Flat_Truth ago

A quote from former CIA chief William Casey from like back in the 1980's...."we will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the America public believes is false". I dunno, but I wouldn't give them a whole lot of credibility....ever.

pizzainvestigator ago

Complete disinfo as the trail is hot for those investigating HRC and foundation corruption, pizzagate etc. 12 million documents of crap to sift through with little reward. The 650k emails McCabe is withholding will have real evidence of gulf trafficking quid pro quo etc. 5 years to process? Bullshit they are on gmail accounts, FELONIES! TO ALL OF THEM!

I would recommend looking into the bill and Melinda gates foundation, no foundation is safe.

B3nder ago

screenshot and post, don't lead people directly to the cia

JoJoVoat ago

Hey... give me a list of words to search

9217 ago

You think the CIA would incriminate themselves?


I wouldn't even bother looking at official U.S. government releases. Anything important either won't be released at all or would be heavily redacted.

TheSeer ago

Allegedly Bush Sr was one of the original, FOUNDING, members of the CIA. Then there is the whole business of using his oil rigs as drug-smuggling drop-offs. Now we know that money would then be used for black ops, and that the CIA was basically George Bush's personal mafia gang/crime family. Where do you think Bill and Hillary learned all their tricks, and their penchant for violence?

dindonufin ago

Here you can see the Clintons and Bushes working together as far back as the Reagan administration. Reagan, as well, was NOT a good guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epXVDEn3gsQ

NotTooLate ago

Just great. 45k came up for Rev. Moon. There goes my workout.....

pupu ago

I'm sorry but I wish I could downvoat this. It's CIA folks, a total distraction. They want to kill Assange for releasing Podesta's emails, why would they be releasing documents of real worth? This isn't only a waste of time but an insult to our intelligence and probably dangerous. Leave it alone.

LAquixote13 ago

CIA drop coincided with Bush senior going to the hospital.

dindonufin ago

Underrated comment. Please knock off the concern troll currently at the top.

throwawaa ago

There are a lot of other things happening right now too :) but yeah, potentially related.

redditsuckz ago

Some files that have been released...JFK - Roswell etc...;

That 1 Archive



lllllllll ago

The CIA would never release anything they didn't want the public to see, looks like a complete waste of time and a distraction, at best.

dindonufin ago

But hasn't trump chosen a new head of CIA? Mike Pompeo? Could this not be related to the change in regime?

bm2112 ago

I agree that it's likely a waste of time, but considering there are millions of documents, something might have slipped through.

kermityo ago

Please defend phobos mothership!!! Greys are moving and the beautiful hair of david icke is lost in the loop of time

fckItsReal ago

found this in the search... Prob not related but form 1980s Heroine ring busted as pizza front

Atatarkus ago

Thats the pizza connection case its the most famous drug bust of all time, read a couple of books about it its pretty interesting especially the sicilian side of the operation, loads of bombs and dead judges, policemen, politicians etc. I very much doubt its got anything to do with pizzagate, nothing springs to mind anyway.

fckItsReal ago

NON PG related. But project stargate is a fun topis to put in the search. confirmation of the cia employeeing remote viewers. PG searching now

OriginalReaper ago

What is a remote viewer?

it_was_foretold ago

Psychic abilities.

it_was_foretold ago

Listened to this when I was kid. Opened my eyes to conspiracy and the esoteric. Art Bell was brought down by guess what? Pizza

Annon365 ago

Can everyone downvoat this fucking idiot so he can't comment anymore, you are writing the same stupid comment in every post

carmencita ago

I heard on reddit that it will probably by 99% redacted. Have not checked yet.