Vindicator ago

Removing per Rule 2. Please repost if investigation of any of these links actually points toward a connection to Mossad. Thanks.


Nice gatekeeping BTW


How about do some research yourself. Have you not noticed George Webb linked Dyncorp and human trafficking to Palantir. Palantir also is the backend database running NCMEC and ICMEC? Do yall know DYNCORP actually owns VOAT? I would imagine so.

Vindicator ago

George Webb tosses a lot of stuff out there without enough evidence, in my opinion. I agree anything/anyone involved with NYMEC and ICMEC is suspect and needs a very thorough colonscopy. I agree that Dyncorp is rotten and needs even more meticulous examination. What I don't agree with is that spouting claims without links to documents that support them is sufficient. This subverse is, for all intents and purposes, the newspaper of record for the Pizzagate investigation. We are putting things down in print, to be judged by any and all comers for as long as Voat is a thing. We are not showing a video of a free-rolling commentary about a picture-collage mind-map of possible connections for further research. We are documenting this shit. Our ability to source claims will be the sum total of value we provide. It's our greatest strength and our biggest challenge. It's why we have the submission guidelines.

So don't take the pussy route of claims like "do some research yourself" and "Do you all know DYNCORP actually owns VOAT" without providing any support for your claims like the intellectual dwarves at CNN. It merely shows you aren't a serious researcher or a serious opponent of the Pedocracy. Show me some links, or quit wasting everyone's time.


Forgive me if I don't advertise as the BLACK OPS ANON GUY

Vindicator ago

LOL. For a sophisticated, professional badass, you sure seem easily irked. Don't wear yourself out bitching about mods. Just write your post so it satisfies the guidelines. Hint:

  1. Write a less sensational title that can actually be backed up by your links
  2. Put claims you can't back with links -- i.e. suppositions, hunches, leads, speculations -- in a comment rather than the body of the post
  3. Make sure every link is actually what it purports to be.

I guarantee your post won't be removed, and if it is, you can go complain at ProtectVoat and they'll be on our asses for censorship in a NewYork minute. No one is trying to gatekeep or stifle discussion. In fact, I would LOVE to see you repost this with your claims backed. There's good stuff in here. People need to be asking these questions.

If you really want to impress the shit out of everyone, use that black ops IT know-how, get hold of some of the Vault7 CIA malware, and hack us some hard evidence on Palantir, NYCMEC, Saban or any of the other assholes we're trying to pin down. I would LOVE to see a random pizzagate investigator post something link that.




In time you will understand the occult basis my claim is based on if I explained the entire Mystery Babylon religion basis for why they are doing what they are doing and how palantir relates to the all seeing eye and surveillance technology you would toss it because its religious so what the fuck ever. Have fun being ignorant.


I doubt anyone who is moderating this group has any understanding of the this whole problem going back to the 1960's and the manson family. It's allright. Yall are newbies.


You are playing a very minor part in the process. The more you censor the more minor it becomes.


I have documents that can't even be submitted. Don't worry about it. I have other channels. These platforms act like they need us. This is community service. Good luck.


I have experience in black ops and also other capacities as a federal employee which involve high levels of computer security. Your just some random internet guy. I am sure you have the greater ability to determine what is important to look at and what is not. +1 for inexperience. I can't really hold it against you.


I point the way and break the ice to new directions for the investigating. I come back and flesh it out later. You can stifle discussion however your please. The message will still get out. Your a small mod on voat. I cross all platforms. Obviously freedom of speech is being ruled out of existence. That is disturbing.


So this is going to be used in court? Your fooling yourself.


Funny almost everyone of my posts get deleted.

Vindicator ago

I don't delete posts that follow the submission guidelines.


You and MILLENIAL_FALCON must be tight

zzvoat ago

Title Hijacking >>>> WE NEED TO STOP USING CAPS


It got deleted so who the fuck cares


I use caps to avoid the autocorrecting grammar auto formatting so . . .

palmitespo910 ago

So I was looking at the USSOCOM Contracts for Palantir and I noticed that (P00012) and (P00010) are both $326.692.53 and $337,558.30 respectively, which are relatively the same. But in between these two, (P00011) was $0.

I noticed, scrolling through, that there are many $0 "Obligations" and also a plethora of different prices for Obligations.

I honestly have no idea what this page is showing me, but objectively looking at that data I can see that there is doesn't seem to be a set price? Is this a dead end and I'm stupid or might this be something more than what we think?


I believe that is a placeholder for a pre obligation of funds or hiding the amount for secrecy

palmitespo910 ago

Aight I can follow that. I'd be willing to entertain that notion.


Well it's deleted soooo . . .

palmitespo910 ago

What in particular is deleted?

kekistocrat ago

'By way of deception, thou shalt do war' -- Mossad

With this kind of material, prepare for a cyber onslaught -- Gentleman's guide to forum spies

GeorgeT ago

Mossad orchestrated 9-11, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Epstein Island is a mossad operation to blackmail politicians. The biggest terrorist are not from where public thinks.

kekistocrat ago

One of the best intel operations on the planet, for most are loyal to the tribe -- 'international clique.'

GeorgeT ago

Mossad motto: 'Thtough deceit we shall create war.'

Vindicator ago

@FLYNNL1VE5, it looks like you put a lot of work into this post and I'd rather not take it down. However, I can't find anything in here that provides evidence for the claim of your thesis. I see the Wikileaks email from Saban saying he talked to a guy at Palantir. I see the pizzagate connection to Saban. I see Palantir does a lot of defense contracting for different agencies, and has worked with NYMEC. What I don't see is any evidence of a Mossad connection at all. Can you please explain t he connection and provide linked evidence? Or explain which links you've provided point to a connection to Israeli intelligence? Otherwise, I will need to remove this per Rule 2.

Also, the last link is to hearings for the Sept. 2016 appropriations bill. There are no references to Missing Children in the document you linked to. The only reference to Palantir reads:

new technology to disrupt gang networks

Question. Computer programs like Palantir have been successful in mapping terrorist networks in Afghanistan and human trafficking rings in the United States. How do you plan to direct the Department to incorporate new technology into its investigations to map, track and disrupt criminal gang networks in the United States?

Answer. The Department of Justice utilizes a wide array of technologies and techniques to disrupt criminal and gang networks across the Nation, some of which cannot be disclosed in an open setting. One technology that the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division's Violent Crime and Gang Section (VCGS) and the Criminal Intelligence Section (CIS) actively utilize are geospatial platforms to map and plot the density of gang members, their affiliations and track violent crime statistics. Geospatial maps are further utilized to assist in interpreting cellular data and geospatially plotting the movements of perpetrators and victims of crime. New technologies are also being explored to assist our task forces in exploiting all avenues of criminal behavior, including social media, which is utilized by gangs for recruitment and communication purposes. Specific advances in technology have been made to enhance surveillance activities by rapidly acquiring GPS and pertinent telephonic information, pen register data, and directly feeding this data to operational field surveillance agents to track and disrupt gang activity. The FBI will continue to explore all avenues, including the acquisition of new technologies, to assist efforts to combat the gang threat.

racoonbite ago

well, you saved me a tonne of time, thanks

racoonbite ago

turky's heroin epidemic after the invasion is a clear indication on how things go

racoonbite ago

to be fair most gangs in Afganistan are run by cia/military complex


PALANTIR is the backbone of all of the systems involved in the human trafficking. HAIM SABAN just flips PODESTA his contact info. That's like if a PR director for your mayor getting the contact info to the most deep cover detective on the police just no reason. Out of the blue. MOSSAD is above the CIA. CIA is an extension of MOSSAD. They plant operatives in every industry and level of order. The common link is their all Ashkanazi Jews and deal in blood libel. Israel is the worlds #1 black market for human trafficking and organ harvesting. HAIM SABAN owns Univision,gawker, and gizmodo among other things. He also produced the Olson twins gimme pizza song like WTF. His wife is one of six directors of the Clinton foundation.

The Olson twins gimme pizza song.

Vindicator ago

So, what you're saying is that no, you don't have any actual evidence for the Mossad connection. Well, please repost this when you do, and link to the evidence.

DarkMath ago

You took the words right out of my mouth vindicator.

@FLYNNL1VE5 I'm not sure I understand what your exact point is. Can you boil it down to just 2 or 3 sentences and put that at the beginning of the comment and then get into the details below it?



Catchthem ago

WOW... Awesome digging and put together. This can be HUGE find, thank. Straight Upvoat!

lawfag123 ago

Bump - going to check back when I'm at my computer.

racoonbite ago

just commenting so i can find when i have time to give this my attention


Cool it's a very large amount of material

JesusRules ago

Good work, George Webb mentioned Palintir connections with Clintons, Haiti, Dyncorp and all of that disgusting shit