reasonedandinformed ago

Laskar joined 2 days ago and is a shill, posting undocumented and unrelated crap. He is just making this crap up like we will jump on it. Leave sjill.

georgeSeldes ago

Petro Dollar means that Saudis sell their OIL for USA toilet paper.

Now we find out via FBIanon that what the Saudis get in return for the PAPER is children to rape and kill, white children.

Thus its not the Petro-Dollar, its the PEDO-DOLLAR, PizzaGate is PEDO-GATE, ... Is Pedo-Dollar-Gate

VoatIsPeople ago

Long before internet the 'finders' would scour the country for the exact type of children that Saudi wanted to fuck. They would cruise middle America, taking photo's and passing the INTEL on to the kidnappers.

In your face PEDO trafficking has been going on in the USA since 1950's, and 1920's in the Hollywood area; Exactly when the JDL/ADL was created (1930's) and the Israel-Affairs ( Balfour Agreement) took over USA.

Zionists wanted unlimited cash (federal reserve) and mercenary army ( usa people ) and children to fuck, bleed, and organ harvest.

All was good until 1972 when USD collapsed to get SAUDI on board had to promise them infinite blond blue eyed children to fuck.

Now 40+ years later once again the US DOLLAR is worthless, so its reset time, and its time to cut off the PEDO feed to SAUDI.

I would still like to see every politician in USA & CIA & MIL be blockaded in public and consumed by ant's before this is over.

Nana66 ago

Looks like correct the record came through this post and shut it down....From what I can tell this is also just about when Aipac took control of the US also. I could never understand the motivation to shill for AIPAC but blackmail is a good possibility. Before Wikileaks was about to drop the hammer on Hillary that never dropped Anonymous posted about someone to do with Israel threatening to release video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 yr old girl.....Obama recently promised them something like $38 billion.

Laskar ago

They are not small potatoes as they are intertwined with the CIA and we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg--the rest is hidden or under different covers: foundations, NGOs, etc.

IamCuriousGoat ago

The petro-dollar went online in 1972 under Nixon the USA was bankrupt.

Saudi's just asked for one thing from US-GOV, and unlimited flow of kids to fuck, in exchange for making the USA the reserve currency.

CIA/US-NAVY-INTEL re-directed MKULTRA to be about breeding and 'finding' kids to supply to the Saudi machine.

RNC/DNC are ear deep in Pedo-Dollar's. Hillary is just in a long lineage of child-rape USA-Inc.

VieBleu ago

Why just Saudis? There are a whole lot of people in DC that have to be compromised this way - in the EU, everywhere.

2impendingdoom ago

Saudi's just asked for one thing from US-GOV, and unlimited flow of kids to fuck, in exchange for making the USA the reserve currency.

CIA/US-NAVY-INTEL re-directed MKULTRA to be about breeding and 'finding' kids to supply to the Saudi machine.

What is your source on all this? My mother used to warn us about Saudi/sex slave kidnapping in the 80's I thought she had an over active imagination.