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cantsleepawink ago

Anna Freud means Tavistock, Tavistock, Tavistock...

Anna Freud Center :

The Anna Freud Centre is a child mental health research, training and treatment centre located in London, United Kingdom. It is one of only a small number of places in the UK where children can receive full psychoanalysis. It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and Yale University.

The Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic was established as a charity with the purpose of providing training, treatment and research in child psychoanalysis. After Anna Freud's death in 1982 the Centre was renamed the "Anna Freud Centre"

In June 2003 a study conducted jointly by the Anna Freud Centre, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Coram Family Adoption Services on the way in which abused children can have their faith in adults restored through adoption was published.[6] In September 2009 a collaborative project involving the Anna Freud Centre, Kids Company and UCL was launched to study what happens to the brains of children who have suffered early trauma.[7] In May 2010 a campaign was launched by the charity Kids Company to raise £5 million to fund a study into how children’s brain development is affected by loving care and attachment, with the study work to be conducted by the Anna Freud Centre in partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry, UCL, the Tavistock Clinic and Oxford University.

The Americans and British definitely have a special relationship.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I was told Skinner from DU went to Tavistock.