awarenessadventurer ago

I will be deleting this post and my account. I am done. I leave you all with these words from a dear friend of mine.

An Authentic Person

awarenessadventurer ago

This is a post I left on the ANTI sub against this request for release from NYPD. It was suggested that I post this here in the name of us always striving to be impeccable in our work. Many of us do our best... and there will always be people out there who only strive to knock down any progress of this difficult movement.

Former Chief, Current Commissioner.'Neill

O'Neill is also named in this petition to Congress as the responsible party for NYPD for the emails.

There is more which I will post later as I am out of here today. AreWeSure is just a shit talking shill who is mad because I blocked and downvoted him. Just go look at his history. Have you ever seen a voater with double negatives on voting?

If I am wrong.. I have no problem saying so. I found a video for O'Neill making that announcement and now it is gone. I will go and pull from archive or wayback machine.

O'Neill is the person that needs to be petitioned, now and then. He did make a press release calling out Comey for lack of Action. The above organization submitted the request to subpoena O'Neill to congress to release the information just 4 days after the O'Neill announcement. As we all know this stuff gets scrubbed, especially when NYPD Comm (former Chief) calls out FBI Director for lack of action. As with the other articles I posted Comey blocked all attempts to interview or hold Killary accountable. She claimed memory loss and he bought it. Does anyone doubt NYPD has the files? NO. Does anyone doubt O'Neill is the man in charge and he was hand picked SPECIFICALLY to be the new Comm, in his former role he was in charge of this investigation. What is the problem with a petition to get him to release this informaiton.

I have seen less substantive sources on hundreds of other subs. If I am wrong I have no problem with that... but I think we can all agree that O'Neill is the man in charge and the one to petition for release. If you dont believe he made a promise or my source articles, that fine. If I am wrong I am wrong.

This ANTI sub is from someone who I blocked and downvoted because he is an asshole. Likely a shill. Yet "AreWeSure"'s primary objective is debunking and shilling and rarely offers anything for discussion or furtherance of a potential lead. To have a problem with asking NYPD comm to release files is just counter productive at this point. Have we all not waited long enough? Mods, at what point to you get rid of this guy that does nothing but push well meaning researchers out of the arena due to frustration and constant harassment. I think there are others here who have also experienced this with AreWeSure. He has personal vendettas when he is called out. I am fucking sick of it. I am sick of non-contributors tearing down every single thread. I mean in reality, how much verifiable 'evidence' do we have in regard to ANY of this pizzagate fiasco. It is all built over time based upon patterns, articles that some may find not 'credible' but they exist. If we had hard 'evidence' on this there would be people in prison right now. This is what research and discourse of a citizen researcher is all about. WE are the ones that will bring this down, if anyone does. Because so far it is just a sea of naysayers and an island of us doing our BEST to contribute. If you dont agree with my posts, I have no problem. I am sure we are all wrong on some of our 'facts' because this is the biggest conspiracy in the history of the US (and perhaps the world) and there is no way these assholes are going to let good information stay out there for long.

awarenessadventurer ago

OH LOOK, Congressional Subpoena to James P. Oneill (NYPD COmmissioner, Former Chief) to release emails.

Press Release: Request sent to Congress seeking immediate subpoena from NYPD and FBI 650,000 e-mails found in Anthony Weiner’s computer Posted on | November 6, 2016 | 1 Comment

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita PKWY, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 [email protected] ph. 949-683-5411

Attention: Rep.Jason Chaffetz-Chair of the House Oversight Committee Rep.John Goodlatte-Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary Committee-Grassley, Chuck (IA) , Chairman Hatch, Orrin G. (UT) Sessions, Jeff (AL) Graham, Lindsey (SC) Cornyn, John (TX) Lee, Mike (UT) Cruz, Ted (TX) Vitter, David (LA) Flake, Jeff (AZ) Perdue, David (GA) Tillis, Thom (NC)

Request for Congressional subpoena to obtain from NYPD and FBI 650,000 e-mails recently found in criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton

Dear Congressmen and Senators,

As you recall, the US Congress has subpoenaed all e-mails from the private home server of the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who used this server to send and receive work related e-mails.

After receiving the Congressional subpoena, Secretary Clinton destroyed some 33,000 e-mails and she admitted to doing so.

Recently, the NYPD initiated the criminal investigation of former Congressman Anthony Weiner due to his sexting to a 15 year old under age girl in North Carolina. NYPD seized Weiner’s computers and found some 650,000 e-mails from Hillary Clinton to Huma Abedin, Weiner’s wife and former Deputy Chief of Staff of Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. These e-mails were forwarded by the NYPD to the FBI and became a part of an investigation in relation to both Anthony Weiner and to Hillary Clinton and her use of classified information, as well as her activities as a Secretary of State in alleged pay for play and public corruption with Clinton foundation donors.

Regardless of the outcome of the investigations by NYPD and FBI, these e-mails are a property of the US Congress, as those e-mails were previously subpoenaed by the US Congress. :?:

As such, the Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives, House Judiciary Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee and House and Senate Intelligence committees have the right and the duty to immediately subpoena and immediately receive the aforementioned e-mails for review by the US Congress. In light of the Presidential election coming in just one day, Chairs and members of the aforementioned committees are requested to send to the Director of FBI, James Comey and the James P. O’Neill, NYPD commissioner a demand for immediate release of aforementioned e-mails and a request to appear of a Congressional hearing tomorrow to advise the members of the aforementioned committees of findings relating to former Secretary Clinton contained in the aforementioned e-mails.

Respectfully submitted, Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President, Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

VieBleu ago

HI you should edit/update the petition to over 80, as it looks more encouraging to folks. Tell them we are slow but steadily climbing and their signature could get us over 100.

awarenessadventurer ago

I do not have the ability to edit as someone else created... (I have to go through my comments to remember who) it was a collaborative contribution. I like what you are saying though... this needs to continue to build.

VieBleu ago

I can't find a direct link to O'Neil saying it but I remember a press conference - need to find that video.

VieBleu ago

ok, but it is innaccurate now as to how many signers.

awarenessadventurer ago

Good one to leave here. I was hoping to get to the IT Side. There was concern from the FBI that she had a backup of the NYPD servers with all of the Weiner data. She seemed less like an IT person than a society chick. I think this is her... I am taking a bit of a break for a few days but I think there is an NYPD link to a clinton connect leaking information. I think there is more to this.... thank you. another thread to follow for later.

abortionburger ago

Based on this post: by @arewesure, I'm going to flair this "accuracy in question". I think it's a good idea to push the NYPD to drop the files but we need to keep our facts straight. The media uses any weakness or hole to discredit us.

awarenessadventurer ago

do what you think you need to. The person who posted that is butt hurt because I blocked them. I will post the direct references to O'Neills statements again. They are listed in one of the articles and various sources, AND there is video. but I dont have time to pull that data again today as I am taking a break. With all the stuff posted on Pizzagate I find it interesting you flag this as accuracy in question based upon AreWESures commentary as this person is the only voater who I have sene in the double negatives for voting and only strives to debunk anything they can regarding pizzagate. THere is much in question here for accuracy across the board based upon much less than I have provided. At this point I may be done with VOAT so do whatcha like. So much resistance to getting the database data from NYPD, which we know they have and which the commissioner has publicly acknowledged until he got the smackdown from DOJ and FBI. Is this really in question?

abortionburger ago

Ok if you can find a solid connection to O'Neill, I will remove the flair.

awarenessadventurer ago

do you think the congressional request for subpeona is enough to show that he is the responsible party for NYPD? I have also posted that he was in fact Chief just prior to being promoted to COmmissioner in Sept. Wikipedia has his career history. That stuff is there... I will post more when I have time but this sub has more detail than 80% of the subs out there that are accepted. This AreWesure is being downvoated into oblivion. He is an irritant and constipates everything he touches. At what point does someone get removed? How many downvotes does it take?

VieBleu ago

The solid connection to O'Neill is his own words, as quoted in the petition. The title is accurate.

abortionburger ago

Can you grab me a link? I'll take the flairing down if so.

VieBleu ago


"NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury"

"NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices."

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

abortionburger ago

O'Neill is not a chief, he is Commissioner and not directly named. That's the bit I'm worried about. MSM will latch onto that detail and discredit the entire thing.

VieBleu ago

NYPD Police Chief under O'Neill is Carlos M. Gomez. This is from various sources including wikipedia. So you are flaring because a police chief said it and not the commissioner - do I have that right? Because I have seen a lot of much crazier things let go that you guys were a lot less picky about. It makes you wonder.

VieBleu ago

the link is right in the petition. As is the direct quote.

VieBleu ago

the NYPD Chief is O'Neill. He made that statement, it was all over the news when it happened. Do you have to have another source?

abortionburger ago

Ok I do see that now. I need to see the record of him saying that though. I don't trust TruePundit to report facts without a primary source.

VieBleu ago

Technically speaking, it is not 100% but this is being much pickier than usual on the part of mods who routinely let outright lies in titles stand, such as the Johnny Depp posts.

abortionburger ago

Well the mods are all human and we all have different standards, but we try to communicate to stay on the same page. I do not see anything credible here linking this to O'Neill and nothing at all on the record. Accuracy in question remains.

VieBleu ago

Now if such exacting standards could get applied all the time... but of course outright lies are allowed to stay when they fit someone's agenda (not talking about you).

abortionburger ago

Yeah it's definitely a flawed system, if you see a lie being perpetuated feel free to ping me.

VieBleu ago

I"m looking at it right now - he is definitely in there! ha ha just type in Wikileaks or any other word from the quote

awarenessadventurer ago

I most certainly will. I just cant do it today, I will tomorrow.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The hashtag #pizzagate is missing on the petition.

awarenessadventurer ago

I do not use #pizzagate tag. It is a good way to get instantly blocked from searches and sorting. If anything I used #pedogate. Pizzagate is dead, except here on voat. It has been propagandized to death and the algorhithms flag these posts instantly to be ommitted from searches.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The pizzagate tag is alive and well in other places, like If using it actually prevents progress, then of course proceed in another way, but the propaganda campaign should be fought, not surrendered.

awarenessadventurer ago


former NYPD detective Jim Rothstein interview - he does spend time referring to James P O'Neill announcing details of Weiner Laptop details. (among other things) the source articles i have listed are specifically mentioned.

awarenessadventurer ago

For what its worth:

Anonymous America‏ @KORANISBURNING

Received 2 emails, very reliable (inside NYPD) Anthony Weiner is working with law enforcement, he is naming names!

no links. no sources. but makes me hopeful. maybe?

AreWeSure ago

We need to push on NYPD Chief of Police James P. O'Neill to honor his promise and release the Weiner Laptop Files. We have waited long enough.

James P. O'Neill made no such promise. Where is your evidence for this extraordinary claim? You may be using "Chief" casually, but he is NYPD Comissioner. Chief is an official NYPD title below commissioner.

What would be the legal justification to release all of a private citizen's emails? It would be a massive invasion of privacy. I would guess you could only release those being used as evidence in court as court records are public documents.

What your advocating is banana republic type stuff. This goes against the primary American concept of the rule of law. This is deeply Un-American.

VieBleu ago

Go ahead, keep burying yourself - just keep on talking.

CantBuySkills ago

343 upvoats and only 33 have signed the petition // I'm not sayin anything, I'm just sayin.

awarenessadventurer ago

so right. Lets get this thing signed! takes just a moment. ideas?

Chatman ago

exposeweiner, #showusyourweinerfiles, #openweinergates, #freeweinerfiles

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Can someone verify the email domain extension for officers @ NYPD?

Is it

If I know this, I can likely find his email address through a reverse lookup technique.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Tried that... but I think it's going to be a .org or .gov domain extension. Check out the domain: only takes a best guess.

awarenessadventurer ago

digging. thank you.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I don't know... I've tried every combination I can think of. First, Middle, Last // Last, First // Jim vs James // With/Without periods // With/Without underscores // And just about every domain extension I think it could be. No luck triggering his email.

There is another option. He is listed on LinkedIn. But, I'm not approaching him on that channel!

awarenessadventurer ago

I now believe it is

but super hard to confirm.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Cool... I tried looking up examples of officers @ NYPD with no luck. If it's a direct extension based on the domain it would be

But a lot of the departments in NYC have another extension, such as

Perhaps it is

ArmedExorcist ago

Solution to Pedogate won't come from some brave but lonely local police hero. That's Hollywood mythology for the masses. In real life, lonely heroes get crushed mercilessly. Organize and act. It's your responsibility. Not that of some "Authorities", holding hypothetical evidence. The "Authorities" have betrayed us. Don't we have enough evidence? What's the purpose of that Second Amendment again?

awarenessadventurer ago

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Used Agents As Pawns To Insulate Hillary, Aides & Clinton Foundation From Prosecutions Posted on September 25, 2016 by Investigative Bureau**

(edited excerpts) Best to read full article. Wont fit here. VERY important information.

What if they themselves, FBI agents sworn to uphold the law, were being used as intelligence pawns by superiors and higher powers to actually shield Clinton and her inner circle from ever seeing a pair of handcuffs and a jail cell?

“I got a pit in my stomach,” a FBI insider said. “That empty, sinking feeling you get in your gut. I thought we may have unknowingly been parties to this entire mess. It’s a blow to the ego. We’re supposed to see these things coming.”

The FBI case agents and support personnel are forbidden to “go public” or comment on the record to share their frustrations and dismay because they each signed an unprecedented confidentiality agreement prior to signing onto work the Clinton investigation. Violating that agreement would likely cost them their careers and pensions. interviews and intelligence gathering on the Clinton investigation found:

  • Allegations of pay-for-play involving the Clinton Foundation were not properly vetted, ultimately white washed
  • FBI agents were blocked from serving search warrants to retrieve key evidence
  • Attempts to secure Clinton’s medical records to confirm her head injury were sabotaged by FBI Director James Comey
  • FBI agents were not allowed to interrogate witnesses and targets without warning
  • Clinton and aides were provided special VIP accommodations during interviews
  • FBI suspended standard investigative tactics employed in other probes
  • FBI agents efforts were often blocked, suppressed by FBI, DOJ brass
  • Agents lost faith that their superiors and DOJ wanted to see the case reach a grand jury

** Visionary Reads the Tea Leaves** John Giacalone was the supervisor of the bureau’s National Security Branch and also the FBI brains and genesis behind the Clinton email and private server investigation. He first approached Comey in 2015 for the green light to probe how the former secretary of state operated her private email server and handled classified correspondences. “John is a strategic thinker. He recognizes patterns and signs and can then see things long before they develop,” a FBI insider said. “Losing him was a major blow. We now know perhaps what he was envisioning. He didn’t want that around his neck.”

In late 2015 through January 2016, Giacalone shared the frustration of many agents: When was the FBI going to interview Hillary Clinton? Frustrated FBI personnel were beginning to question the pace of the case and believed their intelligence gathering and analysis were beyond strong enough for a referral to the Justice Department in early 2016, sources said.

The Queen and Her Court Agents, again, had been trying to interview Clinton since about Dec. 2015 but approval within the bureau has been often delayed, sources said. Agents said the case was running smooth under Giacalone but once he exited, strange things started happening. For starters, in early April Comey said he would personally interrogate Clinton. Days passed. Then weeks. Then months. Comey still had not interviewed Clinton or even allowed her to be interviewed by anyone in the FBI, despite numerous requests. Comey was quickly losing the trust of his frustrated subordinates.

Agents at first thought Comey was joking when he said he would personally interrogate Clinton, Then, when they realized Comey actually made these statements publicly, a wave of dismay quickly built among rank and file FBI. “He doesn’t know the case well enough to interview witnesses or targets,” a FBI source said. “It makes no sense. It could ruin the case or any case.” For the first time, FBI personnel started to think Comey was grandstanding for the media while possibly purposely sitting on the case. But why? The FBI was supposed to be above that brand of internal manipulation. They were about to soon discover, that time-tested sentiment, was not shared by Comey.

No legitimate FBI interview would allow another suspect in the same case to sit in on the supposed interrogation of another criminal target. Ever. Case agents realized they had been played. Their earlier fears about FBI brass tampering in the Clinton case were being quickly realized.

For any other criminal target not shrouded by the Clinton’s protective legal machine and political bubble, two or more FBI agents show up at your front door. There’s no time to contact your lawyer or your legal team. The element of surprise is a powerful tactic and through the years this methodology has paid untold riches and intelligence dividends for the FBI. But Hillary and her aides were exempt from this investigative tool. This is far from standard practice and puts the investigation at a severe disadvantage by not showing up without warning at a target’s home.

“While we were playing footsie with her instead of raiding their homes and offices, they had time to turn over incriminating evidence to their attorneys so we could not get at it. If we hit them by the book, we would have that evidence.” . “If we hit everyone’s house or office on the same morning with warrants, we would have had it all,” the FBI source said. “We could have conducted interviews too without their legal counsel there to negotiate terms and make our jobs more difficult.

Word spread fast through the FBI’s investigative team handling Clinton that she simply didn’t remember any details to any questions that mattered. She with her cabal of aides, in effect, had stymied the probe and agents spent Saturday night largely licking their wounds while outraged that their bosses were buying Clinton’s antics. But even more alarming, they were being permitted by FBI brass and DOJ officials to get away with this anti-law enforcement behavior. No one was pressing them to come clean. Excuses and defenses were taken at face value, absent follow up. For example, Clinton’s legal team called questions about the Clinton Foundation off limits during her sit down with the FBI.

Frustrated field agents hedge that Clinton’s head injury was simply a well-played ruse to serve as a get-out-of-FBI-interview free card. “She (Clinton) was bullshitting,” a FBI source said. “We didn’t believe a word about memory loss. How can she testify for 10 or 11 hours at a Benghazi hearing in Congress with no memory problems but loses her memory when she steps into FBI?”

Agents Hatch A New Attack Agents searched for a solution to counter her legal team’s maneuvering. By Monday (July 4th), FBI rank and file came up with a plan. On Tuesday, investigators would put the legal wheels in motion to independently obtain Clinton’s medical records. Monday was a national holiday so they would have to wait it out until the next morning. Clinton’s medical records would verify whether she indeed, did suffer a head injury and if it was serious enough to incapacitate her from recalling key details. This would be an investigative lay-up. Agents didn’t even have to go through a formal subpoena process. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 regulations, health care companies can comply with law enforcement requests for such records, absent a subpoena or warrant signed by a judge. A simple request via facsimile or even email could quickly yield a target’s medical records, and sometimes, even a prescription history.

Plans to obtain Clinton’s medical records leaked up the chain of command and by Monday evening Comey issued a directive ultimately putting the cabash on what otherwise seemed like a smart investigative grab. No one in the FBI was permitted to obtain Clinton’s official medical records. No exceptions. The directive set off chaos within the bureau, especially on the heels of the fake criminal interview with Clinton just days earlier. This wasn’t the first time FBI brass had blocked agents from obtaining Clinton-related intelligence crucial to the probe. Now, it was a pattern.

Some agents vowed to do an end run around the FBI itself through a former intelligence contact who could obtain just about any record quietly and quickly for a price. To Hell with Comey, these agents thought. We’re going to get these records one way or another. These medical records could potentially be an ace up their collective sleeve.

“Can you imagine we have to go to the equivalent of dark web for information,” the FBI source said. “We’re supposed to be the FBI.”

Comey stepped to the lectern at 11 a.m., Tuesday July 5, Comey proceeded to absolve Hillary Clinton, her aides, her foundation, and her husband of any and all criminal wrongdoing from the parallel investigations

Comey’s subordinates were blindsided. “You spend time away from family chasing bad people, then realize you might have been professionally manipulated to help them,” a downtrodden FBI source said. “I mean, who in the hell were we all working for?”

shakethetree ago

Hashtag brainstorm, if anyone is feeling in the creative mood...
















awarenessadventurer ago

Dropping full articles in order to scan for leads. They came out BIG in early November... and then suddenly silenced. There is more here. They have the files. We demand them.

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury Posted on November 2, 2016

New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.

NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders.

The NYPD seized the computer from Weiner during a search warrant and detectives discovered a trove of over 500,000 emails to and from Hillary Clinton, Abedin and other insiders during her tenure as secretary of state. The content of those emails sparked the FBI to reopen its defunct email investigation into Clinton on Friday.

But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

  • Money laundering
  • Child exploitation
  • Sex crimes with minors (children)
  • Perjury
  • Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Other felony crimes

NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

“People are going to prison,” he said.

Meanwhile, FBI sources said Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with federal agents, who have taken over the non-sexting portions the case from NYPD. The husband-and-wife Clinton insiders are both shopping for separate immunity deals, sources said.

“If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.

NYPD sources said Weiner or Abedin stored all the emails in a massive Microsoft Outlook program on the laptop. The emails implicate other current and former members of Congress and one high-ranking Democratic Senator as having possibly engaged in criminal activity too, sources said.

Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Weiner’s cell phones and travel records, law enforcement sources confirmed. NYPD said it planned to order the same phone and travel records on Clinton and Abedin, however, the FBI said it was in the process of requesting the identical records. Law enforcement sources are particularly interested in cell phone activity and travel to the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands and other locations that sources would not divulge.

The new emails contain travel documents and itineraries indicating Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Weiner and multiple members of Congress and other government officials accompanied convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on his Boeing 727 on multiple occasions to his private island in the U.S Virgin Islands, sources said. Epstein’s island has also been dubbed Orgy Island or Sex Slave Island where Epstein allegedly pimps out underage girls and boys to international dignitaries.

Both NYPD and FBI sources confirm based on the new emails they now believe Hillary Clinton traveled as Epstein’s guest on at least six occasions, probably more when all the evidence is combed, sources said. Bill Clinton, it has been confirmed in media reports spanning recent years, that he too traveled with Epstein over 20 times to the island.

Laptop Also Unveiled More Classified, Top Secret Breaches

According to other uncovered emails, Abedin and Clinton both sent and received thousands of classified and top secret documents to personal email accounts including Weiner’s unsecured campaign web site which is managed by Democratic political consultants in Washington D.C.

Weiner maintained little known email accounts that the couple shared on the website Weiner, a former seven-term Democratic Congressman from New York, primarily used that domain to campaign for Congress and for his failed mayoral bid of New York City.

At one point, FBI sources said, Abedin and Clinton’s classified and top secret State Department documents and emails were stored in Weiner’s email on a server shared with a dog grooming service and a western Canadian bicycle shop.

However, Weiner and Abedin, who is Hillary Clinton’s closest personal aide, weren’t the only people with access to the Weiner’s email account. Potentially dozens of unknown individuals had access to Abedin’s sensitive State Department emails that were stored in Weiner’s email account, FBI sources confirmed.

**FEC records show Weiner paid more than $92,000 of congressional campaign funds to Anne Lewis Strategies LLC to manage his email and web site. According to FBI sources, the D.C.-based political consulting firm has served as the official administrator of the domain since 2010, the same time Abedin was working at the State Department. This means technically Weiner and Abedin’s emails, including top secret State Department emails, could have been accessed, printed, discussed, leaked, or distributed by untold numbers of personnel at the Anne Lewis consulting firm because they can control where the website and it emails are pointed, FBI sources said.

According to FBI sources, the bureau’s newly-minted probe into Clinton’s use and handling of emails while she served as secretary of state, has also been broadened to include investigating new email-related revelations, including:

-Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email -Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails. -Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records -Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents -A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts. -Because Weiner’s campaign website is managed by the third-party consultant and political email guru, FBI agents are burdened with the task of trying to decipher just how many people had access to Weiner’s server and emails and who were these people. Or if the server was ever compromised by hackers, or other actors.

Abedin told FBI agents in an April interview that she didn’t know how to consistently print documents or emails from her secure Dept. of State system. Instead, she would forward the sensitive emails to her yahoo, and her email linked to Weiner.

Abedin said, according to FBI documents, she would then access those email accounts via webmail from an unclassified computer system at the State Dept. and print the documents, many of which were classified and top secret, from the largely unprotected webmail portals.

Clinton did not have a computer in her office on Mahogany Row at the State Dept. so she was not able to read timely intelligence unless it was printed out for her, Abedin said. Abedin also said Clinton could not operate the secure State Dept. fax machine installed in her Chappaqua, NY home without assistance.

Perhaps more alarming, according to the FBI’s 302 Report detailing its interview with Abedin, none of the multiple FBI agents and Justice Department officials who conducted the interview pressed Abedin to further detail the email address linked to Weiner. There was never a follow up, according to the 302 report.

But now, all that has changed, with the FBI’s decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation and the husband and wife seeking immunity deals to testify against Clinton and other associates about the contents of the laptop’s emails.

DarkMath ago

Hey Asswipe,

Money laundering

Child exploitation

Sex crimes with minors (children)


Pay to play through Clinton Foundation

Obstruction of justice

Other felony crimes

dFrog ago

But you are obviously the same person who's been doing this on a regular basis, or you're someone who's doing the same thing. The usernames often abbreviate pizzagate "PG" and are statements of mockery. PGIzStupid. PGIzStupid1. "Nothing will ever materialize." It's pretty obvious copypasta tbh fam.

Then again, you must know this, so there's no real point in saying it other than to clarify it for others.

awarenessadventurer ago

do tell. not sure if I know waht that is. Here is the Petition:


Demand Oneill honor his promise and release the files.

Bluebirdsolitude ago


LostandFound ago

Here's eric prince one of the founders of blackwater, discussing the contents of the laptop during the pierod just after finding the laptop but before it was decided there was nothing new of relevance in the hillary email case.

awarenessadventurer ago

I would expect no less of him. NOw go look at what O'Neill said was on Weiners laptop. Header of this sub.

LostandFound ago

Yes but there's no author or any way to back up some of the additional claims made here as far as i remember when this first came out, but i can backup other large pieces of this in statements made on same date by independant parties.

Lowbatt34 ago

The American public will lose their marbles.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So grab your marblecatcher and let's get to work.

awarenessadventurer ago

I am currently cross referencing names on leaks sites.

I just found this which is interesting regarding NYPD Threat and "peace of mind" from Eric (Boswell)

From Hillary to McManus re: HUMA re: Threat (blacked out this portion)

From: H Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 10:44 AM To: '[email protected] Subject Re: Huma Thanks for the update and for the peace of mind from the NYPD.

From: Macmanus, Joseph E (S) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 10:34 AM To: H Subject: Re: Huma An update from Eric. From: Boswell, Eric J Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 09:32 AM **To: Macmanus, Joseph E (S); Kennedy, Patrick F Subject: Threat ** this portion blocked out.

What kind of threat re: Huma and the NYPD??? This was in 2012.

awarenessadventurer ago

Interesting article on Comey's current power base from March 8 - James P O'Neill attempted to call for Comey's arrest. Could Comey have used his power to shut O'Neill UP? I think so....

FBI chief Comey asserting power like no one in history Each day, FBI Director Jim Comey goes to work in a federal building named for his most famous predecessor. Yet for all his storied accomplishments and sordid controversies, J. Edgar Hoover never matched the singular feat of Comey.

Only Comey simultaneously investigated the top two presidential candidates during an election. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each battled Comey last year while they battled each other for the Oval Office.

How’s that for power?

Neither case led to charges, but that’s almost beside the point. Echoing Hoover’s attitude, if not his methods, Comey is adept at using innuendo and leaks to remind the powerful that he cannot be ignored. The prerogative to investigate, and the willingness to feed a scandal-hungry media, is close to being God in politics, and Comey plays the role with relish. Naturally, the scoops carried only anonymous attribution. ­Experience tells me that Comey himself or someone acting on his behalf alerted the media. Either way, the point is the same. Comey was asserting his unique power to rebuke the president of the United States. A Justice Department statement never came, but no matter. Comey made his feelings known and paid no price for it.

Other leaks followed. We are told Comey was “incredulous” at Trump’s claim and wanted the FBI cleared of the suggestion it broke the law. Another “source” was quoted as saying that Comey felt that “institutionally, he has to push back on this.”

The episode was classic Comey. Once regarded as an independent straight shooter, his career increasingly resembles the end of Hoover’s. Comey’s aggressive self-righteousness makes him bigger than the institution he leads and everybody in Washington knows that crossing him can be dangerous to your career.

Hillary Clinton’s team blamed him (and just about everybody else) for costing her the election. Whatever the merits, his probe of her handling of classified material was marked by numerous damaging leaks and then a crass assumption of others’ authority.

After Attorney General Loretta Lynch recused herself from the case because of her private meeting with Bill Clinton, Comey made the highly unusual move of calling a press conference to recommend that no charges be filed, saying “no reasonable prosecutor” would take the case. That was highly debatable, but his timing was politically convenient: It came just hours before Clinton joined Obama on Air Force One for their first joint campaign ­appearance.

Yet Comey wasn’t done making news: He called Clinton “extremely careless” and said she lied to the public repeatedly. Later, he reopened the investigation over Anthony Weiner’s emails, then promptly closed it before the election.

Trump is now getting similar treatment. Some days Comey gives, and some days he takes. Whatever we know about investigations into whether Trump’s campaign collaborated with Russia during the election is only ­because of leaks, many of which appear to come from the FBI.


Encryption is hindering FBI's crime-fighting efforts: Comey

FBI chief Comey says he plans to serve entire 10-year term

James Comey cancels SXSW appearance

Trump won't accept Comey's conclusion about Obama wiretap claim The initial hysteria, fueled by screaming headlines that “Russia hacked the election,” has died down, but we still have no clear idea who did what, or whether anybody on the Trump team did anything wrong.

Meanwhile, a new Cold War with Russia is starting, and the leaks keep coming. Comey, the highest-ranking holdover from the Obama administration, has not stopped them.

Recall that it was the Justice Department, not the CIA, that gave the White House a transcript of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s December call with the Russian ambassador. It showed that Flynn, despite denials, had discussed recent sanctions imposed by Obama.

Days later, with Trump having taken no action, the transcript was leaked to the media and Flynn was fired. Reports surfaced saying agents were concerned that Flynn could be blackmailed, so they leaked the contents of their wiretapping.

Hoover would admire such bold assertion of power.

During his rise, Comey has curried favor with Democrats by goring Republicans, then switching sides, then switching sides again. The only consistency is that those who trust him end up disappointed.

Now he’s Trump’s problem, thanks to the public break with the president. Although Comey’s 10-year term doesn’t end until 2023, the president could fire him for cause, or simply ask him to ­resign.

An outright firing would invite comparisons to Richard Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre during Watergate.

Another option is for Trump to publicly demand that Comey turn over everything he has to congressional committees that pledged to investigate Trump’s charge that Obama bugged his campaign. Comey would probably refuse, which could create an even more dramatic showdown with Trump.

Before he does anything, Trump might consider how past presidents handled Hoover. He served under six, and nearly all thought about firing him, but he was too big and there was concern he would empty his files of dirty secrets. Harry Truman likened his methods to the secret police and accused him of blackmail, but didn’t dare sack him. Even the media feared Hoover.

Nixon had secretly confessed he was afraid to fire him, but Hoover spared him the trouble by dying in office, in 1972. Nixon named the new FBI building after him.

In death, Hoover is widely reviled because he is harmless. Let’s not make the same mistake with Comey.

awarenessadventurer ago

wayback machine maybe?

PepperoniBoni ago

Can't find anything anywhere. After looking through the headlines from 2016, I prolly just meshed all the killings together. 2016 was rough

YingYangMom ago

Demand Help/Asylum from Russia? Release the 650,000 emails once outside the US, just like Snowden did. If there is any incriminating evidence against Soros in there, Putin will be more than happy to protect the son of a bitch that's going to blow the whistle on him. Why wouldn't he want Clinton's skin as well? Didn't he regard her as a witch too and wanted Trump to win badly? If I was the NYPD chief, that's exactly what I would do.

awarenessadventurer ago

Stop with the Russia already. Russia wont save us.. WE are the Solution and the Problem if we dont accept that. It is extremely naive to think Russia wants anything more than to further destabilize. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.. MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA... over it. Demand Accountability from someone who has promised to release critical evidence.

ArmedExorcist ago

Actually, Russia abhors the possibility of a destabilized US. I know, you Americans have been conditioned for most of your lives to see Russia as a foreign enemy. It isn't. And today you need allies. All your wells have been poisoned. It doesn't seem that someone has the power or the guts to step in and fight your foe # 1: your own corrupt pedophile political elite. You have to understand that no problem can be solved from the same level of political culture that created it.

YingYangMom ago


awarenessadventurer ago

sounds like a great subject for a different OP. Please take the Russia discussion somewhere else. You are muddying the waters on this. Thank you.

YingYangMom ago

You were asking for suggestions and I gave you one. You don't like it, just ignore it.

YingYangMom ago

It is extremely naive to think Russia wants anything more than to further destabilize.

Now THAT is a very naive thought.

awarenessadventurer ago

The Russia dialogue is a psyop and a distraction. Stop it. Start at home. Dont be a Soros puppet.

ArmedExorcist ago

It's not Putin financing anti-Trump and BLM marches across the US. YingYangMom is right. You've just met the enemy and it's US (government). You need help. Russia seems to be one of the very few countries not run by a cabal of satanists and pedophiles. In computer science problem-solving takes place only at a higher levels of indirection. No way pedo/pizzagate can be solved locally.

awarenessadventurer ago


ArmedExorcist ago

My reply was addressed to your YingYangMom. I assume, your comment on Russia was sub-related? As a rule, feel free to ignore posts you find irrelevant. Great OP, by the way! Upvoated.

YingYangMom ago

Good answer. This guy is gaslighting, that's all.

YingYangMom ago

Oh please. I'm no Soros Puppet. You got the wrong address honey.

YingYangMom ago

I'd not even mention Russia if it wasn't so obvious that no help will come out of the US. If there was another way out, this would have gone viral already and the info would have been leaked long ago. You're in a big fucking mess now, surrounded by Satanists and Pedophiles. What are you going to do now, huh?

awarenessadventurer ago

Take action with someone who has the evidence and promised to release it. You can focus on Russia all day long... good luck with that.

YingYangMom ago

He won't release it, because nobody will protect him in the US. Trump is too busy trying to keep his own butt out of harm's way to save anyone. And you're talking about a man's life. If you were the one at the end of the barrel, you'd speak and think differently. Trust me.

awarenessadventurer ago

Oh look. A shill for 9 hours. PGIzIncrediblyDumb is actually INCREDIBLY DUMB. Downvoat/Block/Report this space waster. Member for: 9 hours (joined on: 3/15/2017) Contribution points Submission Contribution Points: 0 Comment Contribution Points: -5

Check out Comment History:


Silverlining ago

What is the useless bastard's email address?

equineluvr ago

People here seem to be forgetting that the "good guys" in these agencies are NOT major decision makers.

Plus, most cops are FREEMASONS, especially in Joo York. Just sayin.'

awarenessadventurer ago

I will post. I would reccomend not coming at him that way... he made the promises and we have no idea what he is up against or facing. We need to just make him realize that no matter what...he needs to do the right thing. Shilling him will not help make him want to side with the people (and the children) lets just give him the benefit for the first 5 minutes and go from there depending upon his responses. I am quite sure his family has been threatened.

here is an emial submission page. Still looking for direct email. This is a start.

James P. O'Neill , Police Commissioner. Salary: $226,366. Appointed Sep 16, 2016 (646) 610-5410 First Deputy Commissioner – Benjamin B. Tucker (646) 610-5420 Chief of Staff – Raymond Spinella (646) 610-5410 Deputy Commissioner, Administration – Cathleen S. Perez (646) 610-8170 Deputy Commissioner, Collaborative Policing – Susan A. Herman (646) 610-8363 Deputy Commissioner, Strategic Communications – William W. Andrews (646) 610-4787 Deputy Commissioner, Strategic Initiatives – Zachary Tumin (646) 610-4057 Deputy Commissioner, Training – Tracie L. Keesee (646) 610-4675 Deputy Commissioner, Public Information – Stephen P. Davis (646) 610-6700 Deputy Commissioner, Legal Matters – Lawrence Byrne (646) 610-5336 Deputy Commissioner, Trials – Rosemarie Maldonado (646) 610-5424 Deputy Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity – Neldra M. Zeigler (646) 610-5330 Deputy Commissioner, Management & Budget – Vincent Grippo (646) 610-6670 Deputy Commissioner, Information Technology – Jessica S. Tisch (646) 610-6873 Deputy Commissioner, Intelligence & Counterterrorism – John J. Miller (646) 610-5403

Silverlining ago

You need their wives contact details.

VieBleu ago

explain why silverlining, why do we need wives contact details?

Silverlining ago

My experience is that a man will do what his wife tells him to. And if the wife is agitating about something, there will be action.

VieBleu ago

ok - that is a reasonable statement (and pretty much true!) so when you call for wives to be included, make your intentions very clear. Put that reason. Because otherwise it sounds like you are calling for harrassment by including family when it has to do with the jobs of the men - law enforcement, or whatever it is, and no one will support that who is resposible. So you will get pushback instead of cooperation.

Just explain that - be clear.

awarenessadventurer ago

I am not involving innocent family members OR mothers with children. She is likely alredy terrified. NO way. That is not my MO. Do whatcha want though....

awarenessadventurer ago

It is a known fact NYPD has a complete copy of Weiners Laptop. You are an obvious shill. Go away Shll.

Markb63 ago

I sent them each a tweet to get moving!!

PizzaDestroyer ago

They've had enough time to get the "little" rapist fish. Every day that goes by I am becoming more convinced that no one in power wants to bust the pedophiles. Trump was associated with Epstein before he was elected, so he is in no way to be trusted. We need this evidence now.

SoldierofLight ago


VieBleu ago

weird - I had a petition ready - now it is not there. Looking into it.

awarenessadventurer ago

nice work. I will sign and repost shortly....encourage all to do the same. lets push this on every level.

VieBleu ago

this is the address that works - I had to take the twitter addresss out apparently

awarenessadventurer ago

still not there. Repost when you can. I want to get this stickied by Mods once we get it up and rolling.

VieBleu ago

OK - I tried it here

they said it is active and "under review"

That is all I can do today - really something having it censored at iPetition. If it doesn't work again have someone else give it a shot. If they tell me it passed review I'll send you a PM

awarenessadventurer ago

it works. it is good. love it. now lets circulate! i will see if mods will sticky it... great work!!!

VieBleu ago

don't bother mentioning my name - mods think I am a shit stirrer which I am when they act like shills. I don't need any credit, just see if you can get it stickied good luck.

awarenessadventurer ago

I hear ya. I appreciate you putting this together. Its already circulating on twitter. Lets do this..... :)

awarenessadventurer ago

I bet it is... LOL.

this is an interesting process in and of itself. If they wont let the petition go out it speaks volumes. We will brainstorm other ways. I am doing some digging that will help pull together a plan to respectfully deman O'Neill find a way. Lets give him and his family an out by suggeseting alternate ways to leak the data. Ideas?

Keep on that petition if you could.... we need it.

VieBleu ago

try this - this site is saying it is not through their approval process but is online and can be signed

I didn't add a picture yet was waiting to see if it went through.

VieBleu ago

I think it is being censored. I've done it twice and both show up in my "activity" in my account. And the last one definitely worked with the link before I posed the second time.

I am not getting any notices or explanations. It may be that it is too pointed at an individual to be acceptable - It is easy to sign up to that site. I have tried perhaps you can try

awarenessadventurer ago

can you find another petition site? I want to do this but am tied up in other research. this is important, if you cannot. I will do as soon as I can. Volunteers?

awarenessadventurer ago

with that viewpoint this ENTIRE pizzagate scenario could be dismissed. We are here to figure out what is fiction or non-fiction. Not having contributed is NOT the problem. It is massive shit talking commentary without ever providing any quality points after month on Voat. That is enough for me. Not useful or helpful and I am over it. Naysaying without any other function is a waste of space. Start your own Sub on why this is all bullshit...I respect that. But dont dirty the waters here on this sub. It is too damn important. Constructive commentary or go away. I am not downvoating you. I do not have reason. The other guy.. I did.

emcee9 ago

They needed 4 months to clean the files. They will release them, and it will show minor stuff.

awarenessadventurer ago

and your comment is based upon what? I respect gut feelings but this seems less likely than many other scenarios given promises made.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I would be completely astonished if the contents of Wiener's laptop did not contain material to lock a bunch of people up, including himself. The fact that we haven't seen the emails like Podesta's or Hillary's emails might indicate that there is something more, something different than usual, a completely secret investigation could be going on right now, that no media is reporting on or has any knowledge of - Milo received very hush hush 'call from Washington' to cancel his pizzagate speech in December 2016 and Trump hasn't really mentioned it at all, even though it involves Hillary and wannabe Secretary of State J Podesta - Trump calls out bullshit all the time, and loves to roast Hillary but he NEVER mentions pizzagate. Why? Trump knows to keep it zipped for the time being.

awarenessadventurer ago

O'Neill is quite specific about what is on the laptops in the header post for this Sub. Very specific.

YesImAnAddict ago

Totally agree and I've seen people from Milo to Ben Swann completely shut up about it, saying to trust them. But we're getting impatient, and the clock is ticking away. I can hardly stand the wait of not being in the loop with justice. JUSTICE COME QUICKLY.

VieBleu ago

Is there anything besides twitter and contacting their website?

How about a peitition?

awarenessadventurer ago

start one. we will sign. I am digging into other areas to connect some dots. A petition would be great. We can circulate it EVERYWHERE. It may be our last hope to get this evidence out.

Likeitirish ago

Holdup....the files are being help by local city police?? How do they have the right and or power to do this?

awarenessadventurer ago

they kept a copy of all files, for their own investigation and prosecution of Weiner. Yes they have the hard drive data. This is confirmed. They could have leaked already as he promised to do. We need to demand a public release. We know why Comey hasnt done it. It is now up to James P O'Neill to honor his promises. The information is there. OUt of government hands. They likely threatened his family. We need to pressure him to leak publicly one way or another....we need to put on the pressure.

equineluvr ago

"It is now up to James P O'Neill to honor his promises. The information is there. OUt of government hands."

Obviously you don't understand that the NYPD is a GOVERNMENT agency.

awarenessadventurer ago

I dont? He made a PERSONAL statement and a promise, as a father and a citizen. Yeah, its not going to happen easily... I could just sit on my ass and complain about how nothing will ever happen. (like you) or we can identify the ONE person (who is a newbie) who made an empassioned plea and called for COmey to be taken out. and release the fucking laptop data. Wikileaks if he had too....he has already given us more in those statements that ANYONE ELSE. What you dont understand is that sitting there talking crap at every idea and not taking action is not going to get any of us any closer.

Make a valid point that includes action and maybe I wont downvoat you next time.

Likeitirish ago

Well seeing how this Pizzagate investigation have played out....I'm more inclined to believe that James P O'Neill has been threatened by more powerful entities within our Government to not release. He's probably trying to avoid being suicided or attacked by MSM.

Edit: I didn't see your statement about threatening his family. -- so yeah totally agree.

YesImAnAddict ago

FULLY AGREED. Ever since November when I learned what could potentially be in those emails, my mind has been consumed by the need for justice. BLOW THE FREAKING COVER OFF THIS SATANIC CRAP. Personally I don't believe Wikileaks is compromised, and I could see the info being shipped to Assange. BUT SOMEONE NEEDS TO RELEASE EVERYTHING. It has been too long. I'm done waiting.

carmencita ago

Bratten went to work for Teneo, last time I read. He is another Clinton Ally.

Touchdown50 ago

Aint gonna happen. Careers and lives on the line. Ya cant trust anyone.

awarenessadventurer ago

I will continue to block and downvoat any naysayers who contribute NOTHING to a discusson. I am done with all that. Either contribute (judging from your profile you have contributed zero and just talk shit) Negativity without any point or focus needs to be erradicated from Voat. It is simply not useful. Have some constructive feedback or go away.

Submission statistics This user made no submissions. This user has so far shared a total of 0 links, started a total of 0 discussions and submitted a total of 840 comments. Voting habits Submissions: This user has upvoted 2 and downvoted 1 submissions. Comments: This user has upvoted 12 and downvoted 0 comments.

VieBleu ago

Congrats you just identified the shill o' the day : )

Touchdown50 ago

I aint no shill. No one is giving me any money

VieBleu ago

If only we got paid a little bit eh, just to be nice folks. ha.

Touchdown50 ago

Just tell the mod to ban me . simple enough and im silenced.

Silverlining ago

Touchdown50 - his comments seem kosher to me. Give the guy a break - sadly, I think he is probably being realistic. I have historical good vibes about Touchdown.

Calm down @awarenessadventurer I'm surprised at you @VieBleu @Boredom80

VieBleu ago

Noted - thanks for speaking up.

Mistakes can be made in this environment all too easily

Touchdown50 ago

Thank you . yes im sadly being realistic. I want to see justice happen. I want all involved arrested prosecuted jailed for life or executed. But its the franklin coverup all over again. Its a evil that is unnecessary but sadly its how these governments work now. The reverse would be if the truth came out our system would collapse in a state of chaos.

Silverlining ago

I'll take my chances with the chaos!

Touchdown50 ago

Tell that to everybody who gets mad when their latte is served slowly

VieBleu ago

sorry, yes your comments speak for themselves. I just jumped in there without looking.

Touchdown50 ago

Its soright.

VieBleu ago

hey I've been there, happens to everybody eventually.

awarenessadventurer ago

go start your own sub and invite whomever you like.

Touchdown50 ago

Its ok. I just get caught up in all this sometimes i feel i need to speak up and say something.


You need the evidence so the people can SEE the truth. That evidence will be guarded to the death !

awarenessadventurer ago

I agree. It will be. The thing O'Neill said that I like is that he would leak to Wikileaks if he had too... now he may have done that already. But he is obviously aware of what is at stake and willing to get it out there in anyway possible. Lets hold him too it. People may die.Children are already dying. I believe that these pedo fucks would rather start WWIII or provoke martial law before they would let this be exposed. But does that mean we are supposed to give up? I think not. We are many, they are few. We need to exercise that in a big way. I say we continue to demand in larger numbers. Put pressure on this O'Neill. He will find a way... he understands how this stuff works if he threw Wikileaks into the mix. He also knows Comey is guilty as fuck (I believe he saw the HOwdy Doody videos with Comey) This CAN happen.

shakethetree ago

I appreciate the call to action. We have Morale Monday - we need something like Action Jackson Tuesday. Everything coming undone hinges on people pushing back and demanding the truth. I am all for diversification of that approach. I don't have twitter, but I use hashtags. What would a good one be for the NYPD to release the Wiener cache? I loved the idea someone had of writing hashtags on post its and leaving them about in the urban areas, bathrooms, etc.

awarenessadventurer ago

This Thread is of interest here. Why didnt Comey do anything with the Weiner laptop release. It will bring the shills out but give this guy a chance. I find this to be highly interesting. It further proves why we need to go after NYPD for a leak or public release.

bikergang_accountant ago

Couldn't it be potentially illegal for him to do so? It's not like an open dump could be legal if it has CP on it. It was kind of dumb for him to make that promise. He should have said nothing and dumped it secretly.

awarenessadventurer ago

who says he hasnt done that already? I think he did leak to wikileaks, it may be compromised or perhaps it is forthcoming. Either way he can leak or release publicly. I believe that is where the WorldCorp video came from. He made the promise, lets hold him to it in a big way. Fuck the repercussions... he can find a way and said he would.

equineluvr ago

"I think he did leak to wikileaks, it may be compromised..."

Based upon what evidence? Or is this rank speculation?

awarenessadventurer ago

not yet proof of life from Assange. Wikileaks not fulfilling promises of releases frequently. widespred speculation that Wikileaks has been compromised. It is a possibility. Do you actually think I am the only one speculating on that as a possibility? It is now a pattern. It is widespread. What evidence do we have for ANY OF THIS PIZZAGATE??? It is ALL speculation at this point. Every single bit.

We NEED Evidence.

It was promised. O'Neill has it. Lets get it.

Mellowmountain ago

seriously. it's time the people stop pretending this can go undisclosed. release the files, or at minimum release the metadata. wish i could upvoat this post 20 times

awarenessadventurer ago

well... define real. There are literally hundreds of articles reflecting these quotes and sentiment. Is it a carefully constructed theatrical performance. I do not know. Anything is possible. I will say that James O'Neill was only recently made Chief (August 2016) He made these statements in early November. I do not doubt he made the statements and I believe there is video. HOWEVER, is he for real? I tend to think so. I think he was a newbie, he saw the material and was horrified. Made the statement, then was forced to Shut the fuck up. Obviously, as nothing has happened. For me the point is to put political pressure on NYPD to do the right thing and either leak the info or outright release it. We know the DOJ stopped them from doing so....

I could list links for DAYS. I believe that its legiit but they are being threatened or stopped. They called for arrest of Comey if he doesnt proceed. He didnt. It died. THere are MANY leads, names and clues in these above articles. I think we have to go back to putting pressure on NYPD. They are our only hope of solid proof. I truly believe they are leaking (ie-WOrlcorp video) I think there is enough here to show that this is true quotes. But something has happened....

We need this. It may be our only hope. We need to make an effort. I am.

Scrapco ago

I will say that James O'Neill was only recently made Chief (August 2016) He made these statements in early November.

Source? I haven't seen a single article that said anything other than "a NYPD chief," including the ones here.

I do not doubt he made the statements and I believe there is video.

Find it.

awarenessadventurer ago

Its in the articles. you find it if you want it.

Scrapco ago


SoldierofLight ago

Well said, and thank you for posting the links. You are right on target.

Clinker ago

C'mon guys, the right way to do it is to collect the little fish first, and work your way up, gathering more and more evidence. Remember, this is a major infestation of politicians, Hollywood, the justice system, the military, the intelligence community, the education system and the media. You don't want to just arrest a few at the top, cause massive panic while leaving the vast majority of mid-level child-molesters untouched. They will just regroup and continue if we do it wrong. Why do you think that Trump just fired 46 attorneys? He's got to build up the machine that will be necessary first. It is not an easy thing. The pattern in the UK has been, catch one or two at the top and then pretend you have solved the problem. Let's not do that.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

One or two at the top? Who?

DerivaUK ago

Or wait until they're dead to release the evidence.

PizzaDestroyer ago

At the current rate of evidence being released we're all going to be dead before Weiner's emails are released. They are stalling like nobody's business right now.

EndThePizza ago

He fired the attorneys because that's what every new admin does

equineluvr ago

Trump didn't fire ANY attorneys. But Jeff Sessions did.

C'mon, people! This is suppsed to be a RESEARCH subforum. Spreading incorrect facts serves NO ONE.

awarenessadventurer ago

so you think that calling for the release of this files is a waste of time? I dont get it... and I dont see the point. A release of proof has nothing to do with how the arrests are conducted. Why would you separate the two issues and suggest that it is not relevant? Things are not really moving. The general chatter is that they are getting small fish to bust on the big fish. Its simply not happening. Ask for the evidence. Then arrest however they want. I dont agree with your statement and to be honest it seems shillish.

Clinker ago

I think anyone who bothers to look through my profile cannot conclude I'm a CTR shill. I realize many of us have personal interest in being vindicated. But the truth is so far out that this has to be done very carefully. As personal experience confirms, if you try to present most people with evidence, they will look away. They don't want to believe it.
It is upsetting to know that children are at this moment being tortured and murdered. On the other hand, if Trump screws this up, children will be tortured and killed for centuries, our country will turn into the most cruel and disgusting nation you can imagine. Simply releasing all the emails would cause a huge crisis, and people will want to side with the explanation closest to what they want to believe. And that is that pizza/pedogate is a crazy conspiracy theory. That Russians tried this crazy scheme to produce very convincing fake evidence that Hillary Clinton is some kind of psycho satan-worshiper. I'm telling you that our enemies are very well funded, and are ready to tell the public everything they want to hear. To release the evidence without doing all the necessary preparations is the worst idea.

pbvrocks ago

Hit all the twitter accounts with "Weiner many more children need to suffer..FBI in on the game..lets release some files #MAGA !"..great idea and lets get MORE calls to action..we have spent months digging, now time to get active with LE!

cky_stew ago

Hashtagging MAGA will not help your case.

Chasnigga ago

A simple #WeinersLaptop will be enough to spark interest and get people asking what it means. The fewer words, the better. #PizzaGate is real became #Investigate #PedoGate and the results are showing. More and more, folks are waking up to our reality; trolls and shills be damned!!

awarenessadventurer ago

I am circulating the petition with #WeinersLaptop for now. Simple. Easy. Still brainstorming.

Here is petition

shakethetree ago

Just a few ideas (I am new at this)










shakethetree ago

Can you throw up the current hashtags as an edit into the OP?

awarenessadventurer ago

done. now we just need a good one that includes NYPD /WEINER/ RELEASE THE FILES

shakethetree ago


awarenessadventurer ago


shakethetree ago

I don't even have a twitter account or a smart phone - [insert irony here]

awarenessadventurer ago

good for you. keep it that way... do what makes sense for you. this shit is life draining.

shakethetree ago

You are doing great. I am behind you 100%, and sharing to another group I am in outside VOAT.

shakethetree ago

Would love to see the hashtag with NYPD in it. So many New Yorkers are tough as nails. Seems like we need them to get on board to pressure at the local level. Thinking.

awarenessadventurer ago

hashtag NEEDS to say NYPD and it needs to call to O'Neill's public Promise. I am still brainstorming but distracted by digging. This hashtag is important.

Touchdown50 ago

They are all complicit. And the good guys, they got their balls tied in a knot. Talk about subterfuge

eyeVoated ago

No, the good guys don't have their balls tied in a knot. The good guys must arm themselves and prepare to defend themselves against evil. It's that simple. Arm your fucking self and prepare for justice. This is better known as one of the Sacred Principles of Enlightenment--The Sacred Masculine Principle of Enlightenment is Self Defense. For completeness, The Sacred Feminine Principle of Enlightenment is Non-Aggression.

Be Enlightened by Practicing the Sacred Pillars of Enlightenment. Know the Trivium: Knowledge, Care, and ACTION.

awarenessadventurer ago

I LOVE YOU FOR MENTIONING THE TRIVIUM. I really love you. seriously....

eyeVoated ago

There is Much Love in this forum--Evil be gone.

Touchdown50 ago

But nothing is happening. Weve been waiting. Patiently might add.

eyeVoated ago

Didn't downvoat you... but that implies there are no good guys in the NYPD.

This won't be popular comment, but it's true: Police and Military are, by definition, order followers, which means that they have given up their Natural born right and duty to make decisions that follow Natural Law. As such (since they follow orders, and do not follow Natural Law), they are in violation of Natural Law. Mark Passio calls the police and military "The Cult of Ultimate Evil", and I agree with his analysis.

If you have the time, Mr. Mark Passio:

awarenessadventurer ago

I believe it is our last hope of getting REAL EVIDENCE. It is time to hold the NYPD chief to his promise and let the chips fall where they may. The info is there. We need it NOW. Public release.. FUCK THE FBI. They are simply not doing the job. It is more than obvious now. Great text. We need a hashtag too...

Touchdown50 ago

They are not doing their job because they are covering their own asses

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I have been stickering my town. Everywhere I go I have one ready in my pocket!

PepperoniBoni ago

Remember when 4 NYPD officers were ambushed and killed that week? Hasn't happened since. Coincidence? We all know the answer.

Edit: Sorry, fake news. Either that or it was completely scrubbed from the internet and way back machine.

Edit 2: Now I feel like an idiot since this post exploded and my comment is false. My bad

AreWeSure ago

Evidence please. I see absolutely zero evidence for your claim.

srayzie ago

Really?? Holy crap. I didn't know that

awarenessadventurer ago

Officers SHot: Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo (killed) Sgt. Emmanuel Kwo (shot)

Asset/Mk'd perp - J. Peter Donald

Lets figure out how these guys connect. They could prove it was a warning shot from Comey and the guilty.

awarenessadventurer ago

OK I found this article. I do not see 4 shot or ambushed YET. I see one shot and killed, one injured. its annoying when you post nuggets and no links. I need to dig and see if the officers shot were connected with the Weiner arrest.

and here is the associated propaganda that very same day making it plausable that "ambush style" attacks on cops are on the rise. I have found consistently that there are propaganda pieces around events that could be deemed suspicious by the general public. It is usually highly coordinated and suggestive language that leads readers to believe this is a "thing" also a warning to any others who may sing.

Officers SHot: Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo (killed) Sgt. Emmanuel Kwo (shot)

Asset/Mk'd perp - J. Peter Donald

Lets figure out how these guys connect. They could prove it was a warning shot from Comey and the guilty.

Forgetmenot ago

It was also an FBI officer who was murdered in his home along with his wife and the home was burned down. I don't have a link right now but what was interesting is he went to the neighbors house distraught and asked them to watch the dog.

awarenessadventurer ago

here is an article:

Michael & Susan Brown. Same dates, just a few days after O'Neill statement.

nvestigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.

And OH LOOK.. Comey asked for privacy for losing "two very close friends" a Comey connection. FBI Director James Comey refused to comment at this time but asked for privacy and prayer as the bureau comes to terms with losing “two very close friends.”

there is ONE article that says this shooting is a HOax, but it is clear it was not a hoax. It happened. Still trying to verify the Comey comment in other sources.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for finding it. You rock!

delivery1 ago

When the material is exposed, it's the end - not for the leakers, but for the criminals.

awarenessadventurer ago

please post links to that little nugget.

Truthseeker101 ago

I don't doubt you, but do you have a source?

pocketfulofstones ago

I believe this is the story he is referring to. It was 2 officers, not 4.

We never confirmed that this was related, but the timing is right. It is also pretty close to Weiner's apartment, where his laptop was discovered (Manhattan vs Bronx), so it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

Edit: speaking of call to action, I just want to promote operation postcard day! if you haven't sent a postcard yet, do it!!! Let's send a message to the White House

AreWeSure ago

This has absolutely nothing to do with any other case, Weiner or whoever. And it was not an assassination.

A violent felon broke into an apartment where his wife was living. The cops were responding to this call and they knew he was armed. They found his vehicle and approached with their guns drawn. The suspect fired. This was in no-way an assassination of any kind.

The suspect had talked about suicide by cop before.

We never confirmed that this was related, but the timing is right. It is also pretty close to Weiner's apartment, where his laptop was discovered (Manhattan vs Bronx), so it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

They may be close geographically, but Manhattan and the Bronx are worlds apart. 20% of the residents of the neighborhood where this took place were below the poverty line.

right. for sure... but what if they were on the initial Weiner arrest

The criminal would have no way of knowing which police officers were going to approach his vehicle.

Truthseeker101 ago

they were sergeants. I would think if there were any nypd targets they would be higher ranked...

Rank Structure. The basic structure of the NYPD, from lowest rank to highest, is: recruit officer, probationary police officer, police officer, detective, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, deputy inspector, inspector, deputy chief, assistant chief, bureau chief, chief of department.

awarenessadventurer ago

right. for sure... but what if they were on the initial Weiner arrest (ie-in his apartment) perhaps privy to information. As the poster above stated that it is very near Weiners apartment. Who knows what these guys know. Worth a looksie...