equineluvr ago

The original NBC News report was from 2013.

That article you linked to is TOTAL FAIL! They can't even get basic facts correct, like the DATE of the source report.

SuperJohnWayne ago

That isn't all she's killed. Now where is that laundry list? U.S. Attorneys, are you asleep?

equineluvr ago

The Clinton Body Count has been out there for decades.

As I've already explained to your retarded ass, 33rd-Degree Freemason Worshipper, Clintoons are ROYAL SOVEREIGNS so get a pass.

User890020 ago


well it's high time for a change!

SuperJohnWayne ago

Wow! I'm impressed! For a shill, you've grown some balls. Too bad, though, that an idiot with balls is still an idiot.

RebelSkum ago

John Ashe and Monica Petersen are just two direct examples. If you want to broaden the scope a bit you also have Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, and Michael Cormier.

The first two are the most solid examples and this isn't even looking at the Clinton's Arkansas years.

dustyr ago

MAY HAVE... Right. I'm pleased to see that at least some of the information slips out to the MSM.

Blacksmith21 ago

I posted this yesterday, regarding the same: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1758427

A lot of folks jumped on me saying it was from 2013. The Washington Standard is a reputable publication. They are reporting it as having aired this week. What gives?

RebelSkum ago

Regardless I thought our post yesterday and this post to be quite compelling. It's obvious that CF has been involved in criminal activity for a long time, so finding a report like this from 2013 is still highly relevant

dustyr ago

The date of it doesn't change the facts. Shills are paid to do whatever they can to find something, anything, to try to discredit the story. They think that empty words will matter, and unfortunately they do to some. Keep up the pressure.

equineluvr ago

It's called VETTING SOURCES. It's what EVERY good reporter, investigator, LE officer, courtroom litigator, and juror does.

If a "reporter" of information can't get the BASIC FACTS correct, then they SUCK at it and should be doing something else.

Pointing out a FACTUAL ERROR and CORRECTING IT does not make someone a "shill." You guys need to come up with a new ad hominem because "shill" is trite and overused.

dustyr ago


MyNameIsLuka ago

It's such a nonsensical point, too. Does anyone think a global pedo ring just started up last year?

nomorepepperoni ago

Think they're mistaken. The video, IMO, appears as though it was made in 2013, rather than 2017, quality wise.

More importantly, I think, is that they also called out some of the other connections we've been yelling about.