cocteautwins ago

i know. i implied that.

Vindicator ago

Bumpin' ya, centipede.

CeepsNo ago

Using Imgur in 2016?

LionParty ago Tweet from @Eclipse_OW (Molly) about possible threat to her safety. Trying to spread this on comment sections so I don't spam v/all

LionParty ago

On the subject of compromised websites, we should probably stray from using imgur as well OP.

rape_train ago

He wasn't "outed" as a pedophile.

He admitted he was a pedophile.

m1lkb0ne ago

I haven't been on Twitter since March, but there was a time when just tweeting "Sarah Nyberg is a pedophile" would get your account suspended.

CON was always a con by Zoe Quinn & Co. as a way of soliciting heckle shekels. But a look at who's on the Trust & Safety Council shows a very lopsided form of representation. Professional victim organizations, SPLC, ADL, and some very shady characters like Randi Harper. Looking into the backgrounds of most of the prominent SJWs reveals a lot of questionable activity. ZQ, for example, was an SA goon, and launched an attack on the severely depressed members of WizardChan, so it's quite hypocritical of her to set herself up as an "anti-harassment" advocate.

srayzie ago

Until recently, I was naive and thought pedophilia among WOMEN was very rare

cocteautwins ago

it IS rare. sarah nyberg is a transwoman. vast majority of pedos are biologically male.

srayzie ago

Yeah, once I started reading more I saw that he was trans. But it looks like women are very involved thru this whole pizzagate thing. It's sickening!

donate_4_new_teeth ago

We use not imgur here.

BlackTara108 ago

Thank you. Horrible hasbara agents are already messing with me on here....These are sick, deranged & dangerous lunatics. I've copied-pasted many of their crazy rants and threats against me . I'm going to compile them & post 'em. They openly threaten people and nobody says a thing! A Native Palestinian Christian posts simple,truths on facebook and is thrown in prison. A search of 'settler attacks'? Results are so longggg, it's mind-boggling. They happen everyday. The MSM? Not a word. Since Bush instated israeli-military-contractor's to train US police forces, cops shooting citizens has risen by 500% (presstv & many others like veteranstoday reported this). Bella Dodd told us what they did to the Catholic Church. Hell, the pope's not even Catholic anymore....Wish you could follow people on voat....or do you need so many upvotes before you can use that feature?!

CrudOMatic ago

Voat is still beta, so not all features are implemented yet.

BlackTara108 ago

Thanks for the explanation!

BlackTara108 ago

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression...” —Isaiah 58:1

Truthtelling is righteous, no matter which religion you follow....Just a quote, for my fellow traditional, orthodox Christians out there....should any still exist...They're systematically wiping us out and have named traditional/orthodox Christianity as an enemy to the Rothchild-Zionist NWO's agenda.

stowaway ago

Well what do ya know... Twitter CEO got his account suspended due to a "software glitch"

TheAwakening ago

They play on the goodness of humanity to mask their evil in plain sight.

Anson ago

What is going on here? Is sex with underage people commonplace in real life or something? I thought adults weren't supposed to even consider having sex with children.

That's the vibe I get when people talk about it. I don't know why, but that thought just forces its way into my mind.

Gorillion ago

There's a concerted push going on to normalize it. So they're attempting to make it seem like it's wide spread and a "legitimate orientation" like being gay.

It's like all the Trans propaganda we've been seeing the last few years, and all the gay characters in every movie and TV show. When the reality is that they represent a tiny tiny tiny minority of the greater population. They're the furthest thing from "commonplace".

Anson ago

Im saying the way i hear and see it treated irl. People seem far too acquainted with it or something. And after i met the first admitted pedo 2 years ago i realized they could be anywhere, and they act just like normal people

DukeofAnarchy ago

They ARE just normal people.

Anson ago

So then average people do want to have sex with children?

piratse ago

This needs more upvoats. DO NOT USE THE REDDIT CUCK SITE of imgur. Use almost anything else, please. Imgur also censors photos and content.

LightlyToasted ago

Thank you.

chickyrogue ago

its all the tweeter feed stored in utah and isnt that where all the mormons are?

BlackTara108 ago

Look at the creeps that own/run these sites.... NWO Wahabi's & their cousins the Rothchild Zionists. Ever read from the Babylonian Talmud- the book zio's live by?? It is highly 'pro pedo' while they constantly accuse average Muslims of being 'pedo's', it is pure deflection away from their sick pedophilia. I'm done with zio-FB and Wahabi-twitter. Sick, demented, lying, baby-raping-scum.

Antiracist7 ago

Ever read from the Babylonian Talmud- the book zio's live by?? It is highly 'pro pedo'


BlackTara108 ago

Speaking of this 'comment/sharing' above: These creeps are everywhere and intimidating & threatening those who dare speak out against them. I copied & pasted many of these hasbara threats against me. I'm going to compile them into a list then share them on voat eventually. These hasbara agents think they're slick, will share & forward your posts/comments then they'll all gang attack you & attempt to destroy your reputation. Just a warning to those who haven't had the misfortune of dealing with these deranged lunatics, yet. We stand fearlessly against ALL corruption and criminal agendas. Especially, the one that's destroying all of humanity: Rothchild-zionism.

antiracist ago


gazillions ago

Why the fuck would their safety resources not say which police agency to contact? Fuck that shit. A normal person would call the FBI. Sounds like college campuses deciding to replace the local police with their own selves.