HenryKissinger ago

Thank you.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Adding Rupert Murdoch's (media - FoxNews) connection to Freud. Didn't see it listed below. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1521011

jkick ago

A close friend of Clement Freud is Uri Geller.


Uri Geller is said to be a CIA / Mossad asset and has many dealing with those connected to the political elite of both US / UK goverments


Uri Geller is also related to Clement Freud.

Uri Geller mother was Manzy Freud (Freud Manci). It is claimed that Geller is a distant relative of Sigmund Freud on his mother's side


At the time his house was fire bombed, Puharich had put together a cult of Space Kids called the Gellerings, twenty adolescents from seven countries that were subjected to intensive hypnosis and trauma based mind control technologies to supposedly develop paranormal abilities as Uri Geller.[34] Puharich discovered Uri Geller in Israel. Geller was a paranormalist famous for bending spoons with mental-telepathic powers. Puharich presented Geller as some kind of new messiah specially selected by extraterrestrial intelligences to redeem mankind.[35]

Under the wing of Puharich, Uri was flown to the USA in 1970, where he was introduced to former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and physicists Hal Puthof and Russell Targ at SRI. Mitchell, Puthof and Targ conducted evaluations and testing of Geller's psychic abilities for the CIA and STAR GATE.[36] Mitchell was also briefing the CIA (George H.W. Bush) on the activities and results of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and most likely SRI.[37]

The purpose of the Space Kids project was also to determine whether the children possessed the ability as intelligence tools to remote view targets of military and intelligence interest.[38] In fact, a 14-year-old Space Kid participant reports his suspicions were aroused when he was asked to take part in a remote viewing exercise to spy on the Kremlin, among other sensitive political targets,[39] which was consistent with the objectives of STAR GATE.[40]


Uri Geller was very close to Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was close to the Clintons.

Michael Performs At President Bill Clinton's Inaugural Celebration.


Michael Jackson also met with Gellers friend Granville Janner.

Greville Janner, a top Jewish politician, used his Bournemouth holiday home to 'entertain' teenage boys.


Freud, the grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and brother of painter Lucian Freud, went to the same school in the 1940s as the late Lord Janner, accused of sexually abusing a string of boys.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3643952/Freud-abuse-scandal-deepens-victims-tell-lured-predator-emerges-police-failed-investigate-Maddie-link.html#ixzz4bJ03WhXk

Janner was also friends with Leopold de Rothschild.


A member of the Rothschild family is Evelyn Rothschild.

Evelyn Rothschild wife Lynn financed Bill Clinton’s presidential election campaigns and is also a close friend of Hillary Clinton.


HenryKissinger ago

Aha haha I say! GOOD. Let’s celebrate as the house of card collapses on itself. This Janner decision is another one which is going to backfire spectacularly, really the Gods are in our favour, the timing is just supreme. Strange both he and Leon Britton are Hampstead residents… Wasn’t Leon Britton identified by one of his victims because of a tattoo on his groin area? Wouldn’t that be so coincidental considering what the Hampstead children have said… So is this truly the connection because Dolphin Square being revealed?

Between Pimlico… Lambeth… Tavistock… Cafcass… Coram… The disposable “care home” kids disposed of… The “special children” groomed for politics, bbc, film… The circle repeats… The first sexual imprints, being branded upon the mind, forming the basis of triggers of sexual reward centres in the brain. The perversity is born. The mind control begins…

I suggest you all take a wander and have a read here: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=289414&page=689

cantsleepawink ago

Other tag words I would add: Bloomsbury Group, Cambridge Apostles..all part of the spooks and mind control control network of Central London.



cantsleepawink ago

Anna Freud means Tavistock, Tavistock, Tavistock...

Anna Freud Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Freud_Centre :

The Anna Freud Centre is a child mental health research, training and treatment centre located in London, United Kingdom. It is one of only a small number of places in the UK where children can receive full psychoanalysis. It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and Yale University.

The Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic was established as a charity with the purpose of providing training, treatment and research in child psychoanalysis. After Anna Freud's death in 1982 the Centre was renamed the "Anna Freud Centre"

In June 2003 a study conducted jointly by the Anna Freud Centre, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Coram Family Adoption Services on the way in which abused children can have their faith in adults restored through adoption was published.[6] In September 2009 a collaborative project involving the Anna Freud Centre, Kids Company and UCL was launched to study what happens to the brains of children who have suffered early trauma.[7] In May 2010 a campaign was launched by the charity Kids Company to raise £5 million to fund a study into how children’s brain development is affected by loving care and attachment, with the study work to be conducted by the Anna Freud Centre in partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry, UCL, the Tavistock Clinic and Oxford University.

The Americans and British definitely have a special relationship.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I was told Skinner from DU went to Tavistock.

noworldorder ago

Where are you getting that Hillary wrote a book with Anna? Not seeing that, maybe I missed it.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Since you keep responding maybe you arent a shill. Can you somehow prove you arent? like by linking me to other accounts you have like a twitter or something?

rwb ago

I'm going to decline for obvious reasons. You're welcome to read my posting history.

11-11 ago

great work!

I suspect they know each other.

i'm wondering why the feds aren't connecting some of these dots or doing anything about this

Just watched old news coverage of citizen journalists in France.
Their research put away 3 different people involved in the Rwanda Genocide 20 yrs prior.
The criminals involved had never even been investigated.

How they did it (in 1 case)... sued them in Civil Court and the evidence brought forward forced authorities to charge them in criminal court.

what are governments and law enforcement for?

are these people going to walk until we sue?

we will have to be organized.
Appoint a committee Get a go fund me account Find a lawyer Organize the documents

Not easy but certainly possible.

I bet Dave Seaman would help along with others

PubMaster ago

Look also at Cyril Smith. He shared an office with Clement and was later proven a pedophile also. Cursory research shows there are some Hillary contact. There are also articles in the social pages of her Christmas dinner with Matthew Freud in 2001. https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/05/14/rochdale-alternative-press-on-cyril-smith-78-may-1979/ http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/gossip/freudian-pip-complex-article-1.908571

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Paul Bonacci sued in civil court Larry King for Franllin crimes committed by Barney Frank. Bonacci won and was awarded a 1million dollar judgement. He was never paid and no feds have ever touched these crimes committed by politicians. I've been working on pushing this info out foe 13 years!

Truthseeker3000 ago

And when Larry King was released from prison he went to work at a Cadillac (?) car dealership in the US where he still is today (he owns and runs it). No way he's changed his ways. He was a violent pedophile and loved everything about what he did to these boys. I think about Karma in the worst ways possible eating him alive.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Stop mentioning David Shillman. It triggers me when I see that these new shills havent gotten the memo that we figured out Seaman is a scheme. Fuck that guy he literally exploited pizzagate for money. He annoys me as much as John Podesta does.

privatepizza ago

Please don't talk on behalf of 'us all'. The shill crew were the only ones to get that memo. How about doing some research, rather than stirring shit around here.

rwb ago

Shouldn't it be more important to promote harmony rather than displaying how easily you're triggered? You've made your point time and time again, now leave everyone alone. Further, you've been here precisely two days longer than the specific shill that didn't get your memo, and that hardly qualifies you as Boss man.

Votescam ago

Exactly -- Why try to slay anyone actually shouting "Pizzagate-Pedo-gate"? We have trolls all over Voat and Brock trolls to slay. If Seaman is doing something wrong his followers will figure it out. This effort to slay Seaman should be getting more attention.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Shut up I show no mercy on shills. Why are you defending another shill? Im not going to stop making the point that Seaman is a shill fuck that guy and his shills. I want everybody to know that hes a piece of trash. I dont see what your trying to stop me from doing here? Unless your one of his shill? I want everybody on this board to learn that hes a garbage bag shill.


You dont need a red pill...perhaps a chill pill lol

MostPostersAreShills ago

Are you a fan of David Semen?


Never really knew who he was until all this blew up. In my opinion, hes like a 12 yo brat who never gets his way. Very unprofessional. If you are going to defeat someone in battle, consider not doing it the way DS attacks his journalistic enemies...

rwb ago

I am defending the right of everyone to have an opinion and not be bullied minute by minute, and that includes plenty of DS supporters. You have an opinion and have made it clear. DS has his supporters, and you're not going to change their minds, even when you use the word shill six times in a single paragraph, surely a VOAT record that will stand for a very long time. I recently read an interesting article, I think it was called Rise of the Online Sociopath. The main thrust of it was that the internet has become a breeding ground for a new type of predator, one that feeds off of forum chaos, turmoil, and dissension. The goal is to antagonize. To be blunt, after reading the paper and continuously running into your posts, you strike me as a textbook example of an online sociopath. The easiest way to change this impression you give off is to back off David Seaman and those who don't share your opinion.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

RWB u are the classic example of an easily fooled douche. As long as its packaged right, youll believe a turd is a gold nugget.

rwb ago

Foolish are the men who think they are doing PG any favor by posts like yours or the other fellow who is also off the meds.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I dont take advice from retards about what's foolish or not

rwb ago

It wasn't advice, it was a statement. Foolish people don't take advice.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah well im puttin about as much weight into your statements as i do david seaman's

MostPostersAreShills ago

There is no opinion to be had here. David Seamann even admitted to this. Im trying to help his supporters because I feel bad that they support a shill. There is no opinion here only truth. His supporters as of now are either shills, or innocent people who have been decieved. I just want to reach out and save those who have been deceived by him. The fact that your defending such a deceiver really makes you suspect.

rwb ago

Dude, get back on the meds.

MostPostersAreShills ago

You disgust me. Do you think your intellagent? When I bring up a valid point all you say is "dude get back on your meds". I cant even take you seriously because I already know you are a shill.

rwb ago

"You disgust me. Do you think your intellagent? When I bring up a valid point all you say is "dude get back on your meds". I cant even take you seriously because I already know you are a shill."

Patience is using the spell check when overheated, so as to not give the impression one is off the meds. Look, you don't even understand what a shill is. Look up the definition again, and try to absorb. A virtual majority of posters here have had enough of your bullsh*t. Even if you were remotely on target, the inordinate effort applied to labeling everyone but you as as shill, is off the charts, and highly disturbing. If you're really interested in justice and arrests for Podesta and Company, step back for a few days and then focus on something more important than labeling. Mind you, I do it too, but I keep my list of suspected shills private. You might be surprised to know who is near the top of my list.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Im surpised you typed out such a long response. I didnt think they paid shills extra for those.

rwb ago

There's already a connection of a mere three degrees. See my comments here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1688257 I didn't discover this information myself. This was done by some other keen researcher. Mind you, other potential direct connections are obviously interesting.

AreWeSure ago

A mere three degrees huh? I'm a mere three degrees from Obama and Clinton except they don't know who I am and neither does the second degree. This proves nothing.

Basically I once worked with a guy who is the nephew of a big politician. It means bupkis because I never met his uncle.

rwb ago

There is nothing similar between the scenario you just described and what I outlined. Sara Latham was Podesta's chief of staff, not just some gal stuffing envelopes in JP's office, like your example infers. And she was Communications Director of FC, which is a powerful position necessitating regular contact with M. Freud, son of C. Freud, a known pedophile with a villa a very short jog from the hotel where McCann was taken, whom actually invited and received the McCann's at same. This potential connection is thoroughly remarkable and cannot remotely be dismissed out of hand as mere coincidence. The differences between your example and the one under discussion are so profound, they should be obvious to anyone with a modicum of logic.

AreWeSure ago

Her dealing with the son does not mean she knows the father. Exactly the same as me not knowing the uncle

rwb ago

Your example states with certainty that you do not know the uncle, and the individual degrees knows of only of one adjacent degree. The relationship between Podesta and C. Freud via Latham is entirely unknown. There is a world of difference between the certainty in your example and a complete unknown, and it shouldn't be necessary to point that out. Further, while there are indeed three degrees of separation in your example, you do not remotely run in the same circles as presidents, and likely even big politicians, whereas JP, Latham, M. Freud, and C. Freud would all run in the same circles. Completely erroneous comparison.

rwb ago

Copy of post in https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1688257 :

"No serious Madeleine McCann researcher thinks that the Podesta emails and the photos of the Podesta brothers have anything to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann."

If being accused of not being serious about McCann or PG is the price to pay for seeing a potential connection between suspect photos and JP emails, I'll wear the badge.

John Podesta's Chief of Staff in for Hillary 2016 was Sarah Latham. https://voat.co/v/AskPizzagate/1528806 She was former communications director at public relations firm Freud Communications. That would be Mathew Freud, son of Clement Freud, known pedophile with a villa 1/3 of a mile from where Maddie was taken. McCann's were guests of C. Freud not long after the abduction. By my reckoning, that's three narrow degrees of separation down to a four minute jog from the hotel to Freud's villa.

Coupled with Wikileaks Podesta emails starting two days after Maddie's disappearance (one can infer all previous emails may have been deleted to cover travel/itinerary history, hence they were unavailable to Wikileaks) and the great lag of another six weeks until he makes another email and resumes anything that could be considered regular email traffic (one can infer several suspicious things here) a more direct connection cannot remotely be dismissed out of hand. If these are just coincidences, J &TP have to be considered two of the unluckiest men alive to have such coincidences befall them. If there is any information that disproves the possibility of the more direct potential connection as just outlined, kindly respond with same.




LostandFound ago

Have an interesting bit for you so, Sarah Latham has worked with JP for nearly a decade now. There's a post i worked on some time ago with more info and links https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466017


Psalm100 ago

Some of this information is new to me. I just looked up Matthew Freud and Sarah Latham and found out that Matthew Freud was married to Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of Rupert, from 2001 to 2014.


HenryKissinger ago

Leveson Inquiry, was Murdoch punished?

Psalm100 ago

I didn't really research that much so will have to. But remember James Alefantis was given that Megyn Kelly interview on Fox.