The_Roman_Numeral ago

These are the type of threads that give hope to the citizen investigation. It's focused. Great job @V____Z

V____Z ago

Very kind of you, RN!

privatepizza ago

Really happy to see this video resurface again. Quality post. Kudos, V.

V____Z ago

They are running from the alley behind Comet, Bucks, Besta - and one of the kids IS MISSING A SHOE. That is why I am suspicious of your comment, though perhaps you just didn't look at the picture closely enough before weighing in?

NotHereForPizza ago

They all have shoes on.

If you've ever had to take kids anywhere or direct them to do things, you know that you have to be enthusiastic when you're doing it. When I watched the video, it looks like he jogged ahead a little and was saying, "come on, guys." Not only that, we didn't see them exit the building. For all we know, he could've pulled a CNN.

I guess the reason this video has been dismissed so many times before when you posted it was because these kids are running around doing little to no investigating going, "oh god, did you see that? That kid got in some car right after we talked to him. What are the chances?!" Maybe he was waiting on the ride the whole time... All we see in their conversation is, "Have you heard about that cpp thing?" "It's bullshit." If I lived nearby and probably ate there before and shit, it'd probably be very hard for me to believe too.

peacebringer ago

I would imagine it is connected.

V____Z ago

I talked to the videographer. He was honest with me. He told me how they trolled us, and it was simply that they tried to make it seem like they explored a tunnel system connected to Comet by splicing footage and lying about where the tunnel (which was actually an ad hoc storage area) really was. I quizzed him hard, and he let his guard down completely. He had no reason to lie. He told me it was in fact very weird. When the camera guys went out behind comet to eat their pizza, they saw this little group come out of Comet and sort of huddle in the alley behind the restaurant, but the second the adult saw that this guy had a camera, he said something to the kids and they all shuffled off.

If people doubt this is comet, they can easily check. If they doubt the kids came from comet, that doesn't make this any less weird. The whole comet area is weird, and full of CIA and pedo signs.

Have you EVER seen a Hollywood or other staged act with even one, let alone 5 child actors that looked this real? Not only that, it's rare to even get this type of realism with the costume department. So it's impossible, absolutely impossible that anyone staged this scene. It is the most realistic look at what 5 trafficked boys would look like: possibly drugged, visibly emaciated, obviously not friends out having fun. The boys look a lot like the old photograph of the boys we've seen tied up and bound from the Franklin Scandal investigation, in some ways.

There is just no way the guys could have staged this. It was a gift from God that this footage was captured. It was my red pill.

V____Z ago

You appear to have opened an account just to say this. I know that last time I posted this footage (from an old account), it got attacked more heavily than anything else before or since. So I expected this. In you opinion, these kids look dressed (and healthy enough) to go jogging?

Forgetmenot ago

those boys that were filmed leaving CPP one was missing a shoe by the way.

privatepizza ago

It was also noted that one of their jackets was half on, half off. They looked very quickly pulled together.

maxine3 ago

The shoe lace is undone

neverobey ago

I've played the video in slow motion and zoomed in. Nobody's missing a shoe. But who is this guy ?

Forgetmenot ago

The boy on the left he wears on orange shoe and one dark shoe. I wonder if that guys image can be used to identify him.

Forgetmenot ago

You know what I wrote it wrong ! Mismatched shoes. I can't play in slow motion. But I remember it was pointed out that one child wore mismatched shoes. Thanks for pointing that out.

neverobey ago

It can appear that way because the shoe is orange on the inside and grey on they outside. This picture doesn't show it best but if you watch him walking you see it is a normal pair of shoes.

Forgetmenot ago

Ok thank you for clarifying that! You rock.

neverobey ago

Thanks for being one of the nice ones out here. :) You rock, too!

Omnicopy ago

They got a good picture of the man. Does nobody know him? It seems like someone would know who he is!

V____Z ago

Maybe that Navy SEAL could make this his first mission?!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks V___Z. I am glad to see that video didn't completely die on the vine. I didn't think it was staged/faked necessarily. I could go either way, but something seemed genuine about that video. And yes, if that was the case, then it was 10X fucking weird to see some yuppie jogging with a pack of ragamuffins.

What I believe we are looking at is the Reverse Underground Railroad. It only makes sense. In more rural areas they transport humans under the cover of agriculture. Not so easy in DC. And when you have the resources of the Federal government help you develop that infrastructure (think continuity of government, FEMA, etc.) for a minimum of 8 years and probably a lot longer.

And if that infrastructure somehow gets them to a place like Mt. Weather, Greenbrier, etc. Then agriculture just picks it up from there. Secondary used market for well-used slave? Disposal? Rendering for disposal or consumption?

Out. Looking forward to my breakfast : |

V____Z ago

Under an old account, I brought this clip to Voat and it was attacked mercilessly, attacked like absolutely no other thing I've posted about. I was surprised to have any positive comments about it, but I guess after some time, the shills' guards are down.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh shit. Were you one of the OPs? I went and drove the alley not too long ago and it gave me the fucking creeps.

V____Z ago

No i wasn't, I simply tweeted with the guy later to get more info.

SoldierofLight ago

I keep hoping their budget is drying up.

Konran ago

The same can be said for cognitive dissonance.

If you focus on discrediting everything about Pizzagate, you will begin to see the evidence for such everywhere.

I'm not saying that your explanation is not correct, just that there are a million other reasons for the guy to be with 5 boys. How you can say that only you know the TRUTH is an equivalent logical fallacy that you attempt to condemn in your post.

pbvrocks ago

Agree...and why this forum is about way more than just a pizza shop in DC...who says finders were CIA? That is likely...however...think on how out of it the FBI is...they had to have known about all these cases...and yet not one investigation...

YingYangMom ago

Much better post and I agree with you on the possible similarities between the 1987 Finder's and "Cometgate".

Death2Masons ago

Good thread for a change.

Laskar ago

I posted this four months ago.

cussingaintfunny ago

James Alifantis is - or was - almost certainly the chief pedo pimp. I'm sure he gets his kids from many suppliers including the CIA. There was a surveillance video submitted here about a month ago with two guys goofing around behind Comet Pizza when they spotted a very nervous guy running off with about five young boys. Looked like a Finder with something for little Jimmy Comet.

V____Z ago

I just edited that into the post above -

palmitespo910 ago

What makes me most angry about this video is that he could have easily intervened. And instead he filmed it.

fartyshorts ago

Please go and read our old thread on the Finders here:

PieInTheEye found some amazing/unbelievable shit.

V____Z ago

Great, thanks!

fartyshorts ago


Finders may be behind PRISM, via Booze Allen (the contracting firm Edward Snowden was working for), but not in 2007 as we are lead to believe. Not through the patriot act, as we are lead to believe. But in the 1980s, unconstitutionally

Also, the investigation into The Finders was shut down. USCS, Washington DC police and FBI investigations halted - because it was handed over to the CIA as an "internal investigation". There's not a whole lot of ways to interpret that.

wincraft71 ago

That's the screenshot from the Comet underground tunnels video where those two guys walk around the parking lot, see those kids running, and even spot Alefantis getting out of his small green car. Then they explore some underground room with old furniture. I can't find the video anywhere I swear it was on youtube and now I can't find it.

EDIT: Nvm I found a copy here:

EDIT 2: And the original