featheredmasks ago

Can someone get me a good HQ picture of Podesta's fingers? All I ever see is that 14 Fish pic but it's always low quality.

Alanna1 ago

It will be tough for the majority of the population when this finally comes out. So strange that it's been all around us! I think that creates a lot of the disbelief. How could we not know? Gonna be a rough year for many! Your post was a hard read for me and I've been awake for a bit now.

equineluvr ago

Alt-F reveals ONE email containing the phrase ":gravy train."

Gothamgirl ago

You're incorrect, they all have the word gravy.

srayzie ago

Gravy train is going to end soon for a lot of people

HST ago

All of those emails seem normal.

deucebolt ago

Didn't some of the Podesta emails reference surgery on his hand(s)?

MyNameIsLuka ago

We were just discussing this email yesterday. Notice "my fellow hand sufferer":


redditsuckz ago


From the email it looks like John Podesta suffers from "Dupuytren's contracture";


srayzie ago

Omg. I was out of town yesterday and missed this. That's just crazy!

MyNameIsLuka ago

Lol, my son and I were stuck at home sick yesterday so I kept watch for you.

srayzie ago

Lol. It drove me crazy

Piscina ago

He has a condition which makes a finger bend, but that condition does not explain the damage and scarring on the fingers.

ArtificalDuality ago

The middle-finger cutting is part of a satanic ritual that is about asking for might and power. The finger cutting is the "payment" for that. These rituals follow a strict precision in that he could not chose a different finger. That is why you can witness repeated cutting: Cut - heal - cut - heal - cut - heal etc. Much like a heroin addict has his favorite blood vessel location to inject, using the same location over and over until it just won't work any more.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Yes, he did have surgery. I posted a fb post in a pizza gate group about it. I think that the scarring on his fingers is also from rituals though.

I got banned from Twitter for posting the emails relating to the surgery on his fingers.


Prolly wanks off too much too

srayzie ago

To pictures of tortured children

VieBleu ago

I'm glad you are discussing Podesta's really strange seemingly abused hands. They have given me the creeps since this whole thing started.

Laskar ago

And the number fourteen, like the stars on the pizzagate Tarot card on the cover of the Rothschild publication The Economist. See this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1769138

GeorgeT ago

All true, with dozens of witnesses to verify it!

Omnicopy ago

The bible says that days will get so bad it will be hard for flesh to even live. There is hope in Jesus Christ yet! In the midst of this God protects His own. The deceived and the deceiver will wax worse and worse. God has a peace that knows no fear. Turn to Jesus Christ and have protection under His wings!

Somevoatguy ago

Amen my friend.

Psalm144-1 ago


strix-varia ago

Yes the evil ones absolutely fear Jesus, don't like him at all.

Laskar ago

Yes, Deicide is tough act to follow, but they keep trying.

Look at what it says about Christ in their Talmud (their real holy book).

ArtificalDuality ago

None of these victims are delusional nor crazy or anything else. They're victims even more so due to this state/system demarginalization agenda that's deeply entrenched in fields like Psychology, Mental Health care. These fields are used to discredit victims by their elitist PhD doctors circles to nullify the victims' beliefworthiness with peers. How does this work?

Everyone attempts to 'validate' any information they learn about, to validate truth there in. When one considers one's beliefsystem to be a, more technically called, a truth-tree, one can say a few things:

Labels like PhD cause people's 'truth-trees' to be write-enabled to these PhDs or otherwise folk that push PhD endorsed information. What I mean by 'write-enabling' is that people allow this information be shoveled in without any further truth validation. Because well, it's a PhD!

Secondly, when malicious psychologists in mental healthcare label victims "schizophrenic", as whistleblowers are often labeled by a PhD, it in reality 'write-protects' people's truth-trees from the one being labeled schizophrenic. Resulting in peers of the victim no longer accepting any truths from the victim while being all nice and caring to the victim. But they won't take and accept their truths.

These are neural programming crimes at its worst.

sunajAeon ago

The greatest crimes in the world are done by PhD's-piled deeper and higher

Laskar ago

On his way to the USA to introduce his psych baloney (including "infantile sexuality"), Sigmund Freud said, "We are bringing them a plague".

His nephew, Edward Bernays wrote the book "Propaganda" (about mind control) in 1928.

His grandson, Clement Freud, a famous radio personality, known child molester (now deceased) rented his Portuguese villa to the Podesta brothers at the time Madeline McCann "disappeared". He also invited MM's parents, whom he allegedly did not know beforehand to come to his house to enjoy his "cuisine".

ArtificalDuality ago

And this knowledge about truth-trees, the write-protecting and write-enabling power of labels attached to people , the fact that each individual has its own truth-tree is Free Mason's Unholy Grail. They use this to literally (mass) program people with false / opposing truths to oppose and destroy people in the mental world. See here. (The first crime level 1) describes just this : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1730295

eyeVoated ago

This occulted knowledge is key to planetary enlightenment and global freedom. You are very advanced in your occult knowledge. Can you describe to me how the learning of lower level freemason tracing boards seems to be forgotten (if not outright rejected) by higher level freemasons? It seems like they go through a path of enlightenment, until one day they say fuck it, and go through total spiritual annihilation and global/self-destruction at the top levels. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but I can't figure it out yet. Thanks

Edit: I just read some of your referenced posts. It seems like brick and mortar / lodge freemasonry is rotten to its very core.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Evil! We are surrounded by pure freaking Evil!

PG_IsRetarded1 ago

Nope, you are surrounded by pure insanity here on Voat.

Niandra ago

It's clear you are one of three things;

  • A paid shill, trying to discredit the work of hundreds of researchers uncovering what is the worst example of the depths and depravity of the human species. Doing a pathetic and laughable job if this is the case.

  • Mentally ill. I can imagine you walking onto a tennis court shouting 'Tennis doesn't exist! Put those rackets down!' Then urinating on your shoes whilst chewing on the furry luminescent balls you claim aren't real.

  • Willfully fucking stupid. Self loathing. An IQ of less than 70.

At least you're contributing in your own way here, adding comments and boosting the general conviction of the kind hearted and selfless people here and across the world who want this dogshit wiped from our collective shoes.

strix-varia ago

I see that responding to this degenerate is not worth the time or effort. Best to ignore these ones. Although your 3 points are great and you are right, the degenerate has low IQ and very laughable. Always good to laugh every day and the shills provide just that.

Niandra ago

Absolutely agree, I just thought a cheap laugh was in order. Hopefully when ignored they'll disappear, but this one does seem to be persevering.

Whatever the reason for their writings, at the end of it all, they're the ones who have to look themselves in the mirror. For that, I almost pity them.

neurofluxation ago

I love how you have an account dedicated to bad mouthing other people's opinions. Great use of your time..

kazza64 ago

good piece

sunajAeon ago

That's also why people forget things quickly-they can't take the trauma

kazza64 ago

do you think its suspicious that two prime time talk show hosts have both had their ring finger damaged with a similar story surrounding the circumsances in the last 6 months ?

kammmmak ago

Yes so tasty.