Shillary ago

The John Podesta property is extremely close to an elementary school.

keeper1 ago


Regarding The Century Foundation: Their website shows The Century Foundation NYC and The Century Foundation DC ( I only found the NYC one on the IRS NFP search: (

Here's the 2013 990 for The Century Foundation:

Just at a glance, the 990 shows John Podesta as a part-time employee 1/hour per week. It also indicates that during the year a "disqualified person" was paid by the foundation. Here's the definition of a disqualified person per the IRS: Not sure who that would be or if it matters for our purposes. The employees and their salaries are pretty substantial.

Their "Summary of Direct Charitable Activities" states: "Policy oriented studies of inequality and economic policy, American foreign policy, social policy, and domestic political issues. Expenses involve research projects, papers and programs." And those expenses totaled $3,905,489. And note that the president of the foundation made nearly $315,000 in salary & benefits in 2014 (see page 41 of the pdf). And the top 5 employees (excluding the president) made nearly $882,000 in salary and benefits (see page 42). The return indicates that each of these people works 40+ hours per week. (I'd be interested in knowing if they work anywhere else too.)

As many of these as I have looked at lately in relation to the foundations that come up in these threads, it seems like as much money as is getting spent by these organizations in pursuit of their good works every single year, all of the world's problems should have long since been solved.

alliecapone ago

Many thanks!

mysecretidentity ago

Always be careful when opening documents as they are a viable attack vector for malware. Open in sand box or in the cloud

alliecapone ago

Thanks for the warning. I did a once over with my virus scanners, but we've seen that some of them are compromised. So, a bit of caution is well intended. Just in case I saved them to an offline folder, and I expect someone will figure out and let us know if it is some kind of malware or not by the time I'm done browsing more topics. I welcome the research shared, as well as the warning to be careful when digging into these gifts.

Still many thanks to the OP, this appears to be a great deal of research, and some helpful search terms to comb through (those are safe I guess if you trust the .gov pages anyhow)

11-11 ago

great job!

from the information found in one of your documents, I found this

********** REAL ESTATE OWNED BY JOHN PODESTA ****** SEE HERE ..... John and John & Mary Podesta holdings in Lee County FL

I was unable to take a snapshot of these search results for archive. Does anyone know how to do it?

Go to this website

In name, put Podesta

Search results include 3 belonging to John or John&Mary

The others may be related but I dont know

Littleredcorvette ago

I'm working on the Florida properties. I'll post my stuff in a couple of days.

9217 ago

Thank you!

The_Kuru ago

I could be wrong but I suspect that if you had anything that you believed was of the utmost importance, you'd spell it out and provide a link to prove it rather than just provide a bunch of clickies going off into some mystery.

11-11 ago

"i could be wrong"

yes, you are wrong

links to documents are very helpful.

if a contributor has an infant crying in a crib and is unable to spend the time "spelling it out", supplying the links are crucial so that others, who have the time, can get to work.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I hear you Sister!!

theHubrisOfMan ago

unless your neighbor is a shitskin

Saibra ago

Wow. Where have I been? So our esteemed (cough, cough) Governor of Virginia, Terry McAulliffe sat on the board of the Clinton Foundation and was one of the leaders in fundraising? All the while trying to preserve their precious 501c3 status? No wonder they stole Virginia. Time to get it back.

swordfish69 ago

Susan Alefantis is IN his administration as the interior decorator of the state capitol

Aloha808 ago

Hopefully Laura Ingram runs and takes that clown Tim Kaine out of the Senate. Somehow he got more votes than Obama in 2012.

privatepizza ago

Thanks for sharing your goldmine, Seth ; )

privatepizza ago

Hi, you're new here, yes?