Silverlining ago

huhWHAThuh ago

She was a true pioneer. And sadly most of her expose' work is still relevant today. I guess things never change.

VieBleu ago

I am glad you wrote this - thank you.

The_Roman_Numeral ago


That is one sick sob but unfortunately for humanity an intelligent,and useful evil individual. HE is such a large part, and one of the main player/handlers of Pedogate. He is one of the architects of MK Ultra and further developed programs. He is a satanist, and has done some unspeakable,atrocious acts. He's largely detailed in Cathy O'Briens Tranceformation Of America. She details all the pedophiliac disgusting things he's done, and who he worked with in USG especially with the now dead Senator Byrd. Folks looking to head down the rabbit-hole and start putting this puzzle together need to look him up now.

Silverlining ago

Perhaps you could use your journalistic skills to present some of the information here. My feeling is the MSM won't touch it, but a story about the citizens investigation, perhaps a slight air of fake news/alternaive facts might slip something under the radar of your editor and assist in the red pilling. You might know where best to place the stories.

Hit the right note and it might be a big payday. The Alt media seem to think there are clicks in pizzagate and thus great public interest and curiosity.

ArthurEdens ago

Pizzagate is f-ing real

Cleareyes ago

I just remembered a story i heard from a woman i know. This could help any canadians here be aware of this is travelling through saskatchewan. Not satanic though so sorry if people feel like this could distract from that let me know. This woman has two pre-teen daughters and was driving through Sask to BC. The leg of her journey in SK was at night, she was on an empty highway and she saw an unmarked all-white, newish looking semi trailer truck coming up behind her. She moved aside to let him pass, when he passed her started slowing down like he was trying to stop her vehicle behind him. She tried to pass him but he kept blocking her, her and her daughters were trying to use their phones so they could call police but they had no signals. She pretended like she was going to slow down and the truck slowed down again with her, she then blew past him quick and flew to the nearest town until she couldnt see the truck anymore. She notified the police, they followed up but said they couldn't identify the truck or find it (license plate was covered with dirt). She was really shaken by it, and i knew from her story that driver was likely one of the people involved in the missing youth and women that happens in that province. Probably does it along his route and is behind some missing people in other provinces too.

doubleherpes ago

Thanks for documenting this! Every bit of information helps. If we can help it, her suffering won't be in vain.

26Zapatosnuevos ago

Have you tried to find, Angela using what-ever resources you have at your disposal?

nosy ago

no i have not. i only started thinking about her for the first time in the past few days.

26Zapatosnuevos ago

Thank you for the response. Is Pizza-gate a story you want to cover, follow down the rabbit hole, as they say? 26Z

nosy ago

honestly, no. following an investigative story takes a lot of resources, time and firm support from your company, and that's not easy to get, especially for a story that makes people so queasy and afraid of libel. a crowd sourced investigation addresses those challenges.

26Zapatosnuevos ago

Those reasons are why the MSM isn't covering it. My first exposure to P'gate came from Twitter. I found it interesting, outlandish, slightly unreal. I also felt interest ran down party lines. Republicans/conservatives want a full investigation while liberals keep yelling, 'nothing to see here'. The only way, in my view, the story will come to light is when a Deep Throat source starts giving info to a reporter willing to run with it. You thought of this for a reason, my guess is that you will continue thinking about it. Maybe for whatever reason, good, bad or queasy, it's time to run. 26Z.

strix-varia ago

Thank you for writing this after stumbling upon the story on social media. The fact that you would laugh and never believe pizzagate is a fact of why this is not out in the open now, so many people just cannot and do not believe it. I'm sad that you are a journalist and could never report on what is happening with pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse that is rampant in the highest levels of government or could you?

nosy ago

no, i couldn't write about that because i don't have proof. no editor will allow you to throw around such hideous accusations about powerful people without real evidence. but i think this type of crowd sourced research is important and needs to continue because it may lead to something.

and i wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a few credible journalists lurking on here. if any one of them realizes certain aspects of this are likely to be true, they may pick up some of the threads you have provided and follow them.

Piscina ago

God bless Angela. I hope wherever she is, she's ok.

huhWHAThuh ago

The sad thing to realize is that everything we talk about here such as this woman's story and so many more horrible things going on in our government have been well known and written about for decades in major newspapers and magazines and books. But it always erupts and then the lid is slammed down. Mae Brussell was a tireless researcher and radio host that brought out many of these stories as far back as the 1970s. But unfortunately the information didn't go further than her local radio show. The MSM at that time would at least report on specific scandals locally, but they were never picked up nationally and no mainstream media outlet would put the pieces together or go beyond superficial reporting before things got shut down. Her broadcasts are still available on youtube. It is amazing to listen to her research and realize what was known and available as public information so long ago. And it is amazing to see just how corrupt and spineless the MSM were in failing to report all the things the public really needed to know. Mae Brussell youtube archive:

TrishaUK ago

I am so glad we live in a time when we can report these things and, hopefully, they are helped by people who really care. I had a boy, L, in my year at school, very intelligent, but a strange loner of a lad. People used to make fun of him because of his quiet oddity. They would say they saw him sitting in the front window of his house with black candles burning (I don't know how true this was) and would make 'whoooing' sounds at him as though casting spells. We all thought it was hillarious when he would say he worshiped the devil and when he mutter strange 'tongues' curses/spells etc at us. But it all changed one day when the ringleader, J, in our group started teasing him. L got agitated and started really 'going for it' casting a spell over J. He said J would have a bike accident and his teeth would fall out for harassing him. We all laughed but the following week J did have an horrific bike accident where he lost his front teeth! We were all shocked and a lot more wary of him then so avoided any contact with him. Not long before we left school at age 16 I heard that J had a road accident on his new mortorbike and was killed. Very sad and I wondered if it was anything to do with that 'curse'. One other incident at our school, during the rainy-playtime breaks we would go into the Assembly Hall, sometimes there were children up behind the curtains on the stage who would play ouija board game, I was invited, but far too scared to go play....when I think of it now, where on earth did they get an ouija board???

Z11Mama ago

There is definitely a very different feeling when you make this kind of connection. The more people share these things the more chance there is someone else can take it to the next level.

This made me think of the 'Seinfeld' episode that is called 'The Braless Wonder'. The guest character wears a bra on the outside of her shirt.

hels ago

It is stories like this that scare me. Children and adolescents don't really know what is right and wrong, normal and abnormal, just and unjust. Your Father tells you that you are going to be part of a super special club where you are going to have great food and enjoyments better than anything any other girl gets. The only way to stay in this club is to keep it a secret and you will continue to get better food, better clothes and have even more fun.

Littleredcorvette ago

This is where the programming of tv and yutube factors in. Our youth today are led to believe that these types of situations are normal.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for sharing your story. It's important to understand how these things happen and how the perpetrators get away with their crimes.

Thrulkggls ago

After reading this, I feel as though i have been kicked in the stomach...that is so horrifying, and puts such a real face on the depravity we are all fighting...

pizzaequalspedo ago

Well, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope there is a differentiation on judgement day for those that were born into a family like that and had no chance.

Cleareyes ago

I know, it kills me knowing they had to deal with it alone and i hope they find their way to heaven and forgiveness for people who let this world get to this point where those fucks operate freely.