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anonOpenPress ago

Not irrelevant, but currently this might be just clickbait news while YNW didn't share any named source. Also, FBI should not need Weiner to get the wheels rolling on this. I just wonder for how long they are going to let the child abuse to go on with all the evidence even we've found already.

Latest (somewhat sad) fact on the case itself: The Court ORDERS that status hearing set for March 7, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. is hereby VACATED and RESET for April 4, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 19. Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 3/6/17 source

AreWeSure ago

You have zero evidence of child abuse. That's the problem

DarkMath ago

"zero evidence"

The head detective at the NYPD said:

Money laundering

Child exploitation

Sex crimes with minors (children)


Pay to play through Clinton Foundation

Obstruction of justice

Other felony crimes


AreWeSure ago

truepundit.................oh boy.

I really feel sorry for you, for how much you've been snowed.

The head detective at the NYPD said:

Also even that goofy truepundit article says absolutely zero about the head detective at the NYPD.

Wishing you better days.

DarkMath ago

"says absolutely zero about the head detective at the NYPD:"....You're right AreWeSure, my bad. Let me correct that

"The head detective at the NYPDNYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief said:"

Is that better? Great. Now onto your next gem:

"Wishing you better days."

Me better days? Why would I need better days? I'm not being investigated for:

1) Spending the past 40 years using crack cocaine to kill poor black people AND make money for my "black budget"(boy I would hate to be within 10 miles of the white perps behind that one, black people tend to shoot first and ask questions later)

2) Using child rape to black-mail politicians.

3) Flying airliners into office buildings to [insert whatever fucking rational these people had, I'm not psychotic so the reason escapes me]

4) Encouraging 2 brothers from Dagestan to bomb the finish line of the Boston Marathon but then OOPSIES have Prof. Claude d'Estree get caught in a still frame of a cell phone video, lol, like I said OOOOOPSIES, DOUBLE OOOOPSIES! ROFLMAO :-)

5) Gang Raping Haiti to this day.

6) Use Sarin Gas to stage a False Flag at Ghouta Syria kiling 1300 INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

7) Open up a lucrative Organ Harvesting business

You're gonna need to wish the perps behind the above Cluster Fucks better days AreWeSure not me. I won't have god knows how many black people hunting me down. I won't have god knows how many white deplorables hunting me down. I won't have pesky investigators from several international courts of Human Rights hunting me down.........

I'll be able to sleep at night and look in the mirror in the morning unlike the perps in this case AreWeSure. You need to wish THEM better days.

And thanks, once again curb stomping your pathetic and intentional obtuseness was more rewarding than my morning shit.

Peace brah....
