awarenessadventurer ago

To the very few Authentic People on Voat. I am Done.

shakethetree ago

Anyone who consistently throws wrenches into the investigation without offering to help move forward should be suspect. I have been community organizing for years, and can say without a doubt that people who walk in the shoes of the devil's advocate (and never change them out for bare feet, ie vulnerability), will sow seeds of doubt and division that have immensely negative consequences. The amplification of this type of energy is deep and broad. It demoralizes and offers nothing in the long run. It is the fear frequency.

The best course of action is to oust them. These type of people tend to be "reasonable," and use their intelligence to fool people. If the person doesn't show their capability of acting from the heart, or with compassion, you are likely even dealing with a sociopath, or someone who is overtaken by dark entity attachments (and it may or may not be known to them). Trust me, someone else will come along who can provide the vital service of cautionary suspense of judgement, moreover with the clear intention to help build the community, not take it down.

I have to ask, is it worth derailing the momentum of the campaign for AreWeSure's little seed of doubt? Fix it if it is a problem, and carry on.

AreWeSure ago

Pizzagate is based on a spectacular failure of logic and reason.

SturdyGal ago

AreWeSure is like a stubborn brother who makes you a better person. Do we like what he says? No. Does he apply the same rigorous critical thinking to himself? Not really. But is he or she right in this case? Well kinda. In a world where Pizzagate is mocked by professional mockers, we have to get our act together. We must have proof for every tiny thing we claim publicly.

As a side note, I am having a little Mandela moment (no I don't believe in that BS, but could be). I would swear I read a NonPundit article that gave the name and rank of the NYPD officer who said he would turn the Weiner emails over to the FBI. I cannot find it several pages deep into Google.

And as a third note, would it be better to release memes that say something like "Free the Weiner 650K" or some such that isn't pressuring an individual? Something about people ganging up on innocent individuals bugs me (#DeposeMilo).

sleepingbeautycan ago

Thank you. I am embarrassed to say that I didn't fact check.

featheredmasks ago

80% of the users here embarrass all of pizzagate tbh.

YingYangMom ago

AreWeSure, surprisingly, this time, I agree with you. Good post.

shakethetree ago

Why are you encouraging a concern troll?

YingYangMom ago

I like to give credit where credit is due. Do you believe in the power of redemption and second chances? As a Christian I do and I believe that it would be unfair for me to downvoat for no good reason. I understand that he is viewed as a shill and a troll. But the last couple of comments that I happened to stumble upon coming from him actually made sense.

shakethetree ago

That is AreWeSure's game. Tell me, if you had a roundtable of people face to face, would you want AreWeSure on your team?

YingYangMom ago

I'll be honest and say no. I still can't bring myself to downvoat him just to please others though. I didn't upvoat either btw.

shakethetree ago

Shows sign of integrity. I support that for sure.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for understanding and supporting. It means a lot believe it or not.

shakethetree ago

I believe it 100%. It is what binds our common cause, and keeps us uplifted, energized, and protected.

YingYangMom ago

Yes. It is also through our comments, the words that we type, the things that we discuss that we bond, we share and we grow. I can feel you have good intentions as do I. This is what keeps me going and gives me hope. Peace :)

YingYangMom ago

I am not trying to encourage anybody. I simply agree with the fact that we can't, as a serious investigative team, expect to be taken seriously by signing a petition that is asking an official to unfairly put his life on the line to fulfill some kind of promise. I can just imagine this person's dilemma. I really would hate to be placed in his position. Why embarrass both ourselves and this person by signing a silly petition? This issue has to be resolved some other way. I just don't believe that this is the right and moral way to go about it.

shakethetree ago

Please share that message on the original post and encourage and rally others to be impeccable. If you feel called. I think it could help keep the momentum going. When I see honest, hard working people like @awarenessadventurer gaining momentum with action, I feel compelled to provide support. AreWeSure is an anchor on momentum and should be downvoted into oblivion. My take on it. I know you contribute a lot in a positive way, which is the only reason I am engaging with you.

YingYangMom ago

I appreciate the kind words and the generosity of heart. I'm sure the OP has good intentions as well. I put up a suggestion on her Original thread which was viewed by her as a psy-op and a distraction and she called me a Soros-Puppet. Honestly, I felt like she was gas-lighting a bit. My intentions are so far from being nefarious or mischiefing. I'm not like that. I'm sorry we couldn't see eye to eye. I still wish her lots of luck with her mission though.

shakethetree ago

Oh yikes I didn't know that. Everyone is so paranoid - understandably to a degree. Once you put yourself out there it is a place of vulnerability, and surely a risk. It makes you human though, and within these anonymous threads it is important to keep the heart front and center. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

YingYangMom ago

Once you put yourself out there it is a place of vulnerability, and surely a risk. It makes you human though, and within these anonymous threads it is important to keep the heart front and center.

Well said.

Saibra ago

For starters, they don't release evidence in an active investigation. That's why I ignored it.

DarkMath ago

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my world. I've been dealing with AreWeSure for several months now. In fact I just finished my morning curb stomping of AreWeSure's latest rhetorical flatulence over here:

Anyway AreWeSure is a fan of the Straw Man and this morning's tripe is pretty much par for the course. He's(preferred pronouns would help AreWeSure, remember I asked for those a while back) gotten all righteously indignant about the title of the person or persons at the NYPD who said they'd leak the 650,000 Weiner emails if the FBI dropped the ball.

But there's a problem, there's always a problem with what AreWeSure says. If you look closely AreWeSure is really just making a stink over the title of whoever said they'd do the right thing if the FBI didn't. That's the Straw Man. AreWeSure is attacking a very minor ambiguity in a title instead of the actual issue itself which is the toxic dirty laundry Anthony Weiner kept in a folder called "Life Insurance". AreWeSure would very much like it if you all ignored the name of that folder by the way. (We went back and forth on that mother fucker for days hey AreWeSure? Remember?).

Technically he's right, the title or titles of those within the NYPD who said they'd leak the emails isn't NYPD Chief of Police James P. O'Neill. It's as @Xpol astutely points out here someone in the list he provides. Personally I think it's Robert Boyce but who knows. There are people in the NYPD who still have a soul and they said they'd do what's right.

God bless the NYPD.

Aloha808 ago

Arewesure is probably a sick disgusting pedophile who likes to watch complicated snuff videos in Tony Podesta's underground basement.

DarkMath ago

"Arewesure is probably a sick disgusting pedophile"..........That's a possibility. That would explain his adamant resistance to any piece of valid evidence pointing to a possible crime.

But @AreWeSure's dropped enough hints for me to believe there's some other reason he's here. It's tough tough to tell. How about we try this:

AreWeSure was 9/11 an inside job?

Aloha808 ago

The guy is full of shit and he has desperately tried to debunk the undebunkable. Pizzagate is real and his craigslist job is more proof that it's real

DarkMath ago

Oh @AreWeSure is no Craig lister. He's extremely intelligent. If I had to guess AreWeSure is either a paralegal or a full blown lawyer at a law firm currently employed by the forces of evil in either the U.S. or British governments. He may also be a government official. It doesn't matter. Someone as bright as he is should know better.

He's probably been told by his contacts in government that there are enough high level shills like Andrew McCabe to slow walk any investigation into the next century. And literally that's the pace old Andrew McCabe is on for real, no shit. His release of those 650,000 emails will be done in exactly 103 years from now.

The problem is AreWeSure Abraham Lincoln was a genius:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."

The Truth will out. It always has and it always will. Trying to keep this thing covered up is impossible. In fact the more people like Adam Schiff try to squash it the more attention it gets. But that's how these thing ALWAYS end. They've got the watches and we've got the time.


equineluvr ago

I have no idea who "Are We Sure" is, nor do I care.

But this is supposed to be a RESEARCH subforum. People should take the time to at least get the BASIC FACTS CORRECT. Nobody on here seems to check ANYTHING, they just copypasta. At the very least, in this age of "fake news," they should verify sources before regurging their content.

And I'm a VICTIM/SURVIVOR so don't even start with your, "criticize me and side with Are We Sure so you must be pro-pedo" bullcrap!

DarkMath ago

I'm pretty sure I said AreWeSure is correct in his criticism. And I'm also frustrated by people who don't research things before posting them.

But make no mistake equineluvr, there is something up with AreWeSure. They're not here to investigate, they're here to "Gas Light" us.

Try and get AreWeSure to see "Clinton Cash" or any of the 140+ George Webb videos. Or try get them to look at the countless pieces of evidence that some really horrible shit went down.

You won't be able to. In fact the only things AreWeSure will look at is fake news because it's, duh, fake and therefor not evidence.

Feel free to chime in here @AreWeSure. Anytime you want to explain why you won't look at evidence pointing to guilt is great with me. Anytime you want to finally answer my question about whether the Clinton Foundation should undergo a FINANCIAL audit that "goes to ground" on all the donors and great by me.

MostPostersAreShills ago

I disagree I think Arewesure is correct on this. I have been speculating that all these Anthony Weiner garbage is just disinfo. Why else has it taken so long to be released? Because it doesnt exist. You guys also use false sources like FBI anon and other garbage like George Webb.

DarkMath ago

"garbage like George Webb."

Aaaaan MostPostersAreShills is a shill.

Anyone surprised? I'm not surprised.

George Webb is garbage? Holy fuck dude. Try and be just a little more subtle about it to make it interesting. Leave a little something to the imagination type of thing.

When you come right out and attack the man who blew the whistle on the CIA Royalty, Andrew McCabe and the Clinton and Bush Crime Families you kind of tip your hand.

Garbage? Holy fuck. You better get right with somebody. I'm not sure you want that out there when the music stops on this mother fucker.

Just a little word of advice. Just sayin'.


MostPostersAreShills ago

Okay show me one not confusing George Webb video and ill watch it. Everytime I watch that guy im just confused.

I always grouped him with the other disinfo shills like Seamann because people like you keep advertising him on this page.

DarkMath ago

You probably want to watch them in reverse for a bit until you get up to speed.

Xpol ago

Here are the chiefs.

Bureau Chiefs

  • Chief Of Staff: Raymond Spinella
  • Citywide Operations: Thomas P. Purtell
  • Community Affairs: Joanne Jaffe
  • Counterterrorism: James Waters
  • Crime Control Strategies: Dermot F. Shea
  • Detectives: Robert K. Boyce
  • Housing: James A. Secreto
  • Intelligence: Thomas Galati
  • Management Analysis & Planning: Kevin P. Ward
  • Patrol Services: Terence A. Monahan
  • Personnel: Diana L. Pizzuti
  • Supervising Chief Surgeon: Eli J. Kleinman, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Transit: Joseph Fox
  • Transportation: Thomas M. Chan

From what I've seen and heard, although I can't point to sources atm is that the chief who is the source is either the current or former chief of detectives

awarenessadventurer ago

Former Chief, Current Commissioner.'Neill

O'Neill is also named in this petition to Congress as the responsible party for NYPD for the emails.

There is more which I will post later as I am out of here today. AreWeSure is just a shit talking shill who is mad because I blocked and downvoted him. Just go look at his history. Have you ever seen a voater with double negatives on voting?

If I am wrong.. I have no problem saying so. I found a video for O'Neill making that announcement and now it is gone. I will go and pull from archive or wayback machine.

O'Neill is the person that needs to be petitioned, now and then. He did make a press release calling out Comey for lack of Action. The above organization submitted the request to subpoena O'Neill to congress to release the information just 4 days after the O'Neill announcement. As we all know this stuff gets scrubbed, especially when NYPD Comm (former Chief) calls out FBI Director for lack of action. As with the other articles I posted Comey blocked all attempts to interview or hold Killary accountable. She claimed memory loss and he bought it. Does anyone doubt NYPD has the files? NO. Does anyone doubt O'Neill is the man in charge and he was hand picked SPECIFICALLY to be the new Comm, in his former role he was in charge of this investigation. What is the problem with a petition to get him to release this informaiton.

I have seen less substantive sources on hundreds of other subs. If I am wrong I have no problem with that... but I think we can all agree that O'Neill is the man in charge and the one to petition for release. If you dont believe he made a promise or my source articles, that fine. If I am wrong I am wrong.

This ANTI sub is from someone who I blocked and downvoted because he is an asshole. Likely a shill. Yet "AreWeSure"'s primary objective is debunking and shilling and rarely offers anything for discussion or furtherance of a potential lead. To have a problem with asking NYPD comm to release files is just counter productive at this point. Have we all not waited long enough? Mods, at what point to you get rid of this guy that does nothing but push well meaning researchers out of the arena due to frustration and constant harassment. I think there are others here who have also experienced this with AreWeSure. He has personal vendettas when he is called out. I am fucking sick of it. I am sick of non-contributors tearing down every single thread. I mean in reality, how much verifiable 'evidence' do we have in regard to ANY of this pizzagate fiasco. It is all built over time based upon patterns, articles that some may find not 'credible' but they exist. If we had hard 'evidence' on this there would be people in prison right now. This is what research and discourse of a citizen researcher is all about. WE are the ones that will bring this down, if anyone does. Because so far it is just a sea of naysayers and an island of us doing our BEST to contribute. If you dont agree with my posts, I have no problem. I am sure we are all wrong on some of our 'facts' because this is the biggest conspiracy in the history of the US (and perhaps the world) and there is no way these assholes are going to let good information stay out there for long.

Gorillion ago

Check OP's history and CCP.

He's a concern troll and shill.

By all means double-check the information he's providing, though.

Jem777 ago

The actual official in NUPD that has the info. Is someone different. He has been named. People should do their homework. Also demanding things that might cause all out chaos is not the answer, That is mob mentality. Most of you will not even take the time to realize this is deeper than child trafficking and realize organ harvesting and all other horrible things are involved. Not will you look at the fact a massive spy ring was just found that is a lynch pin in all of this called the Awan brothers.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Yes! The Awan Bros.!

carmencita ago

Yes, as you say the Awan Spy Ring was allowed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and also they are responsible for the spying to create the outcome of Flynn leaving and also possibly the wire tapping of Trump. They are part of the Shadow Govt. for sure.

cantsleepawink ago

Good. That petition will highlight the fact that nothing is being done.

HossCartwright ago

All the more reason for folks to petition. People do it all the time. "Embarrass"? Doesn't even make sense. True Pundit far more accurate than anything I've seen with MSM. Anyhoo - what do u care, troll?

AreWeSure ago

You are directly trying to petition a man to honor a promise he never made. You think that will be effective?

crazimal ago


The point is simply to put public pressure on the people who supposedly have the information, to release it.

A petition is not a court filing unless it is submitted to a court. This ain't that kind of petition, junior.

A petition is not a term paper, either.

This kind of petition is merely a public demand for release of information that serves justice and is in the national interest.

Arewesure reminds me of a booksmart student who doesn't succeed so well once he graduates.

If arewesure's a "lawyer," it makes sense his duties are concerntrolling and otherwise diluting internet forums instead of representing clients in court. Sounds more like a clerk in a really boring file room to me.

Even the name Arewesure is a paraphrase of the name "concern troll"

Guess we're all fools for reading arewesure/concerntroll's posts

Sorry if I'm splainin that too much but FFS

DarkMath ago

Oh shit AreWeSure, looks like Weiner's 650,000 "Life Insurance" emails just got a little less important.

The Awan brothers were selling routers with extra special "secret sauce" built in. I'm thinking hidden backdoor used to steal classified data from Congressional intel committees. That's pretty much one more nail in the coffin hey AreWeSure?

Put a fork in the bitch already.

Do you have any idea how ~100,000 extremely hard charging combat vets will feel about this little mother fucker AreWeSure?

You've been hanging in your "safe space" just a little too long. Ooops, I wrote "hanging". My bad.


Click click.....BOOM


twistedmac11 ago

Wait - "The Awan brothers were selling routers with extra special 'secret sauce' built in". Is it just me, or does that sound similar to the original claim that was made by the anon regarding the Cheesybay eBay account?

"Ive also recently connected my old boss to ebay accounts selling "faulty hard drives" and "faulty" electronics for strange prices."

DarkMath ago

Maybe. Although I think the Awan's were selling directly to the U.S. Government so it's hard to believe they'd stay in business long if what they sold was faulty.

I think it's less complicated. They were straight up selling legitimate equipment but with a trap door in it for use later by hackers.

abortionburger ago

Can you link to the thread? I'll flair it and link to this post.

KnightsofHubris ago

Based on the thread title, it's this one

abortionburger ago

Thank you, done.