I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I know it's really tough to see all of this. This stuff has been going on for centuries, we just never noticed it. My only comfort is that John and Tony Podesta are RUINED because of pizzagate. I'm sure they've been ostracized because of all this and that makes me VERY HAPPY! Whenever anyone mocks you about pizzagate show them this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1437697

See if they can laugh at you after reading what these sadistic, pedophiles, fantasize about doing!

gamepwn ago

Thank you everyone for the support. All this shit has been getting to me. I beieved a few "conspiracy" theories here and there but this...this takes the cake in the horrific scale and has bothered me. Its so good to know others are fighting it. If our friends and family want to be blinded we keep fighting for the voices that have been silenced. The Human Race will not survive if this does not stop. I sit in college classes and can feel the ignorance of everyone in the room and even the shit spewing out of my various professors but I know the truth. Were going to fight this nightmare and save untold thousands of lives.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

Yeah... You shouldn't google image search any of the chans.

Pokes ago

I never know what to do with this information. I'm not going to search what I expect to be child porn. But not having seen it I don't know the extent of it and if it's random images posted in otherwise unrelated threads by trolls, because that definitely happens on 4chan and 8chan, have seen it and can attest to it, or if it's threads and folders dedicated to hosting and distributing that stuff, in which case it's outrageous. Also, is 12chan an actual 4 or 8chan clone? Does it have innocuous content? Or is it merely a front for CP? As I already stated, I feel incredibly uncomfortable blindly google image searching a term I expect to yield illegal content but would appreciate the skinny from anyone who has been so brave/cavalier.

remedy4reality ago

featheredmasks ago

H O N E Y P O T.

Fuck off.

Touchdown50 ago

These people deserve severe punishment. They are sick depraved animals.

jw4vc ago

I would tell you why your posts and account history make you look like an obvious disinfo but then you might learn to be more convincing and harder to spot in the future.

MONOLITHicide ago

apparently april 25 is alice day. a sick day where alot of child rapists should die.

fremar ago

thats pretty weird dude considering that the gov has supercomputers recording any form of communication , with pattern recognizition programs running 24/7 , & yet they need "help" from the people "finding" these pedos on social media .... you or we are all being played .

reasonedandinformed ago

Who would downvoat this? Good find but do not pursue and click on any CP. These people are evil, but know that there are many like you who are sickened and have a mission to stop this evil. We are all in this together to bring light to this darkness, expose this evil, and bring the sickos to justice.

micha_ ago

How old are you, if you are too stupid to create a meaningful headline?

Oldno7 ago

Oh shit this person called 8chan followed me on twitter recently wtf https://mobile.twitter.com/8____n

norobotono ago

Have you contacted anyone to report this? Like Google or the FBI (or whatever version your own country has)?

Chatman ago

Careful, you can get charged just for viewing the site nvm downloading a picture. Any site with user submitted content (expecially 4chan and it's clones) always have the potential to be child porn hosters, knowingly or not. 4chan & 8chan has an army of janitors to remove it, other clones well...

seanhurray ago

Found that if you google rajce there is serius weird shit full of nudes

gamepwn ago

I just recently turned 21 I should be enjoying my life like my two brothers and all my old friends and just got into college yet all of this sickens me to the core. Been lurking these forums for months my family yelled at me for talking about Pizzagate so much. Got called a fucking weirdo by my older brother. Yet I cant stop feeling so horrible about all those poor children. 800,000 a year go missing its so sick and unimaginable. Feel like I've aged ten years nothing excites me. Was a huge gamer and yet while playing Halo Wars 2 keep thinking about all of this and cant seem to be as happy as before at work. I want to save those children so bad no one should be put into a life like that jesus

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Honey, I understand how you feel. My family mocked me for months. I've finally convinced some of them that's real. I know you're only 21 and it suck that this much evil has come to light. But it's not something that's NEW. This has been going on for centuries. We've just finally become aware of it. When someone mocks at you for believing pizzagate shoe them this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1437697 I'm pretty sure it'll shut them up quickly. Plus you have to understand that one of the reasons people deny pizzagate, or won't discuss it is because they're SCARED of it. If they believe it and see how horrible it really is, they'll have to do something about it and that's really scary too.

mooteensy ago

You are not alone @gamepwn. I'm a 22 yr old girl in college. I think about this everyday. Yet, I can't even mention this forum to my boyfriend without a snarky remark or "joke" regarding how seriously I take this stuff. Even my father, who actually believes all of this and has his own username here to lurk, tells me nothing will ever come from this and to not get my hopes up. I've been on here for a little bit now too, and I also feel like I have lost all innocence myself just from the collective evidence and horrible atrocities we have reason to believe are being/have been committed towards other human beings. Fucking kids, nonetheless. It breaks my heart and the fact that no one else around me seems to care is even worse....

sugarskull ago

Because you have a soul and a heart...never forget that!!

artfullyours ago

I also know how you feel, but we must keep this in perspective and know that this has been going on for a very long time and God knows about it. While we all want to see something done about it, and hopefully by it coming out in the open it will start the ball rolling towards accountability! You are young and you only have control of your own life. So make your life good...enjoy it...be the example you want to see in the world! Keep praying and do what you can to help to support this movement, but don't forget to build your own life!

GhostOfSwartz ago

As sad as it is, it's refreshing that someone of your age even cares or is aware of this. I have daughters your age, and they think I'm just a conspiracy theorist nutjob.

AngB23 ago

At least you have a conscience and at 21, it gives me some hope for the future. Most your age don't give a shit about others and all about me, myself and I. It's hard to get this stuff out of your mind, but those that don't speak up & realize it's real are the ones with their heads in he sand.

PG_IzRidiculous ago

And when you add in the fact that pizzagate is a obviously fictitious and ridiculous conspiracy theory...sad.

vonbacon ago


0.2 Shekelz have been deposited into your Paypal account from rabbi schlomo in Isreal

PG_IzRidiculous ago

^Retarded conspiracy theorist.

vonbacon ago


You ain't fooling anyone

awake4646 ago

Hang in there. 21 is early to take all of this on. Pretty much any adult I've told is like yeah yeah, that's awful and then awkwardly changes the subject. The reality is most people simply cannot fathom that the extent of this is total infiltration of the institutions that make them feel safe. That is an idea that people's brains are literally protecting them from.

At some point it will become so blatant that they have no choice but to see. That has happened to all of us already for one reason or another. We need as many people as we can ready to help others understand when they wale up. We're also going to have to help those that fall apart a little when this all comes to light.

Try not to get so caught up in this that you lose yourself in the process. Take some time outdoors to reset your mind and your body, or find something peaceful to do that leaves you feeling full and refreshed again. We are all distraught by this, but our light and our love is our power. Don't let the evil around us take that from you. Until your people wake up, just know you have support elsewhere.

paulf ago

Neo: I can't go back, can I?

Morpheus: No. But if you could, would you really want to?

Welcome to the rabbit hole. You're here because you're a genuine person who find it unthinkable that the rich and powerful would do this to children. It's horrifying and it's taken over almost all of your thoughts. You waver between feeling sickened, feeling angry and feeling helpless.

You're not alone: there are many hundreds of thousands of us. All of us have a part to play . I've personally red-pilled nearly my whole family, dozens of friends and many work colleagues to a greater or lesser extent. Justice is coming soon with absolute certainty. It's frustrating that we don't have it already but the wheels of justice turn slowly. But they do turn. Once all of the elites and their minions have all been publicly burned at the stake for their role in this, we will all enjoy full and happy lives, proud of our roles in bringing this down.

But now is the time to knuckle down and make it happen.

TheSeer ago

Ha, I was telling my family about the 'Clinton Body Count' and that Hillary is like a mob boss. The question came up "But who does the killing for them?"

It is such simple stuff that people get caught up on sometimes, purely because their existing world view does NOT allow for an answer to that question. Thats when I tied in Mena, Arkansas, and the Clinton's longtime association with CIA cocaine smuggling!

Keep in mind I also have family members that think the terrorists who created Israel were 'heros fighting against the odds', LOL.

equineluvr ago

Larry Nichols did (some of) their dirty work for years in Arkansas.

Nichols, Clinton Hit Man


TheSeer ago

What gets me is that when i hear this stuff, I am instantly super curious and want to hear more, dig to the bottom of it all. But SO many hear it, and just want to dismiss it or forget it or ignore it. So after I have a conversation with someone, where they are 'skeptical' I ask them the next time 'Did you look it up?' Nope!

People complain about Trump and I don't defend him but I say "Well, the other choice was Hillary Clinton! What kind of choice is that!? We would already be at war with Russia right now, if she had won!"

Rmm ago

I so feel your pain and wish it wasn't so. But unfortunately, knowledge of this inhumane injustice will tend to greatly disturb an ethical human being who has a heart and soul. There are so many zombies wandering around today who feel nothing but anger over minor "micro aggressions" They are only self seeking. I commend you for your integrity. Fight the good fight and stay strong. I truly feel that God hears the cries of His people and justice will be served

nnfx ago

I know how you feel, many of us do. I already lost at least one "friend" about it. You are not alone. Here, this might help. It helped me a lot.

lynn1314 ago

Thank you for that video link! It made me cry, but in a good way :)

nnfx ago

Same here. <3

Ihatepizza2 ago

THANK YOU for sharing this. Its like (as he said) he made it just for me. I love his idea of what we should call the 'elites' - Miserable Talentless Parasites. "He's an MTP" certainly has a nice ring, to my ear at least. The initials phonetically sound like you are describing someone that is empty - which these freaks evidently are.

Do we have any meme magik masters here who might leverage "Miserable Talentless Parasites / MTP" that into a format we can share?

Keep digging friends.

nnfx ago

Its like (as he said) he made it just for me.

Ikr!? It's crazy. :D

MolochHunter ago

gr8 vid mate

DerivaUK ago

Wow. This hit home, and is so very welcomed at a time when I was feeling very overwhelmed, frustrated and powerless to change. Waking up is not easy and the weight of realisation of the truth is heavy and can be a lonely place. This piece reminded me that I'm not alone. We are indeed a force to be reckoned with and my faith that the day of reckoning is near has been refreshed and restored. Thanks for this. Archiving for later use where needed.

thisneedstoend ago

well, that was amazing. I want this guy to narrate everything. Thank you for sharing that!

thisneedstoend ago

why was I downvoted for this?!

whazzat1970 ago

nnfx, this was cool. I don't know who wrote this but it was good.

AreWeSure ago

Look into that 800,000 number. It's not what you think. That's every single report of a missing kid. Almost all of that is benign. Kids who were lost and then found within hours.

National Child Kidnapping Facts - Polly Klaas Foundation

And it's not 800,000, it was 465,000 last year

concernedaboutitall ago

Plus we have no clue how many kids in foster care or their OWN FAMILIES are subjected to trafficking. They wouldn't be declared missing but many are in fact very lost.

anonOpenPress ago

According to the author of "TrafficKing" (book on Epstein and more) there are 23 million underaged trafficking victoms worldwide (she sources this to U.N) and more than a million underaged U.S. born trafficking victoms. This number seems to me to include all illegal trafficking. In my current knowledge, trafficking is connected to sexual abuse for 1/4-1/5 of girls, less on boys. I base this knowledge to an university stydy I read, but that study included adults too. So no exact numbers from me, but let's just fight against all the trafficking.

BTAlum4truth ago

465,000(still a pretty huge number) MISSING say the stats... add in countries that don't even have birth certificates, countries where selling of children is legal & all the children that slip through the cracks, I'd guess a million more easily. But....how many children are born as goldfish, directly into the sex trafficking/slavery cycle, they aren't technically missing, but they are exploited... I gather, it's a million more. I'd guess close to 3 million children go missing, are abducted, trafficked, or become SRA victims, or organ donors, every year... It's abominable.

unbiased_researcher ago

Hang in there. When this all comes out these people that call us crazy will need us to guide them through their cognitive dissonance. We are the "lucky" ones who are awake :) This will get exposed, just keep following the process. That's all we can do.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Okay it is wrong. I saw what had to be a 12 year old girls nipples.......I am stopping right there. It must be intentional that they leave that stuff up. Very bad.

And there was a painting of a five year old girl standing on a kitchen counter holding a teddy bear and a bloody butcher knife. She was naked and there was a head in the sink. This is sick stuff folks.

Mencomot ago

It makes me think about how Reddit allows a "safe place for pedos" channel but not a place to actively investigate them...

remedy4reality ago




dmthirdeye ago

There are no honey pots dude, CP is everywhere and the authorities don't care... how long have you been investigating PG? If there were honey pots, we wouldn't be here. Every freaking forum and social network is absolutely litterred with child porn but they are banning people left and right for just MENTIONING the words Pizzagate, thats our reality..... Hell police are arresting people for trying to sell stuff like Marijuana on facebook, selling children is fine though.

ravensedgesom ago

Didn't the deep web CP site playpen get seized and then the FBI kept it up for an additional weeks expanded its platform and content? Pretty sure the FBI is profiting off of CP while the opportunity presents itself.

dmthirdeye ago

Exactly, and expanding their customer base.

ravensedgesom ago

Just look at how the CIA covered up the finders cult that was involved in satanic rituals and child trafficking this is a global network and it runs deep

slickleg64 ago

It is a honey pot. Waiting for people to post "OC" to "investigate".

SChalice ago

Police busted someone for selling Ceviche on FB.


remedy4reality ago

Yep.. and they PICK AND CHOOSE whom they arrest and the laptops they seize or do not seize.

Don't be so naive. Most people familiar with it say 12chan was set up by the FBI and is closely monitored.

dmthirdeye ago

They set it up so they can increase their customer base not arrest people.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah they left up the talk site where people discussed having sex with kids their daughters or sons. But they drove Pizzagate off. The world is upside down for these Sabbetean Satanist. Literally they are turning the world upside down. They invert everything. What is bad is good what is wrong they make right. What is horrible they give license to. Complain against it and you are banned.

nomorepepperoni ago

Try the "Send feedback" > "Legal Help page" and report some of the depravity you suggest is there (need I explain why I refuse to verify?). They do have an option, FWIW, to report "child sexual abuse" photos.

I have my doubts about Google responding, but if enough call them out, it may be easier for them to just remove it than risk the PR drama Facebook put themselves into recently.

dmthirdeye ago

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Vidme, Youtube, Reddit are all in on it, no point in reporting anything these days it will only cause you to get heat on you.

nomorepepperoni ago

Well if you've already seen the images, you're probably already highlighted in someone's list, so you may as well report this shit (even if you do so from a burner system not on your own network to do so).

But I do understand your concern that it might give you heat, especially after Facebook gave the BBC grief for reporting their CP. Your decision is your own.

gamepwn ago

Not even going to risk going back to any of those sites :/ hoping someone here reports it. I almost threw up when I went on it I closed out and dident go back. Im just so disgusted its plainly on the normal web for all to see. Not even the deep web just normal servers. This world is so sick

pedodestroyer ago


clowntrash ago

It's their version of pornhub most likely 😞😔