CosmicChrist ago

You should know it was the main stream media of his day that ran that headline about Crowley being "the wickedest man". A classic dishonest smear campaign of lies that you should be all too familiar with if you're researching pizzagate!

I recommend skipping all the crap you might find and reading his autobiography "confessions of aliester Crowely" and then make up your own mind. Just advice for reading Crowely, don't take him too seriously, you'll take note he jokes around constantly.

Take care!

CosmicChrist ago

I've read your other posts on voat and with more context I understand you better, I think.

As someone who's studied and read Crowely for over a decade, I have to disagree whole-heartily with your opinion of the man. I highly doubt Crowely ever killed anyone, as he devoted his life to helping others find their way. Even those people he didn't much like.

As for your experience, as horrifying as it sounds, it seems foolish to label Crowely as you have. I have no doubts there are terrible people out there who have used Crowely's work towards nefarious ends, but this isn't something that fits into Crowely's philosophy. In fact, murdering anyone for such a self indulgent and evil practice as you've described is directly opposed to what Crowely preached.

Again, I'm sure these terrible things happen, but it's no fault of Crowely's, and he certainly wouldn't condone such a perversion of his lifes work.

I doubt I'll change your opinion, all the best to you regardless.

CosmicChrist ago

So what are you implying? That you were part of a ritual sacrifice of human life because someone doesn't understand Crowley and took him literally? Or that you aren't stupid and you actually believe Crowely murdered thousands of children?

Just looking for clarification on your comments, your stance in regards to your posts is unclear.

CosmicChrist ago

Crowely is talking about masturbation here, this has been brought up on this board before...unless of course anyone is stupid enough to think Crowely , who was already heavily tarnished by the MSM of his day, actually murdered hundreds of children a year for over 15 years, wrote about it in published books, and got away with it. Surely no one is that stupid, right? Right?!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Michael Aquino. Most despicable POS ever to come out of the military. Obama still employed him. He developed PsyOps, psychological warfare to be used on American citizens. Molested hundreds, literally HUNDREDS of kids. Used MK Ultra on so many kids it's sickening. Was the mastermind behind the California daycare molestation and satanic rituals on kids. He denies everything and threatens to use anyone online speaking out about him. Michael Aquino IS the satanic element that began in the military decades ago. This man is warped. This man is Lucifer.

CosmicChrist ago

I think Aquino is an important factor to pizzagate. He completely reformed the church of Satan into the church of Set. These Setian's openly admit they are the bad guys, more or less.

After alot of mis-info on this site about Aliester Crowely, which has been really annoying. you can read about Aquino and he straight up says, Crowely and his followers were white magicians and more pious than the church, and he and the Setians were the black magicians.

Here's a short essay written by Aquino that says some interesting things and other writings that are important in understanding the Occult factor of Pizzagate. It is mentioned how they're involved in media and propaganda as a form of lesser black magic.

hang_em_high ago

I gotta look more into this guy; never knew of him. What in the hell is going on with his eyebrows??

Truthseeker3000 ago

He does them up like devil horns!! He's completely insane.

derram ago :

Max Spiers who was found dead in Poland was 'investigating an alleged US Army pedophilia ring' | Daily Mail Online :

Max Spiers struggles to speak at the mention of certain names | Daily Mail Online

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