3141592653 ago

I saw it years ago when it came out, so I can't remember too well, but I don't remember the movie exposing anything too controversial- definitely nothing pedo related, as far as I can remember.

superesper ago

Great post and something that I think people should share with normies, even if not explicitly in the context of pizzagate. People have generally heard of Kinsey and his name probably resides in the "academic authority figure" part of their brain. The facts of how fucked up he and his research were are undeniable. It's a great opportunity to break some deep programming on people by showing them that the man behind the entire modern view of sexuality was an absolute monster and pedophile.

People will be more willing to accept the idea that Kinsey was a monster than to hear about pizzagate because Kinsey is just some remote historical figure with no real immediate connection to them or their lives. Once they get their head around Kinsey and what he was, the door is open for you to draw the obvious connections to what we're facing today, i.e., pizzagate/pedogate.

ArthurEdens ago

Probably WAS of the Rockefellars

Jem777 ago

Just having everyone realize that Kinsey and Freud who would literally rape children and encourage others to then state the children enjoyed and wanted these actions is eye opening to experience.

Hope everyone realizes these same monsters turned their behavior and that of their sick friends into "research projects" using confidentiality agreements they wrote to protect hide behind. As Hitler took power these experiments and rape & intentional trauma of young children became institutionalize by the state for National Security as these very wicked men who were also friends with Aleister Crowley discovered that trauma induces dissociative States in young children as a survival mechanism.

You think they would stop at the horror of seeing a small child's mind fragment at such horror and pain and fear? No they enjoyed it and saw it as valuable and could both be as disgustingly evil as they wanted dispose of some, fragment and program others.

In 1948 invert the name and export some of the training and the operatives.

Godwillwin ago

I know. It brings me tears. 2 month olds for 24 hours sometimes.

Truly I cry and cry and wait and wait for something to be done but nothing is being done :(

I feel so hopeless and angry all at the same time. Gardening has been therapeutic. I think maybe if I step away for a couple of days that I'll come back to some big progress of some sort. A big announcement or something, but there's nothing.

quiche ago

What do you mean "invert the name?"

rooting4redpillers ago

Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles (HD) | 1998 [50:47 min]

This is a Yorkshire Television(UK) production for Channel 4(UK), produced and directed by Tim Tate, aired August 10, 1998. The show features interviews with Kinsey team members Paul Gebhard and Clarence Tripp, Kinsey Institute director John Bancroft and several of Kinsey's biographers.

Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences [PDF] | Fourth Edition | By Judith A. Reisman, PhD. | 2012 [340+ pages]

The Red Queen & The Grand Scheme. In 1948, the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University was led by eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey, whose sex research shook America’s moral foundations and launched the 1960s Sexual Revolution. Fifty years later new revelations confirm Dr. Judith Reisman’s 1981 expose of scientific fraud and criminally derived data contained in the publicly funded Kinsey Reports. Dr.Reismanrevealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof laboratory built to his specifications at Indiana University, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was a scientific protocol for Kinsey’s 1948 report. Dr. Reisman discloses for the first time the ongoing consequences to the American people and the world based on Kinsey’s deliberately skewed research. Kinsey died in 1956 but his Institute endures today under the expanded title of “The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction,” suggesting an even more ominous threat to human rights and liberty.

Jem777 ago

Kinsey was involved in the same experiments and work as Sigmend Freud. These were all part of the experiments involving sexual trauma on children and infants became state sponsored and then written in research as if the child and infant enjoyed the experience to provide legal and psychological cover for their sick perverted behavior.

Dr. Freud still has statue dedicated to him. Sick & Evil. There is still a massive laboratory in secret that operates and has satellite connections throughout the world.

Someone mentioned Jung. Research everyone things most thought were true are not. Most psychologists, psychoanalysts & theory was developed out of the WW11 era by scientists who were involved in secret experiments then wrote books...think about that

peacebringer ago

Rockefellers funded the fraud, not a shocker .

drgrm ago

Thank you for this post and all meaningful comments.

I have known this info. for years...

I want the world to know!

All my school's #1. thru graduate school pushed the lying agenda.

But that was not difficult because I had never heard anything or been taught anything contrary.

I am a baby boomer age.


VIrginiaPerson ago

I can't get into how I know this, but any researcher can fudge the numbers in any research study without being called on it. This has always been the case. People who are not scientists (most people) assume there is some kind of mechanism that double checks this stuff, but there is no such mechanism. Once you get connections and/or become a person of note, you can get pretty wild with your ideas and numbers and a good number of people will still believe you.

Source: Go look up literally any study and chase it down to the calculations (should be referenced in an academic paper), do them yourself, and you'll still find that you're taking someone's word for it that the raw numbers exist.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I'm starting to really question vaccinations. Not for autism but for what they might be adding to the vaccines. I have 6 children and all are vaccinated except the baby. He's had some of his shots, but I'm conflicted. Certainly it's important we be vaccinated against these particular viruses, but I can't help but wonder what else is in the syringe.

VIrginiaPerson ago

That's a scary thought. You could add something to a vaccination. Like a microchip. Probably not because I would think you would feel it, but just speculating.

Votescam ago

True and it's something that has to be remembered when we consider vaccines and what is actually happening with the Autism epidemic in children. Like the canary in the mines, when we look back we can see that since vaccines began there have been ever rising illnesses connected to them -- from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome which is believed now to be caused by vaccines to more ordinary things we haven't questioned much like "colic" and "projectile spitting." Tourette's Syndrome also seems to be another illness related to vaccines which have damaging effect on the brain.

NOTE that Schizophrenia and Autism has a good deal in common. Studies show that in both cases the brain is effected and in one case it is an over-pruning of the synapses and in the other case an under-pruning. See: New Yorker -- "It Runs in the Family" http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/28/the-genetics-of-schizophrenia It's a lengthy article, but in summary ....

Locating the genes and understanding where they are failing isn't enough --

They have to ask why the genes are failing.

In the case of Autism, those genes are failing in the opposite direction: an overabundance of synapses not being cleared.

However, this is all damage to the immune system and ultimately nervous system.

Rather than a genetic illness, it is damage to the genes.

And, I believe we begin to see the relationship between the harm being done to the

brain and overall to the immune and nervous systems, in both Autism and Schizophrenia.

Yes -- true -- Schizophrenia existed long before vaccines. However, men have always been pulling metals from the earth and polluting the environment. It is the unfortunate use of so many poisonous ingredients in vaccines which we should be watching -- including metals.

ALSO keep in mind the huge rise in allergies among children, especially to peanuts .... and the fact that in some vaccines peanut oil was used as an ingredient.

Also the KOBE University Study proves to us that there is no way to safely repeatedly inject anything into a child's bloodstream. And this experiment originally had nothing to do with Autism questions, but rather was based in a study of anti-body reactions.

Suppressed Study Shows Vaccine Dangers: Vaccinations Stimulate Autoimmune Diseases

Kobe University Study -- Suppressed Study Shows Vaccine Dangers: Vaccinations Stimulate Autoimmune ...


SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTF! Anyone who tries to justify this Evil shit needs to be looked into and watched. Lock these MFing Sick Rat Bastard Pedos up! Someone who has time and the stomach for it, look to see who if anyone has ever praised this doctor. Then get their names made public! So Evil!

Godwillwin ago

He circumcised himself in front of his wife with a pocket knife, yet he is praised as a marvelous scientist

mysecretidentity ago

unsurprisingly Wikipedia tries minimizing his pedophilia by saying all his data on children came from one source but attributed to multiple sources and predated his research. bullshit. Apparently he also spent his whole life shoving tooth brushes up his urethra. what a quack why would anyone take him seriously.

Flat_Truth ago

Yep, and just like Alister Crowley....."law enforcement" never investigated him or his institute.....and no media network ever made mention of their crimes.

Jem777 ago

The Rockefeller Group are the founders with Soros of the largest human experiment laboratory ever created. Officially founded in 1947 but just a continuation of the Nazi scientist experiments. Operates in secret still and initiates most other horrible human experiments, the Kinsey experiments, project MK Ultra, Project Monarch, and every other secret program.

JesusRules ago

Most of his (Kinsey) study subjects were prisoners in jail for sex crimes, however he doesn't mention this in his publications.

JesusRules ago

Great research, the book I am reading right now called "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness" (Jim Keith) is discussing this right now!

FckPizza3 ago

They made a movie about this in 2004. https://youtu.be/y0g5ngKl7QM. I have never heard about this guy before!! How awful!

Flat_Truth ago

His organization worked to eradicate all laws against homosexuality....they went town by town, county by county, state by state in an organized effort to change the laws. In conjunction with the media networks....homosexuality was normalized....starting with his "scientific studies" that back in that era were completely fraudulent in their conclusions....but were made the basis of "scientific study" on human sexuality. His studies concluded that a large percentage of men were homosexual, and that a vast majority of married persons were promiscuous outside the marriage.....things that were not true at the time, but have been made to come to pass. His "studies" on children are still waiting in the wings to be rolled out and normalized.

Votescam ago

Wait a minute .... are you trying to suggest that gay marriage and recognition of homosexuality as a norm should be overturned because Kinsey supplied some of the information on that subject?

First, homosexuals were not always oppressed. In fact, even the Catholic Church held ceremonies for homosexual marriages. Clearly, homosexuality is inconvenient for a church which wants to own and control all human sexuality and base it in heterosexuality as a norm. And Kinsey had nothing to do with the Catholic Church's oppression of homosexuals which went so deep into the privacy of lives and families that the Church even moved families to reject and abandon their own children who were suspected of being homosexual.

This is an extremely naïve idea based on the theory that homosexuals can't love one another -- that men cannot love men and women cannot love women because they engage in something called "sodomy." Well, heterosexual couples also engage in sodomy -- cunnilingus and fellatio -- and anal sex (perhaps even because of restrictions on birth control brought about by the Catholic Church) is common in some Latin countries among heterosexual couples.

Another example of the common nature of homosexuality (where Kinsey had nothing to do with the information) is that in Brazil during the AIDS epidemic, doctors began to notice that many heterosexual married women were coming down with AIDS virus though they continued to affirm that they had no sexual contact with anyone but their own husbands and no illegal drug use.

Doctors in Brazil of course were also brain-washed by the Catholic Church and had no idea how many males in Brazil were married but also engaging in homosexual activity with other males. How many??? 30% of males in Brazil were discovered by doctors to be having sex with other males.

And, we haven't even gotten to the recognition of bi-sexuality as yet -- which kind of explains how confusing any get together can be anywhere in life, in any living room or at any party. (!!!)

Granted there are many questions about Kinsey/Rockefeller -- but don't use Kinsey as a way or excuse to attack homosexuals.


Flat_Truth ago

I did not "attack homosexuals"....merely pointed out that it was an agenda of the Kinsey institute to normalize homosexuality in society; which it most certainly was. Granted its now normalized. If allowed their way, then in 50 years the majority would have the same reasoning towards pedofilia as they do now towards homosexuality. Fact is, homosexuality was illegal all across the country when the Kinsey institute started their endeavor. Fact is, the Kinsey institute worked tirelessly to abolish all laws against it, using Kinsey's "scientific findings". Fact is, the media networks worked hand in hand with the endeavor running both entertainment programming and news stories to normalize homosexuality. At this point there's no going back on it, but people might ought to recognize the entities behind that movement as they are the same entities behind now the now open movement towards "trans sexuals"....and also on their list of changes is the legalization of pedofilia. It is what it is.

Votescam ago

Flat -- What I hoped I was pointing out to you is that homosexuality and homosexual relationships are normal. And, we see homosexuality, heterosexuality and bi-sexuality throughout nature.

There are no victims in homosexual relationships which are adult and consentual. However, there are VICTIMS in pedophile assaults on children, infants, toddlers.

Again -- there is no comparison between homosexuality and pedophilia.
And clearly such reasoning is based in homophobia and religious views.

Notice that the Vatican/RCC which teaches a "norm" of heterosexuality, calls homosexuality an "aberration" though they have engaged in pedophilia since day #1 of the Catholic Church and dark forces within the church continue to try to protect the practice.
See: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/01/world/europe/vatican-abuse-panel-marie-collins.html?_r=0

The RCC has also engaged in SRA as reported by nuns who have been witnesses. Also keep in mind that 40% of Catholic nuns have been sexually abused .... by Catholic priests! http://apostasie.org/news.php?item.85.1 and http://childabuserecovery.com/court-witnesses-testify-eyewitnesses-confirm-that-pope-francis-raped-killed-children/ Make what you can of that, but numerous such reports by witnesses. There are NEW reports of sexual abuse and resistance at the Vatican to dealing with pedophile priests. Just had the link yesterday and will come back with it.

Again -- attack Kinsey if you wish, but don't use Kinsey to attack homosexuals. And note that I have no special esteem for Kinsey. And the reality is that networks/entertainment long denied even the mention of homosexuals or lesbians or bisexuality. And certainly had no programming based on such relationships until fairly recently.

Again, the oppression of homosexuals and the preaching against homosexuals is strongly related to the Catholic Church which for at least 1,000 years has preached hatred and intolerance for homosexuals from its pulpits. At one time the Catholic Church actually performed homosexual marriages as made clear in old Vatican documents. See: http://io9.gizmodo.com/gay-marriage-in-the-year-100-ad-951140108

And while trying to deny it, it seems you are more interested in pushing the point that homosexuality isn't normal than you are in addressing questions in regard to Kinsey.

Like African-Americans, homosexuals also delivered themselves to freedom and human rights by their own efforts. Anyone can look at both of those campaigns as among our most non-violent, the most brilliant and creative -- despite the violent rhetoric and physical attacks against them in both cases. Both AA's and Homosexuals/Lesbians have a great deal to be proud of in their campaign to attain civil and human rights.

Trans-sexuality is a situation we are all learning about now. And, amazingly some of the youngest transsexuals are managing to live and learn about their own lives and the complications of it while also trying to educate the public at the same time as to what trans-sexuality actually is all about. Do them the courtesy of trying to listen and learn with them. I don't think trans-sexuality is anything new, but rather something of a "coming out of the closet" as homosexuality has been.

And listen to the victims of pedophilia -- where this condition has been adopted by our CIA in MKULTRA to create new pedophiles via torture and sexual abuse for the purpose of Mind Control. Learn something about the issue being addressed here. About Mind Control and multiple personalities and the programming of those new personalities while the host is unaware, seemingly. Children who have been kidnapped into these programs have been used as homosexual prostitutes, as drug runners and as spies for espionage and blackmail for our own government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA Note that the specific records of Operation Monarch - part of MKULTRA were ordered destroyed by Dir. Richard Helms on his retirement.

PS: In closing thoughts on this, I'd also mention to you that before the "white" man in Hawaii the native people celebrated and honored homosexuals for their care of orphaned children. They were esteemed for it.
Clearly they were not in any way abusers of children.

I'd also point out to you that in Nature -- and I think one example would be elephants -- the young males are separated out from the family unit as they mature in order to avoid problems. This can be very sad as we view it being practiced but they go on to join other groups and to mature in what nature considers a healthful way, not only for the individual elephant, but for the groups/herds.

Also please note that in order to keep children safe, adults have to understand that our sexual abusers of children are MALES (even right wing women's groups agree with that) and that they are heterosexual males.

Homosexuals are 100X less likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual male.

If you would like more information on the study published, I'd be happy to post it for you.

Flat_Truth ago

I get it. I do, I totally get it. What I am pointing out is that prior to the Kinsey institute Homosexuality, even adultery was illegal. It was the Kinsey's institute intention through nefarious means to change that. Much of the "knowledge" that makes it seem so normal.....was fabricated. Even in the TV shows, it shows homosexuals being good parents....news stories too. Those in cahoots with the Kinsey institute control those venues and by intention put out that imagery....which then becomes belief.

Fact of the matter is, historically, any society that has made what was known as "deviant" sexual behavior the norm.....has ended up a fallen society; they've met ruin. Historically that's the way it is. I no more condemn homosexuals than I do drug addicts....for its the same influence that has them both. But outside of the TV, please show me a homosexual couple that is aged and are living happily. Only in the news stories. How about the new trans sexual craze? All the kids are doing it....there was a 10 year old on the news the other day speaking out on the bathrooms. All I'm saying is its an agenda and not a good one. Pdeofilia is on their list of normalization....and they'll use the same brainwash tactics....."science has proven", coupled with portrayal in 1,000 different ways in the programming that its ok. Its already begun.....the last few television series I watched were slowly, subversively portraying pedofilia as normal.

For example in the plot of one....it was a mystery of a dead boy.....a who done it, in the end, it was the nicest guy on the show, the husband of the female cop who was having a homosexual relationship with the boy. Who would have ever thought of such a thing...what a shocker...but brings that behavior more into the norm.....in the viewer's mind...that sort of thing happens. Or in another series, the 15 year old girl was having a sexual relationship with an older man.....when the father found out and addressed her, a couple of things were portrayed....one that the young girl talked back to her father without due respect....something else which has been made the norm by intention.....and the story went, he married their mother while she was underaged...so its ok and the father conceded, having the guy over for dinner and taking him in....normalizing what is known as pedofilia.

Am not sure people comprehend what is done with the programming. Its one of those what came first, the chicken or the egg sort of things. Like did John Belushi's Animal House depict how college students behaved at the time, or did college students behave that way after that movie was seen by so many? Fast Times at Ridgemont High another example in that regard. Another good example of how theater is used to influence is the James Bond movie "Goldfinger", where the evil bad guys planned to steal all the gold out of Fort Knox....just fiction, just theater right? Oh no, it was pre emptive, after the movie a certain group of politicians sought to make law to move all the gold from Fort Knox to avoid something like was seen in the movie from happening......and the gold was moved. No accounting of that gold has taken place since.

Here's a movie that might open your eyes. Drop the defense of homosexuality, as the movie has nothing to do with that....but rather the nefarious influence that exists and how it operates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9FqGg1Im3A

Votescam ago

Flat -- Homosexuality was "illegal" because Catholic Church made it so -- same way they preached against Women and Jews from their pulpits in long campaigns of propaganda of hate to encourage violence against them.

Kinsey wanted to change a lot of things -- like missionary position and the fact that women rarely had orgasms in sexual intercourse with males/husbands. So did a lot of other people. That doesn't make Kinsey right in any molestation of a child or other abusive act in his research.

Homosexuals rose up in their own campaign for civil and human rights after a millennia of oppression - of being fired from their workplaces, of being forced into closets and actually being forced into marriages with women in order to hide from society. They were blackmailed if they were in government. That was all long before Kinsey.

Homosexual relationships between adults are no different from heterosexual relationships between adults. There is NO victim. "Child molestation" does create a victim.

No -- the husband of the female cop was not having a "homosexual" relationship with the young boy, the husband was a pedophile and NOT a homosexual. It is very confused thinking where we see those looking at these situations and thinking it is homosexual behavior rather than pedophile behavior. In the Sandusky case we see that many people still believe that it was homosexual activity because the victims were male. Pedophilia is based in AGE of the victim, not the gender.

What is believed of heterosexual males is that they are often involved in what is being called "situational" pedophilia; that is they may prefer to be with a woman, but they will abuse a child if there is no woman around.

Keep in mind that even the dumbest of males usually are smart enough not to engage in sex with someone under 16 because they can land in jail. And, of course, if the father were abetting this crime he could also be in jail.

"Brokeback Mountain" I think was the first of the movies about a homosexual relationship. "Carol" is another fairly current one. I think the AIDS era also helped in bringing forth info on homosexuality and their relationships and changed a lot of minds. The Ellen DeGeneres Show which dealt (comically) with her own homosexuality was a great help in enlightening the public.

Here's some history of film which may convince you -- but you'll also notice how much heterosexual males love to dress up as women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_homosexuality_in_American_film "The Children's Hour" which was remade in 1961 ... still did NOT make clear that the subject was homosexuality... it could only be suggested. https://www.timeout.com/london/film/the-50-best-gay-movies-the-best-in-lgbt-film-making

Agree with you on "Animal House" however -- yes, that seemed to be a tutorial on how to go to college and spend your time getting wasted.

"Fast Times at Ridgemont High" is a still popular movie which introduced themes of masturbation -- much as the Steinfeld show did much later on TV. It was only in 1992 that we had a Surgeon General/Clinton Administration who openly discussed masturbation. Another hidden subject in our society due to the repressive teachings of the Catholic Church. There isn't a human being on the planet who has reached maturity and hasn't masturbated. If a Church can control something as personal and private as masturbation they pretty much have control of the individual. If they can control the circumstances under which intercourse occurs between heterosexual couples where NO contraception is permitted, then they can control the entire family and the culture. That's what those restrictions are about ... and also, of course, to increase the membership of Catholic Churches. But those days are almost gone now, let's hope.

Can't at the moment watch the video -- will look at it tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9FqGg1Im3AYouTube

But while you're there, if you haven't seen Biden in action you should watch the videos.

Flat_Truth ago

Believe what you will......I do my own research and have come to the conclustion that the entities I mentioned are liars....many of their "facts" are not facts, yet are believed to be. I agree we disagree and am not interested in trying to relate my point. Good luck on things. At least we agree that the pedofilia aspect of the agenda is to be fought against. Glad you caught onto that. But....if you were not here and not involved with all of this....but instead living happility enjoying the programming and unaware....then in 50 years, you'd be fighting for the rights of pedofiles...because thats where society, including yourself would be if it is allowed to take its course....and there'd at that point be no reasoning with you that pedofilia was bad or part of some evil agenda, because you'd of been filled with facts otherwise...thanks to the trusted news sources, scientific establishments and the television/movie/musical programming.

Until that aspect of influence is recognized, then we're all in trouble.

Votescam ago

Flat -- There will NEVER be any time when I see someone hurt and victimized, tortured and sexually abused and would decide that there is anything whatsoever normal or legal about it -- and that's what pedophilia is.

When you compare pedophilia with homosexuality you are not only engaging in fanatical prejudice based on religious beliefs, but also ignoring the reality that it is Heterosexual sexual males who are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

And as studies show -- and from what can be seen of attitudes towards pedophiles on this website -- neither will the public ever accept pedophilie assault on children as anything but repulsive and criminal.

And that's also why in 2,000 years the Catholic Church and other male-supremacist religions have had to keep the pedophile behavior of their priests secret and to cover it up.


Flat_Truth ago

As I said, I get it. I totally get your point of view. Not sure you're getting mine though :( Fact is, the Kinsey institute made it a specific endeavor to normalize homosexuality and adultery. They did so with fake facts.....where 50 years ago, the data in their studies showed a disproportionate, inaccurate...aka fraudulent number of people participated in those things. Kind of like the polls showing Hillary had a 93% chance of winning.....fake poll to influence and try to make it a reality.

Those same studies if you read them also determine that pefofilia doesn't cause any harm, is actually good for the children. Read the institute's studies for yourself. Its disgusting.

I guess my point is, 60 years ago when those studies were released (primarily just the aspect of homosexuality and adultery being so prevalent), nearly everyone thought both were disgusting. It was through media influence and fake science that the viewing audience came to believe the two acts normal. No, 38% of men were not homosexual in the 1950's....it was a lie....just like 93% were not planning on voting for Hillary. Glad they failed with the Hillary agenda.

The facts you state are directly given by those same sources. I know, I've seen the TV shows and news stories where the homosexual men are good parents. I've seen the statistics where homosexual men make better parents....but I no more believe that that I believe Hillary had a 99% chance of winning. Aren't all those around the pizza place homosexual men? Am sure they'd make fine parents....come to think of it, they do work with children a lot.......and love them....just look at Alaphantic's instagram.

In my case its not religious belief at all....its simply research, identification of source and discernment. To hear the news tell it, or the crooked politicians ascribed to that subversive group of which Kinsey was a part, or to see it portrayed in the entertainment programming.....then yeah, homosexuality is fine. To take a look at history, as I've said before...any culture that has normalized that has for whatever reason met its demise.

This is not to condemn homosexuals. I stated before, I no more condemn homosexuals than I do drug addicts. Homosexuals are even less to blame I suppose. The influence towards that was even stronger than the influence for people to do drugs. I am almost certain that contrary to popular belief....if a person had never heard of anyone being "homosexual", and were taught it wasn't a good thing......then they would likely never even think of doing that.....certainly wouldn't be rolling with the idea they were born that way. That whole "born that way" thing came from that same nefarious scientific community and its public relations spreading those "facts".

You say you will never endorse pedofilia.... I am just pointing out that if you were the age you are right now back then, and raised before Kinsey's works and that media influence started.......then you would have probably held the belief that you would never endorse homosexuality. Its been 50 years of conditioning...and didn't start with the Milk movie...there were several others. Klinger on Mash was one of the first influences...although they were not so bold as to portray him openly as homosexual......instead he was just dressing like a woman to try and get labeled crazy and get out of the army. The public wasn't ready for open portrayal of homosexuality on the television.....it took slow conditioning. That character in Mash was a precursor....most at the time had never heard of a man dressing as a woman...but it was comedy. Not too long before that show, most everyone was wise to not allow stories (books before TV and film) like that into their homes, schools or libraries....it was considered "lurid literature". Take a look around at American culture, aren't you glad they got over those phobias.

Same thing.....with Miley......we started off with Elvis....and the parents screamed "sacrilege"! But he wasn't that bad, it was one small step to where we are today. :(

Please get over any defense of homosexuality as I am not attacking it....I am pointing out the influence that brought it about, and that that influence has pedofilia on its agenda next. The influence towards it has already begun in the exact same way......scientific studies saying its normal and portrayal in the news and programming of it being normal. If left to takes its course, then 50 years from now, a couple generations down the road......people will be filled with facts and defend pedofilia as normal.

Votescam ago

Flat -- The Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage because the public understands that there is no victim involved in adult relationships between gays or lesbians and they wanted the discrimination and oppression of homosexuals stopped.

As I've said to you many times before, condemn Kinsey's studies all you want but don't try to use Kinsey as a weapon to support attacks on the civil and human rights of homosexuals.

You say ... "This is not to condemn homosexuals" but you do so with every word you speak.

And you are confusing consciousness raising and enlightenment to lift prejudices often spread by organized patriarchal religion with propaganda of lies spread by those same religions against homosexuals.

You often claim -- and I believe you -- that you do research, but clearly it's not with an open mind.

And it is also sadly clear that you are fanatically homophobic.

Good luck on that --

Flat_Truth ago

Or here, what are the odds on two separate local news stations, same day we see these very endearing "random videos" of teachers greeting their students before class. Just a news story right? Nah, the control of education is fundamental for that influence I've been trying to describe to you....and has pretty much almost been achieved. Kids now under the department of education are doing reports on what's wrong with the constitution. Reading skewed history to cause racial division.....learning dummed down math....fallacies about the entire medical industry and the rest of the sciences...almost a direct analogy would be the Sauron all seeing eye guy in Lord of the Rings building his armies. Education is a key element in all of this too.....one more venue to work their magic and make believe. With the new administration threatening their control of education, this clip is designed to influence....to endear people to the current system. Not sure where else a local clip was aired with the same thing, but I caught these two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-13FOHGRcA Their works are endless, and like I said go on relentlessly, 24/7......the solution is not to try and pick out each and every ruse, that would be like hacking at the leaves or at best branches.....to uproot that tree of evil, have to hit the root.....and that would be the exposure of the practices I'm pointing out and the exposure and eradication of the organized groups behind such mischief and illusion.

Votescam ago

Flat --

Why are you watching TV news?

What you are saying of education has long been true -- i.e., it serves the purposes of Elites -- and for one example Our colleges are all pretty much corporatized at this point. However, it therefore never has offered any challenge to the Constitution ....

Note these comments I made to someone else today in that regard ....http://www.tenc.net/articles/jared/jihad.htm

The government has been a lie since the day after the Declaration of Independence. Actually re-read the Constitution where the Founders actually created an Elite Patriarchy, endowed them with land grants, and gave them immense influence and control over our people's government and the nation's wealth and natural resources. The Founders protected the evil system of Slavery for the wealthy for hundreds of years with all of its violence which also guaranteed the Civil War which conveniently divided the nation in half - one side hating the other. Who did that benefit but Elites? The Founders destroyed the native American and are still at war with them, kidnapped their children and committed Genocide against them. Remember also we are the only nation to have ever actually dropped a nuclear bomb on another nation -- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And this government today continues on in its insanities and violence as the major terrorist in the world.

Give it some thought and you will see it is not a document fit for the esteem and honor we were taught to give it.

If you're talking about medicine being moved from plants which are our natural medicines, I agree - and much under the control of the Rockefellers from earliest days. See: Jim Marr/The Rise of the Fourth Reich

However, if you're arguing against the public education as a right of all citizens then I disagree with you. As long as we have "Elites" we will have corruption and crime against the public.

Re your links -- "Not sure where else a local clip was aired with the same thing, but I caught these two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-13FOHGRcAYouTube" Unfortunately can't really spend time late at night look at videos.

It's taken a long time for the public to believe the evil that is at work because it is very hard to accept that there would be people so interested in money and power that they wake up every morning thinking about how to gain control over populations the world over. I imagine they also spend much of their day thinking about how to keep their crimes covered up. Would you be them? Of course not. This kind of thinking and life is foreign to most of us -- sickening to think about even.

Here are two other links that may interest you . . . http://www.tenc.net/articles/jared/jihad.htm And on US/CIA creation of Taliban/AlQaeda - http://www.takeoverworld.info/brzezinski_interview_shor...

AlQaeda was actually an old cult which had petered out and which was picked up by the Nazis and after WWII turned over to our CIA.

Flat_Truth ago

How about this guy? Scientist living up in a space station up in outer space? Or an actor here on earth on a studio set? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_xbn--7YBY

Votescam ago

Flat -- Don't know what you have there as no CC -- and can't watch videos late at night. HOWEVER, the sky is blue so it is near space and not outer space. And, at any rate, humans are earthbound and can't survive in outer space. Difficulties as well even surviving in near space.

Have never believed the "Moon Landing" -- it's absolute boring rubbish.

That's why so many viewers wanted "I Love Lucy" back.

Flat_Truth ago

Or concerning that "historic mission to Mars" where they took those "epic photos of earth"....which they even admit are not real photos at all.....Here's the press conference after they landed on the Martian surface. Again, use your head and decide if these guys really remotely landed a space craft on a planet over 30 million miles away that was moving along at almost 50,000 miles per hour? Or are they actors? Charlatans? Or still stuck on nobody could lie like that? Not even for 20 billion a year in tax funding? But its not even about the money with the space program....there's greater agenda, which yeah includes the moral decay of society and incorporates the exact same techniques of make believe to implement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr5ZciAZV-M

Votescam ago

Russians were able to challenge US claims of Moon Landing for obvious reasons -- but they were 12 years ahead of the US at the time which scared the hell out of the US. It had been JFK's plan to have US/Russia work together on space projects. That kind of thinking didn't sit well with the Nazis running NASA. And some very unfortunate deaths in accidents that should never have happened. Grissom and his companions -- very sad.

Flat_Truth ago

And as long as we're going there......and if you're unsure if you too were the victim of deception and are living under any false beliefs that were purposefully and nefariously instilled into you with intent....then look long and hard at this "video looking back at planet earth, taken by a space ship about a million miles up in outer space on its way to the planet Mars". Stare at it a minute and you decide if its a real video.....or a computer animation....a cartoon. I know, its says its an animation put together with satellite images....in other words on that 30 million mile journey to Mars, they didn't take any real photos or real videos. Why not? Why only computer animations? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMdhQsHbWTs

Votescam ago

If any humans landed on the moon they didn't get there via the equipment we saw at the time, and they certainly didn't come back alive. It's all fake.

PS: What's going on with this website -- are there changes coming here?

Flat_Truth ago

Seriously, not trying to put forth any prejudice, condemnation, or judgement on anyone in the public for what they do.....am only trying to point out the subversive influence....which is directly "pizzagate related", as it is their group.....Alaphantic is small potatoes in that group....Big players are men like Walt Disney. They practice "magic". "imagery is the most powerful tool in magic" - their satanic bible. With media presentations, they create an image. In that pulse shooting story the image is the gays are the victims and anyone who suggest homosexuality isn't a good thing is like the murderer that stormed the night club....except it was fake. Same with the "gunman" at the pizza place...it "demonstrated" or cast the image of how dangerous the fake news about pedofiles and pizza is....as well as made the nefarious activities out to be the victim. But that gunman too was an actor and many conscripted to act the scene out in public for that demonstration. Its been going on a long time....the public lives believing many major news stories were real events....their world view and belief system based upon make believe. Here's a movie that shows it. Try to wrap your head around it all, as its key to getting things straightened out. Such practices need exposed and eradicated if there is to ever be any Truth and Justice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9FqGg1Im3A

Votescam ago

First, Disney was a right wing extremist and had a new generation of children to brainwash every 7 years. Second, Disney was well-guided by Allen Dulles in suggestions about films he would do.

Again, why are you still watching MSM. Yes, most of the "terrorist" events have been false flag events. Ole Dammegard/YouTube has been doing a great job following them and explaining them.


Dammegard also does a lot of work on Pedo-gate around the world.

Flat_Truth ago

Another example...related to the night club shooting on the news......you have to wonder if that doctor has ever pulled bullets out of anything if he thinks the bullets from the .223 rifle used in the story were bigger than the bullets he usually pullled out of people from "the usual Saturday night shootings" (more influence....as if there's plenty of shootings on Saturday nights happening....normalizing that with such broadcast.....hoping to make it a reality). The bullets from a .223 are among the smallest bullets used by the public. The more common 9mm pistol has bullets more than twice as big.....the average hunting rifle of which there are far more in the public has bullets often 4 times as big. So is that even a doctor at all? Or an actor? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhWOEBUy4Bs

Flat_Truth ago

Here is an example of that sort of deception. Remember the Pulse Night Club shooting? Where the LGBT community were the victims of a hate crime? The connotation and implications of such a story are great....but was the story real or make believe? I don't know....I've looked at the blueprints for the nightclub where the incident took place...measured it on Google earth....it simply could not have even held the number of people who they claim were at the club at the time of the event.....the blueprints shown on the "trusted news sources" were fake. The actual building was tiny with like 8 parking spots....including staff parking. And this guy, think real hard.....did he really witness a shooting where he saw a bullet as big as your finger sticking out of his friend's leg? Or is he an actor? These news stories are very influential......and for a long time have been being contrived for effect, a level of treachery that most find inconceivable, let alone are capable of comprehending. The problem is, those pursuing their agendas in this fashion practice "the art of deception" and go about it strategically and relentlessly in a militaristic fashion 24/7. The emotions from contrived news stories and other programming instill hard set beliefs; though often false beliefs based on make believe. :/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaH6cL0E4k8

Flat_Truth ago

You are reciting their mantra. It is what it is...take me out of the equation, I only gave historical facts, not philosophical or contrived. If that equates to homosexuality being a bad practice for society......again, it is what it is. You simple can not argue that normalizing homosexuality all the way to the supreme court wasn't the agenda of the Kinsey institute. Make of that what you will. And am still not sure if you are comprehending the media influence aspect incorporated by those parties to achieve their agendas. It goes way beyond homosexuality. Is sad to see so many so fully deceived by it all, as it is 100% born of deception. As you see, it is very hard to convey the intricacy of it all, especially after the works have been set in place in a person's mind. Often times, people believe what they believe because they have literally been made to believe it and not realize that.

Votescam ago

Maybe in trying to point out to you that you're fanatical on the subject of homosexually, I should have said that you are fatally obsessed with it and homophobic. Move on.

Flat_Truth ago

Still not quite sure how pointing out the normalization of homosexuality being an agenda of the Kinsey institute equates to being obsessed with homosexuality and/or being homophobic. Sounds more like you're obsessed with defending it, no matter from where it stemmed or what agenda it was part of. You also assume I watch MSM.....which is not the case. I just stay informed through other venues of what's aired. Other than a couple of series on netflix (a brief stint of using that for a few months last year), I haven't watch TV to any extent, or "indulged in the programming" since the late 1980's. Glad we're on the same page about a few things anyways.

Votescam ago

Trying to use Kinsey to suggest that homosexuality isn't normal is your obsession.

And -- Why wouldn't I defend homosexuals from oppression by religious fanatics like the RCC?

There are no victims involved in adult homosexual relationships.

There are victims involved in pedophile assaults on children by heterosexual males.

Flat_Truth ago

Dude, read his works.....Did Kinsey's works not say homosexuality was normal? Did the Kinsey institute not endeavor to abolish all laws against it? Did the media producers not create content to literally brainwash their viewers into thinking its normal? You seem bent on attacking anyone who opposes it with terms like "fanatics". Adults are nothing but grown up kids...and NASA is Disney for adults. As far as homosexuality's affect on children....well now as early as first grade, children are learning about homosexuality.. which never mind its difference from what some consider "normal sexuality"....or "hetero sexuality"....its the fact that first graders are being educated on sexuality at all....and that's a result of that push.

Sounds to me like someone has been watching a bit too much of the programming. If men want to poke each other in the poops shoot and not think it a perversion....that is their business....but I can only imagine the smell. Nothing perverted about that I guess.

Votescam ago

You've jumped the shark -- and fortunately it is here for everyone to read for themselves.

The pretense is over.

Thanks --

Aaronkin ago

Used to be you could impress people and effect change just by saying I am a scientist. The title is as good now as that of a used car salesmen thanks to Kinsley and the people who fund and profit from scum like him. After this and the climate change lies and phony data I have to wonder what other areas of critical science has been destroyed with fake data and how much will it hurt my children?

kestrel9 ago

He was paying a Nazi Child rapist murderer, and other pedos to give him "statistics" on child sexuality.

http://www.drjudithreisman.com/old/nazi.htm  http://archive.is/PKxuY http://archive.is/ZNcca The German press called von Balluseck the worst sex criminal since the end of WWII. German papers had the Kinsey-Balluseck collaboration on page one. The American press was silent and all of Kinsey's biographers have steadfastly covered up Kinsey's Nazi connection. From my notes:

"Kinsey had asked the paedophile specifically for material of his perverse actions.He made statistics.and he sent them.to the American sex researcher, Kinsey.[to whom he] repeatedly and explicitly reported his perverse crimes.  [They] corresponded.for some time." Der Morgenpost, 5/19/57, P1; Der Tagespiegel, 10/1/57, P1 

Recall Kinsey's similarly sudden trip to pinch the deceased Ralph Voris' papers? 6  I suggest that Kinsey's flight to Frankfurt was deliberately planned. I suggest that Kinsey (painfully ill with orchitis remember, long before he decides to tour Europe) had to get to Frankfurt.  I suggest that von Balluseck was a major reason for Kinsey's decision to visit Europe in 1955.

Consider. Kinsey knew von Balluseck had a cache of his compromising letters as well as who-knows-what written by him in those personalized books.  These would be highly incriminating were von Balluseck to be convicted next time of child sexual abuse or even of a child sex murder.  And Kinsey knew there would be a "next time" quite soon. Kinsey's "brief" Franfurt visit was specifically to collect and destroy papers "originals and copies of their correspondence" connecting him with von Balluseck's serial child sex crimes.  Although von Balluseck may have given Kinsey most of his letters and books in Frankfurt, he saved a few small "mementos" for himself. These were the diaries and letters discovered when von Balluseck was again caught for mass child sexual abuse. This time he clearly did not influence the judge since von Balluseck was convicted. It was 1957, just after after Kinsey's death. 

The Alfred Kinsey rabbit hole has a lot to do with why we are seeing the Pedo epidemic. The Kinsey Sexual Institute refuses to release that info and has threatened to destroy it if anyone tries to force them to. Dr. Judith Reisman's website has some pictures of pedo's child "orgasm" stats that Kinsey put together. His research is crap, in as far as his methods and claims that his "sample" was representative of the vast majority of people. There are a lot of voat threads, I'm too tired to link them right now... I've been doing research into his earlier history, pre-Mr. Sex-expert days. Fun facts: he had an open marriage, and was bisexual as well as a SM, you know, "typical" for the culture in the 1930s-1940s.

I've been working on a timeline for him...(sidenote...going back into UK pedos and/or gays, interesting group that studied bugs, traveled the world. I've wondered if that was part of an UK intelligence as well. Also have wondered about the movie Silence of the Lambs...because of the moth angle.)

Timeline: (very early stage of it anyway) 1938, 44 years old, decided to research sexuality in humans, including Nazi pedophile murderers. From the beginning of his formal sex research in 1938, Alfred Kinsey was fortunate to have a strong supporting cast of research assistants, people who shared his missionary fire along with the burden of interviewing subjects, analyzing data, and drawing charts and graphs. Foremost among them were Clyde Martin, Wardell Pomeroy, and Paul Gebhard; to this list can be added Ralph Voris, Kinsey's favorite graduate student of the late 1920s, who though never a part of the institute profoundly influenced Kinsey's thinking about sex. Kinsey held sway over this group as a master over acolytes, driving them like hounds and encouraging, in the name of research, relationships among the staff and their wives that would have meant the end of the project had they become publicly known.

1931, 37 years old, his parents divorced 1920, 26 years old, met Clara, future wife 1917  Rickets led to a curvature of the spine, which resulted in a slight stoop that prevented Kinsey from being drafted WWI 

1916 22 years old, June, graduated Bowdoin; That fall Kinsey arrived in Boston at the Bussey Institute, Harvard's graduate school of applied biology, to begin work on his Doctor of Science (S.D.) Studied under William Morton Wheeler, (who himself had intimate relationship with the high school principal where he was teaching).  The dean of the school, Monroe Wheeler* (wrong name? from other link), got him interested in bugs.  Kinsey's senior undergraduate thesis for psychology, a dissertation on the group dynamics of young boys,

1914 20 years old, June, withdrew from Stevens Institute of Technology, cut ties with his father,transferred to Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, studied entomology under Manton Copeland 1913, 19 years old, became Eagle Scout 1912  18 years old, graduated from high school as valedictorian, his HS Biology teacher, Natalie Roeth, influenced his desire to study science 1911  15 years old,  joined Boyscouts

1908, 12 years old. He spent summers at the YMCA camp at Lake Wawayanda in rural northwestern New Jersey, where he studied nature and learned wilderness survival skills in the company of boys his own age.

1904, 8 years old? Wiki says 10 years old Family moved to South Orange, NJ. Young Kinsey took to spending his afternoons and weekends rambling through the hills and marshes. WTF?

1894, Born 6/23

ponyfriend ago

wow thank you very much for this post it was incredibly detailed and "makes sense" in that Kinsey was the first scientist to have a clearly political and social agenda in terms of gay rights. I actually didn't really make the connection until now that so much of Kinsey's research was about normalizing homosexuality, and decades later everyone accepts the Kinsey scale as fact and that really everyone is some level of gay. Honestly I don't really buy that either. Kinsey actually sounds worse and more harmful than Freud and I didn't know that was possible. I hope Carl Jung isn't also secretly a terrible person... Jung was really interesting and in his last 20-30 years of life he got really into astrology and perhaps numerology too.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Nothing wrong with gay consenting adults. Stop. We are here to end kiddie-padiddlers.

Votescam ago

We see a lot of this trolling here in hidden attacks where the individual doesn't want to come out on the subject and say I'm anti-abortion or in this case -- homophobic.

Notice how little Lesbians are mentioned other than with disdain. Lesbians over all make it too clear that males are generally not necessary in the scheme of things. Patriarchy finds this frightening that females can have lives where men have no place. And even more frightening that women would lead independent lives of their own -- free from anything but sexual relationships with males.

HashTagFU ago

Well s/he seems to be here to end homos. Everyone has competing agendas you know.

MyNameIsLuka ago

I think the point is the questionable nature and funding of the studies,

FckPizza3 ago

"His "studies" on children are still waiting in the wings to be rolled out and normalized."

You have got to be kidding me?!?! How the hell would any honest loving person ever believe this to be normal?!? I was reading in the article's posted that when having sex with the infant's and children they counted that they orgasmed like 26 times when in actuality they we're having seizures or some sort because the pain was so intense for them... 😢😢😢 how can anyone take this nut job sicko seriously after reading that?!?! I'm so infuriated right now!!!! Fuck these people!!!!

kestrel9 ago

The sick freak defined childhood "orgasm" as seizures, convulsions, resisting, crying, screaming...

equineluvr ago

Kinsey Victim Speaks Out: My Father was Paid to Rape Me (She was SEVEN!)


The Kinsey "research" crap was taxpayer-funded for a while until Sen. William Proxmire got the funding cut. In the wake of HIV/AIDS, it was reinstated.


PizzagateBot ago

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www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/alfred_kinsey.htm Just found a giant clue, the OTO(Major Satanic Cult) held a fund raiser for planned parenthood, joke in the article that they offer much more than the usual services. 12/1/2016 7015129