what to make of this one, but fwiw, I happen to live in chicago practically right next to UChicago and a couple of my family members are employed there. If that linkedin info is accurate, it is quite odd that she happens to work for The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights. I kinda doubt that my going there and looking around would produce any useful results, but I'm certainly willing to if someone makes a compelling case for deeper investigation on this.

horse-with-a-name ago

I doubt that too, at least at the moment. One thought I had is that maybe she uploaded this photo by mistake. Not very likely, but still possible. In any case, some digging into this person and the organization wouldn't hurt.

Touchdown50 ago

Nah this is no fluke.

mathemagician33 ago

I thought that might be the case also, especially if she uploaded the photo from a mobile, for example. Although if it's actually a child trafficking listing, what's up with listing the "car" as having 63k miles? anyone know if "mileage" or something related is a commonly used term in this world?

TinFoilMadHatter ago

I remember a while ago someone posted a thread to a pedo chat room where they were talking about buying CP. They were obviously using cheese pizza as a code and the ad included how long the pizza should be in the oven (6 to 12 min. or something) alluding to how old the kids were. Maybe 63k means 6months to 3 years. I don't know, just throwing it out there.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Or 6 to 12 Minutes = 6 to 12 Months, while 63K maybe 63 weeKs

Newfind ago

Maybe 3 6's. 666. (The price does seem to be in the ballpark for those.)

horse-with-a-name ago

I used information from the ad to find out if anything is used as a keyword for "interested parties". No luck so far.

Newfind ago

Interesting. Maybe they are spoofing numbers somehow.

mathemagician33 ago

did you see this post on that reddit thread?

"There used to be a "directory" online that was completely randomized combinations of real people's information specifically to confuse scammers and web crawlers. I thought it was Hodges but I can't find anywhere that says it anymore."

I have seen the directory (actually as I recall, there was more than 1) that this guy is talking about also, but I've been trying to find it unsuccessfully for the past 30 minutes. That particular directory was very clear about the fact that all the listings were fabricated data to confuse scammers. I just wish I could remember the damn name. I found it at the time because I had googled my own cell phone number and ran across such a result, as many people from that thread seem to have experienced.

Nana66 ago

I have encountered at least one of these while searching to find who's number called me. I was always curious why this existed.

Nana66 ago

It's a cell phone so maybe the number had Ben used more than once.

ArthurEdens ago

I looked at her profile. It blows my mind that they look like average people a lot of the time

educate_yourself ago

what u expect a grey or something? aha. i mean i guess we co0ud think more lke disgusting criminal men from movies or perhaps evil soros rockefeller types idk. id assume the best way to traffic humans is to look unassuming doe ukno?

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah I mean, I expect some kind of clue in the face. Lack of spirit, miserable expresion, sickly skin. Something. What is odd is her linked in photo is a blurry like it was lifted from somewhere else.

DrTeethateJanice ago

My past work brought into contact with many of them, they look no different than you or me sorry to say. One guy was mid 30's, good looking, clean cut, a salesman, well spoken, and raped his 7 year old daughter many times. You would never know by looking at him. It's fortunate he came from money because the whole thing never made it to court.

ArthurEdens ago

I know, I know that's what blows my mind. Some vibes usually tip it off, but maybe it's in their behavior. That's a bummer story, I imagine him as an American Psycho type. Sorry he got away with it

DrTeethateJanice ago

He did and he didn't. I wrote a report that highlighted his behavior during a visit with his daughter which lead to the revoking his privileges. What a fucking shitshow of a family that was, all educated, rich, and perverts.

equineluvr ago

"all educated, rich,"


DrTeethateJanice ago

Nah, it was in the farm land Midwest. I would bet on them being WASP's most likely. I would have remember as being Jewish because it would have been weird for the area. I grew up in a area with a large Jewish population, when I think back it's amazing how many Rabbi's got caught and it was hushed up. I always thought it was great how they would fuck off back to Israel and they were protected. They're the first to point out the fuckery with the Catholics but when it comes to them, it's no bueno.

ArthurEdens ago

I always was confused why rich people clam up and and hide when a middle-class person is in the room. Thought it might be because they thought they'd get asked for money but now I'm thinking it's more about not spilling dirty secrets.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Things are overlooked or considered acceptable when you have money. It's like when you have money and are weird, you're eccentric. If you're poor and weird, you're weird.

educate_yourself ago

hey man im a drug addict i have sickly skin dont compare me to child traffickers ;) triggered

ArthurEdens ago

Ha sorry

educate_yourself ago

sall good homie

Gothamgirl ago

Wow what site was this on?

Newfind ago

Here's the link to the ad

ArthurEdens ago

oh hell that poor kid looks like a zombie

Newfind ago

There are no sheets on the bed which seems odd

ArthurEdens ago

god damnit

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I created the following archive link(s) for this voat submission:

OriginLink ArchiveOrg ArchiveIS link link link link

Gothamgirl ago

Report it to the police.

Silverlining ago

@Gothamgirl I think we are all hoping someone else will [report it].. Perhaps someone could suggest contact details for likely police, FBI etc.

Newfind ago

The upside down sailboats on this page look like pizza!

carmencita ago

There are clothes now made for kids with pizza on them. You can look it up on the internet and find many. It makes me sick. I think some might be suspicious connections, and I think the public thinks it is cute and buy it for their kids. It is also a way to get the kids to eat their pizza and cupcakes etc. all on the clothes now. This ad speaks to the pedos, and the pizza is an extra added message to them. How cute! She even comes with her own pizza pajamas. The price is also a HUGE tip off. My heart just breaks for that poor little girl.

Newfind ago

Why the price? Because of 555 at the end? I have tried looking for other cars with that orice

Silverlining ago

The phone number in the autotrader ad is (555) 555 555 Could it be part of a code?

And then the [only] reply message is: "Hi, I'm interested in your 2008 Mercedes-Benz ML350 listed on Autotrader for $15,555. I'd like to get more information about this vehicle and confirm its availability

I think it might be the number of the responder - though someone suggests the number was changed @Newfind

Newfind ago

No that is not the real number for the ad. It's been changed to that after it was discovered.

carmencita ago

Well, I would not know the going rate since I am not in the position to buy a car like that, but I think it is a tip off to anyone looking for a child to buy. Other people might just think someone submitted the wrong picture. Oops! Looks like some guy posted his little girl by mistake. Yeah right. With pizza on the pjs. I am thinking of the little baby with money in the instagram of JA. Why would you associate money with a child? The suspicious part is not the amount or numbers it is the fact that a child is featured with a price at all. For Sale.

AngB23 ago

EXACTLY! Child for sale, or CP for sale or a night w/the child....this is very bad

carmencita ago

Yes, we have seen it all on here. We know all the signs. This is one of them, and truly very bad. It is geared to a wealthy person, that is why it is listed under Mercedes. Also the Pedo Elite know exactly where to look. I am sure this has been done before. But we are on to them now.

sensitive ago

Do us all a favor and incorporate the link from your latest post here. It is the same topic and needs to be centralized. Then delete your lastet post, ok?

Newfind ago

I deleted last post but just in case here is the link again:

sensitive ago

Very good.